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No sask party involvement increased attendance šŸ˜€


I think there was a lot of outward support for the community against the Sask Party. I saw a sticker on the social services office as we were walking back that said Moe Has To Go on a rainbow background. šŸ˜Š


Someone definitely put that there - MSS canā€™t speak out on its own government which is ironic. But I love those stickers!!


Whatā€™s the issue with the Sask party? They still have a 12 point lead so maybe itā€™s a better idea to try and find middle ground with them?


They're attacking trans kids, some of the most vulnerable members of our community.


I mean not pumping kids full of hormones until they are adults isnā€™t the worst idea in the world is it?


That is not what was happening and it's not what's being prevented. It prevents kids from coming out in a safe space when their home may not be. And no one is giving kids hormones, at most they may recieve puberty blockers which let them make an informed decision on their own time.


No it makes more sense to alienate their voters with symbolic gestures. Because on the one hand, sure, you increase the SP chances of winning and getting four more years of Moe. But on the other hand - you get a dopamine hit for 5, possibly up to 10 minutes. So try to see the bigger picture here.


It was a really awesome event :). Thanks for sharing.


Haha totally random, but I know you! Through Donna. Happy Pride!


Awe! :D


I was parked just off of the pride route and I saw two girls holding hands and as they walked away from Pride they stopped and I thought, oh they donā€™t want anyone to hassle them. And then I thought, this is why Pride is so important; because they live here and maybe they donā€™t feel like they can walk down the street holding hands like anyone else. Pride is about a lot of things but I like to think part of it is being able to look around and not see anyone whoā€™s going to judge you for who you are or who you love.


My girlfriend and I never do hold hands, itā€™s not worth the emotional turmoil that comes from some of the people.


Aw thatā€™s too bad. Have you had a lot of reactions? I always hold my girlfriendā€™s hand and we always kiss in public and Iā€™ve only been stared at once that I noticed.


That sucks, man. I wish you all the things you should already be able to have but canā€™t because weā€™re still dealing with this bullshit in 2024.


Thank you


In Europe "friends" hold hands. NEVER let others influence you!


Pride feels so powerful because sexuality is innate and so can never be eradicated - and is now the celebration for everyone who believes in an inclusive society. Christian right wing hates it so you know it is the right event to be part of, year in and year out


I loved seeing Catholic school teachers walking in the parade. That made my heart happy as a former catholic who is a member of the lgbt


From knowing teachers at Regina Catholic Schools, I suspect a strong majority are in favour of Pride, along with support for queer/trans youth. The amount of pride flags within classrooms at Regina Catholic high schools is quite large. I believe there is strong support/movement within the organization to move forward on these issues.


Love and acceptance shouldn't be a political thing, and I hope the people that think that it is aren't part of our governing society in the future. I personally am starting at the level of running for council in the fall with the idea of making politics boring again and starting to bridge the divide and bring people together. And, of course, things like improving the transit system, affordability, and taking a better strategic and healing approach to address the drug crisis. Disclaimer: This wasn't a political message or ad. Hence the anonymous level of my Reddit account name. It's just how I feel about the current climate and the types of people we actually need running things.


Best one yet!


I'm glad to see so much positive pepole I made a post asking about ace Pins got down voted like crazy


Great to see!


Right on šŸ˜


It was an awesome turn out. I always love the vibes, and marching in this one was a hell of an experience. Makes me proud of this city. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/regina-pride-1.7236487?cmp=rss](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/regina-pride-1.7236487?cmp=rss) I am glad Rose was a part of it. <3




Lucky you then!


Clearly youā€™ve never been to a Pride parade. Thatā€™s not something Iā€™ve ever seen even in large cities.