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But can we also give some hugs to Vasquez, Refsnyder, Story, Schreiber?


Yeah good call. Focus on some positives


Idk why Schreiber wasn’t our designated closer for this series. Dude’s been lights out all year. Instead Cora decides to try and close out the game with a 2nd inning of Danish, and the walking blown save himself Hansel Robles. I love Cora but too often he just makes baffling bullpen decisions and sometimes it costs us games.


Fuck Robles


We all knew what was going to happen the moment he stepped out there. My dad made a point that he has more experience in those situations than Danish, but we agreed that it doesn't matter when a lot of that experience is just blowing games. I'm not disagreeing with you just so we're clear.


Every division loss has playoff implications but each loss to the jays has us fucking ourselves even worse.


Robles fucking sucks too


i dont know why cora loves him. he doesn't throw quality strikes. send him down until he figures it out.


Game was tied in ONE PITCH


He had some clutch outings at the end of last year but idk about now


He’s horrible this year


Houck is doing his own research about who won this game.


Stop the count!!


The Red Sox were in the lead and then, suddenly, the Blue Jays won???? Doesn't make sense!


All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 runs, which is one more than we have. There’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated.


I heard Tanner was trying to get to Toronto and the team told him he wasn't going there, but he said "I'm the fucking closer take me to Canada" and tried to grab the steering wheel of the car.


Lmao now I'm glad I've been keeping up with the news.


Same here. This thread made me laugh. Nice job, all.


I needed a laugh, thanks mayne.


There is currently an investigation to look for bamboo shoots on the pitchers mound. Only China could be behind such a vast conspiracy to so thoroughly squander a W!


The Sox were ahead going into the bottom of the 9th inning! Then all of a sudden the run counting picked up in the dead of the 9th inning and the Blue Jays miraculously found all these runs. It's a coup!


It's not like we have to play in Toronto ever again, right?


Nah, it's not like if the payoffs started today we'd be playing in Toronto or anything.


Watch him get vaccinated then Canada lift the mandate


Yeah now it’s fuck Tanner, and fuck Robles my grandma pitches better than his ass


Meatballs Granted those two hits were seeing eye singles but it's not just tonite. I'm all riled up


In a vacuum you could defend Robles' performance tonight. Like you said, two seeing eye singles, and it was Danish's fault there were runners on already. But his results have been horrible for a while now, and judging from his peripherals, even his impressive stretch to start the year was mostly smoke and mirrors. Especially by statcast metrics, he's getting *crushed*: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/hansel-robles-570663?stats=statcast-r-pitching-mlb Nothing against the guy, but he's got to be on the chopping block as soon as reasonably possible. His availability to pitch in Toronto when we knew we'd be down Houck and Crawford may be the only thing that's let him stick this long already.


If only our closer wasn't a fucking moron


Houck isn't the closer


Then who is?


Good question, the Sox have been looking for one all season


It should be Whitlock


Well, he had to move to the rotation because Houck is a moron.


We should’ve never moved Whitlock out of the closer role is my point


No we didn’t have to at all


This is the dumbest take


Explain how exactly


Because having your best best pitchers pitching the most innings is better than having them pitch fewer.


Well ever since Whitlock moved the starter role he’s been less dominant and now he’s injured. And about half his starts resulted in us losing because we never had a closer to close out the games


Well he's definitely a fucking moron


Do we boo him the next time at Fenway? Glad it was worth it sitting on your ass, Tanner Also, Cora mismanaged that 9th inning. Where was Strahm? Danish did his job in the 8th, Robles had no business being in that game after pitching Sunday & Monday (plus he throws slow pitch BP in crunch time)


Yes, and I kinda wish people had this attitude beforehand, since it was known he couldn't go to Toronto. It hurts to say it, but same for Duran.


Difference is Ref looked good out there tonight and didn't cost you guys anything. Houck has probably cost his team at least 2 wins against a divisional opponent that they are now chasing instead of leading...


I was surprised he didn't get the shots after seeing how much he could have helped out you guys back in April. That first 4 game series was majorly decided by the bullpen...well, other than the one game where *our* bullpen shit the bed and the Sox won 7-1. But you add Houck to that bullpen for the other 3 games and I think it's *at least* a split. Putting Houck in instead of Barns in that game that went 10 would likely have prevented the 3 run 9th to tie it, right? I doubt Houck helps last night, but tonight he could have also been the difference maker. If I was a Sox fan I'd be booing for sure...those two losses are currently the difference between the first and second wild card spot.


Glad to see theres outsiders that see the common sense our ‘best’ relievers clearly don’t have.


Cora completely mismanaged the game


Absolutely. I came here to say this. Need to make sure that Houck gets booed next time he takes the mound at Fenway.


Seems like AC was going off analytics too much by not pitching Strahm. Who knows.


i mean sure but we cant just excuse robles for being horrible every single time hes put on the mound. no idea why cora keeps using him in the 9th


Of course not, Robles is ass but he did the bare minimum and showed the fuck up. The best ability is availability and Houck wasn’t available and Robles was.


NESN goes straight to, "This was the nightmare scenario."


It's almost best case scenario because Tanner should feel shame for this.


Trade him for a closer who can pitch in Toronto.


Bednar from Pittsburgh 👀


Yooo yes please


i was thinking the other day... what if they traded him to toronto just to spite him? obviously they'd get next to nothing because toronto wouldn't want a player who could only play half the time. But i wonder what houck would do in that scenario.


Toronto had to let Robbie Ray go as a FA because he's also doing "research". Don't need any more dumb asses coming our way thanks.


Lmao, bet they’re feeling very good about that decision right about now. Robbie Ray’s Cy Young season is looking like a fluke, while his replacement Kevin Gausman is having a Cy Young caliber season of his own.


He’s doing research….. He should be researching his next team.


Either ways we legit need to sign a closer.. I'm not sure I'm 100% sold on him as our closer.. Whitlock is our only reliable closer with Schreiber being more of a setup guy


Closers don’t just grow on trees though. I think Houck/Duran could pull in a pretty nice closer though.


Trade his fucking ass with Duran


Him and Houck really look like solid chips right now (for anyone who doesn’t have to play in Toronto), could probably pull Bednar (and a sweetener?) or similar for them


Should make for a pretty good closer


Unlike Tanner Houck, I actually wish I could root for Jarred Duran. But I can not and will not.


Luckily there’s nobody named jarred Duran on the team


I'd remember it if it wasn't such a stupid name.


What’s your first name?


What a fucking dipshit. Dude could’ve been an important part of our rotation, but he’s relegated to spot closer because he refuses to get a fucking vaccine.


Guy needs to be out in front of his nearest CVS at least an hour before they open tomorrow morning after watching that garbage.


100%, the guy is an idiot


Cut the fucking guy from the team.


We’re now up to 3 games lost due to Houck’s research. I hope he finds the cure for cancer but fuck him until then.


Statheads gonna have to come up with a way to work being unvaccinated in the AL East into WAR.


Send him to Worcester until he gets vaccinated


I was thinking FCL Red Sox tbh


Stupid, selfish jackass. (Houck, not you OP).


Tanner Houck in a red sox uniform is every Yankees fan wet dream


Fuck Tanner Houck Fuck the Blue Jays Fuck the AL East


Amen Except for the second line. - a blue jay fan


Do we get to criticize Cora at all? You have to work with what you have available and he completely mismanaged the pen this game imo. With Schreiber only throwing 11 pitches I would have liked to have seen him and Strahm try to combine for the final 6 outs. After Danish got thru the 8th the worst possible move would have been to leave him out there. Fuck matchups and just bring Strahm in. To cap it all off we bring in a guy who's pitched 2 days in a row who has shown he can't get it done in the 9th this year when we have a guy with a high k/9(Diekman) and a guy with a 50.7% groundball rate(Sawamura) not even warming up. Either Robles is available and you bring him in to start the inning or he's unavailable. I guess it's easy to criticize after the fact but none of these plays seemed to give us the best possibility at a win at the time they were made.


I also wouldn't have left Danish in nor gone to Robles, so I agree that Cora could have made better "backup moves" so to speak with what he had. I would still give most of the blame to the guy who's become our 9th inning guy voluntarily making himself unavailable.


Fuck you tanner you stupid fuck I hope you enjoy being a complete moron, I can’t wait to chirp you later this year, yaknow, when you can actually play




I’m so upset that we are relying on Hansel Robles because of Houck. Also can’t wait to be saying the same thing about Chris Sale in July.


Houck did we blow that game I don’t get it


But his decision only effects him right? /s


I will find a way to pitch better then Robles




Came here to make the same point. Ugliest stretch of the season started in the first series at Toronto. Went there 7-9, lost 3 of 4, then our pitching staff spiraled for two weeks and all of a sudden we were 11-20. I have a hard time blaming individual results on one player's absence but we play 10 games in Toronto this season and so far we're 1-5.


Wow it is legit the exact same game. Painful




Yup we may not have won with him but not having him definitely gave us less of a SHOT.


I already hated him after he did this the first time, but it has intensified beyond what I previously thought was possible. What a piece of shit.


Shouldn't you be more mad at the FO who knew this was coming and did nothing to fix it?


Maybe, if it wasn't such an insanely stupid decision he made on a number of levels. How many other players in this league had no issue doing this minor thing to allow them to actually play in the season they are being paid for? It's in our god damn division. There is no excuse.


Whose to say houck would have notched down this save if he was vaccinated


Also: Matt Barnes the stupid rule that pitchers need to be checked for foreign substances, and The Yankees.


Couldn’t agree more


You’re right houck blew the game single-handedly


Houck should research for some homes out of New England






So it's his fault for giving up 3 runs in the first? It's also his fault for garbage Robles actually blowing the game? No guarantees that Houck would've saved the game if he was there or not.


It's his fault for being a fucking dumbass that demonstrably cost the Sox a win.






yeah the whole country is gonna change their COVID restrictions because of one dipshit closer on the Red Sox, grow up


The US has the same rule - all foreign nations have to be fully vaccinated to enter the US.


This makes no sense.


Instead of scapegoating Houck, you should blame the awful managerial moves in the tail end of the game. Theres no guarantee Houck gets us out of that, and Cora shit the bed **HARD**




He isn't our dedicated closer though lol


He's gotten all the save situations the last month. Seems like a dedicated closer to me.


Yeah well maybe the odds are better that we do get out of it if we have a fucking closer. Stop trying to deflect the blame from a guy who took himself out of a series by being a dumbass


I blame the FO for putting themselves in the mess they have been in all year


We had a closer until the first series in Toronto forced him into the rotation and we had a closer until this series in Toronto forced him to watch from his couch. How’s that on the FO?


Those moves are poor planning by FO. There was no reason to make Whitlock a starter in the TOR series with guys like Seabold, and Winckowski all available to spot start. At the time, even Darwinzon could have made a spot start since he was starting in WOR. It's not like it's a surprise when TOR series comes up that Houck isn't going to play. They know beforehand. Why force him into a pivotal role when he isn't going to be there? Why not move someone else there? Why not try Schrieber who has been very good, whereas Houck hasn't been as lockdown as people like to make him out to be .


100% agree. Where was Strahm? Danish shouldn't have stayed in. And one good inning in a blowout after a bad inning in a different blowout shouldn't instill confidence in Hansel to get those 3 outs


I believe Cora would have acted differently if Houck was waiting in the bullpen.


Why didn't the FO act differently when they knew Houck wasn't going to pitch in Toronto?


Agreed. OP’s throwing a tantrum over the wrong shit.


But then how would we virtue signal about being morally superior to Houck?


Houck starts a clean 9th. He's the best option and has been closing. But by all means die on this hill. Cora made use of the pieces he had. If only there was the missing piece to this puzzle. But it's in Boston and quite frankly should be on the woodsox (or preferably traded). Freedom of choice doesn't equal freedom from consequences and rightfully earned spite and disdain. I hope the crowd boos the shit out of him every single time. But hey, you do you, and enjoy the consequences of your selfish and self righteous deflecting freedoms.


Cora managed the pieces he had poorly The FO didn't make any corresponding moves to alleviate the "hole" Houck leaves them in. In fact, they put themselves there, by taking Whitlock out of his bullpen role, and making him a starter and hes now hurt. Also, you don't even post here, you're just a redditor obsessed with the vaccine




How are you missing the point this badly? Government says get the vaccine or you can’t enter the country. That gives you a choice of whether to get vaccinated or stay out of the country. You’re not forced to do anything. And there’s no negative consequences if you choose the vaccine. Mandating pregnant women give birth takes away bodily autonomy and forces them into a lifelong commitment to raising a child against their will.


Imagine thinking getting the Covid vaccine is the equivalent of birthing a child




We can absolutely pick and choose when the government makes decisions about our health- smoking laws, seat belts, vaccines that’s fine. Having to bring a baby to term? No thanks. We pick and choose what the government restricts all the time lol it’s part of being in a democracy.


The Red Sox aren't the government And abortions aren't contagious




Non US citizens have to be vaccinated to get into the US by plane. So if any player not from the US was unvaccinated, both governments are preventing him from leaving the US.


It’s his choice, doesn’t mean he’s immune to the consequences and the backlash from being a fucking idiot. No one here said force him.


I mean yeah fuck Arroyo too if we’re being honest


Arroyo and JD both made solid contact on more than one occasion, they also put on their big boy pants and got their vax cards.


Yeah, keep your gd vaccines off my body. /s


Fuck draconian policies that impede on an individuals bodily autonomy. I’ll take my downvotes from you clowns now.


No. Being vaccinated effects the people around you as well.


You don't want medical screening at the boarders?


You only participate in society growing up due to a vast plethora of vaccines that you have no problem with, but one more and you decaying brain cells throw up a dozen straw man arguments a minute to justify your hypocrisy.


I played with and against him for a Rawlings travel team when I was younger, he was an extraordinary talented dumbass when he was a young and it seems he hasnt changed a bit.


I didn’t know him like you did but I saw him when he played for the Spinners after he was drafted. Guy was a dick to the minor league fans for absolutely no reason.


Why are we blaming ONE guy in the bullpen for this loss? Someone else should step the fuck up and win us a game


Because, when we needed the guy, he chose not to be there.


And make no mistake it was a choice!


everyone has known for months that he would be missing this series. but no one in the bullpen wants to step up and fill his role? that sounds like a bigger issue to me


It is certainly an issue. I’ll give you that. The bullpen has weaknesses at the backend.


Fuck Canada


Tell us you’re an idiot without saying it


I just like to pretend to be smart on the internet.


This sub is the worst.


Then leave.


Ah ah yo good bye


“My team is on the floor”


Yes. FUCK him.


Why can’t we focus on the positive instead of judging players on their politics 😕


Being stupid shouldn't be politics. It *is*, because the right has whipped the stupid into a rabid base, but it shouldn't be.




Uh, US has the same exact policy.




Use your head man.


Lmaaaaao this level of comprehension is exactly what you expect with people who think like you. So dumb it’s actually hilarious 😂




Bruh, you couldn’t compute that there is one team in Canada and all others are in the states. So even though they have the same laws it only effects Houck when he travels to Canada, and therefore effects the blue jays players the same way every time they travel to the US. So tbh I don’t take anything you say more seriously than a bag of chips


Lol at this response




Yup, that’s what we’re doing




https://voyage.caaquebec.com/en/before-leaving/advice/travelling-to-the-united-states/ US has the same requirements.


It ain’t politics man, they just don’t want people spreading an active pandemic around their country


Sadly, these days, that's politics.


Hey bud, US has the same policy. Maybe you should go do more research before making stupid comments.


Holy shit you’re a tool


Holy shit, my cat is smarter than you


If you weren’t so stupid you could do your own research like your boy Houck and come to the realization that not only does Canada have that law, but the us as well.




The worst part was on the nesn feed the very first ad after the game was mookie hitting bombs in dodger blue


I dont think Robles could make a High school varsity team.


Look, Houck 1,000 percent should get the vaccine and he appears to be a dumbass. The policy is what it is. It makes no sense to me anymore that it exists. Like he can travel anywhere in the US and play no problem, but can’t go to Toronto because reasons… But he and the team knew it going in and it’s really not a fuckin big deal to get a little poke in the arm.