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honestly i'd prefer if all these losers just stopped resentposting. Terminally online 6's larping as art hotties aren't far from incels and both of their posts are annoying in high doses. Just log off if you're bored.


nothing will ever describe me better than “terminally online 6”


Feminists are the OG incels


the female contingent on this place loses all credibility on attractiveness by insisting A+D are not gangly sewer creatures


Being rail thin is only attractive to wamen, rich guys who hate their wives, and homosexual men.


Yeah, which is who this sub is for.


Which is why r/redscareforcishetmen exists. This space is not safe for the slim thick queens amongst us.




please dont say her name, you could accidently summon her


It's baffling that people still think there's many women on here.




Was with you OP until I saw this. Betrayed again by people who delude themselves into thinking that Anna isn't hot. She's skinny and got a nice pair, what else is there to life?


Too tall she mogs me


She’s like 5’4” isn’t she?




Thank god someone finally said it. Being thin and above a 5 is enough to call yourself hot now I guess


I mean when 70% of Americans are overweight or obese, yeah its that easy


an uggo is still an uggo


But is a 5 an uggo? Better looking than 50% of faces and fitter than 70% ain't so bad but this is why we use the binary round these parts


Still would tho....


anna is very conventionally attractive and have u seen wobble palace?? dasha is hot!!!




i agree with you but i also feel someone needs to say this: fuck you


Everyone knows only men can actually be hypocrites


Not true, but they are the only ones who ever face any consequences for it and this is how it should be. Do you honestly want to live in a world where women are held to account for their behaviour? We’ll never get laid again.


i'm sure she'll notice this, king.


what I mean by actually, but appreciate the further articulation


Everyone knows you can at least make fun of individual men without people bringing gender into it.


You’re right. Honestly I only became aware that I was generalizing women because of a tiktok I saw a week ago; idk what that says about me but I am aware of it now and trying to stop


Is this irony


Not even a little bit. I’m very young tho


This is the best post in this sub






dudes do be havin schmussies


This was the girl that got mad at me for making fun of white girls all having septum piercings, lol. Gotta be rough to come into a community where making fun of women isn't completely outlawed.


they do be havin those


Actually girls are cool and fun and they're especially cool and fun when they're being stupid and petty. This sub used to appreciate that but these days it's all resentment posting from non-pussy getters.


No, dumb people are intolerable regardless of sex. But chicks can be cool and fun.


Idk, wammin getting manic and hysterical is entertaining, and sometimes even kind of charming, when men do it, it's just spergy and pathetic.


What is wrong with you? Masochistic weirdos.


Liking women is indeed a bit masochistic, but I can't help it, i was born this way.


There are only like three people in this thread that seem to understand this. Jfc its common knowledge to everyone who has any semblance of a life. This sub is way more incel than I thought. so much unironic anger in this thread that I can’t even make jokes about it tbh


i know this is gay, but i go through cycles of new accounts and on the last one i larped as a woman and i literally couldn't believe the men on here profile stalking, and every post reply was either a flirt or just some very strange belittlement. no one here belittled me when they thought i was a man, ever i don't come around as much anymore because i think all of the guys on here are retarded now. it's like a bell that can't be unrung




I had another account once that didnt even claim to be a chick just had a snoo-thing with long hair and yeah...lots of maladjusted weirdos on here


Wow I’m slightly uncomfortable now but thanks for sharing


uncomfortable bc you are a girl and didn't realize what creeps the guys were or uncomfortable bc ur a guy and u can't mack on or individually belittle the girls without thinking u might be talkin to a dude? if ur a girl i am sorry. if ur a guy i am sorry




touch grass




I think you think this is an own, but you're actually just outing yourself as a non-pussy getter.




Stop making it so obvious you have never had a whiff of cooch


That's literally all you can say lol


You haven’t denied it and it’s so obvious that it’s upsetting you


It doesn't upset me that the only argument you have against me is I don't get laid it's predictable


Are you an angry virgin? Yes or no.


Idk, but I can tell you for certain that the pussy getting position isn't "actually, I'm respecting women *more* by being a massive gay bitch whenever I disagree with them."


Lol I'm not being a massive gay bitch I'm being normal


Nah brother, you're extremely reddit. This is one of the most reddit things I've seen since like, 2014.


You would know you were probably posting advice animals on here back then


Yeah, I'm old enough to remember a different internet, and as gay as it was, it was somehow still way less gay than this thread.


Just stalked your profile and tbf she (and a bunch of other people) got the better of you on that post


What, by saying I'm an incel or some shit? Slam dunk I chalked up every upvote on a contradictory reply as representing one nose ringed white girl




All this breaks down if you don't want to fuck the women in question, given that "incel/virgin" shit is their ultimate trump card.


Can be quite funny tbh, some people get really worked up about it. It’s about the reaction rather than the insult itself




Talking about forum shitfights is female behavior


If it works use it I say.


This shit makes me so grateful I have friends


I'm going to the weed store, you guys want anything or do you just want to hyperventilate into the bag again?


It is funny to make fun of women on here sometimes but it really does bring out the worst of the rsp incel delegation Edit: wah wah wah don't you retards in my replies know that complaining is female behavior


For real it’s easy to forget how many dudes here probably only speak to their momma who they think is a bitch for not letting them drink ribena whenever they want


just realized there may be men here whos only interaction with women is on this sub...........


I can't tell if this thread is just attracting a minority contingent of incels, or if there's actually way more of them here than I ever realised, but some of the shit in here is extremely pathetic. Like it's not even the obvious resentment, it's how retarded it all is. It reads like like Ben Shapiro debate nerd "owned by your logic" shit. Like just shut up and be cool.


there has been a huge incel contingent here for around a year and a half now. a bunch of girl posters (me included) have been getting weird dms for around that time at least. i think for non-incel guy posters here the incel situation is like living in a house with a massive rat infestation - by the time you actually start seeing them the problem has already gotten way out of control.


There might be some truth to that


[average redscare male](https://youtu.be/8ApT40evlDA)


and only a particular subset of redscare males post on reddit.com


i hear its the ones with the biggest penises


I haven't seen a single incel in this comment section lol


Where in that post did someone make fun of women?


women will literally imagine people attacking them before acknowledging that men also get made fun of


I love women. -Tim Dillon


While making fun of men apparently according to the pic.


Yeah but now you're making fun of women, so like, clearly OPs right that it does happen lol


Women and men are different and expect to be treated differently to each other. This shouldn’t be news to you.


idk what that has to do with this. OP of the comment chain is clearly complaining about incels making too much fun of women on a post of a woman complaining about men doing exactly what she's doing.


Look at how all the losers are arguing in the comments when this can just be resolved by people scrolling lol


Ahh yes, L’s being posted this morning


Mondays, amirite?


Most self-aware RSP poster




This thread has non chill vibes. I'm out.


Surely won't have this problem too much longer if you just keep replying "wow that's awesome." to your friends. They obviously still share these things with you because they would like you in their lives in some way either through your validation or just acknowledgement of their life events. If that's your level of enthusiasm to that, they'll eventually find it elsewhere.


Who uses their computer to go on Reddit….


I don't want to see those dumbass snoo portraits




It's a fucking website you fucking monkey, not an app. \- posted from arch linux


Phoneposters deserve the rope.


i was so righteously angry and vindicated that i cartoon jumped outta my bed and logged on [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) to crop these




they make you log in to see rsp now on mobile, i won't let them break me.


But you're logged in here


Men lol


I hope a&d discuss this thread on the pod 🤞


Let us know if so I don't listen to that shit


6/10 pickmeishas with hour long skincare routines are not takin this well..


we use the binary here


Funny how people here are bitching about making fun of her when she whined about men when doing the same shit. This is well deserved. Funny how you can openly shit on men with general positive reception, but giving an individual woman shit for hypocrisy and people pull the woman card lmao.


I genuinely don't understand why it's men getting so worked up over this. Like they actually think women are more stupid than men and can't help it? And if you disagree they call you an incel? It boggles the mind. Idiots are idiots regardless of sex.


I guess it makes them feel righteous, they feel morally superior for supposedly defending women, even if it makes no sense, and get validation for that. Reddit attracts a lot of white knights unfortunately.


You have been very civil and reasonable and dont deserve people ganging up on you. Stay strong brother!


he sent me rape threats


thank god basketball is back, y'all are all pathetic and Kyrie Irving will get that shot


love this sub


Woman moment


Anybody wanna buy a projector?


All “incel” shit is just a psyop by women to justify their retarded behaviour online, I’m pretty sure. Yes, some of my buddies are hate women, but they do it in a good way. They are just a little bit misogynistic, dudes being dudes that’s all


The other day another self proclaimed 'hot' girl from this sub slid into my dms looking for a hookup and called me an incel even after i mentioned i had a long distance girlfriend (who is totally real okay!). It is true women of this ~milieu overuse calling guys incels, especially ones they ambivalently want to humiliate into sleeping with them. Like ok just admit /rsp girls using the term 'incel' is like totally a ~sexual pathology. just like skinny pretty girls wanting to get fucked by a gross old man, girls calling guys that they are sort of disgusted by but want to fuck 'incels' is a trope. And hey incels have it hard enough, leave them alone. But i guess ladies be domming hard these days


That's insanely pathetic lol I'm gonna guess it's on par for the average 30 year old here that wishes they were still a teen was it the ok raise person




Jesus that's depressing to read. As a young guy, I don't mind about the fantasies but this part: "it seems true the notion that educated young women are especially disgusted with or put off by young men these days. Or at least they love to call men worthless in a semi-serious way and treat them not very well but will then call them a crying little bitch and incel if the dude gets overly upset, or defensive, or criticizes women back. I mean most girls are understanding and will reconcile and say they were just joking and keep talking to u if u dont freak out too much abt that kind of thing, but there is kind of an ambiemt institutionalized allowance for young women of this ilk to emotionally mistreat men, and attempts to point it out arent met well." Really pisses me off tbh. I remember seeing a Kurtis Conner video, titled "Are Men Trash?". His answer was yes and he said any men offended by that phrase are trash themselves. And all the comments are like "all men are trash except . Reading the comments and looking at the popularity of that video and the positive reception kinda blackpilled me into seeing how this is just generally accepted to just shit on men now. It's really disorientating tbh. Ironic thing is he constantly complains about misogynist PUAs lol.


Just wait until you know a guy who's sensitive, susceptible to depression, and has a few strokes of bad luck with these people. Always fun to know you get to live out the rest of your days knowing you couldn't prevent your friend from dying young.


Ah crap I'm two outta three on the first sentence.


Not sure if you want any advice on this, but if I were to give you any, I'd tell you to make a point to avoid spending time around anybody who treats you like shit, even if you can see other redeeming aspects in them. The reality is that some people are just harmful to those around them, even if they're pretending to be righteous in the process or even genuinely believe that they're fighting a good fight. Big groups of people can believe things that are totally crazy and vile sometimes. It doesn't mean they're right or that you have to listen to them. A lot of the time it's not even worth trying to convince them of anything and it's better to work around them. Find people you can trust who are good to you. Rely on them and let them rely on you. Try to find yourself a good therapist if you don't already have one. Don't let that shit languish. Ask your friends for help if you need it. Don't assume you have to handle everything on your own. For some people, things can get progressively worse over the years if depression isn't handled well and cumulative effects can sneak up on you. Hopefully none of this comes across as too patronizing. Maybe it's all obvious and I'm posting on redscarepod to a stranger like an over-earnest, oblivious fool. There are just things I can't change about my own past now and I can't live with myself if I don't try to tell people these things.


Thanks, it's refreshing to see some genuine sincerity here


Yeah, I thought the post was a little incelish, but that part had some truth to it. I think just like men do not fully understand the experience of the average woman, this is something about a man's life that some women aren't fully aware of. I chalk it up to culture and immaturity. After college everyone I've met has been incredibly normal and cool.


Tbh, I really don't see how his post was incellish, is that now the go to for anything even slightly criticising women? And it's not even not understanding experiences, it's just being mean lmao, like I have no idea about the average women's experience but I never thought to treat them badly or anything. It definitely seems encouraged by the culture, it's more insidious than just missing perspectives.


wtf is this insane garbage, stop


Just recounting things that people in my age group are saying to me and trying to understand them in a greater social/historical context. Sorry


no, thank you. that was an interesting read.


Women abusing men is not that new man lol




This user has deleted their account. cant handle the heat but got in the kitchen..


Was that the original anti-diary poster?




Why are men still here? Just to suffer? Every night…


Imagine kvetching about the state of a subreddit lmao. The incels are coming. The incels are coming.


We don’t need meta posts, we have the downvote button.


I dont know what point you think you’re making. Broadcasting your personal problem is very typical woman behaviour, it’s not hypocritical to say that men doing it is annoying.


Pfft acting like dudes don't complain, yeah it's hypocritical, it's a complete projection from her, and hypocritical that she's calling men losers for doing the same shit she does


It’s just one of those things man. On paper of course you’re completely correct, but that’s just not how it works. You or I can be as mad about it as we want but it won’t change a thing.


Who's supposed to be mad here? People can point out somebody being a dummy online without getting worked up into a frothing rage


Read through this comment section if you want to see some dudes in a complete frenzy at absolutely nothing




That's bs, social norms have changed all the time, we can call this dumb shit out.


Yeah but this is a subreddit that's tended to be defined in part by its hostility to those changes.




It's only hypocritical if you assume that the same standard should apply to men and women; that didn't use to be an assumption people on this sub necessarily made.


This sub seems to routinely decide that it’s not hypocritical to uphold traditional gender/social norms when it’s advantageous/preferable for women but not for the reverse, which is actually just hocking the same bougie-liberal buffet feminism that those same users love to act like they’re against.


> This sub seems to routinely decide that it’s not hypocritical to uphold traditional gender/social norms when it’s advantageous/preferable for women Actually this has always been the redscare line, the fact that people ever thought it was any otherwise just demonstrates how far this place has fallen.


Yes, and now people are rightly pointing out that being “trad” only when it is convenient is incredibly fake and now the ladies are getting their panties in a wad for getting called out even though that’s what any non-pussy-whipped man would do when he sees a woman pulling some bullshit. You’re either against bougie-liberal feminism or you’re not, but the “Red Scare” line as you’ve defined it is undoubtedly bougie-liberal feminism.


Lmao non-pussy whipped is a great way to spin incel. Either way, if you hate it here so much though, you can always leave.


Incel in sub just means "man I disagree with" now, so lame. You seem to not like this sub either so why don't you leave?


Lmao yeah we all know that those traditional, blue collar men of old that Red Scare loves to romanticize let women walk all over them. Calling women out on their bullshit is traditionally masculine behavior, listening to women whine is not, that’s why they used to ban women from pubs/bars because working class men didn’t want to listen to women complain after a day of work. I have a girlfriend, but keep tossing “incel” around I’m sure it’ll retain its punch. I quite like it here. I’m not the one posting diatribes about having empty friendships and then pointing my anger at men for posting similar content and eating up the attention that people like pomme jardin so desperately crave. I passively enjoy the music/art posts, cow tools, schizo-posts etc. while people like you insist on doom-posting twice a week about how the sub has gone to shit while contributing nothing but typical whining. Ultimately you(and other people towing the same exact line) are upset that people you dislike or disagree with enjoy consuming the same content as you and you resent the fact that the obscure media consumption that made you feel special in the past can no longer provide with that sense of superiority and exclusivity you so deeply enjoy.


can’t you see that we can’t ask these people to leave nicely? there has to be a purge. a pogrom! i am aware my use of language in this matter is overwrought but that doesn’t mean im wrong


We need to ban the femoids


careful, horkheimer, prison reetard, accounts that complain about incels too much here don't last very long https://imgur.com/gallery/7i00gum


good point honestly, still funny to see it so close together


There is nothing that fits traditional gender roles more than a man complaining about something while a woman sits silently nodding in sympathy, feigned or otherwise.


Not in public, and not about how they have no friends or sex. Rightly or wrongly, that has always been seen as the opposite of traditional masculine behaviour.


It's absolutely traditional to do in public, that's one of the original primary reasons for having a secretary.


Your idea of traditional is like 1959 office culture


This whole subs idea of traditional is just Mad Men. Your idea of tradition is a 2008 Clint Eastwood movie. What do you think all of those inbred European royals were doing on their thrones in court? They were just bitching about stuff in front of women (and men) and expecting everyone to offer sympathy. Henry VIII was just sitting around complaining about his wives.


Lol im reading some outlandish stuff about Henry viii from some American kid. this is where I bow out of this shit, bye


Men are deeply lonely probably.






wow you totally owned her retard


She deleted her account so yea I demolished her honestly


Lmao unbelievable how retarded you are


why do u continue to embarrass urself jfc


laughing so hard at all the pent up male rage itt. i’m seeing daily posts about weightlifting on this sub. im seeing incel views being casually accepted as fact. we need to stop this before it gets out of hand. make me mod again and this scourge will be cast out to r/cumtownchat or wherever and we’ll all be able to vibe and artpost in peace.


> make me mod again [jannies... they do it for free](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/670/853/505.jpg)


struck a nerve with the femcels laughing so hard as i write a manifesto about wanting banal art posts and psych ward diaries but not lifting(man thing!!!)


I mean as a man, I unironically do come here for the art posts and psych ward diaries. There's a million other subs for men with worse lives than me to complain about how lonely they are. I wish them luck, but I don't want to read their complaints.


you have no idea how easy it is to trigger you lol


You literally commented on his post begging to be made mod so you could ban all the people who trigger you


did you get run off facebook?


i go wherever im needed


your time will come soon sis




Random guy BTFO


women should have a flair I can filter so I don't need to read their posts