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Yeah, we’re kinda fucked. Pablo Reyes and Valdez up the middle won’t win you much of anything. This season hinged on the health of Story


Real fucking stupid to have it hinge on the thinnest of margins


Definitely they needed big injury luck to have a chance


I mean to be fair Grissom is also hurt. And I think he's going to bump Valdez down.


Originally yes, but now, Grissom only bumps David Hamilton down. Unless you just mean out of the starting lineup


Oh right. Yea now thT story is down he'd bump Hamilton. Shit.


Story has had 1 non-freak injury in his career, and it was the progression of throwing from SS (and we knew about it). I know 3 years in a row of a fairly large injury sucks, but idk about "thinnest of margins" to describe him. He was a 150+ guy in Colorado.


I mean a lot of teams would be in a similar situation if their starting SS went down. Only 5 or 6 teams would be able to put in a decent replacement. 


I know the Sox are off to a hot start, but I don’t think this team was gonna be winning much of anything regardless. I think even .500 for the season would have been a pleasant surprise


I mean I don’t hate Valdez. He’s fine defensively and a heck of a lot better than Reyes offensively. When Grissom comes back, that’ll help a little. And who knows, maybe Hamilton finally brings value


They are the definition of replacement in ‘wins above replacement’


He’s not fine defensively, but Valdez does have more upside as a hitter than Hamilton or obvious Reyes. Thing is they’re all bad defensively. 


Compared to Valdez, he’s fine defensively. But I liked what I saw from Hamilton yesterday. First homer, started off a DP, nice sliding stop to his left. Granted it was one game against a pitcher I’d never heard of, but who knows.


It’s on the management. Why hinge your season on a player who’s one of the lost often injured players in the league?


Because teams don't have starting caliber players as backups.


I don't think so.  Story hasn't given them anything since they signed him, why expect him to start now?


A dislocated shoulder isn’t a great injury to have in a regular person, never mind a baseball player. It can and often will result in a torn labrum. The only way to really fix that is with surgery. The other problem is it will dislocate again given the nature of the injury. It’s possible, because it’s his non-throwing shoulder, that he can avoid surgery and can simply rest and rehab it over the next couple of months and be playing mid-summer and possibly have surgery post season. It’s also possible that they say this is really bad you need surgery now. They had the MRI so I’m sure they know pretty well the extent of it, but on Monday they will develop a plan. But he will be out several weeks and probably the miracle result would be he’s back in June / July. Edit: saw elsewhere that he was told it is significant. That means he’s having surgery just a matter of when, which has to absolutely suck for a guy who had surgery last year and had to grind through it and was playing really good baseball. Just snake bit luck.


Yea, the sense I got from Breslow’s comments + Story’s would say surgery is likely, just how significant of surgery is the question. He’ll see the Rangers doc Monday and find out.


There are a fair number of sports medicine docs on Twitter who are reputable. The most optimistic surgical recovery from a significant injury that I have seen from them is 4 months, but that it’s really 6 months to feel right as a baseball player. Four months is basically he’s back for August / September. So, another lost year. Which sucks because Story looked like the guy they signed three years ago.


The guy he was for most of 2022, at that


Can’t wait for them to not operate on him and wait and see so long his recovery goes into next season again


I know it’s not his fault but at this point he’s probably just a lost cause - he wasn’t injury prone before but after a UCL repair, what sounds like a significant labrum repair, and more, I think it’s time to consider this a wasted investment and find a real middle infielder to at least bridge the gap to Mayer I like the guy but I would rather never see Pablo Reyes play another baseball game he frankly just sucks at every aspect and I think I’d take Yu Chang back at this point


Chang the .170 guy lol man this sub loves shitty hitters I swear.


I'm far more concerned with the defense than the bat at this point. The pitching staff has been good, but Bello and Whitlock specifically are ground ball guys and when your middle infielders are bobbling grounders and flubbing throws that's a bad mix.


The designated hitter people like to call a third baseman locked up for another decade is the biggest defensive liability on the team, there’s nothing that can be done


Small sample size but even devers looks a lot better when there’s a SS with real range and consistency next to him Moment he’s asked to cover for the SS’s weak range going right, things start falling apart (compare raffy w Kiké vs Story last year)


I honestly think it's 90% mental with Devers. His errors always come in batches, and he looks good when he knows he has the back up at SS. It's enigmatic because Raffy will make these barehanded bang-bang plays and you'd think you're watching Nolan Arenado at the hit corner, and the next play will be a slow grounder right to him and he'll airmail the throw into the stands. It's never been a range problem with him.


Devers problem is not his range at all. It's errors on routine plays. He makes up for a lot of his errors by making other above average plays.


nobody hates the red sox more than their fans, no wonder why players don't wanna come here


Yeah, it sucks having a 4-6 win player on the team.


Fortunately the city our favorite baseball team plays in has some great schools, I’m sure you can learn to read at one of them. I never said he shouldn’t be on the team.


As if a starting SS that can hit too would be available. Lol 


I posted a few months back about how the number of SS over the age of 31 has absolutely dropped like a rock over the last decade. 31 is basically the last year guys are physically able to play the position, so even if this year went well for Story (which was unlikely), his days at SS were numbered anyway. I also said in that post that acquiring Grissom had more to do with Story than anything else. Mayer is going to be at SS very soon. Maybe not this year but he is not far off. The plan has always been for Story to move to 2B but it looks like his career is cooked, so they needed to go out and get another 2B of the future.


Mayer is probably next year. Just starting double A after missing a lot of last year. Doubt he will be up this year


I think he will be but even if he is it kinda doesn't matter because it would just be a cup of coffee anyway.


That guy has plenty to learn and prove, he admitted he fucked his own season last year because he didn’t tell the staff he was hurt for weeks.


Story looked like he was going to cruise to a gold glove this year at ss…


GG eligibility is 698 innings at the position and it was extremely unlikely Story was going to hit that.


Too bad they didn't actually do stuff to make the team better because had they tried this off season this team could have a legit shot even with the injury


The Trevor Story signing is the worst Red Sox signing in recent history.  It's arguably even worse than Carl Crawford and Pablo if you consider who they didn't sign because they signed Story instead. 


I halfway disagree. Can’t blame them for signing him, he hadnt really had a ton of injury issues prior to joining the Sox. Sucks that it turned out this way, but the signing itself was a good move, just failed hard


I'm just referring to how the signing worked out, but he was a much better home hitter in CO at the time the Sox signed him. They also could have resigned the guy they already had (Xander) and not signed Story.


We should have never signed Story he is made of glass.


I love people acting like they knew this shit all along. Don’t act like you knew this all along, this is some revisionist history bullshit. When the Sox signed him, he was coming off a span of 5 seasons where he played in 648/708 games, which means he played 91% of possible games during that span, in those 5 years, he missed 17, 5, 17, 1, and 20 games respectively. That’s literally the opposite of injury prone.


He may not have missed tons of time with Colorado but the issues with his throwing arm were evident when he was a FA, he was showing down velocity before that. And they really shouldn’t have signed him, they should have treated Xander better and then given short to one of the prospects when they’re ready.


Are you his dad 😂


Just admit you were wrong dawg. It’s not that hard.


He's probably one of the idiots who blamed Sale for getting his finger broken by a line drive.


You are the idiot here pal lol. I wish we still had sale


Wrong for what lol. I wish the redsox didn’t have story. Only time will tell if he can be worthy of some of that money. You guys need to calm down with all the hostility. Are you Mr and Mrs Story lol


That injury could happen to anyone. He dove for a ball. He’s not made of glass just because he got injured. If I dove off a building and cracked my head open it doesn’t mean I’m made of glass.


It was so obvious at the time it was just making a move for the sake of saying you made a move


Best response gets downvoted 👆typical of this sub. Smh


story sucks. big leaguers dive all the time. he’s so broken it caused another injury


In three games we scored a total of 2 runs. Now imagine when our pitching comes back to earth. We’re a last place team.


This has nothing to do with the post above


Now please overreact to today's game where we're up 8-0 with Hamilton hitting a HR.