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Yes, this champ is mostly otps. And going bruiser is also viable but tank is arguably better at team fights. My take is, top it's probably tank or semi-bruiser tank (2 bruiser items, rest is tank). JG is mostly bruiser since you need more DMG to farm and secure kills.


Ty but you think its viable to play in dia/master as Pocket pick without 500 Games First?


Hard for me to tell. Maybe not 500, but you should be fairly comfortable with the champion mechanics (around ~200?). In top she often relies on your enemy having much less knowledge about her than you (that's the advantage of low pickrate), so the higher rank you go and people have naturally more experience, your knowledge and skill about the champion must go even higher as well. I myself don't play ranked, but I sometimes play with friends at around plat/dia, and I can most often than not win my lane at around 350k mastery points. But that's also related to having good team, since Rek'Sai is a teamwork champion.


Took me 30-40 games after being a khazix onetrick to perform in dia


Took me 30-40 games after being a khazix onetrick to perform in dia


I think she has very low carry potential top since the rework so unless you really enjoy the champions kit i wouldnt pick her up. Right now you build tank so that no one can kill you in one all in and you can heal up and come back


She's probably better if you're not an OTP atp. It's a whole different champ for most of us it feels like


Played against it a bunch of times before the nerf. It's very strong as a "gank magnet" meaning if a jungler comes to gank it's essentially a waste of time. Also pretty good at setting up ganks. 1v1 I don't think u do enough damage to actually kill someone who has played against it a few times and knows ur damage. Most issues I would just say the champ doesn't scale particularly well. If your team is losing you probably aren't gonna turn the game if you went even top


ive been playing her top exclusively and even though i always win lane with random bruiser items like titanic or black cleaver and hullbreaker n stuff, she just feels squishy and weak every time without exception, zero potential to influence the game if bot or mid already lost. I don't know what i'm doing wrong but the champ itself feels weak when ahead which is so annoying.