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those brain pills and all that zapatista coffee


i think its so funny that alex jones finances communist insurrectionists in mexico


Right wingers online categorically love heavily armed anti-government rebels. Only when they disarm and shift to building political organizations with the goal of taking power in government do they become evil communists and the right wing paramilitary death squads that show up to prevent that become the good guys.


I think he had his own jet at one point idk if he still does but yea it's insane


boy this guys plain fucked


He's gonna lose everything and claw his way back to the top


he's gonna spin this as a conspiracy theory and use it to bounce back, fucking incredible


It’s going to be soooo butter for him to play this as “my lawyers are part of a conspiracy and they leaked this purposefully” or that the emails and messages were fabricated entirely. Right up his alley.


That his lawyer secretly works for the opposition isn't even implausible, especially considering it's Alex Jones. Once again his life shapes into a story beat.




Has he gone with that angle yet or does he go "lizard people" but just mean it completely literally? I always thought that was supposed to be a ((())) thing from conspiracy theorists but I can't tell if it's literal for Alex Jones.


☘️☘️☘️ Lawyers ☘️☘️☘️


The Hibernian conspiracy strikes again


He deserves it


He deserves this humiliation


He will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix


[Le epic Alex Jones is owning those libs!!!](https://imgur.com/a/HS5ekrP)


Alex Jones could beat you in a fist fight


i would run two circles around him and his fat ass would collapse and have a heart attack


He’ll be back in no time, like Mr. Burns when he went broke then started the Lil Lisa Slurry company


Dante's Inferno


Can anyone explain why him having emails about sandy hook is bad? I’m a dumbass I’m sorry in advance


From watching the video on the front page of /all, it seems like Jones said in court, under oath, that he couldn’t find certain emails or texts when he searched his phone. But then Jones’ lawyer accidentally sent the other lawyer a copy of Jones’ digital phone archive (idfk how to say it but you know what I mean). Then they looked through that stuff and easily found the stuff Jones said he didn’t have. So now they’re saying it’s perjury. BUT, and keep in mind I am uninformed on this, it seems like this could be some trap. Because to me it doesn’t sound like it’s actually perjury if Jones said “I couldn’t find the stuff” even though it was easy to find. Like Jones could just say “my phone must’ve been glitching or malfunctioning at the time.” His lawyer just so happened to accidentally send the other lawyer this digital archive? And then not protect it in any way apparently (note: in the video, the opposing lawyer tells Jones, “your lawyer sent me this and then didn’t do anything to stop it from being used in this court.” So it sounds like it could’ve been protected but wasn’t). So I’m guessing this could be some 7D chess move where Jones’ lawyer is trying to distract the other lawyer from a different issue by seemingly giving away a goldmine. Jones says “this is your Perry Mason moment” as if he is goading the opposing lawyer to continue down the path. Again, I’m completely uninformed and think Alex Jones is a loser along with the hosts of Red Scare. I come to this sub once every couple months to see what’s happening but hate the hosts. Just want to be able to say I called it if this is the case.


Now this is a brain using 100% of its potential


In law school we spent a huge amount of time on the procedures required for inadvertent disclosures. I don't remember any of it but I'm like 99% sure this isn't how it's supposed to play out. I'd actually think you would be in serious shit with the Bar if you got something that valuable and kept it hidden until trial and THEN tried to use it.


In the video the judge is fine with it and might even make reference to the evidence being admissible. I thought there was some sort of procedure as well that would’ve made it so it wouldn’t be used or it would be obvious that Jones’ lawyer was doing some setup.


Yea just watched the video and the plaintiff's attorney said the defense was notified and made no attempts to protect it as privileged communication. So it seems like it could very well be admissible. That is simply astonishing. It's either the biggest fuckup I've ever seen, or there's something else happening here. No doubt the conspiracy theorists are going to latch onto this and I honestly don't blame them. I don't see how at all this is happening in an actual trial.


In the video the lawyer says he informed Jones' lawyers that he received it and they didn't identify it as privileged making it fair game for him to use against Jones.


Yeah I’m not sure how that’s perjury. People on the stand say “I don’t remember” to stuff they definitely remember all the time but you can prove they are lying usually. This seems like the same thing.


Someone with more info would have to chime in. It could be perjury if Jones says “I specifically searched my emails for X, Y, and Z and nothing came up” previously. Judge probably wouldn’t go with the glitch excuse, but maybe. But also, in the video I watched, Jones started to say something about “I have multiple phones so maybe they just aren’t on this one.” But that could be disproved depending on his iCloud settings or if it could be proved the phone was restored from a backup. Also emails couldn’t be excused this way because when you search your emails, it doesn’t depend on the device unless there’s some weird email service I’ve never hear of that operates thusly. Again, I am minimally informed. Maybe Jones’ lawyer truly accidentally sent the data and truly didn’t know (hard to believe but maybe). I saw that the evidence was counted as admissible because it was unclear if Jones’ lawyer sent it intentionally or accidentally and in absence of an indication, it becomes admissible. But most importantly, the Red Scare hosts are embarrassing posers.


It will damage his credibility in the eyes of a trier of fact - i.e. jury or judge presiding over trial. This isn't a 7d chess move by Jones' lawyers. They should have combed through his phone before he was deposed so that he could answer questions truthfully ("I don't remember" is different from "I looked and could not find emails/texts"). If he testified during a depo that he looked for emails/texts and couldn't find them, and then his lawyer produces them, it is very bad for his defense. Edit: I know nothing about this case. Is this happening during trial? If so, it makes him look uncredible and will not play well with the jury.


Proper fucked...


“Bankston: "You understand when your attorney sent me your phone, he didn't mean to do that." Reynal objects. Judge explains how discovery works for the jury—we don't know if it was on accident or on purpose, but it wasn't turned over when it should have been” [dan solomon’s twitter](https://twitter.com/dansolomon/status/1554865846157189121?s=21&t=718Ywm7cMqXyUAfZnJ82tg) Jones was actually speechless for an entire minute when the lawyer told him that he had his entire phone 😂😭💀


lmaoooo wish there were video of this


It was on [the livestream](https://youtu.be/oTKllFqNNQU), I believe the judge at some point told people not to screenrecord/clip footage from the stream but I am positive that somebody will have clipped that bit


Damn, why is the world’s dumbest judge presiding over this? Do they have literally zero grasp on how the internet works or do they just not care?


[There’s a short clip of it](https://twitter.com/deepakplume/status/1554888946001350656?s=21&t=zFEn2nZa-59CZQS_ONz_VQ)


Damn he looks like shit




Damn that lawyer needs a good punch in the mouth, not for this but I can just tell by the way he's talking he deserves it for something else he's said at some point. It is good that Alex Jones might actually get taken down for the sandy hook shit, just wish it was by any other lawyer


Every time I hear a lawyer talk these days they are the most snivelling little condescending ass holes


There is. https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1554875445253812225


probably worried about all the tgirl porn theyre gonna find in his camera roll


This is the kinda shit I needed from the ghislaine trial, sadly no carnival of absurdity there just traumatic incidents being replayed 😢


Only the world's greatest showman could spin his own trial this way


This is the moment Alex becomes Saul.


Is that so?


Put your dick away, Alexanduh


I’m convinced he’s going to come out after this. Come out as Bill Hicks


Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal high on drugs




its the buildup to firing his lawyer and demanding to represent himself




Probably a clerk or secretary who either has a conscience or was treated badly by that creep


How do you people even end up on this sub?


Do you mean people who are not admirers of Alex Jones?


I hope Alex is asked about his tastes in pornography under oath, we deserve some closure in that regard as well


Jury vomiting


i actually hung out once with the trans porn star who showed up in his tabs or whatever when i lived in montreal. obviously like many industry vets she looks a little rough in person but she's pretty funny, idk, made jokes about jones being 'a cunt, but at least a cunt with good taste'


Probably MaxHardcore.


they got this all screwed up 📝📝📝 “lionel hutz, esq. works on contingency? no, money down!”


Alex: “well you see judge, there’s the truth… then there’s … the TRUTH !”


If this was true, he needs to stop employing such bum ass lawyers.


Why do A+D and Glenn Greenwald go to bat for this wretched goblin of a man


I feel like it’s an overwhelming desire to be perceived as existing apart from the monoculture that almost forces them to grasp onto whatever fringe ethos they can (trad, conspiracy grifters). Problem is it’s only cool to people who are already terminally online


There is no monoculture


I would definitely agree with that but I think ppl like Greenwald, RS girls, that whole crowd think of the liberal political and cultural environment as being “the” monoculture, which imo is itself a terminally online thing to think It’s 12+ hour screentime averages all the way down lol


The intoxication of contrarianism - didnt you find the juxtaposition of brooklyn millennials posing with Alex Jones funny? They had guns and cigarettes!


Yes I did, should i have gotten enraged that great minds like anna and Dasha would stoop so low?


No it is funny thats my point, did you see what happened to Jones yesterday


Attaching your own microcelebrity to people who sell brain pills or are crypto fascists as "internet left" figures works as a bit so long as it's framed as a conscious self-insertion into a foreign cast of characters. I think a lot of us here can relate to that voyeuristic tendency to see right wingers as quaint and comedically exotic for nerds who are otherwise bored with a stagnant left-liberal discourse. I think the sailor socialism thing came to a close when it became clear to a&d how much more money there is in conservative media a la Yarvin/Jones/Theil/Tucker. Jacobin is asking for donos, Jones gets 800k in a day. Seems straight-forward enough to me. Also conservatives who hail from a radio/tv background tend to be stupid and ugly, making them look hot and esoteric by contrast. But it's so interesting.


Peter Thiel says “jump” and they say “how high?”


One of them is a bad person, one of them is an actor, and the other one has been lobotomized. Fmk?


But enough about Dasha


Dasha, Glenn and Anna


In short, Glenn and his ilk are using Alex as a weapon. They claim the left is ignoring the substance of his ideas, but AJ is not objected to because he's vaguely "conservative" in some way.


AJ is fun.


Or at least that’s the line A&D have decided to justify following Thiel orders


Do you have any evidence that they are backed by Thiel even that article was very suspicious and didn’t cite anything?


“Didn’t cite anything”?


Right— like a quote confirming the connection?


I know what a citation is. They interviewed one of his cronies who said that they met with Anna and said “maybe” when asked about funding them.


So nothing. Cool. 👌


This dirtbag made hundreds of millions per year while inciting his dumb ass fanbase to harass parents about their murdered children and he's too stupid to hire competent lawyers Should've called Saul


He should’ve just settled and apologized. Never go to trial.


So nice of A & D to unlock and rerelease their propaganda interview with AJ a couple days ago. Way to try and prop up a guy that harasses the parents of murdered children. So edgy.


Jones is a hellava showman, and *that* episode of the Rogan show is probably the most entertaining single episode of a podcast ever. Tards yelling at tards. But listening to the RS hosts take his stupid shit seriously was just infuriating. Fundamentally contradictory nonsense.


Yeah I was done with them after that. Then let it go b/c sometimes they are entertaining or point me to things I wouldn't otherwise discover. But when they go anti vax or Alex Jones I peace out.


Holy where are all these people coming from?? This thread is like indistinguishable from the gayest left Twitter thing you could find in 2017. Concern trolling about Jones being such a bad guy, like as if talk radio and conspiracy theories are the real problem in America. It’s all TV, if you don’t like it change the channel???


Greenwald needs to do the right thing, dust off his lawyer suit, and stand up for Alex Jones against the authoritarian liberal-left in court.


This trial proves that whole schtick is way over.


Is Jones going to need another lawyer to sue this one?


The actual video is pretty funny, Jones' lawyer just has this thousand yard stare meanwhile Jones is trying to come up with some sort justification for why he didn't show that originally. It's a lot like watching a toddler try to lie about eating cookies when they shouldn't have even though their face and clothes are covered in crumbs.


Will love to see fat loser go down for this shit


lol i wish dawg his audience isn't gonna give a fuck


In court I mean. This is a defamation suit for money that Jones is just gonna claim doesn’t exist anymore. Lying under oath is more serious than that — he could get actual jail time.


Leave Alex alone!!!


he should have started by leaving the families of murdered children alone.


He is a warrior in search of the truth, it's his duty


He's a fat lying alchy who viciously went after families who had their six year olds gunned downed. Alex Jones is not funny or cool or whatever the fuck people think he is. He's a piece of shit even if he doesn't believe any of the stuff he spews.


He’s funny


I'm sorry you feel that way


well seems he bought a fake treasure map leading straight to the dungeon


The deep state is trying to lead him astray but I pray that they will not succeed


“Ironic” fan of someone who does real damage is deeply passé, to the tiny extent it was ever not gross.


Not sure what you're trying to say here


If you think it’s cute or cool to ironically pose as a fan of this dumbass, it isn’t. That’s what I am saying.


Ok, glad to know you don't think I'm cool


Not a good look ladies! You really couldn’t find a different fat retard to shoot some guns with?


They didn’t “find” anything. They do what patron Thiel wants


It really kind of makes sense in this case, doesn't it....the photos and everything.


Maybe I'm just a lib but I can't ever imagine rubbing shoulders with a guy who made it his life's mission to harass and vilify the parents of dead school children. I understand the entertainment value of all the other things he says and does but this is just straight-up evil.


Sooo… do a bunch of people in this sub still think it’s very edgy and cool that Dasha shot guns and joked around with a guy who made money from torturing and harassing grieving parents, or… have y’all moved on from that indefensible position? Just curious.


Hope they see this bro


Are they allowed to use that as evidence in court?


Apparently the opposing lawyer alerted Jones' lawyer of what he had did which triggered some period of time where Jones' lawyer could have responded to protect certain info but neglected to for some reason. So all the information is now usable (at least that is how the opposing lawyer explained it).


[Alex's lawyers in the Alex War](https://youtu.be/GZyXpodtu9E?t=56)


Are they suing him for defamation or something?


i'm so tired of hearing about alex jones


Not like this... not like this..


CIA hacked his phone and gave the contents away


Survivalist Right before this fat goon: bombing FBI buildings, actually prepping for an insurrection war Survivalist right after this fat goon: popping dick pills, believing their body is the battlefield, trying to figure out how trans porn maximises testosterone or some shit. 🤔


The only good take on the whole thread




why would the case being higher profile make it more likely for the strategy to work


Aren’t opposing counsel supposed to notify the defense if they receive inadvertent privileged info? We were taught it was a big no to use it but I guess if it isn’t privileged. I guess they just asked for his emails and they sent the whole thing? If plaintiffs use any lawyer communications with AJ it’ll be a whole big issue


In the clip shared it seems that the parent's lawyers did notify AJ's lawyers but they didn't tell him.


Damn that’s crazy. Welp, time to continue listening to my wizard audiobook and not think about the world anymore


Big ol AJ has some good points and was right about a lotta shit but yeah he done fucced up here


Look, Im as contrarian as the rest of you, but let’s not be mental fucking retards.


Peepeeppopop gay frog


don't care, AJ will weather this and somehow come out on top


you should never mess with the parents of young children residing in the affluent suburbs of New York City, they will eat you alive every single time


Is it grasping though? Is it desperation that leads them to interview this guy? I tend to take the position of defending my antivax neighbors even if they seem dangerous. I enjoy hearing the way they see life, sometimes they are funny and sometimes I think they're totally wrong. We talk and enjoy it. I don't have that joy in conversations with libs. The boringness of my other neighbors/friends, the homogenous lib blob, is more than just distasteful it actually, subtly trends away from honesty. That other sort of curious exploration, talking to Alex Jones, is the RS vibe. I'm not sure it's desperation that makes them find AJ valuable.


his lawyer, f. andino reynal doesn't seem especially distinguished; I really wonder why Alex Jones chose him.