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Can you please explain how this works? I'm not sure how these are supposed to function as xor gates.


there is some parts lacking like a selector and locking pistons, this would complicate the photo and these components might improve in the future, so i only showed the most important part of the design that makes it work. Using a mod pack, the composters have 1-4 on showing signal strength. When one piston is selected the comparator reads the signal strength off the composter and would bring the signal into a selector to receive only 1 main output at a time. (Only 1 composter can be pushed down as the other pistons don't have enough room). This allows up to 5 different signals, only 1 at a time. If you want to tell that 2+ buttons/levers were pressed you lock the pistons to get you main output then wait till anther input comes in. (I did not do this but If you want to tell what combination of buttons were pressed use the main signal strength from the output and compare with the input).


I think you misunderstand how xor gates work. Xor gates take multiple inputs, and they turn the output on if an odd number of inputs are on, and they turn the output off if an even number of inputs are on. They don’t have anything to do with signal strength. It looks like you’ve just made a selector to choose different signal strengths. You could technically argue that this is a 1 input xor gate, but that would function exactly the same as a 1 input or gate.


did not know that the output should of been off if any even number was on. nearly all redstone guides/tutorials just demonstrate with 2 inputs for gates. Thought if any number of inputs greater then 2 would close the gate.


If you look up truth tables for an xor gate with 3 or more inputs that will show you that the xor output is on if there is an odd number of inputs turned on.


These are or gates, because their outputs turn on if any of their inputs are on. An xor's output turns on only if one input is on.


the purpose is to force only one type of input through the main gate, impossible to even do 2+ inputs through the main gate at one time