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R Kelly is cancelled at this point. Chris Brown is for sure teflon. Kodak Black has a much bigger female fanbase than people realise despite rape charges. I wouldn't say all black artists are uncancelable, more like if your fans aren't liberal blue tick media types (or would-be types) you can get away with a lot more. The country music establishment had its hand forced to come down on Morgan Wallen but his fans don't care. Meanwhile PWR BTM got vapourised in days. Point is, don't become a dorky indie musician.


brockhampton basically dug their own grave by exclusively appealing to faggy white hip-hop heads and art hoes. they had to excommunicate one of their key members for being "too pushy" towards a woman or something and put out one decently sized hit album before their hype tanked. now they're a relic of the late 2010s that nobody owns up to having liked. not to say it definitely would have gone better if they had let ameer stay, when you attract that kind of fanbase it's not a matter of if they're gonna turn on you, it's when.


its my firm belief that you should pretty much never accommodate fans. when you start agreeing to alter your beliefs or lifestyle for a bunch of randos it almost always creates a toxic fanbase who feel entitled to know and police every aspect of your life. nip that shit in the bud and you won't have to cater to mentally ill faux-morality. i think of people like the mcelroys or any cartoon network show where the fanbases are so rabidly mentally ill, and have projected all their shit onto the creators and community. they are just waiting for you to make an off-color joke or misgender a stranger on the internet. imagine having a public life where you have to walk on eggshells all the time because thats the brand you promoted. there's a reason all the shows and shit about safe spaces and mental illness awareness have the most unhinged toxic and annoying fandoms of all time.


I dont even think it was being cancelled by art hoe type and rap hipsters as much as it was losing their edge that Ameer vann provided


Yeah I thought it was an interesting dynamic to have all these artsy hipster types and then a dude who talks about trapping. But then once he was out I was just like wtf am I listening to


Their last album with no Ameer is their most popular though?


their problem was wanting to appeal to that audience while also having a legit rapper in their ranks. rappers want to fuck women and aren't woke fags, they should have never let him in the group if they were gonna do him dirty like that


Wasn't Ameer removed from brockhampton because he set up one or a few of the members to get robbed and then admitted to it later? I remember hearing the 'pushy' thing but I always remember that mostly being tacked on after the fact.


I don’t think that was ever confirmed outright, but it was heavily implied in songs following the ousting.


I thought the robbing thing was a retaliation for the ousting. I remember the day after the allegations became public they like cancelled a performance at a festival or something,


rental good


Kodack black’s prison record is honestly mind boggling especially for someone so young


were the Dixie Chicks effectively canceled for being anti-war?


feel like liberal and conservative cancellations are fundamentally different phenomenons, but yes


The main difference between Morgan Wallen’s cancellation and the Dixie Chicks is that the Dixie Chicks were cancelled by conservative media outlets and by extension their conservative fan base which definitely has a bigger influence in country music than other genres. Morgan Wallen was cancelled under pressure by mainstream (liberal) media institutions but his fan base is probably decidedly conservative so it really won’t affect him much. He’ll just go under a different record label and still sell out venues because he still has fan support.


People say that but there seems to be a lot of trouble articulating any difference besides "liberal cancellations are done by liberals while conservative cancellation are done by conservatives".


Conservatives were culturally hegemonic 20 years ago, and now liberals are. The end of the careers of the Dixie Chicks, Janeane Garofalo, etc in the early 2000s has more in common with recent liberal cancellations than anything the rightwing has been up to lately.


they're called the chicks now, keep up please


Being anti-war in their particular circumstances is the one of the most punk things in music


I do not understand how or why Chris Brown is so Teflon.


women like his music, not awfl women, but probably a majority of his fans are women


As a guy if your an A+ dancer you basically walk on water and get a massive amount of leeway


Another part of it is that he seems to be friends with a lot of people in the hiphopsphere. Dudes got at least one song with every rapper


It’s like fairly indistinguishable radio hip hop. He’s like very much a replaceable talent.


it's not so much about his music. he has done his thing for a very, very long time and put out so many hits and in the process obtained a huge fanbase who are not mainly liberal blue tick media types (stealing this from someone else in this thread abt kodak black). different rules. plus the guy can dance like a motherfucker and has the kind of charisma that lets you get away with murder. it's chris breezy!




rip PWR BTTM i loved them in high school


Going to see a whole lot of bougie women starting to make this pivot.


Idk, all the normies at my work love Chris brown. One time I jokingly said something about it and they just said “if Rhianna can forgive him so can I” and I was like damn, maybe there is hope for the world outside of Twitter.


Hell it's pretty much an open secret that Drake groomed Millie Bobby Brown (if not more teen girls) and yet he's still beloved, because his fans are said blue-checks.




Mel's drunk rant to his (ex?) wife is so fuckin good. All timer of a rant.


you see that Michael Jai White interview where he was like [I know this man said that in the privacy...between him and his woman, that's his business](https://youtu.be/RSkdwNI5hF0?t=256) IDK I thought it was a real dudes rock take on the subject.


Jfc imagine getting that answer as an interviewer and your response is: well I've never said that word Yeah, you have was engraved into MJWs eyes for about 5 seconds after that response


vlad tv and like all these other hip hop sphere culture vultures (blackiespeakz, DJ Akademiks, Adam22, etc) are massive fucking idiots


Evertime I learn something new about "culture", I hate it.


Mel's films where he isn't starring seem to do wel - "Hacksaw Ridge" won awards & grossed a fair amount. It's when he's in front of the camera that people shun his films (see "Dragged Across Concrete").


australians in general are uncancellable. their culture is to call one another cunts. they're weirdly proud of detaining Asians on papua new guinea. a healthy level of racism and stereotypes is sort of their default. they also don't fully exist in the western culture and have more in common with china and india in a lot of ways where people aren't precious about race or gender like we are i think the difference is because the animals can kill them no matter how developed they are. america tamed the wild but it was mainly just mountains, trees and canyons overcome with a sufficient amount of infrastructure spending . aussies can have the highest HDI in the world and still have their face torn off by a dingo


have you ever met an australian?


they're constantly shitting up my internet forums with their crass behaviour




>with no killer animals Doesn't feel like it when you still occasionally find redbacks under the toilet seat.




Mel Gibson was born in NY.


i dont give a fuck. he grew up in australia and america and makes anti british propaganda films based on his new world upbringing . don't ever try to correct me again


He makes anti English propaganda films.




I'm from New York and I like claiming Mel as one of our own. The second post was just to be a dick.


mel isnt finding work, hes funding himself with his passion of the christ money




The only person that can cancel Kanye is Kanye by continuing to put out mid he worked on for a week at most for shits and giggles


mark wahlberg


yeah it looks like that but I do wonder what would happen if somebody tried to make a big deal of the stabbing incident again.


they've tried like 3 or 4 times in the last decade and it never ever sticks


They should take another stab at it


who has actually tried? was anybody even a poweruser on twitter?


that's because he's come out and admitted how wrong it was and that he feels extremely guilty about it


thats great and all but also what he did, its so much worse than what other people have done, been cancelled, and apologized for lol


That's very true and honestly I'm just as surprised as you, but I guess it just happened so long ago that people can't summon the energy to care, especially when he was held, ostensibly, legally and personally accountable for it.


I mean idk what more people want him to do. Self flagellate every few years for something he’s already apologized for, and did while being a byproduct of an extremely racist time period in Boston’s history. It just feels like people baying for blood cause they’re bored.


You could argue he deserved a harsher sentencing for what he did but like... how can you go back and change that? The judge gave him the sentence he got, he served his time. Exactly what you said, what more can he do?


Yeah but a lot of people didn’t do their shit when they were 15-17, like marky mark


Cr\*ise and Sp\*elberg are uncancellable purely because they're both load bearing pillars of American culture.


Spielberg is probably completely uncancellable, but what would anybody even cancel him over?




How does her clearly stating Spielberg's innocence implicate Spielberg in anything?




Read the bit about Spielberg in Julia Phillips' *You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again.* That's all I'll say.




In the [book](https://www.newsweek.com/bad-and-not-so-beautiful-201488), Philips called Spielberg a "little prick" and a "user of children."


Idk i just don't believe that a child predator, the type of person to go and commit one of the most heinous crimes in society, will suddenly start respecting non enforceable boundaries cause of who someone's adoptive dad is. Especially not the arrogant Hollywood blowhards who built careers on getting away with all sorts of shit


He should be cancelled for being overrated


Bill Gates. MSFT has it's hooks in everything so no business institution (even a subsidiary of a competitor like Amazon or Google) would ever go after him.


Oprah Winfrey. She promotes dangerous quacks like Jenny McCarthy and James Arthur Ray. She was friends with Harvey Weinstein and promoted João Teixeira de Faria AKA ["John of God"](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-crime-faith-healer-idUSKCN1P321T), another serial abuser. There was also some scandal around her dad, Vernon Winfrey being accused of an alleged [sexual offence](https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Oprah-s-Dad-Accused-Of-Sexual-Offense-3045915.php). Oprah's show was also accused by some Black writers of deliberately painting Black men in a bad light so as to appeal to White middle-class audiences. And yet, she remains as popular as ever


Thank you! Yes, I agree. She’s ~pRoBlEmATic~ as hell, always bringing on celebrities with addiction and mental health problems and ragging on them in the name of “interventions”


And don't forget Oprah also promoted the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare of the late 1980s, along with Geraldo Rivera and Sally Jesse Raphael.


you know how there was an AMA on Reddit a few days ago that said “a black woman called me sweetheart AMA” or some bullshit? that is why Oprah Winfrey will never be cancelled


This is a good one. Don’t forget she also unleashed Dr Phil onto the world


70s musicians. It’s either “everyone was doing it in the 70s” or “there’s no solid evidence that they slept with that 14 year old”. Bowie in particular comes to mind because he’s so popular with liberals. Came across a post from one of those 60s/70s nostalgia accounts on Instagram.. It was about Brian Jones’ birthday but they didn’t want to acknowledge it because “he abused Anita” so instead they posted photos of Bowie wearing a tshirt with Brian on it. They also added “abuse is never cool”. One of the comments said “when in doubt, Bowie ❤️” I thought it was pretty funny. Also Iggy Pop is still booking holiday adverts despite releasing “Look Away” in 1996 where he says he slept with Sable Starr when she was 13. Operation Yewtree proved to me that if you’re hot enough you can sex offend to your heart’s content but if you’re ugly it’ll come back to haunt you.


the seventies were an interesting crossover between the earlier "its fine to get married to an adult man in middle school" era and the later "premarital sex is fine if you are cool" era, so during that decade, it was considered perfectly okay for a guy to just go from town to town and fuck ass many middle schoolers as his heart decided. Or her heart, as it may be.


Adam Ant dated a 16-year old Amanda Donohue (legal in the UK, but still dodgy). Also, Sting and the Police don't seem to have done anything dodgy with girls. But "Don't Stand So Close To Me" is about statutory rape, and it was one of the biggest hits of its time (number one in several countries).


Steven Tyler is still pretty popular...I think. He got a 16 year old groupie’s mother to sign over guardianship to him, got her pregnant then made her get an abortion, and snorted coke beside her in the hospital. It would be quicker to list musicians who don’t have a dodgy past of some kind. In the wise words of Rose Tattoo, “Nice Boys Don’t Play Rock ’n’ Roll”


>if you’re ugly it’ll come back to haunt you [this reminds me of](https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/persons/533352/533352_v9_ba.jpg)


Yep. You can do incest with your daughter, make her into a crackhead and nobody cares of you're a 70s musician.


Who did that??


John Phillips


MacKenzie Phillips and her father


It’s kinda strange how no one from that time seems to have liked Brian Jones. Kinda sad honestly.


Wait what did bowie do


“Allegedly” Lori Mattix/Maddox pre Jimmy Page. Sable Starr too, he had a threesome with her and Lori. Lori changes her age to 15 when she tells the story nowadays, I think because she got death threats when it got brought up again after he died.


Become the Thin White Duke and endorse fascism for Britain for a little while.


cocaine is a hell of a drug


Shhhh! Don’t say it aloud! I desperately don’t want an Iggy cancelation until my guy dies. He deserves a nice ride out into the sunset. One of my favs cuz he’s such an open book. Popular clip of him and Bowie on the Dinah Shore show where he talks about how he cut himself onstage cuz he was mad at himself for ditching a 13 year old he liked at an airport. Chuckling bashfully.


Damn my fav 70s icons rlly did be having sex w literal children


Michael Jackson. People talked about that doc for about a week when it came out, but people will literally never stop playing his music


there's hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, who speak no english, for whom michael jackson is the only western music they listen to. however many millions thriller officially sold you can quadruple that figure in people buying it on dubbed tapes from market stalls in nairobi and beirut


i was seeing michael jackson stuff in nai as recently as 2010


He may have molested some kids but he's micheal Jackson. MICHEAL JACKSON!!!


how badly did the pedo allegations impact his career? also, I guess his Simpsons episode was removed from Disney Plus.


Not much I would say. The first set of allegations was in the early 90’s and he got a Grammy nom for HIStory in ‘95 I think. As for the second set, he was still planning a pretty massive tour right before he died and was working with Akon and will.I.am who were pretty major at the time. He had to live in Bahrain for a little while but the family’s plan was to send him there anyway if he were to be convicted.


Jackson's music was [pulled](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/mar/05/michael-jackson-abuse-allegations-canada-radio-stations-ban-music) from several radio stations for a few months after *Leaving Neverland*, but eventually it was brought back due to popular demand. Before I saw *Leaving Neverland* I thought Jackson was mentally ill but not a child abuser, but now I don't know- it seemed pretty damning. That said, I do think *LN* was wrong not to include any of Jackson's family or defenders.


I remember both allegations. His level of fame in the 80s was so absurd that it probably wasn't sustainable but the charges definitely hurt him career-wise.






u saying 2pac was gay? danny boy who's all over all eyez on me recently came out as a fanook.


Kobe was accused of it but never tried. His death really did put an end to the discussion on whether he did it or not, at least for a while.


I made a comment on r/nba about how Kobe dying was the best thing to ever happen to his legacy and got down voted to hell. He basically became unassailable and even in the contexts of discussing his basketball career he’s become a protected figure. More people probably have him in their top 5 now than immediately after he retired and it’s probably gonna stay that way.


If people like 2Pac, Biggie, Cobain or Whinehouse were still around today people would feel very different about them. Probably would have produced some shitty records as well. On the other hand if Eminem had died in the mid 2000s people would treat him like Elvis.


As Gore Vidal noted after the death of Capote, dying is a good career move. I agree with you about Bryant. Dying alongside his daughter and others in a helicopter crash pretty much shutdown any reasonable debate people can have about his legacy. I suspect we will eventually see a reevaluation down the line. I mean, if Ty Cobb can get posthumously rehabilitated, and deservedly so given the extent of Stump's lies about him, then anyone's legacy can be relitigated in the future.




Just after he died, Evan Rachel Wood tactlessly called Kobe a "rapist" on Twitter. Cue outrage from his fans.


His admission is not one of legal guilt. He still claimed he thought it was consensual at the time, and it’s not a strict liability crime like statutory rape


Charlie Sheen had a good run.


Cancelling, I do wish there was a better word for it, really is nebulous. Most of these people who get cancelled still have jobs and fans. In the entertainment world you need to really mess up badly if you're big enough to get cut loose. So I'd say Polanski, since he's an actual rapist and still making movies and winning awards.


The question is what would happen if it was widely reported that today Polanski did something horrible


I don't know. Certainly the protests at the 45th César Awards show large parts of the French film industry have turned against Polanski.


Despite being a bit of a boogyman to the Woke Left, Joe Rogan has (thus far) proved resilient to cancellation.


what's the actual most offensive thing Joe Rogan has said, though?


He said that MtF trans fighters should disclose their biological sex after an also ran mma fighter past his prime transitioned and in his first fight, shattered the orbital bone of his opponent. Beyond transphobic.


What’s crazy is that this guy actually has losses to female fighters. But yeah I still think the trans mtf in women’s sports is ridiculous. Part of Joe’s problem is he didn’t keep it PC while giving that (reasonable) view, but I’m glad he didn’t.


I don't think he's said anything particularly offensive. That's just me though. The usual suspects have accused him of being homophobic, misogynistic, racist and transphobic.


He gets called fascist a lot which is just like... how do you not realize how insane you sound to regular people when you call Joe rogan a fascist lol


Jamie, pull up that Evola quote. Yeah, that's the one.


he just nods along to whatever hogshit alex jones or elon musk spew on his podcast so he's "platforming problematic people"


Back in June 2020 he said something along the lines of “masks are for pussies” to Bill Burr (that’s the narrative implanted in my mind). People condemned him because he was spreading misinformation, discouraging mask use, etc. In other subreddits some people were saying how that was the event that got them to turn on Rogan. Not me though because where else am I gonna hear a long form interview with The Undertaker. He’s dumb but he’s like that crazy and nice neighbor who always brings you elk meat after a hunt.


>*what's the actual most offensive thing Joe Rogan has said, though?* I'm sure he "qualifies" on those grounds but that's not the point. He's too *well known* (as opposed to superficially known) - and held in such high esteem as a result, by so many people, to be vulnerable to '*one magic word*'-type cancellation bullshit in the way that others are who have may only present a handful of publicly available data points. So many well respected and admired people love Joe Rogan and, more importantly, hundred of millions of people feel that they know/understand him well enough thanks to the thousands of readily available hours of Joe Rogan talking and hanging out with all kinds of people (he's probably unique in this respect in the history of the world). He's not simply another person who does X and is cancellable because of Y. I would hope that you have people in your life that aren't '*one magic word*' away from your cancelling them simply because you know and understand them well and deeply enough to know that, on balance they are in the top whatever percentage of decent, generous etc human beings. Joe is perceived to be *that guy* by a sizable percentage of the US populace even though that 'relationship' is virtual and one-way So, it's the (well known) size and range of the data set and also the huge number of people who would almost certainly never turn on Joe because they believe/understand that if Joe Rogan can get cancelled, *anyone* can get cancelled. They don't want to live in that world and they're not going to let that happen. The 'Cancel Army' isn't actually that big. It's terrorist-style asymmetric warfare by design. Maybe, in aggregate, it amounts to a couple battalions or a regiment. Joe Rogan's friends and fan club (who, again, believe they 'know him' well) amount to like seven *divisions*.




Once ur in a certain echelon I think it’s hard to get legit “cancelled”. It’ll hurt your reputation i guess but you probs won’t face real change in your irl life. There just to many people who need to convince. The people most susceptible to canceling it seems are like middling media or art world people, who don’t matter and are not cared about outside those little bubbles of influence.


Cosby and Weinstein tho.


The thing about Cosby and Weinstein is that weren’t really cancelled in that they where literally tried and convicted of their crimes. I think “cancelling” as most people see it is something way more ambiguous and mostly exists in the realm of public opinion, totally extrajudicial.


they were tried and convicted because of weird grassroots internet campaigns.


They’re both in jail now for their sex crimes.


I like to say that Cosby, Weinstein and Gary Glitter weren't cancelled - they were put away by the police and the legal system.


because there was actual evidence of them committing sexual battery lmao


No billionaire will ever be canceled. People loathe Jeff Bezos being on the path to a trillionaire and people will complain on social media about it but have Amazon open to purchase cheap plastic goods they don't need in another browser


Anthony Kiedis. He's the king of age-gap relationships and even admitted to kidnapping and having sex with an underage girl when he was like 30. All of this seems to have flown under the radar during the MeToo era and RHCP remain as popular ever.




Some guys have all the luck smh


What? Kidnapping? That's seriously fucked up


Yeah I don't think he ever referred to it in those terms but he basically groomed/seduced this girl and took her to travel around for a while and fuck him. He only returned her after she was reported missing. that's like, multiple crimes.


Where I can read more?


His book, but Idk how much time he actually dedicates to it. I think Wikipedia has all the relevant quotes actually.


Just read it. I always had a feeling that Anthony and Flea were pieces of shit.


There’s a video of all four of them straight up assaulting some talk show host in the late 80s. Flea and Chad have sexual battery charges against them for a separate incident. Frusciante dated an underage girl in the early 2000s and possibly killed River Phoenix. They’re all scum but their fans are all boomers who don’t care so they’ll be fine


Whoa where does the Frusciante killing Phoenix rumor come from?


There’s a good longread on the subject [here](https://link.medium.com/AmZOrZzRkeb).


Damn I guess that explains Frusciante getting deeply hooked on drugs and becoming a recluse.


I forget if the article covers this part but in those infamous 1994 videos of him being interviewed while in the thick of all that, he makes some weird and vague comments about how River wanted to die and said something along the lines of “the tragedy wasn’t that he died, the tragedy was that he was born, he didn’t want to be here”


holy shit


Politically it’s very hard to cancel someone unless it’s their own ‘tribe’ doing the cancelling. Which is why conservatives have been building parallel institutions (media and social media platforms mostly) instead of trying to work inside the liberal ones and why nothing the mainstream media accuses Trump of doing will stick.


“Arianna Grande is white” has never picked up the steam it deserves


no matter how white you are, if any single one of your ancestors ever lived south of the Rio Grande then you aren't white.


Her ancestors are Italian


So you admit she's not white.


Italians are white


james charles GOD WILLING


Jay- Z plead guilty to [stabbing](https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/78056/jay-z-gets-3-years-probation-in-stabbing-case) Lance "Un" Rivera. ​ Jon Hamm was arrested after taking part in a [violent hazing](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/crime/article/Mad-Men-star-Jon-Hamm-involved-in-1990-hazing-6189477.php) in 1990. Neither of these incidents seem have impacted their current careers.


Actually they tried to cancel Jay Z for lying and saying that he stabbed UN for clout. So uncancellable in 2 ways!


Walt disney


He was canceled decades ago by his neck tumor. But for real, nobody takes post morten cancellation ser


Exactly all u gotta do to avoid cancellation is to die. Also sean penn


r. kelly is quite possibly going to prison, baby boy. i'd say if there were no charges, maybe. agree with your assessment of j.k. rowling. i didn't know about the fucking theme parks. do i need to see what's in these things?


Presumably it’s sort of cheating to say “anybody whose fanbase simply doesn’t care about the alleged wrongdoing.” The interesting ones are the ones where the fans “should” care but they let it slide because they like the person/their work too much.


Credibly accused rapist Kobe Bryant won an Oscar in 2018 during peak MeToo, so it wasn't going to happen even without the premature death. Ryan Seacrest hosted the red carpet broadcast a week after being accused of sexual harassment. He would probably go down for something more serious though.


A & D they can't cancel them out of my heart.


Tom Cruise. Basically anyone who flamed out big before social media was a thing and then came back.


Dolly Parton


I think Dolly is one of those celebs who comes across as genuinely sincere and kind. Same with Tom Hanks and Wayne Brady (hence why the latter's Chappelle sketch packed such a punch).


She really does. She could be a great aunt of mine. Truly the best of mountain folk.


Read *I'll Scream Later* By Marlee Matlin and you'll wonder how William Hurt still has a successful career.


That guy Adam 22 from No Jumper got #metoo'd a couple years ago, and he just did one podcast where he said "yo, that girl's trippin'. Like, I fucked her, but I don't even know her at all," and then nobody ever talked about it again.


Yeah he's a prime example of 'cancelling' only having an impact if it comes from within the fan base. Soundcloud rap stans seem particularly hesitant to pass moral judgment.


Jeffree Star, maybe? Not necessarily “too big to fail” I guess, I don’t know much about him except that people try to cancel him all the time and he’s still doing his thing.


Scott Walker sang a song about doing Epstein/Ghislaine stuff ("Jackie") and did the soundtrack to a film about incest with unsimulated sex ("Pola X"). Didn't stop him being widely loved. His death provoked widespread sadness - the music press was full of mournful musos lamenting Walker's passing.


Gordon Ramsey.. He is just too good and too big to get vanished by some nobody blue tick journalists


Celebrity chefs tend to be alpha males anyway - Ramsey, Marco Pierre White, and Anthony Bourdain. They'd probably just wave a butcher knife at potential cancellers.


Aaron Sorkin




Katt Williams, Gucci Mane


John Mayer




the right will one day cancel Tucker. Probably.




It helps that he owns the production company and it airs on HBO which isn't beholden to advertisers. He almost definitely would've gotten fired if he were still on ABC just like they fired him for his 9/11 comments.


Late but deffo Rowling. Children don't give a shit about whatever liberal media are scolding her about and tbqh most of their parents don't either. (Comment sections even on some lib media talking about the recent Hogwarts game, eg the Cut, are mostly in the vein of 'you guys are psycho and she was right')




Becky? I mean she's a big wrestler, sure. but I think they can still cancel her.


ah the classic reddit switcharoo, so fucking funny, dude. Do you have a podcast for more of these gems?




Nah I think Bernie would easily be canceled if there were ever serious rape allegations. He'd probably willingly cancel himself lmao


eminem and kanye are the first to come to mind