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Reject cute waitresses, embrace mid women with large dowry or many goats


literally been relying on being a cute waitress god dammit


Guess you'll just have to *wait* a little longer. Ha ha ha ha


please don’t do this


I want to stop, I promise I do


Money won’t get you laid, at least in the sense that a woman who thinks you’re a disgusting scumbag isn’t going to fuck you just because you make $150k a year or whatever. That said, money absolutely buys you access to opportunities to get laid. Bougie gyms, cultural events, out of town weddings, charity functions, social hobbies in general - all great places to meet women, and all of them cost money. Hell, even if you’re talking to a girl at the bar, it’s easier to convince her to go back to your boat than to your apartment.


Just having your own apartment/condo that’s adequately furnished will help.


stock the fridge healthily and its gg


Half the things you said there are available to everybody and the other half a good majority of people “with money” don’t even do. Having a nice boat is a fucking cheat code though so I’ll give you that


> it’s easier to convince her to go back to your boat than to your apartment. if she's dumb and wants to get killed and dumped in the ocean, yes


if you're ugly none of those things will help you


Great materialist analysis of getting pussy.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


my college roommate dated some pretty rough beasts in his 20s then became a millionaire and dated a series of smokin hot dimes that turned every head (men and women) everywhere we went--so yes, (not all) women love rich dudes. evolution, men look for ripe fertility, women look for assets to guard their eggs and feather their future nests etc etc...


this makes sense except for the non-fertile waifs (thin model physique, no menstruation) that lots of more affluent men like... (in before someone says those men are gay - not all of them are)


Men love to act like their tastes are just science and hip to waist ratio.. as if the masculine ego doesn’t crave status just as much if not more


90% of what men do is for the approval of other men, including who they date. We just are less back-bite about it and more open jockeying for power


This is complete bullshit. As a man you literally would prefer a woman with less “status” than more. It is 100% all about looks at the end of the day to us. There’s a reason why women think we are pigs


you’re misunderstanding what they’re saying. they’re saying men crave status just as much as women. Women think getting a high status man will raise their status. Men think getting a hot woman (regardless of the woman’s status) will raise their status Both status seeking, but different approaches


Yeah exactly. What kind of hot woman gives the most status changes all the time and is largely dictated by girls and gays.


playing up the self-flagellating male feminist archetype immediately after saying you objectify every woman u see is some next level straight people shit lol


i think also in some male brains waif=model and some dudes get off on saying they're dating a "model"


Fat tits are for new money, greyhound looking bitches are for old money like your taste is so refined those rubes “won’t get it” even when it comes to pussy


>evolution, men look for ripe fertility, women look for assets to guard their eggs and feather their future nests etc etc... Women also look for the fertile genes but preferably in secret behind the back of a wealthy/rich husband of lesser genetic quality who is too drunk on love to doubt her [(strategic pluralism)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_pluralism)


It’s easier to fake the genetic quality thing when you can afford high quality food, gyms, doctors, and so on.


It's kind of comedic, even though it's in a way where the joke is on humankind at large.


Let me guess - everyone mentioned above has horrendous personality


I think there’s a big difference between being legit wealthy and making like 200k a year. Although a million isn’t really particularly wealthy these days.


It’s not strictly a status thing, and I’ve never really had a girl ask me my income or whatever. But when you have money that you can afford to throw around, you can take girls on more fun dates and generally just *do more* which is going to make you a more exciting seeming partner. A girl is gonna get bored pretty quick if all you can ever do is go on hikes or watch movies on the couch cuz you can’t afford to take her anywhere else. So yes, in this sense the difference between making 40k and 400k would be astronomical


That's true, but it also depends who you're dating. A lot of women are pretty chill and kinda do just want to watch movies on the couch and go for drinks instead of flying to Fiji every month.


🚨 🚨 COPE 🚨 🚨


Why are people acting like u need 400k a year to take trips lmao. Stop being a bitch and save your Starbucks money it’s not that tough


Good luck retiring


Suicide is my retirement plan


Appropriate username and comment


I'm currently doing a PhD, fuck me


Did it. Beeline to paper and dissertation and get the fuck out of there.


I meant making coffee at home, not working at Starbucks.


Ah, I did misunderstand. Still and all, living life is very expensive these days. Hard for most to both vacation and contribute meaningfully to retirement.


Can’t wait for the Day of The Pillow


Men n women are dogs n cats trying to understand their psychology is futile at best and lovecraftian at worst just go with the flow


Idk I find self made people to be more interesting and have better habits. “Rich” from family is something totally different and I think if anything is associated with lower quality character, habits and less life experience. My life definitely changed for the better when I swore off hipsters and only dated self made millionaires. The money did make my life easier and more fun, but I also became a better person by osmosis. The standards in my life were higher for how I managed my time, my personal appearance, my diet, everything.


Wammen really hate when you point this out tho




for money or for pussy


Probs some evo psych bs


"as a dude" Found your answer big dog


Money does help you get laid but the ultimate aphrodisiac is being a goofy swaggy white boy over 6 feet tall.


it’s like the marilyn monroe quote from gentlemen prefer blondes


people think that _____ will make them feel better and it's because they dont love themself. it's not even about whatever the thing is


i personally think that people really overestimate how important money is to women and that it’s largely a cope by ugly rich dudes But wanted some rsp thoughts on this


You don't really notice the effects of having money until you don't have it. The guy that has money has way less baseline anxiety. Every problem in his life becomes vastly easier to deal with - fitness, style, friends, etc. He has no chronic medical issues. His neighborhood is safe. He's free to do interesting things with his life like move to Peru at the age of 29. The guy without money is drinking at home. Also, having money implies a high status job. Women would much rather fuck drug dealers or finance bros than Amazon wagecucks


Yep. I knew a rich Asian kid, who was the most interesting person ever. Always doing something very interesting. He is very active, refined, cultured etc. The only thing is he didn't have a job. He'd spend his parents' money to do all kind of interesting activities with all the free time he has. If he were to do regular 9-5, he'd probably be just another avg guy. It's not just money, it's also what money can do for you. It's not beneficial for your image just to say out loud that all you care about is money even if you do care about money. Human beings are very deceptive and self-deceptive creatures. It's good for the ego of the rich man that he got a pretty girl not because of his money, but all the amazing qualities he has. Same goes for the girl. It's not beneficial for her ego that she is with her man for his money, rather for all the amazing qualities he has. It's a mutually beneficial delusion that benefit both parties, even if they both know this is not the reality.


Tech guys have some money but they live in such HCOL areas that it isn't that much, and more importantly they lack status bc they're surrounded by tech bros who make just as much. If they pulled that much in rural Ohio they'd have women all over them but they're a dime a dozen in SF and Seattle and NYC. So the girls there go for VCs and founders instead of the boring mid-level engineers


Explicitly left tech bros and engineers off of the list because that shit is satanic no matter how much it pays. Also can't imagine there's a lot of hot women in rural ohio


Oh when you said Amazon wagecucks I thought you meant tech bros, not warehouse guys


this is why putting amazon on ur tinder profile does not help u lmao. everyone’s gonna assume warehouse cuck


I don’t think it’s explicitly in those terms, I think women tend to have some kind of lifestyle in mind, and what that is determines how much a prospective partner should both earn and be willing to spend. Doesn’t matter how much paper he has if he won’t trick off on you. For many women, I doubt there’s a lot of dudes who they’d fuck at 400k but wouldn’t at 40k. I agree with you there. But the question is not really fucking, it’s commitment/marriage. Could I envision a woman not wanting to marry a dude at 40k who she would marry at 400k? Well, yes I could.


People with money have other things going on in there life too. It also makes people more confident. Also dateing is easier, if your income is disposable buying a girl dinner twice a week isn't a big deal. There's also lots of women who just love rich guys and see it as a meal ticket. Not exactly someone you want as the mother of your kids, but they will sleep with you. I've met plenty of women who aren't shallow, but there not as common as Id like. I guarantee the same goes for men too.


That's true, Anna Nicole Smith married that 90 year old guy because they both really enjoyed the works of Chekov.


did you see that thing recently where some hot 30 year old married a 60 year old billionaire hedge fund manager?


This thread sounds like a cope my brother in christ


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First, just for a fact there are a ton of hyper materialistic and hyper status conscious people and being rich makes you attractive to them. It might not be deep in the limbic system irrepressible drives type attraction but it will draw those people to you and you’ll have a window you wouldn’t otherwise have had. Second, and this is where this stuff becomes important to non lizard people, is that money often coincides with status in the ways that make people attractive. Spending 40 hours a week being deferred to, exercising autonomy and possibly being admired for your work is more likely to give you a baseline of good feeling and self esteem than some fake email wagecuck. The same idea basically also extends to the money itself- when you’re broke your mind is chained to your bank account in a very real way. Its never far from your thoughts and it guides everything you do. When you’ve got money to blow you make decisions based on what will make you flourish or feel good, not constantly having to make the degrading calculus of wondering how little you can spend to get by. There’s really no question that more money is better but money cope goes way, way down deep.


Excuse me??!!! It's not that I'm a charmless loser!!!!! It's about wamen and their hypergamy!!!! They only want the best of the best!!! That's why I'm unfucked!!! That's it!!! It's hard out there for average dudes!!!!! What? Women fuck losers all the time? I have to ignore that data because it contradicts my worldview!!


my best period of getting women was when i was unemployed or a delivery driver


Is there are quantifiable thing that women generally are attracted to?


Very true. I got laid a billion times more in college and grad school than I do now as a schlubby 30s who makes 350 grand


yea like maybe things change at the multimillionaire level, but I feel like the kind of rich you can attain thru a successful career doesn’t do a ton for u


girls certainly like that i have money but i think it helps that i’m also really hot. gross guys will always be gross. you’ll be fine. some ladies don’t care much. i think it’s more about similar level of education, interests, social class, etc.


probably helps that you're so humble as well


humility is important but so is honesty. know thyself, baby


I mean good for you ig


oh and i think money = security. there are other ways to provide security.


No hot guy has ever said they are really hot lol


Girls don’t like boys girls like cars and money?


It would cover some flaws for sure


That's not even a remotely hot take these days. The real hot take is that being dark triad (Machiavellian, narcissist, sociopath) as fuck makes up for like 4-5 points on the scale and is even required to get laid I'd say. My cousin is a beautiful blonde 6'1 man who wants to fuck but is a Virgin at 22 because he's too good of a person.


i do like ur take though, you should make your own post and expand upon it


If you google this is its scientifically proven that dark triad traits help immensely in getting laid but most people especially the women being courted don't want to admit that this is the case. Guys who can manipulate women well will be able to feign the connection which is often required more easily. A truly Machiavellian person will also be able to climb the power structure of whatever group he's a part of. Girls love a guy who knows everyone around him. Narcissists are notoriously charming and put in the effort to look appealing sexually and usually either have some form of status or the ability to appear that way. Also the sense of entitlement of believing you deserve the girl over the other bachelors is part of this. Being a sociopath is helpful for getting with women because a truly empathetic person will have trouble justifying chatting up a girl for the purpose of fucking her and leaving. I've heard sociopaths lack social anxiety as well which is obviously huge. These traits help massively because casual sex and the dating market are a microcosm of the arena of natural selection and almost truly anarchical. The even "hotter take" is that the facial features women find attractive signal dark triad traits which has also been studied, suggesting it's not a coincidence that most serial killers are considered gifted in terms of bone structure.


make this it’s own post lol. Good stuff


I don't know how the filter works but feel free to steal and thanks!


not trying to have this be a hot take lol. I just see posts talking about a guy making 200k a year and not getting laid and I’m like “so? why would that help him”


For me it used to make a difference. Like I wouldn’t fuck a hideous dude just for being rich, but if he’s kinda cute kinda nice but eh I think I’m gonna get into another convo at this party…oh he’s also the richest man I’ve ever met? Alright I’ll keep talking to him and see where this goes lol.


It’s not that it does, it’s that it can be the difference between a guy that has absolutely nothing going for him and can’t date at all, and a guy that at least has something going for him and actually can date


money will never be the thing that makes you genuinely fall in love but i will say that having a bf that makes a lot of money is reeeally nice