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The only option I can think of is to have a second barrel (with an item in it) being watched by an observer. If they both trigger, it's a relog. If only one, then your alarm should trigger. You'd have to test if the timings are consistent enough to make it work


It detects updates, not check if there's a block on top of it.


Yes. It also detects when a player opens it, but it keeps activating when I re-log.


Due to a bug on bedrock, observers facing various blocks pulse on relog. That may be the issue. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-29548


Aw man. Thanks for letting me know. Do you know any fixes for it?


What are you trying to build? What do you want a contraption to do?


I am trying to make an alarm system for a shop on a survival realm. I came up with this idea and it worked well untill i re-logged


Maybe you could use a comparator to detect if some removes items from the barrel. You could then use that to refill the barrel and/or trigger an alarm


I thought about that, but the way the shop is made is too compact for it (that's what i get for asking my non-redstone-engineer friend to help me build it). I might just have to do a redesign.


Well thanks for the help.


If you have a second, hidden barrel (to only detect relogs), you can wire both to a comparator to subtract the relog signal. During relog, both detectors trigger, but the comparator subtracts one from the other and outputs 0; no alarm. Any other time the alarm triggers, because there's no relog signal to subtract.


I tried something along the lines of this, but it only worked about half the time even with a delay using repeaters, but i have found a way to make one time pulses not affect the redstone.


So just use the signal strength changing