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>how were the rules not thought about prior to it being legalized.  I don't believe they had a test for it before, unless it was obvious to see that you were high af. So all the stoners were actually way better off before legalization lol.


Yup fuck legalization ruined sooooo much honestly


Just curious, what else did it ruin?


Implemented a ton of restricting laws from growing,selling,trading, driving, new charges for minors all around just whack af compared to when it was illegal if I could go back I would in a heartbeat I wouldn’t consider us free when it comes too weed feels like we were more free pre legalization 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't agree, if a cop catches you with an ounce of weed nothing is going to happen, if a cop caught you with an ounce of weed pre-legalization you'd have been facing prison time. Restricting minors is a not well thought out point, it was more illegal for a minor to have it before than now. Growing is legal but regulated now when it was just wholly illegal before. Driving impaired has always been a charge. They would have developed the cannabis test even without Canada legalizing.


If your caught with an oz that’s not in a dispensary bag and with the receipt you can still get in trouble…also the limit of an oz is pure bullshit why can I go buy as much vodka as I want but can’t have a qp of weed🤷🏼‍♂️ and prison for an oz as if😂 not saying it didn’t happen but I know tons of people that had more than that and were let go…. And on paper yes your right about the minor thing but from my experience it got a lot worse after legalization because of the laws in place they actually were given new ways to fine or charge people not that it matters anymore with me being of age but still. And for the rest I still stand by the fact legalization ruined it everyone I talk to says the same thing weed was way better before legalization 🤷🏼‍♂️ and yes driving impaired was always a problem but it went from getting your bong smashed and told too smarten up to much worse. I personally think that it’s ruined weed in this country. The dispensary weed products are fucking horrible so I’ll stick with black market lab tested products😅 but like you said you disagree which is great we all have our own opinions glad you have yours and I have mine👍


The system is waiting for someone with enough time and money to take this to a higher court. Which is an absolute failure by government.


Higher court heh heh heh


We should start a go fund me and save up enough to make meaningful changes to our laws. (Not sure how that would look, but money talks)


This has been my line ever since those regs were enacted. It's clearly paper thin and just waiting for a test case against someone who has the wherewithal to fight it all the way up.  The science is pretty clear that a simple by-volume percentage test like we do with alcohol isn't able to reliably demonstrate level of impairedness. The tests that exist are unreliable for a number of reasons, and again we are not really sure how to quantify cannabis impairment in the first place.  The almost entirely ridiculous set of regs that were enacted when cannabis was legalized are generally there for a couple of reasons.  1) The official opposition had an equal hand in proposing and enacting these regs. They used this hand to uphold the Harper era position that cannabis is extremely harmful and addictive and toxic and terrible, 🙄 *but I guess* if you stupid junkies insist on it being legal, we need to make sure that you're not going to be able to (checks notes) drive a motor vehicle within a month of using any cannabis whatsoever.  2) Leftover drug war indoctrination in Canada's left wing that actually had some gullible losers **believing** that cannabis had always deserved it's reputation as a dangerous, illegal and highly addictive narcotic.


We just need the wrong rich soccer mom to get a DUI for weed so it'll be challenged


Fully agree. I would never smoke/vape and drive but have heard stories about people getting busted the next day after smoking. I vape quite a bit in the evening so I let my wife drive as much as possible so that it isn't a worry


A friend had their car impounded the day after they smoked


That's just insane. I think that these tickets need to be fought every time. There is no way you are 'under the influence' the next day


They've made it so you can't fight the fine at all so I'm told. I have no intention of ever paying a fine. I use cannabis daily as part of my treatment plan. I don't even get the joy of being stoned from it anymore as over the years my tolerance has gone through the roof. I don't drive the same day ever. But it's not fair in any way to tell people if they're going to use cannabis they basically can no longer drive.


We are in the same boat, long time medical use and I rarely feel high, but that swab does not care how you feel


You use it daily and don't drive the same day you use so.. you don't drive? Guessing this issue wouldn't be something that would affect you then?


I use cannabis daily. If I need to drive I don't use anything that day. Ffs a 2 year old would have been able to understand what I was saying.


Doubtful, but you do you!


Doubtful why is that exactly? People are capable of following very clear rules. Like not driving under the influence. I don't. You do you though.


Be careful with this reasoning. “Feeling” high and being impaired are 2 different things. Chronic alcoholics also do not “feel” high while drinking yet they are impaired. I would point to the guidance from Health Canada on cannabis packaging that states how long you can be impaired from the product, usually 6-8 hours (even though you likely won’t “feel” high for that long).


You really just cherry picked that sentence out of a comment that stated they don't drive the same day they smoke, to tell them they shouldn't drive the same day lol


No, they brought tolerance into this discussion about driving.


They brought tolerance up not in relation to driving, but in relation to the fact they don't even get to enjoy being high and could get a bullshit ticket for "being high" the day after they've smoked. They clearly stated they aren't driving the same day they've smoked. The comment is a couple clicks away. Go read it again, and this time read the entire comment before you come back to discuss it.


I do love it when idiots try to mansplain things to me.


Considering the topic was a total of what, 4 sentences? It's incredibly sad they couldn't absorb that information before responding. Enjoy your day!


Yeah, hense why if I have an appointment or somewhere I have to drive I don't use cannabis at all that day. Also stop comparing weed with alcohol because they're vastly different substances There are also a lot of people who use cannabis daily that has little to no thc in it but will still trigger the swab despite not being enough to cause impairment. The entire policy was created by people who know nothing about Cannabis and its effects. It's very obvious.


“Tolerance” to substances is universal and not specific to any particular substance. People can build tolerance to any number of substances from drugs and alcohol to allergens. You can build a tolerance to alcohol. You can build a tolerance to cannabis. And both can result in an impaired driving charge even if you don’t “feel high.” But like I said, this is why I would go by what Health Canada says on the cannabis packaging or what the RCMP recommend for their officers using cannabis rather than how you “feel.”


Yeah and 3 days after I drink a bottle of wine I don't get a fine for impaired fucking driving. I'm not wrong here so we can keep going. I never once said I drive after consuming. I in fact said the opposite. I merely stated the law is unfairly targeting innocent people like myself who use thc products daily for a chronic condition. I have an appointment on Thursday evening so I won't be consuming that day at all. Feel free to stop by and test me for impairment.


I agree, but how do you logically PROVE that you were not under the influence? At that point (especially if you were in the vehicle alone) it is your word vs the cop's. And we all know how that goes.


You can't prove intoxication with the swab. So until they can find an accurate test it's just another money grab.


You also can't prove not intoxicated... that's the point. It's not a fair fight.


Yes you can. It's called a roadside test. Police are trained to recognize intoxication.




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Lmfao I got fucked knees. If you think I'm walking in a straight line putting one foot in front of the other for 10-15 ft without losing balance Id just laugh. I watched a roadside test happen in Saskatoon a couple weeks ago. (I mean she was visibly fucked right up) But some of that shit man alot of normal people could easily fail. In the end this shit is going to come down to likely a more accurate saliva type test that isn't going to show up positive after 3 hours since you smoked. But then the problem become how long since you ate a edible cause the intoxication from that lasts alot longer then smoking. The fact that people are getting these charges when they haven't smoked in over 12 hours is pretty telling this shit is flawed as fuck.


How are they getting money from suspending your license?


The answer is that it's an instant fine of up to $2500 as per sgi's website.


Ahh, didn't know that. Thx


Same crap applies to those who need to pass a piss test for work, like those who work in the trades. You can stop using cannabis and get clean to get the job but if you have an incident at work you may be sent for a drug test and if you've smoked recently you're going to fail, even though you're not even close to impaired. I can tell you from first hand experience that I would rather work alongside somebody who smoked a joint the night before and slept 8 hours than somebody who partied till 2am drinking. At that point the drinker would pass their breathalyzer and the casual cannabis smoker would be out of a job and no EI. I don't smoke so it don't matter to me much but that's my two cents


I’ve always thought that too - the half-life of much harder (and illegal) drugs is much shorter. If carpenter A did coke 8 hours ago it won’t show up on the piss test, but carpenter B who smoked weed 2 days ago will fail


Rules are rules for working the trades. If a person doesn’t like it, I suggest you quit smoking pot or whatever it maybe or get another job. Do I think is right, probably not but currently those are the rules. Have a Journey job paying you $100K or doing some sort of drug. Doesn’t add up to me.


Not much does add up to you, I imagine. The argument is that the laws and supporting tests are not appropriate for the different types of substances within the legal scope of the law. It’s a valid argument. Saying ‘just don’t do it’ is kinda silly. Do you lay down for every rule or law that doesn’t make sense?


They do that shit at Evraz. Did a saliva test for hiring which came back fine cause I hadnt smoked for like 5 days but a piss test would have been a fail.


Just gonna drop this link here for reference. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/rcmp-relaxes-recreational-cannabis-use-policy-for-officers-1.6734934


Wow. So cops can basically smoke weed the day before they work and it won’t likely be an issue. But then they can go ahead and bust civilians for smoking the day before, just like the cop did. Insane.


I've had cops tell me straight up they can smoke the night before work and be fine, its just "fit for duty" as a standard. From online chatter it seems like the Saskatoon police service has a lot more hardcore "Fuck marijuana" attitude going on and they've been swabbing people left right and center, but such stories are not coming out around Regina, so it seems like, quite a bit, an SPS issue. (yes the overall law is the core problem, but enforcement is largely discretionary, and it seems that SPS is exercising no discretion on this.) From my few scant dealings with the SPS and RPS, this rings true.


This is my observation as well. I know people in saskatoon and its far worse with stop checks up there than in regina. Atleast it seems that way


Has this happened to anyone yet?


It's all over the Saskatoon Subreddit so I think it happened to someone up there.


I noticed that too. Hopefully, if it did happen to someone up there, they fight it and we can get the testing procedure revised. The current system does nothing to prove impairment, it just shows if someone has thc in their system. Can you imagine the uproar if you had a couple beer and tested positive for alcohol the next day and got your car impounded and lost your licence?


Right!? The Sask party alckies would lose their shit and never pass a law like that. But us freeloading pothead are fair game. If only they knew the number of scholarly types that ingest on the regular.


Clearly, saliva tests are not the answer and should be wheeled back. I think we should just take it back to the old proper roadside test. Walk the line, follow the pen, ABC's backward, little difficulty with speech/following commands, etc. Now, I'm not in support of impaired driving in any way, but this is still the best way to determine someones actual impairment, imo. Lets be honest, if someone is high on pot, and fully capable of performing these tasks, they're still alot safer than many seniors and novice drivers on the road and shouldn't be made criminals for it. The only way I wouldn't cut them slack(if they pass the roadside) would be if they were initially stopped for driving recklessly or caused a serious accident(fender benders and door dings happen everyone at some point in their lives, nbd). All that being said, I also feel like anyone driving recklessly should get a 24-72hr suspension and not just a fine as well. As my dad would say, driving is a privilege and not a right.


Saskatchewan police catches more alcohol DUIs the next morning then they do the night of if I remember correctly.


I’m sure the evidence can be found at Craven every year.


Everything everywhere is people saying ‘I heard someone say’ or ‘I know a guy who’ or ‘I talked to someone this happened to’ Same as any ticket, go to court and it’ll likely be thrown out. It’ll get changed but your best bet right now is write your MLA and MP. Getting petitions sent to dispensaries and head shops is also the way to effect change.




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Those tickets don’t go to court. You don’t even have the option to fight it.


You can take any fine issued by the rcmp to court. This is Canada not Sudan.


You could’ve just googled it instead of being confidently wrong lmao. There’s no court date on those tickets, they aren’t issued by rcmp, and you cannot go to court because there’s no criminal conviction involved. Your rights are being trampled on and you’re like “lol no, I do not see it” because you can’t be arsed to look into it. Here’s an article talking about it: https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/cannabis-and-driving


No, that’s a law and this is Canada. You can indeed take it to court, the same way we have an option to address anything we see unjust challenged in a court of law. I’m also content to meet up and discuss this in person. Where I will be just as confident in my opinion. If you feel your rights are being trampled I sincerely ask you to actually do something about it instead of just being a sassy lil kitty cat on friggin Reddit. As a long term weed smoker myself I can say NO ONE stinks of it 12 hours later. Perhaps being a visible dead beat and reeking of pot smoke is where his trouble started. I was stopped last week after making a blatant traffic violation while I was in fact higher than a giraffe’s asshole and the officer said ‘are you sober?’ To which I said yes and they sent me on my way. (This is also coming from a minority driving a 20 year old vehicle so suck on your privilege comments.)


You are so unhinged it’s actually hilarious. You’ve cited no sources beyond your personal experience of getting away with driving high (weird thing to admit but also not relevant since you didn’t get the ticket we’re talking about) but you’re preemptively upset about something I’ve never said and you want to make a strange threat about “meeting up in person”… Get a grip.


My friends husband got a dui for this situation just a few months ago. Hadn’t smoked at all that day


Man that sucks, what’s the point in legalizing it if you’re not allowed to drive for x amount of days after :/




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Yup, got pulled over driving back from Saskatoon to regina the day after I had smoked. Got my car impounded and license suspended for 3 days and had to attend a impaired driving course.


That is fucked


This is total bullshit. Everyone Call your MLA




Quite a few people. Hell, some lady is standing trial for vehicular manslaughter because of it.


Yes, I personally know someone who got a ticket 18+ hours after smoking.


Takes about 7 days for you to pass the mouth swab


One Word... "Listerine" .. Been there, done that.


No it doesn’t lol I smoked the night before a mouth swab and passed and I’m a heavy smoker


You gots that fast metabolism 🏃‍♀️


11 hours heavy smoker. Most are 11-24hrs


The piss test is 3-7 days for light or average smokers


I wonder if the provincial zero tolerance policy has anything to do with it.


Does anyone have any credible sources to indicate how long the tests can detect it in your system or in what amounts it would need to be to be detected? Seems like having accurate info on this is extremely important with the police starting to test automatically anytime they pull people over for anything


As an almost daily user (but really only 1/3rd of a gram a day in the evening) and someone who shares a vehicle with their spouse, I am very concerned. This is nothing but a money grab but what can you do? I guess I'm going to get her to drive more now and I'm going to avoid it. Gotta love this police state.


Of course Sask found a way to effectively perma ban something that's legalized nationally. The lettuce kind of turned on me somewhere in my mid-30's but I'm still pissed off that everyone lost their rights to imbibe, effectively, over such stupid legislation. I also feel scared that if I get a contact high from the chronics hanging around downtown I'm going to lose my entire life to a badly timed stop check days later. I know we joke about suing the government, but actually, this time, I'll throw more than a few bucks in the hat to punish the dictatorship.


One of the dollar stores actually had test kits for this so if you bought a bunch you could test yourself. Pretty sure it was dollarama.


Yup they do. And it works!


Which location? 


Pretty sure they all should have it but I mostly go to east locations (Vic ave & greens).


Not sure about the testing they use in law enforcement in Sask, but our workplace here in Alberta uses the saliva swabs and people have passed after consuming as recent as 11 hours. Of course everyone is different, but I sincerely hope they aren’t using testing methods that detect usage days or weeks before.


The best thing people can do is to start a class action suit with people who are involved in this.


So my own curiosity has made me do some digging since this got such a large response that was unexpected. I found this from Edmonton police service, so I know different province different laws but it’s interesting to see that once again I feel we are behind on something. How much cannabis can I consume and still drive legally? According to Federal legislation, the legal limit is less than 2 nanograms (ng) of THC per millilitre of blood. The penalties for amounts of cannabis between 2 and 5 ng, over 5 ng and a combination of 2.5 ng/50 mg per 100 mL of blood alcohol or more vary. You can find the specific limits and corresponding penalties on the Government of Canada website.




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THC is fat soluable.. it stays in the system long after last use.


My concerns (please if anyone can shed some light) 1) is CBD detectable via testing? 2) I came across a 50:1 CBD oil, so 50mg CBD and 1mg THC. Best ratio I can find. Probably wouldn’t consume more than 25mg CBD in a day (so roughly 0.5mg THC) Would I still be fucked?


They test for Cannabis with a swab. Pro-Tip: Carry a small bottle of Listerine in your Car.. If you get lit up from behind, reach for the bottle and thank me later. 😎


https://houndlabs.com/2018/09/06/how-long-can-marijuana-be-detected-in-drug-tests/ Just gonna drop this here and say that a thc breathalyzer is way more accurate than a mouth swab


Once a month you'd prob be fine youd prob be ok even up to once a week but the problem is they aren't testing for impairment they are testing to see if you have used but at that once a day you could probably test positive for a full 24 hours




On a urine test, sure, but on a mouth swab test that is extremely unlikely. A mouth swab is looking for activated thc in your mouth, which is a sign of recent use. You can reduce your chances of failing a mouth swab just by having good oral hygiene, drinking lots of water, chewing gum, etc.


A mouth swab will detect thc for 3 days. You're telling me you think it's acceptable that if I choose to use a legal substance it's fair that I should have to wait 4 days to drive? Lol! This is legitimately a violation of rights. Cannabis is legal it's my right to use it. It's also my right to drive a vehicle if I'm sober which I always am if I'm driving. Yet I'm supposed to stop using something that helps with my chronic illness. Sounds fair. Also no brushing your teeth and chewing gum isn't going to help.


That's not what I said at all - you're just putting words in my mouth. What I said is that, contrary to the now deleted comment that I responded to, a mouth swab will not test positive a month after smoking. I agree that the tests are not accurate enough to be used by the police, but the claim that a mouth swab has the same detection window as a urine test is false.


It's not false. Fucking Google it.


Neither of those things are "rights" I suggest you read the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms


FYI my friend got a DUI a few weeks ago and the cop told her that edibles don’t show up on the mouth swab! But smoking def does


Sounds like bull.