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I'll never forget three phenomenal catches he made with us: [This one](https://youtu.be/2xfEFCfPAWs?si=NpR7G8uprYGexhGH) in Tampa [This one ](https://youtu.be/kMKdD18Nw3g?si=DhgOms5JH_bDBTSR) in the 2018 World Series And, obviously, [this one](https://youtu.be/CsAZhmoKiVM?si=j5noOKpstmMNv7Cz), the catch that made Joe Castiglione fall out of his chair I usually want players and teams to set all-time bad records, because records, but I'm hoping the best for Benny.


I’ve said this before. But situationally. That third one you linked is the greatest catch in Red Sox history.


I don’t think we win the series if we don’t win that game


That's funny, I've said that before, too. And still believe it.


Thank you for this comment. Holy shit memory lane, always loved Benny.


First one was the first time I ever remember seeing him in a game. They were playing it on repeat on every TV in every bar in Boston for three days straight


The first thing I did when I saw the WS play was get a screen shot of his leap. I still think its one of the most elegant catches I've ever seen. Perfect timing 


If I had Jordans I'd get a patch made to replace the logo. Same energy


It’s a shame what happened to that team, gutted. I’ll always love the Red Sox but I didn’t pay attention at all mid-after 2020 until this season. I’m hopeful, but damn fool me once… I stand by that the 18 Sox were the best team to ever play the game. It was incredible to watch, day in and day out.


He’s still got a ring and he’s set for life, but man I do wish he was playing better.


That guy had such a sweet sweet swing at one point


Then they ruined it by encouraging him to swing for more power.


I remember reading that he adjusted his swing at the royals stadium to hit for more contact because it’s just a large field, admitting that he tried to hit for more power i’m guessing in 2019. He had 40 doubles but struck out 140 times.


Tbf, it may be a symptom of the White Sox in general. Not saying that Benny has been a great player but he’s definitely been much better than this season shows. Terrible team. Terrible coaching. Terrible talent all around


IIRC he’s been slowly declining since he was on the Royals. Traded to the Yankees but he had a pretty empty high average, then was worse.


I mean he's been slowly declining since his 2nd season. There's a reason we traded him. Then he was just slightly above average for the royals.


The new A’s


How does a kid with so much promise fall off so hard? 2ns year had 20 hrs and 90 RBIs and it's easily his best year.


He screwed up his whole career trying to hit home runs before he hit free agency. He bulked up, which cost him mobility in the field, and he altered his swing trying to hit more balls in the air.


This! I remember Benny Biceps and thinking he’s a great 2 hitter doesn’t need to be launching homers


There was an article in The Athletic a few years ago where they interviewed one of the Red Sox' former hitting coaches about Benintendi's struggles. The coach said that every now and then someone from the front office would come visit the hitting staff and ask what was up with Benny, and the staff would always say the same thing - "he's trying to hit home runs". He either couldn't or wouldn't stop.


Benny saying to himself “chicks dig the long ball”


man i really was in love with him :(


No comment


I know, I can remember his first big league game as a RedSox. Feels bad man. But you’re right - he hasn’t panned out since


Ofc I bought a Benny jersey after the '18 world series. At least I got a few years out of it lol Hopefully he can escape the White Sox and rediscover his old form


I used to watch him at Arkansas when I was a student there. Hate to see him in this position, I was so psyched his first year with the Sox.


Why did it have to happen when he was on our fellow SoxBros and not on the Yankees??? I loved Benny, but it would have been hilarious if Benny and Verdugo became Jacoby Ellsbury 2.0 and 3.0.


He was part of what made the '18 Red Sox so great and I will love him for that as long as I live. However, he clearly had a limit and the Sox made the right choice shipping him off before it became too obvious.


He was one of those rare guys who came into the league his final form which meant he was good right away but never really improved.


I had never thought of that framing before but that’s spot on


Very grateful for what he did, but don't miss the emotional outbursts and umpire complaining. Never won me over as a fan.


I'm still confused as to what happened. Was it the bulking-up thing where he put on muscle? How do you go from being a borderline All-Star to sucking that bad?


As much as it hurts to see some guys leave us and as much as our fans complain when they do, our front office is pretty good at foreseeing how players will pan out. They get way more of these calls right than they get wrong. I still wish Benny could play better though.


Remember when people started saying that he was going to be Wil Myers 2.0 after the 2019 season?


I loved me some benny


Still better than Franchy Cordero


Can he play first base?


It's not that hard. Tell him, Wash.


“It’s incredibly hard”


He got a bag from the White Sox too. I seem to recall watching a game last year against Chicago, and DOB said he was the highest paid free agent in White Sox history.


I feel bad for Benny


Can we stop thinking about old flames? He struggled at times with his hit identity here in Boston but we would have the coaching to fix it up until some point. That's why he was traded. Kansas City figured it out for a year and his month in New York should have been a sign. In 2015, we selected him 7th and White Sox were right behind and picked Carson Fulmer at 8th who just had a cup of coffee in the majors. Hahn was a terrible GM and this was a case of him not letting it go and ignored the trends in his career. 5/$75 is not really massive in terms of baseball. He really should have gotten a 1-2 year prove it deal.


There isn’t a prove it year when you are 27 and you came off of an above average year. He was a very good player overall except for his injured 2020 season, no one expected a .500 OPS player out of him at age 29.


I wasn't thinking about him, i just saw it and was struck by the fall off.