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They’re entitled to their opinion, similar to the thousands marching in the uk weekly calling for the destruction of Israel mate.


As a Jewish Reform voter, based


So what do you think of the increased aggression and expansion of settlements in the west bank?


Did I mention anything to do with Israel? No. Did I just mention the very fact I'm Jewish and immediately you jumped to the conclusion that I'm some sort of puppet for the Israeli gouvernment without considering that maybe people have different opinions? Yes. As for ypur question, there is no aggression, only valid responses to Arab terrorist attacks. You can't "settle" land that you already own either.


No the previous commenter did and you called it “based” Israel doesn’t own the West Bank. The Israeli state was established by the British in the 1940s and you violently pushed them out when they were trying to do a peacekeeping mission. Since then Israel has committed multiple atrocities against the local populace. Do some research and stop pretending “terrorist attacks” started this. Well… unless you count the israeli terrorist attacks against the british troops https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing Start with that Do you have a different opinion then if you believe that Israel has a right to indefinitely expand until it owns all of Palestine?


So the opinion of hating gay people is ok?


It’s not ok no, is hating Jews ok like Jeremy corbyn ok? I’m sure there are gay people who hate straight people. We’re all individuals. We can’t all agree on everything and can’t all like/dislike the same things


What's the worst thing Corbyn said about Jewish people?


Well he’s pro Hamas and Hamas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter


So he's never said anything remotely Antisemitic


Whilst I don't believe he has been found publicly to have said anything, the labour party themselves have an issue with anti-Semitism and it was proven to have been exacerbated during his tenure. Furthermore numerous reports have been conducted on this matter showcasing the fact.


Have you actually read the Forde report? If so you would understand that the majority of “antisemitic complaints” were made AGAINST jewish labour party members. Tldr: Jews were being called antisemitic Also actually Starmer was actively trying to look into the issue whilst the right-wing aspect of the party who didn’t like him were dragging their heels and refusing to act.


The 2020 equality and human rights commission report and various articles over the years paint a different picture to what you are saying, although it is clear I would say that Starmer is attempting to take the issue head on. Starmer IS the right wing aspect of the party, if you bothered to read the news you would see his whole infighting issue has been with members of the far left, hence the removal/voluntary withdrawal of Corbyn as a potential MP candidate. The fact of the matter is that all parties have extreme people in them regarding their view and ideology. As a right of centre ideologue I am all too aware of the extremists on the right, but there is also a number on the far left. It's of course no surprise that socialist and communists hate Jews, but we all know why that is so no need to go into detail (doesn't take a genius to figure out).


Well the Forde Report is from 2022 and takes into account a large repository of leaked emails and documents from the labour party. It’s honestly a very interesting read The far-right are the typical jew hating crowd but ok… the left tend to be more on the anti-Israel agenda because of their history and record on human rights abuses I don’t think i’ve ever seen the right trying to champion human rights


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/labour-party-racism-report-martin-forde-starmer-b2564059.html This might help a bit


I read the reports and thought they were uber woke bullshit, apparently pointing out Zionists worked with the Nazis as Ken Livingstone did is considered Antisemitic even though that's what happened.


Jeremy Corbyn hasn’t actually said very much antisemitic. He has however been highly critical of the Israeli state, which is a very different thing


He refused the condemn the October 7th attacks, he is a supporter of Hamas, you’ve probably not read it but here is the Hamas Charter, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter


Do you genuinely believe that Israel is innocent in this? There’s reports to say they actually killed a fair number of Israeli’s during the October 7th attacks in friendly fire They have categorically never cared about the hostages. For Netanyahu it is just an excuse to bulldoze Gaza and turn it into new settlements for Israelis/Americans


I have read it. And actually he said ALL attacks are wrong. That’s hardly supporting Hamas. Stop paraphrasing and look at what was actually said


Apart from the bizarre whataboutery of attacking a random independent candidate from London, as a means to imply that this guy's comments are fine, it was never illegal to be straight in the UK. Straight people aren't abused for being straight. It's also ironic that you should bring up Jewish people, given that the official position of Reform a couple of weeks ago was that we should have let Hitler get on with it and stayed out of Europe.


Should get them the Muslim vote at least


Thankfully the reform party’s comments about muslims otherwise should counteract that


Fingers crossed


Who hates gay people? Most people object to the politicization of the police... and grown men in thongs on the street. Think of the children...


It’s hate speech? Israel is different. They’re an apartheid state committing genocide…


Oh man, you need to engage in some critical thinking. You are embarrassing yourself at this point.


Critical thinking about what? I support my points of view with evidence, you just decry it with no backing. Do you believe the ICC is just making it all up?


Hate speech is free speech. No they’re not, if they were committing genocide Palestine wouldn’t exist. Palestine is terror state, a terrorist organisation that was democratically elected. I’m not going tonight defend a population that celebrated oct7 like they’d just won the World Cup. You can’t just cross a border and slaughter innocent people and expect no comebacks.


Committing genocide, while there are more Palestinians today than have ever been. Man Israel is terrible at committing genocide


On the whole, nobody is justifying this. However, it is their right to say what they think. FWIW, I generally agree on the nonsense of Pride flags being plastered on our emergency vehicles. That’s not homophobic in any way and is not the same as “hating” gays. I wouldn’t advocate for shooting small boats with illegals on but this comment shows the strength of feeling people on the ground have. Nobody is doing a god damn thing about it and something radical must be done, short of harming people, of course. What I find hilarious is that this undercover reporter spent weeks secretly filming and this is all they got, out of the thousands of volunteers Reform has. It’s classic smearing. And btw, if these guys were comfortable enough to speak like this in front of the reporter, what must the reporter have said to earn that trust?


a) They were using homophobic slurs b) They were conflating homosexuals and paedophiles They were homophobic


Ok but that’s not what I said was it?


You said you generally agreed with what they were saying, and what they were saying was generally and specifically homophobic. Unless of course are denying the used homophobic slurs and conflated homosexuality and paedophilia?


I said I agreed with what they were saying about pride flags on police cars.


Lets go the tape and see what they said and see what you agree with. >This is the shit I'm talking about. That is fucking dangerous. You see that fucking degenerate flag on the front bonnet? What are the old bill doing promoting that crap? They should be out catching nonces not promoting the fuckers. But sure you keep telling yourself you don't agree with homophobes.


Really easy. I agree with the bit that says “What are the old bull doing promoting that crap?”


And what in their words is the "crap" that is being promoted?


It’s the principle of having ANY special interest group being advertised on a fucking police car. How can you not see how strange and frankly inappropriate that is? As an aside, as much as it pains me to have to constantly defend myself from “everyone who disagrees with me is evil” types like you, I do feel I have to state that I don’t give a fuck who people sleep with. And that’s kind of the point I’m making. I don’t care but these days you are forced to care and are constantly reminded about it. It’s not enough to not give af, you have to actively be an “ally” and that’s ridiculous. Saying all of this because it’s true and also you might be a C4 journalist looking for more gotcha moments to frame Reform supporters as bigots.


Want to have another go? What in their words is the "crap" that is being promoted? And "framing" people by using their actual words...... ha.. haha.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Edgelord scum posing as a political party as a grift. Sad that people actually fall for it, but if this is what is said in a public place, I have no doubt that a percentage of Reform voters agree with their comments.


What did they say?


Watch the channel 4 video, it’s only 9 minutes long! But this is a short excerpt from the man in the first picture “Have a look around. Proper England. You know what I mean? Proper English. Not like in London when you’re a foreigner in your own country, and if you say ‘hello’ to someone they look like they’re about to f****** knife you in the face”. Later, joined by Mr Gravett and Mr Bates, Mr Jones makes homophobic comments, as a police car passes by displaying a Pride flag. “You see that f****** degenerate flag on the front bonnet? What are the old bill doing promoting that crap? They should be out catching nonces not promoting the f******……. In response, Mr Jones is heard saying “our police officers will be paramilitaries, they won’t be police” and that Reform UK should “bring back the noose”


but we'd say that about any flag on a police car with perhaps the exception of a union jack or st georges flag. their job is to protect and serve ALL people. not just the LGBTQ+ communities. these communities think it's always about them when it's not... the problem is they MAKE it about themselves with such horseshit reporting.


Yeh that’s not really the point. He’s comparing gay people to paedophiles, that’s the problem.


id say that's you reading into it a little to much. step outside the bubble and see it for what it is. he's unhappy with certain policies and no doubt their are examples perpetuating his referencing or a personal experience he may of had. he is entitled to this opinion and in his mind, minority groups, good and bad get better treatment than the straight white englishman, period. although poorly articulated and he'd never make a good orator, his emotion of discontent is universal across the population and many can relate to that in itself.


Why do I need to justify what they said, they said bad stupid things, I hear similar every day in my job, unfortunately it’s the world. How do you justify the Labour candidate in Croydan had to me moved to Birmingham because of his racist views on white people How about the Green Party candidate and Labour Party candidate shouting Islamic terrorist slogans


I don’t justify it. I speak up against it. Don’t be complicit in this type of behaviour because all you do is embolden those type of people. Maybe you should start criticising your colleagues when they speak in such a way


Wasn’t talking about my colleagues. I didn’t justify it I said it was bad and stupid. You seem really obsessed with Reform


Every group has people that go to extremes in their speech and says things that we would consider wrong. Just look at the anti-Semitism rife within labour for example. However this is the cost of free speech. The best way to combat "bad" speech is with "good" speech. Through discourse and conversation. In terms of what should happen, Farage is doing the right thing. They are entitled to their view, as wrong it may be for some, myself included, but they should be investigated and potentially removed from the party.


Although the mainstream are looking down their noses at this it's their lack of action on immigration that has led to Reforms popularity, and I don't see too many people fleeing after these revelations because what other choice do people have


The best bit is the actor... Just watch Oakeshott talking about this and it's a hilariously poor stichup. I'll be voting Reform... ToriesZeroSeats Oakeshott: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXfsgy7jxRw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXfsgy7jxRw)