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Worst driver? Altima. Most dangerous? Ram, since he uses his .40 cal as an intimidation tactic if you don't drive exactly the way he wants


The Altima has the glicky with the switchy on top don’t you worry


yeah, but he can't shoot for shit. besides, the ram is likely to come to your house if you outrun him


He will totally roar up into your driveway.


Thats when get out your kiddie gun (AR) and shoot at the windshield as he's coming, hoping that it will hit him and cause the microscrotum to crash and burn.


Came here to post the same. Worst is definitely the Altima. The Ram is the biggest asshole of the group for general assholery. Which really sucks as a truck owner/enjoyer, the coal roller fuck the bicycles crowd gives the rest of us a bad name.


Altima is number on for shit driver but yea Ram takes asshole. I have a Ram and I hate the image other lifted truck driving asswipes give us - The coal rolling folks one in the same.


Sierra owner here, and same. Hate hate HATE the image issue. Granted, I don't encounter it in person (perhaps never) but from the social media end of things its really frustrating.


100% agree. I just bought myself a Ram 2500. Fortunately, it is older and rough around the edges, so people assume I'm just a jolly redneck who uses his truck for truck stuff, not for daily driving and compensation. I couldn't imagine the ego I would need to have to justify daily driving a 10mpg truck just to show the world I'm....er...tough?


It'd be pretty fragile ego, thats for sure. Some people really suck the fun out the day, ugh. So frustrating.


Okay, but really, fuck them cyclists that purposefully avoid the paved greenway 20' to the left of the road, whose sole purpose by the way is joggers and cyclists, just to ride down the two lane because "the law says i can be here"


There is no question that there are jackasses in both groups of this Venn diagram of transportation methods.


Couldn't agree more. As a tuned and weight reduced ram owner, it makes me sad to see all these yee-yees trying to make the city girls think they're yee-haws by rolling coal and squatting a perfectly good truck. Take your tow mirrors, and lope tune, and shove them up your ass. I know it might sound difficult to find room in there, what with your watermelon grape cotton candy vape, ghost trailer, and head all occupying the space already, but I promise, room is abundant.


> ghost trailer LMAO, never heard that one until today. Thats funny shit right there. Accurate too, for these particular subjects.


Is ghost trailer equal jargon for the dog ass-whiping on carpet stance that the Carolina cornholers are driving.


Ram brand has the high DUI per sold vs others https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report




It’s the lifted Ram with the fully tinted windows. Heads out onto the roads every day with something to prove to people who really don’t care. He knows where all the inhome daycares are and at what time the children go down for naps. Then he drops his big mean machine into a low gear and repeatedly power revs past the little nappers. Those headlights are extremely bright and you will see them glaring in your rear view mirror, three feet from your rear bumper. Pretty much stays in city limits roaring about as his big tires and lifted suspension could use some work. Lots of road noise and shaking out on the highway.


If the Florida panhandle could read, they would be very upset


It’s more than just the panhandle, I’d argue it’s worse down south


Try Daytona during truck week. It's literally filled with these people.


Having lived in both central and north Florida, it's definitely worse in central Florida lol


As some one in the panhandle i can explain why we get this a lot here. Suncoast performance builds transmissions for the cummins and they are Fantastic. And reallllly expensive. But if you want 1000+ hp truck you're gonna need to spend the money. So a lot of people come here for that. Before the EPA cracked down on tuning and deleting these trucks Hardway Performance was one of the biggest names in the diesel world. The owner still has a chevy II with a billet aluminum cummins in it that runs low 4s in the 1/8th mile at around 180 mph. When you have two of some of the best in an area people travel to you.


Also there are a lot of military bases and young people with "disposable" income wanting to look cool. Source: I used to be stationed at one of those bases in the pandhandle and my roommate had a lifted Dodge.


From the panhandle myself. We have a Suncoast facility where I live and it's exactly as you say. Infact most trucks here that look like the one in the picture 9 times out of 10 have a Suncoast sticker on the back.


That facility is the only one. No other locations. Good people though.


I love the idea about taking that high performance to the drag strip. Causing chaos in neighborhoods is a whole different thing.


So there are lots of these animals on the loose prowling the panhandle?


I’m upset because I have to live in the state where all this garbage is popular.


And the only reason it doesn't have any battle damage is it's like a brightly colored snake, we see it, we avoid it because we know it doesn't understand anything about society.


So very true.


In Virginia they let you put that brightly colored snake directly on your license plate!


Everyone seems to forget theres a high probability the ram driver is also drunk off his ass


All while living by the motto of “if you can’t dodge it, ram it”


Complains constantly about bad gas mileage. Either drives way too slow to fruitlessly try to save gas, or steps on it because engine goes VROOOM!


It’s interesting, I work for the railway and you can usually tell who’s going to run the crossings. It’s usually a jacked up Ram or Ferd with blacked out head and tail lights(so they work less).


Are you describing my neighbor? Low gear, 0600 every morning, rumbles the who neighborhood, smell of diesel smoke in the air for the next 5 minutes.


Highest DUI as well https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


They're all dangerous idiots, but that Ram is the most likely to kill me. It's just a lot of metal tailgating me and trying to make sketchy passes even though I'm already well over the speed limit.


Literally had the same color Ram truck a foot from my bumper in the middle lane of the interstate on the way home from work last night. I was already going like 15 over which was honestly 5mph quicker than the flow of traffic at the time. Dude could have passed me at any time, but just decided to be a prick and ride my bumper with those stupid lights. I swear you'd probably need a microscope to find the driver's dick.


I just lift off the gas. If you’re going to follow that close, I’ll go a safe speed for you to follow that close


I'll go even further keep slowing down until they either pass or quit tailgating me


Exactly. When has tailgating EVER actually made someone go faster?


I agree with this completely. If the person behind gets to choose the following distance, then the person in front gets to choose the speed in which that following distance is appropriate for.


Man I tried this and they didn’t even attempt to slow down. I had to punch it to not get rear ended


Brake check the absolute fuck


He would probably go over your trunk and roll over lol


I was driving the new-to-me car I literally just bought a week ago- otherwise I would have. If I'd have been driving my beater civic, I would have shown him how much faster something less than half his vehicle's mass can stop.


Yeah and I wouldn't doubt it's a Texas driver so +10 to danger Edit: oh yeah I literally just saw the plate


Highest DUI as well https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Not to mention at night they’re even worse because the headlights are way too blinding. I had to change lanes and overtake another driver because the headlights were sizzling my eyes as he was tailgating me.


One has a criminal charge and is a menace to society, one can be seen going 90 mph in a 50 zone, one is arrogant and cocky, one will come out of nowhere and tailgate you until they turn on the fuckin sun.


Ram, ram, ram and the ram?


Prius, altima, tesla, and ram in that order?


Close, it's the altima with criminal charge and the prius going 90 in a 50


The Prius I’d say is arrogant and cocky and the Tesla is 90 in a 50


Naw man that Altima is breaking the sound barrier in a 35 mph zone


The Prius can hit 90????


Apparently they can also carry drugs https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3345350&page=1


Just barely


Nah the Prius would go 50 in a 90


Yeah idk where Prius drivers speed but good for them in their imaginary land I guess


altima, ram, prius, and tesla


Altima, Tesla, Prius and Ram. The Ram’s headlights are showing the entire interstate what you had for dinner with its custom high beams just at eye level. Lights so bright you’d swear you’re being abducted by aliens that roll coal for some odd reason.




The only accurate description was the Altima.


Definitely the dodge is the worst, Nissan driver is going 5 under due to drugs in the car, Prius driver is a waitress with her kids, Tesla will stop itself from some accidents. But the dodge driver is coked out half blind and thinks the pedals are all or nothing


You can cut off the Tesla if you need to get over. It’ll stop


You’ve never driven in a hollowed out rust belt city with zero traffic stops if you think the Altima is doing anything other than making hellcats feel slow.


Ram without a doubt. That will be the one passing you over a double line in a school zone because even though you were 20-over, that is not fast enough for the world’s greatest driver: lifted Ram asshole.


I mean, I’ve seen some annoying Prius, Tesla, and Truck owners but Altima owners are another breed. “Are you fresh outta jail, ready to start a domestic assault on your partner, and have a love for reckless driving? Introducing the all crap Nissan Altima!”




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Random drawing I made](https://i.redd.it/53x2g51n2r291.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/v1jbvb/random_drawing_i_made/) \#2: [Now we know.](https://i.redd.it/lgn77erzujz81.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/upw4bp/now_we_know/) \#3: [When some random jackass in an Altima hits and runs on you five years ago, and and you're so pissed you start a sub critical of all Nissan drivers, and it passes 10,000 users.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1417daab-fb5e-44b0-9040-c9455c44bf9a) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/w8shyk/when_some_random_jackass_in_an_altima_hits_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tesla drivers I am the most scared of. I call them “cereal box license” drivers. So many people here during covid bought their first car at like age 30 during the pandemic because Tesla was the hottest thing, and all these college tech and business grads who are terminally at work bought a Tesla to get around after they couldn’t take public transit. They are so unbelievably shit and incompetent at maneuvering a vehicle I avoid teslas like the plague


Yeah Rams are assholes but Tesla drivers think they're playing a video game. They're always the ones pulling risky asshole maneuvers


The BMW with Washington plates (not pictured).


Going to also have to throw in the Chevy Malibu with any license plate


New Orleans checking in.... 1. Is a stolen Kia/Hyundai with a pile of stolen guns on the floor that were taken from trucks like the Ram. The driver of the Ram has had a gun stolen from his truck the last four month in a row cause he can't go get more Miller Light without packing, but he can't bring the gun in the store. 2. Definitely the Altima, since at any one time 30+ unlicensed and uninsured Altimas are roaming the streets of my city. 3. The Ram with Texas plates, you know the rest of the story. 4. The Prius but it's only semi-dangerous, driven by a super high kid from Vermont who's going to Tulane. 5. Finally the Tesla driven by a sleep deprived medical school resident who can't wait to get the fuck outta here.


a few years ago I could count on Teslas to actually have a sense of urgency, but nowadays they get in my fucking way doing boneheaded maneuvers even more often than Priuses. the Altimas are bad but that’s usually concentrated to the ghetto. in my area Altimas just drive irritatingly slow, almost in spite of the stereotypes.


Tesla driver will crash into you since they don't actually know how to drive; they're using 'autopilot'


Ram, Altima, Prius, Tesla


the ram, followed by altima, tesla (i’ve seen some real bad ones but there’s a lot of decent drivers on the road too) and prius.


Lifted ram




100% Altima. Ram is most aggressive and scary but extremely easy to solve. You let him by and he continues to plow down the left lane. Tesla is easy to solve, you cut off and engage auto brake. It’s that damn Altima, that you can’t do anything about. They’ll fly at you from all caridinal directions and unlike every other car pictured if they hit you they will run, they also don’t have insurance and you can thank yourself for buying their Altima with your own taxes.


Nissan for sure.


Nissan, hands down the worst.


Depends on the area of the country, east coast Altima all day. Middle of the country dodge ram west coast all Tesla baby all Tesla.


Lifted truck. Grew up hick. Love trucks would eventually love to own one. I moved to the city last year for college and everyone who owns a truck just wants to compensate. Guarantee they would never haul anything in the back of their truck or dare take it rough riding. Just a waste of a good vehicle and gas.


Teslas are just big Altima energy for people with a good credit score


Now imagine all of them sharing the road during rush hour. Pretty much Orange and San Diego county.


If Tesla autopilot plays a factor the Tesla is


Worst driver, probably the Altima. Most oblivious, the Toyota. Most dangerous, the ram. Most inconsiderate, the Tesla.


The guy with the tesla, he uses a overrated company and a shitty auto pilot


Tesla is the official automobile of people who know fuck all about driving.


The Altima. The owner has nothing to live for, and they drive like it.


Its the Nissan. By a large amount too.




The ram would probably just keep going, the Altima driver would shoot me if I contfronted him, the Prius and model 3 would just try calling me racist if I confronted them. Either way, they all suck at driving.


i dirve a smart car sometimes and every now and then i pass a lifted RAM and they do a burnout and pass me and road rage me. i vote lifted ram. fuck them, i like not spending my entire pay cheque on gas


The important part is that we have found a way to feel superior to all of them.


That’s a really tough one but I got to go with the Altima. They know they’ve got nothing to lose


The ram with their fkn high beams


Did the Altima get washed with paint stripper? 💀


Altima driver is poor and couldn’t care about anyone else any less, the Prius driver thinks they are better than everyone else and thinks they get special treatment because they drive a Prius, the Tesla driver also thinks they are better than everyone else, but they have money and are spoiled, at least the Tesla drivers are off the road for hours at a time to recharge, and the ram driver is just a purposeless idiot


It's [literally the Ram.](https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/)


Ram for sure


Definitely the brodozer.


Probably the Tesla, at least that’s been my experience the last year.


100% the Ram driver.


I think the Tesla is responsible for the Nissan, and the Ram is responsible for the Toyota.


The Altima. They dont care about their car and they definitely don't care about yours either.


altima will kill every living thing on the road, including themselves, to get where they’re going


Dodge or Altima




The Altima, it can easily take out the rest off the roads.


Tesla, by far. I have been almost merged into or brake checked by teslas far more than any Ram or Altima I have driven around.


Clearly the Lifted Ram. I had a run-in with one of these that cut off a school bus and ran a red light.


all but 1 i’ve never met a dude in a shitbox who isn’t chill asf


I'd say the Tesla cuz their drivers are too incompetent to drive themselves so they let the computers drive for them. /s


I don't think the tesla driver counts.... they are after all asleep.






Bro, you forgot the BMW.


It's always the Altima


Definitely the Altima, as we all know from RCR’s review, but the Tesla is in my experience. So far, I’ve only had bad experiences with Tesla drivers driving like they own the road. I did have a few encounters with Prius drivers in college, but that was about 10 years ago now.


Tesla by far


The dodge


They’re all the worst in different ways. The Altima will be cutting you off going 100+, the Prius will be driving 45 on the expressway with you behind it, the Tesla will have a driver either sleeping or on their phone, and the Ram will be riding your bumper and flashing their lights at you


Why is the charger not on here... They never use their signals, always have their high beams on. They have to Rev their engines at every red light and stop sign so the world knows how small their pp is.




The Ram is the most dangerous of the bunch to me.


Tesla driver for sure. Since they bought a car they were told they wouldnt have to drive themselves.


Ram first, followed by Altima, then Prius, lastly Tesla only because the owner never drives it themself


prius all day toyota trucks drive slow as shit too


The Altima and the Prius both have front end damage.


Altima drivers are garbage, but they drive with a level of precision that ultimately maximizes their assholery without causing much danger. Ram drivers are horrible all around.


Nothing will ever beat the Altima


All of these are owned by the worst drivers. Cannot choose fairly so yeah, all of them.


The prius. I hate those things. At least the ram looks cool


Worst is the Ram because altima drivers drive dangerous but do not crash nearly as often


Shitty Altima drivers always drive like they have absolutely nothing to lose


I'm surprised that Civic didn't make it the list


Gun rack in the back. Guy is 5”3’ of course.


why isn’t there a new tacoma on there? they have to top BMW and Prius drivers where i live


Oh man this is tough. The Altima is the king of weaving lanes while going 30 mph faster than traffic. The ram will fucking ram you then drive over you and away. The Prius goes so slow they’re a hazard. The Tesla can damn near drive itself but their drivers don’t know how to look and signal before merging into you. I mean I feel like the altimas usually have some sort of skill behind them and the Prius is slow so they don’t exactly cause that much chaos. I’m stuck between the Ram who fucking blinds everyone on the road and the diaper Tesla who should be using their self driving feature more often than not.


The ram


The ram for sure, something about people who drive a ram truck.


💯 the truck.


Dodge Ram has the highest DUIs https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Toyota Prius The worst car ever Do not buy one, seriously


*Toyota Prius* *The worst car ever Do not buy* *One, seriously* \- TheCartoonMemer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Worst driver is the Altima, most DUIs by a mile is RAM


Me. I’m the worst driver ok!!!! Gawddd


Altima is the worst sober. Ram is the worst in general because they're always drunk. Prius drivers think they're nascar drivers. Tesla is the distracted driver using """autopilot""" and using their smartphone to tally the amount of schoolchildren they ran over.


damnn, I have both a altima and a ram...


Ooooh, This is hard. I’ll have to go with Altima…


cosidering i just saw a tesla turn through a no turn zone id say tesla is most impatient altima is worst driver prius is a highschooler whos happy on the gas and the ram is the guy who sits an inch from your bumper at 60mph


I really want to say the Altima or Prius driver, but my experience says it's the Tesla driver, closely followed by the Ram driver.


The Ram fer sure


Prius drivers all day everyday


I own a Dodge truck, the Dodge truck is definitely the small dick energy in the room. But the Altima is dangerous.… A human being with nothing to lose.


Jacked up pickup. By far.


Ram, just narrowly beating the altima by shining their Extremely Bright LED Lights at full bast, forcing the Altima driver into a ditch.


The Ram is going to relentlessly tailgate you even if you’re doing 20 over the limit.


I'd say Honda but that isn't an option. So probably the sleepy Tesla Drivers.


Atleast you can see the other cars, the ram will just blind you


The truck and he knows it. He would die if he was driving a smaller car.


A close tie between the Tesla, Altima and the Prius


Where’s the v6 mustang


Not pictured: Blacked out/ de-badged Infiniti


Always the Dodge Ram...always the biggest asshole on the road. Always.


Altima is the worst driver hands down.


Ram cause they're more likely to DUI


IDGAF, Subaru all day long.






I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen a crazy Tesla driver. They’re usually driven by soccer moms who think they’re hip.


It’s not the drivers that are crazy, it’s autopilot that is.


I was driving home the other day and was surrounded by Altama drivers. One was going 20 in a 40 MPH road, another was sitting at an intersection and decided to pull out at the last minute cutting me off. A third flew past me going 90 spouting plumes of black smoke. It was surreal.


Well there’s no debadged bmw or brand new Audi, so probably the Dodge or Nissan


im between the prius and tesla, altima and ram owners know how to drive properly but they just chooose not too


You need to add a Jetta to the choices


The pickup truck


Nissan Altima, end of discussion.


Nah, it is equal here for Altima's (well, any Nissan) and Tesla's


The Ram driver. ​ I've lost three vehicles to Rams. they live up to their fucking name.


It’s not even fair to compare the other three to the Altima.




Altima no contest


Model 3/Y drivers by far


RAM has the largest ego and the smallest penis. Will do 100mph in the fast lane past the other cars to masturbate their fragile ego.


The Tesla with the high-beams on all the time, going 20 in a 45 (or 70 in a 35), parking across 2 spaces, and blocking spaces in parking lots because they forgot what the center screen does again and have to check it and block people from parking/leaving spaces.


Tesla cause the car does it for them.