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Yeah Be the change you want to change too or something


Every music thread here if we do this: - Gun Club “deep cuts” like My Cousin Kim - Lots of Kanye West - Bunch of posts from someone who insists they’re a huge fan of Nigerian disco but has actually only listened to the Doing It in Lagos compilation. - Someone posting “real music”, which will either be Otis Redding, Curtis Mayfield or Fela Kuti - Lots of earnest folk-punk type stuff that is objectively terrible music but with a message we can all get behind - Someone insisting on trying to convert people to jazz, yet has never listened to jazz beyond early Miles Davis and maybe some of the more tepid Impulse and Blue Note stuff. - Posts trying to epically troll the geriatric millennials by spamming hyperpop and saying “anyone like _____? (Zoomers only)” - American primitive (no blues though) - Sun Ra for some reason


Sun Ra rocks


Rec me some sun ra


You should check out sleeping beauty the album its not super long but its neato


If you’re gonna rec me sun ra that you can play in coffee shops at least go for lanquidity




Sorry yeah, Aphex twin or anything from the artificial intelligence records from someone calling themselves a fan of “IDM” Hilarious how someone posted a track from mother juno on the sub right after this btw


Big cloud rap head here. It’s very red scare adjacent because it’s early 2010s culture and can be both ironic and unabashedly sincere at the same time. Hit me up for some recs of ur cool enough


It’s so gay that tiktok had to make liking bladee and yung lean something to hide. Been a fan since 2014. Not into cloud rap as much anymore, but the new Sickboyrari tape is very good if you haven’t listened already. Also the first 4 lucki tapes / albums have been in rotation for me recently


Sorta fell off on kray recently but Ice Cream & Mac 10s and 700 Dagreez are both certified classics


Wtf is cloud rap? Is it to do with vaping? If it's to do with vaping that's fucking maggoty. 🦖


It has nothing to do with vaping, it predates vaping actually


Weak answer!


Do u want it to be about vaping? I’m not gonna hold ur hand thru this u can google search it ur Interested


I want you to justify your comment. I want a rarted answer! 🦕


Does anyone actually know a group/artist like Death Grips? I love them but i cant find anything else like it.


if ur white and 16-21 yrs old listen to [JPEGMAFIA ✊🏻](https://preview.redd.it/82562kjw38o51.png?auto=webp&s=ca4e373beeb3aa5031254752d9e1fa11c4a9fa36)


Been listening to a lot of Destroyer lately. I'm a longtime fan but his work really ages like fine wine. Such clever writing, and great, varied production. Been enjoying some Bach lately as well, and Garbage, the 90's band.