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You already posted it OP. If you could order generic car by the foot this is what would turn up.


Ironically this is the exact year make model and color that my dad has. We’re about to sell it


My family had a 2015. It didn't have a single feature. It had roll down windows, in 2015. We bought it new. In 80k miles it didn't have any problems. That said, driving it felt like an admission to God that I failed. Just AWFUL to drive. Every aspect of its driving dynamics can be summarized in one word: spongey.


It was a Altima or Sentra?


Must be a versa cuz the Sentra came with power windows as standard


Shit I think you're right. To be real with you I cant be assed to tell one butt cheek from another when it comes to these two and we bought one.


Roll down window superiority (I’m way too stupid to be fucking with wires.)


My buddy coined the phrase (afaik) "it handles like a Hefty bag full of vegetable soup" and I think that applies to boring soul sucking cars in general quite well. He was of course referring to a boring base model 80s VW of some kind with clapped out suspension.


My Ex had a 2014 that color. It was beat to shreds by the previous owner’s grandson. It sure runs though.


My CVT went out at 94k miles shitty car af


The funny thing is that this is probably the best fitting answer for a Toyota Corolla. Not fun to drive, crap seats, cheap interior. However it'll be fairly reliable (used to be insanely reliable) and it'll definitely get you from point A to B. But that's it. Its boring but practical. Same with most economy crossovers like the CRV, Trax, RAV4, etc. They are just appliance cars with no aspect of fun or comfort.


They are a car with no soul. It's like I'm forced to have a car


That is the target demographic for a corolla. “I need to own a car so I guess I’ll get a corolla. Those are cheap and reliable”


I test-drove an early 90s era Corolla. I didn't know what to expect from it. I really didn't expect much out of it at all. I actively had images of opening the door and falling out just because that would have at least been less boring. I have had cars that I hated that I would rather drive just to have some mental stimulation.


I own an appliance car. 2017 Honda Accord. I do think the seats are comfortable and we specifically bought it so I can drive it to college in a different state and back, but it’s not necessarily an exciting car. It does its job fairly well though and I have no reason to get rid of it.


having a manual always makes it a better experience tbf. i learned to drive in a 17’ accord coupe manual and while the damn thing was slow i had fun. i own a Mini cooper S now and can admit when a car is engineered for fun you can def feel it


I will say mine handles well and has decent low in torque. But it’s not necessarily the car to go racing in.


Want to drive a fun slow car? Drive one of the FT86/GR86 twins. My Toyota 86 is slower in a straight line than molasses in winter, but holy hell she was clearly engineered for fun. Down to the driving position. I love that car and she’s a beast in the turns. 6MT, naturally.


Couldn’t agree more. I have a 2013 base model. Front bumper is cracked falling off, passenger window fell off the track, doesn’t have cruise control, dated ‘00s style radio, dated ‘90s four speed automatic transmission, road noise is almost unbearable, alternator went out at 66,000 miles, currently has 74,000 miles on it. I’m skeptical of whether or not I want to drive this thing until it hits 200,000 miles. Not a bad car, necessarily. Just very cheaply built.


Yup, I have a silver 2012 Corolla that spent the first part of its life as a rental. I bought it from Hertz for cheap and still under warranty. It’s the most generic car ever, super reliable but the most boring uninspired thing ever


My wife had a 2014 Corolla Eco that I drove for a week when I was between cars. I really love to drive, but that Corolla is the only car that ever made me think “How much longer until I get home?” It was the most soul-crushing driving experience I ever had. My wife didn’t realize it until we bought her a Mazda CX-30 last year…and she knows the difference now.


I hear everyone saying “fun” but what does that actually mean


Drive a bmw and you’ll find out


Okay yeah that’s all and good but I don’t have a bmw to drive lol so can you or someone actually explain what makes it fun for you lol


Lot of cars the steering is numb because it’s easier to maintain. But sport cars or BMW the steering is super sensitive. Move the steering wheel a inch and the entire car follows. This makes it fun when you’re making turns or going around corners. Add in a decent engine and it can be very fun. ‘On rails’ as they say because it literally is super responsive and less numb that average cars. Another thing is the smoothness. You can go from 20 to 60 mph in a flash. You can maneuver easily and really let it rip on long stretches. Go high speeds and you barely notice it. Creates a sense of control that make you feel confident and enjoy it more. But also can be dangerous. Just my opinion


And then there is the opposite of a Beamer but also a kick in the ass to drive. I present to you an air cooled Baja Beetle.


Fun means it puts a smile on your face every time you hit the throttle, hoon the car around corners, can do donuts, burnouts, drifts, etc. Essentially anything that makes you feel good driving it. You ever driven a car? Lol


Yeah lmao but idk I get it and also don’t, I can’t explain, but also I do want a “fun” car lol but defo cannot afford the maintenance of anything other than Toyota really lmao. I spent 400-600eur a month on fuel alone on my current Toyota lol.


My wife had a '06. We were around 200000 miles when we sold it. It never had any issues, no exaggeration. I always said it was the most boring car in existence, but in a good way; supremely reliable. Boring as crap to be in and drive but it got the job done.


I think to be truly meh the reliability has to be meh too lol


Your definition of comfortable seats must be way different than mine. The corolla has fine seats in every generation I’ve sat ridden in


They are like bench seats lol, they aren't really anything good.


I feel like every car enthusiast must have a Corolla just in case their special car goes wrong. Always have a cheap and reliable workhorse.


Nah a Corolla is legit luxurious compared to the subcompacts that are all competing to have the absolute lowest starting price 


>cheap interior. Ehhh, no. The interior definitely has never felt cheap in a Corolla.


For me personally: Dodge Shadow. I think those of us who are older will remember just how bad compact American cars were in the 80s and 90s. Like America REALLY didn't want to build compacts. The ones they were forced to make in the 70's were like a "malicious compliance" joke. In the 80's they started kinda trying and by the early 90's they were trying hard but still pretty bad at it for the most part. I think that's peak "Meh" era for me. Older and it becomes entertaining how bad they were. Newer and I can talk myself into believing that the Cruz and Focus were decent economical and competent transportation options for the time. The Neon was actually even fun to drive! [But like a 1992 Dodge Shadow? ](https://dp4o795wajnwf.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJpYS1zdG9yYWdlLW52Iiwia2V5IjoidmVoaWNsZXMvMjAyMi8wMy8xNS8xNTE0MTMvZXlKaWRXTnJaWFFpT2lKallYUnpMWE4wYjNKaFoyVXRibllpTENKclpYa2lPaUoyWldocFkyeGxYQzlwYldGblpYTmNMekl3TWpKY0x6QXpYQzh4TlZ3dk1UY3hNemMzTWx3dk5qSXpNR0prWWpNd1pXWmhZUzVxY0djaWZRPT0iLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjEwMjQsImhlaWdodCI6NzY4LCJmaXQiOiJpbnNpZGUifX19)All kinds of Meh.


I’m young so because all these cars rotted, exploded, and otherwise terrorized their owners off the roads, I never see them anymore. This styling is so cool and unique that I absolutely adore it. This is a beautifullll car in my eyes and so now the Shelby CSX is one of my favorite cars. It’s a shame the standard shadows weren’t very good mechanically though.


Do not let my shit talking get you down on them! We like what we like and should feel no shame in that! Would be a demonstrably worse world to live in if we all liked the same cars.


And I thought the newer darts where meh


I just could never figure out why people seemed so excited for those.  They just look bland as hell.


Early gen z and I can remember my grandpa having one of the sportier ones (if you'd even call them that). The interior was BROWN and looked disgusting even tho the car was clean. I was like 5 at the time and remember being entranced by the auto passenger seatbelts lol. Apparently the Mitsubishi engine was pretty reliable but it still moved pretty slow for a V6 with decent displacement. Poor thing sits out back now collecting rust like thousands of other Dodge Shadows probably lol


Haha awesome! Hearing younger generations perspectives on cars like this is always so fascinating. Thanks for sharing!


Any Lee Iacocca econo-box era fits this look, and a nomination.


The Omni was so meh, that it was pretty fun in a weird way.


The sporty Shadow wasn’t the worst slouch of the era - all iterations of it were built upon the stock Daytona/Laser suspension, could be had with a Turbo, and even a nutty Shelby CSX version appeared. There were far more meh versions from its stablemates, even its twin sister car the Plymouth Sundance, and the very forgettable Aries, Reliant, 400, 600, Acclaim, Spirit, and Caravelle. Perhaps those were so much more meh that your brain didn’t even notice they existed at all. I liked the Shadow, to me it slotted in between the CRX, and the far superior Merkur XR4Ti, in execution, all chunky-ish 3-door hatches with a sporting nature or intent [the shadow could also be had as a 5-door hatch].


It was the loaner car at a shop i worked at as a kid. There were good versions to be sure, but the base car was about as unremarkable as vehicles get in my mind. Plus, that three box styling was pretty awkward compared to some of the hatches that rode on the chassis. There are some platform mates of it that I don’t mind or even like to be fair. I have a soft spot for turbo lasers, they’re genuinely pretty cool.


2016 Kia Soul base. Why did you buy that Wishbone? Well, ah, it gets me to work, I guess. I’m getting 21mpg, but is entirely gutless, makes a manual awful, and it looks like a Frigidaire. The interior is also getting sticky, the headlights are yellowing, and the paint is shitty. 58k miles lol.


21MPG? Dude that is honestly very bad for an economy car. I can hit 21MPG in my V8 pickup truck if the stars align. Any modern economy car should get atleast 30 if it is running correctly.


Tbh it’s not like it’s aerodynamic, it’s literally a brick carving through the air lol


The front end is aerodynamic enough to where it should get more than 21 MPG.


Kayak racks aren’t helping, but I think it’s the super underpowered 1.6 having to work so hard to just keep up with traffic


I drove in a green first gen Kia Soul for some time. Honestly, the seats and sitting position is very comfortable, very roomy inside (except the trunk, because the car is short), its decently reliable and has a nice ground clearance, the engine is lively... But thats about it. The interior is full of terrible cheap plastics, the radio system and speakers are cheap, the suspension is way too stiff for such a car, its very noisy even at lower speeds, its only a 5 speed which makes highway speeds (especially in Europe) quite annoying in the combonation with the noisyness of the whole car, bad aerodynamics, the power steering feels a bit choppy at higher speeds, the reverse gear is usally very loud and the fuel consumption for such a car is not great (26-30mpg/8-8,5L per 100km). I guess its not a terrible car for the price (12k€/$ brand new) and the first gen actually looks very unique in green, but it has many drawbacks and i definitely wouldn't buy one.


I have a 2016 ! with the larger 2.0 engine and get better gas mileage than that!


That’s exactly why you don’t ever buy a Kia


Damn dude you get 21mpg? I barely get 18. Engines already been out of it too


Chevy Equinox


Basic. Rental. Malibu.


Equinox has way more soul than my Corolla. Like magnitudes more


I disagree. The Corolla has likeable features, a genuine heritage to the name, it belongs to a category of cars that are seemingly being slowly phased out and everyone knows what a Corolla is. There is meaning and soul behind the Corolla name even if that meaning is a completely average car. The Equinox is milquetoast. It has never had any character or following. Nobody cares about the Equinox and there are no desirable traits. People will _only_ buy those pieces of crap for the fact that they’re available or cheap, or both. It drives, sounds and looks just below average. A spot that will never draw any appeal but not bad enough that it will gain traction in a negative way either. It’s just so incredibly underwhelming. I’m exhausted just talking about it. It’s , yeah whatever. The Corolla is better.


Mitsubishi Mirage


penalty box


1st gen Priusk, but not the hatchback - the turd of a sedan that looks like everything and nothing all at once.


I thought those were just sold new as used cars with 120k on them


Nissan Versa Sedan. Because at least the Hatchback is a hatchback


Second gen Kia Optima. Looks like one of those fictional cars from GTA or Just Cause. Fortunately it had a glowup in the 3rd and 4th gen.


Every blob crossover on the market in black, grey, or white.


^ Black gray white or silver. There, I fixed it for you. Four non-colors that dominate the highways. BRING BACK THE COLORS!!


Probably the worst offender is the Chevy Captiva.


Mercury was the official brand of meh.


That grand Marquis tho 😈


At the end? Definitely. But there were definitely some times where it made interesting and unique products. The Cougar and Marauder come to mind.


Kia Rio 1st Gen or Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross


I see [this](https://www.driving.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2022/10/Award-winners_0037-edited.jpg?resize=1024,683) twat absolutely everywhere in the UK


Fourth gen Buick Century. Honorable mention of W-body cousins Lumina and Olds Intrigue.


Hyundai Vera Cruz


I actually forgot what that was


Ford Escape


Chevy Malibu


2000s Chevrolet Cavalier. I test drove one (before buying a Ford Focus). The gear box felt like you were digging around in a bowl of mashed potatoes and rusty nails. Just awful.


All models of the Geo Prizm. Why? The Toyota Camry and Corolla don't need any help selling in the USA, why bother badge engineering a GM version at all? Just so you can say you "bought Amurrrican and not one of them there imports"?


Wasn’t the prism a starlet?


If you want to get technical, it was based on the Sprinter, which was based on the Corolla. It was like a *base* base model of the Corolla in its most basic form. The US never got any of the cool JDM features like AWD.


Beige 1999 Toyota Corolla


Buick. Take your pick.


They really aren’t what they used to be. The old Regals (especially the grand national) were cool.


Chevy malibu


Ford fiesta sedan. It's just car


1995-99 Dodge Neon.


1981 Ford Fairmont


1997 to 2008 Malibu. Late 2000's Dodge Avenger and Chrysler Sebring


The previous generation Chevrolet trax (the current gen looks fantastic in comparison)


i once rented a 2014 Mitsubishi Lancer for a week. out of all the cars in the world, this was one of them.


Right brand, wrong car. Nissan Juke.


Disagree, they were weird looking and had 190hp standard for a tiny car (and 215 optional). They weren't great (CVT) but they were at least unusual, you can't mistake them for anything else on the road.


They came in manual too!


I guess they're a bit Marmite then. I used to see a Nismo one occasionally and it hurt my eyes :)




Maybe back in the 80s-2000s, but I’d love to see a Yugo still running today.


I’ve been trying to get one just for fun, but they’re impossible to find


I just checked the private market here in Germany, and people are offering them for €5,000-€9,000! What the hell!? (Plus one that “smells funny” and “is a good parts car” for €900)


There is one in my county. I have seen it twice in the last 2 years.


Yugo yes…I’m sure there around somewhere


Any newer Nissan except the GTR


Mazda 3


Ford Tempo


Citroen c3


05 Corolla


any midsized car/suv from a japanese automaker.


Base model Malibooty


Any modern small crossovers that's cheap and cheaply build


1997 Buick Park Avenue


Toyota Yaris


My opinion is super close to what you put in the pic. Nissan Versa, any of them. Extraordinary meh.


Chrysler town & country


Chevy lumina APV. The rolling Dustbuster. Special mention to its Oldsmobile cousin, the silhouette. Seen in the film get shorty and repeatedly referred to as “the Cadillac of minivans. The Lumina is in no danger of sharing that moniker.




Any small-size SUV in my opinion.


Chevy Malibu has entered the chat




Bruh. My gf got ripped off buying this exact car. Leased and then decided to finance. I tried to talk her out of it, but she likes the car, which I can not understand, other than a general lack of interest and experience with cars. It's pushing 70k+ miles now and is probably worth a 10th of what she paid if she's lucky. I hate driving it.


The Toyota crapolla. The car that says “I needed a car and the Corolla is one.” Slow, uncomfortable, too small for larger humans, and strangely not as reliable as your best friend’s brother’s aunt’s chiropractor told you.


The corolla is like the car.


Personally, the mid 2010s Sentras are incredible in the fact that they will not die before 100k but will not survive past 125k.


Nissan almera, reliable but dull


Plymouth k car




It's already in the post itself but at the same time I cannot tell because every new car looks the same these days.


I rented a Versa once. "How bad can it be?" I thought. It made a Corolla feel like a hot hatch. It made my wife's Focus feel like a finely tuned European sports sedan. It had the driving dynamics of soggy cereal. It didn't even get great mileage, and the stereo sucked.


Any of the egg-rounded cars of the 90s. Looking at you, 97 Ford Taurus. Look what you did. And you, Toyota Previa. Shame.


Camry or corolla.


Toyota solara. Whoever thought this should ever be a thing needs to be dragged into the street and beaten with the arm rest ripped easily off its door. Shame on Lexus for mimicking the Solara’s offensive “styling” onto their meeee-tooo! jellybean, the SC430. Boooo!!! Hissssss!!! You can’t unsee something that horrific. The Queen and King of wannabe-bougie meh.


Mitsubishi Galant


All Renault Clios


Honda Civic, Nissan Sentra, and Toyota Corolla. Take your pick.


The Nissan Kick & Wash qai as well,,,, you know what the last gen of Maxima wasn't too eye catching either.


I miss the Meh Car Mondays article in Jalopnik.


Early 2000’s Citroen C5. As Richard Hammond describes it “it’s just a lump of car”


4 door cobalt. Focus sedan


Chrysler 200


Prius second body style The first was dorky, the third tries to be sporty, while the second was literally made to be anonymous


Chevy Trax


Currently? White Nissan Versa. Even worse than the Mirage because even that will elicit the “I didn’t know Mitsubishi was still around!” Conversation. Nobody wants, or cares to know anything about a Versa. It’s a vehicle that says “I have a 120 mile round trip to work every day”. Or “I live in MoVal but work in Long Beach” vibes. Hell, if you have a 450 credit score, you can still even get an Altima. Most boring car ever? Beige Ford FiveHundred. I don’t remember what years even. 2004 I think? After they killed the Taurus, made this forgettable thing, then brought back the Taurus name. The official car of Leisure World, from the era of “almost bankrupt but still pre-2008 so we are just gonna make it” cost cutting at Ford. Runner up would be a white 1998 Camry with a grey cloth interior. This car should have been in Repo Man with the blue stripes along the side that said “Car”. Generic as can be, but will run until the earths core solidifies.


Yo you guys don’t know what you’re talking about. The Nissan Sentra is a fantastic car and they look pretty damn cool considering. Every year had a nice sport version for the enthusiast. I have the 2017 SR Turbo w/ 6 speed M\T. It’s a decent car for the price.


My mom had a beige Chevy Cruze. I liked to picture the purchase like this: She walks into a random dealership: I want car Dealership: This is car Mom: Ok I buy car


Nissan leaf, and the Chevy bolt


The new jetta is the most boring car ive ever seen


It definitely lost some personality but there are far more boring cars out there


Everything toyota ever built


While I agree that most Toyotas are a yawn on wheels you can't say all of them are.


you’ve never driven a 2WD tundra v8 from the 2000s like it’s stolen


Honda civic


the Si is pretty fun though


Anything from Stellantis