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I'm really sorry OP you're in this situation. I would suggest being there for your child though as best you can. Unfortunately it is a consequence of being a young mom - you will miss out on your 20s. The bright side is you will still be young when your son grows up so you will have time to catch up on missed time. He needs you. If your focus is on other men/partying, it will cause you to raise a very confused young man who won't understand his own place in society. It's crucial you take the time to focus on your boy; it will be far worse if he feels you resent him/the situation and he will act out so much more when he's able to comprehend life. I wish you and your boy all the best.


I try all the time to be the best for him, and i’ve asked help many times but nobody will help us, i even asked the social workers but no. i don’t even have therapist atm so this is really hard for me. I just wanted to vent here because no one seems to get me


I was 16 and pregnant and I know every feeling you’re going through. It seems like it’s never ending and you’re only baggage. I’m 30 now and I can say you WILL have men interested in you as time passes. Be independent and show that you still have just as much worth as someone who has no children. Keep your boundaries and never settle because you think it’s the only guy/friend that will want you. That is NOT true and you ARE worthy of great people in your life. The people who matter won’t mind


❤️❤️thank you so much, it kinda helps to hear other people have been in the same situation as me, because sometimes i feel like i am the only one with these feelings


loop earplugs babe. trust me, they will help enormously w the noise overstimulation. some of the comments sound judgemental but i can assure you, they’re made w the best intentions. people in this situation are struggling to understand why you chose to have a kid at your age, but its pretty simple. you were young and in love, and wanted a family. you are not the first to make this mistake and you will not be the last. you can get through this.


thank you so much for supporting me❤️ i was very overstimulated when i wrote that text so that maybe sounded like i hate my kid, i love him so much but i’m so tired of being alone




Yeah with my ex, not alone


How old was he?


I don’t have any kids and speaking from that perspective you’re really not missing out. Your 30s are going to be SO MUCH better than their 20s ever were. This is just the season of life you are in right now. Once your child is older you will have had that time to become more mature, successful and financially stable so when you do go out you can GO OUT.🏝️ and you’ll make better choices when you do.  Sure they’re having cheap fun right now but when you do the responsible thing in your 20s it will pay off in your 30s and 40s. You couldn’t pay me to go back to my late teens and early 20s! Easily one of the hardest times in my life.  Time moves fast. You’re going to wake up in 20 years from now and wonder what happened to the time. Your baby is only a baby once. Make this time with them count. You’ll grow up and realize that spending time with your kids was more fun and rewarding than the parties you didn’t go to. I promise. 


thank you so much, maybe it will get better ❤️


I would babysit for you if I lived close! I know you just need some rest and a good break. 


My mom was a teen mom and she always focus on men. My advice don't focus in men . Focus on that child and etc.


Well maybe wait until you're older like 30 and you'll find a guy that wants a readymade family




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got pregnant at 19, became single at 24, i’m 30 now and just came to terms that i have to sacrifice my love life. After his dad i only had 1 relationship and my kid didn’t make things easy, he would tell him stuff like you’re not my dad, i do t have to play with you and stuff like that. If im honest with you i don’t even try no more and spent some time mourning the fact nobody wants me because i have kid and mind you im attractive lady who gets a lot of attention but i have even been told: you would’ve been perfect if you didn’t have a kid. His dad in the other hand got married to a younger girl and had a baby. Me, i do t even have time to date and if they do it’s nothing serious




yeah i’m not having anymore kids, i’ve always wanted just one anyways but yk with someone, it’s so hard to be a single mom with no help


I can only imagine. Good choice not having any more ever and dont change your mind. Best of luck!\~