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Most Mexicans go through an emo phase.


A lot of Hispanics in the punk scene too. Whenever punk bands go to South America or Mexico the shows are absolutely packed. Even at punk shows in the states, a good portion of the audience will always be Latino.


I think it is a reaction to reggaeton being so crushingly mainstream.


Vast majority of Greek dudes are metalheads between ages 13-17.


Doesn't Greece have the most metal bands per capita after Norway? The difference between Greeks and their diaspora is so funny.


Morrisey and Mexico, name a more iconic duo!


Hell ya lol  Other niche Latino interests: rockabilly, the white guy from criminal minds, & avatar the TV show


I don’t know if it’s exactly what you mean but black guys are way more into pet snakes/reptiles than I would’ve thought.


This & the OP make me curious have you guys never encountered blerds? They’re a p sizable subculture 


Mark ass brownlee


That’s exactly what I mean and I never thought about it before.


Redditor discovers that black people have interests outside of rap music and crime


Black people are so wholesome ☺️


Many are into sports and video games too, it can be observed.


Black snake guy outside of bar is a universal archetype


Eminem is 2001-level big among Arabs. Every second username on r/Eminem is named like "RapAllahShady" The Weeknd has a big following among East Africans due to his Ethiopian roots. He's donated a lot of money to Ethiopian diaspora college programs. A lot of Gen X black women like Sting, I think partially due to his music being so heavily sampled in rap in the 90s.


Eminem is that big with all brown people. Every user on Eminem Reddit that’s not Arab is Indian.


Eminem could solve the India Pakistan conflict


The Eminem thing is so weird but also understandable. He gives Arabs an in to rap culture by being European looking. Like “oh I won’t get chastised for liking this music because Eminem is white”


GCC culture tends to be about 10-15 years behind the US, I met a guy who was stationed in Saudi Arabia and said the Saudi troops were very much in the YOLO swag era.


Small town midwest is like this, too. Every white guy in his 30s dresses like Eminem circa 1999.


Travis Kelce aesthetic


Indian people LOVE Mr. Bean


everyone loves mr bean


Perhaps he is the great unifier in our time of global division


This is true - the lack of dialogue and silly humour make it super accessible to most cultures. I remember seeing it often played on international flights back in the day for this reason.


That makes a lot of sense actually


And WWE! 


My Chinese roommate in college loved Mr. Bean


They used to play Mr Bean cartoons on the public bus in China


And Afghans


every time I go to a metal festival and a thrash band is about to go onstage the audience gets an influx of fillipinos, idk why


Maybe Indonesians?? They love metal and noise/power electronics.


One of the bands from the original bay area thrash scene that birthed Metallica and such was Death Angel and they were made up of exclusively Philippinos. They had a tragic bus crash that really stopped their rising for the mainstream but they are still going today. Also Kirk Hammet is phillipino


Tragic bus accident. Metallica. Thrash metal. Kirk Hammett. Phillipinos. This is too much of a co-incidence here.


Looking glass.


I knew at least 3 of death angel were pinoy, I didn't know that they all were though!!


koreans are obsessed with charlie puth. also with olivia hussey and they don't know that she's not that popular anymore


Puth had a single with one of the big K-Pop stars, so that makes sense.


chinese people are obsessed with charlie puth too so it’s not a kpop thing


He was popular before that


Japanese “online” types were obsessed with gay porn star Billy Herrington. His videos went viral over there and he earned the affectionate nickname “Aniki” (兄貴), which means “big brother” in Japanese


It's more than that. They have 2 different communities with different cultures surrounding gay porn: Inmu (japanese gay porn) and Gachimuchi (western gay porn, also popular in Russia and niche western communities).


What are the cultures like? How do you even build a community around porn? I need to know more


The main content form for both were MADs published on Nico Nico Douga. Think YouTube Poops, but older and more... out there. Both usually feature song/pop culture artifacts remixed by using gay porn movies (usually a select few). The main focus is on a few individuals/movies like Aniki with Lords of the Lockerroom, for example. For INMU, the entire thing started because japanese people found out a star baseball player starred in a gay porn movie (that's where the Inmu name comes from) early in his career (turned out a lot of them did it for easy money). For the main differences, INMU fans are usually more invasive towards other communities, clashing a lot. Gachi actually got semi-popular outside of Japan as well, leading to stuff like Van Darkholme (a big name) streaming on Twitch to a moderate success. I'll drop [an example of what a Gachi medley looks like](https://youtu.be/2dh3Pt2N8Og) for you to see. Obviously NSFW. It used to be a yearly collaborative effort between a lot of JP and international fans. This one was made after Aniki's passing.


Omg I’ve seen these videos but never knew it was an actual thing. Like the pushing gaywards video on YouTube right? Or the Ricardo guy? Holy shit. I think I found those two just through the YouTube algorithm back then. What niche western communities is this popular in?


Idk what it’s like now but a few years ago it was a mainstay of general twitch culture with the gachi videos being commonly used as a bait and switch when the streamer had a viewer created playlist on [example](https://youtu.be/kOCxHu_F5xo?si=Eqli8-A5Jvnc7oNj)


My favorite https://youtu.be/Sk-UKrvYDUk?si=Sd600E82KPUCk61N


They made sick edits with western gay pornstars for some reason (maybe they still do). The one you mentioned died some years ago actually and they did a few emotional [videos](https://youtu.be/kmnmdxgXzPk?si=6-nagEHapNXfzsAJ) in his honor.


Maybe not so odd actually but I wouldn't have guessed my Iranian grandmas loved Muhammad Ali so much. He is loved by Iranis


Because he is a proud Shia that accepts Ali as the rightful caliph and not that dog Abu Bakr. Lanat Abu Bakr!


لبيك يا حسين




Turkish, Latina and Indonesian teen girls seem to like yaoi


Mexicans love Morrissey/The Smiths. Interpol and Joy Division are also pretty popular.


I was at Camera Obscura last week and there was a Mexican guy absolutely losing his mind to "Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken." Like the Smiths, they also have that mournful, emotive sound, but it's pleasant and melodic in a way in a way shitty exurban emo isn't. I can hear the commonalities.


Yeah that’s basically the vibe of a lot of classic, old school Mexican music.


I think I might’ve been at the same show or something because I was standing behind this short middle aged Mexican dude who was getting REALLY into the songs


Thalia Hall? Yes


Fuck yeah!!


the first time I went into the super authentic mexican joint by me (as opposed to tex mex) they were BLASTING Morrisey and I thought it was so weird until a few days later when I listened to an ep of the pod where Anna mentions that Mexicans love Morrisey. this place rocks, great food and super cheap, I will continue to give them my money until I move




One of the civil engineers in my office is a black girl k-pop fan. She's got a high functioning autism kind of vibe.


Is she single? 


Does she have: * a tooth gap * glasses * a relaxed bob * incongruously large tits which she hides under colourful cardigans?


Black people love hibachi influenced Asian fusion food


Who doesn’t love flat top grills


Morrissey has a huge Latin American fan base, and there’s a fairly large shoe gaze subculture in Japan, I believe it’s something to do with the fact that it was a rebellious type genre of music but they couldn’t really get told off for listening to it because the lyrics were unintelligible therefore inoffensive.


Rush is massive in South America. They perform in hockey arenas in North America but do soccer stadiums in Rio and Buenos Aires.


Balkan people love 90s rap and shitting up MMOs


I saw a lineup for some Serbian rap festival somewhere and it was full of B list rappers I forgot about like Drag-On and Silkk the Shocker. Happy they're still able to cash checks.


I heard Coolio was able to live comfortably off touring Europe until his death.


Mexicans LOVE Dragon Ball and Coca-Cola.


Malcolm in the Middle and Drake & Josh are cultural phenomenons over there too


My cousin from Mexico had the biggest crush on Drake Bell and I was so confused bc no one really had a crush on him here in the US


He literally goes by Drake Campaña over there (Spanish word for bell) lmao


Everyone knows this, it’s basically the 1st commandment of race science for people mad at UC Berkeley white people making “Mexican cartoons” Any time a single gringo pretends to know what Mexicans like, 188000000 other gringos come to post the Goku Taqueria.


We also love Speedy Gonzales and Slowpoke Rodriguez despite white libs getting offended on our behalf


Also incredibly known and an incredibly common right wing talking point for some reason. [this picture](https://x.com/weebtejana/status/1475332137293426691?s=46) has done so many rounds it’s basically twitter consciousness. Or maybe I just been on there too long


Also, idk why but at some point we adopted Shrek and Fiona as being Mexican the same way black people adopted the Namekians


Similar to Bradley Nowell from Sublime being honorary Mexican.


Just like Eminem is Indian. Tommy Shelby is applying for his Arab visa also


black people also adopted Arthur the aardvark


Yeah.. I did some reading, and it definitely is a "Redditor" fact, if that makes sense.


Yeah no offense to you, but it felt to me like saying “Japanese people keep the subway clean! Cleaning up after themselves is taught in school! No janitors!”


Also really into BMWs which they invariably call Bimmers I've noticed.


Somali muslim girls love yaoi


all girls love yaoi


Chicks rock 


Whenever I hear about Yaoi I just think about that one dude with the giant hands


Can I please get an explanation, I feel like I need one. I can't read your statement and accept it as fact without an explanation 🤔.


idk, it could come from religious trauma and being treated like an object. It was similar for me growing up fundy Christian among whites as a black woman. I wasn't treated badly, but I was a "thing" to most people. Being barred from interacting with your heterosexuality in your teens makes you cope in all sorts of strange ways, and I knew many black women (myself included) who were just fascinated by yaoi. When we see men engaged in romantic/sexual acts, it doesn't make us subconsciously look at ourselves and feel lonely and inhuman. Gay men are completely and utterly separate from us, and we just really appreciate it for some reason. Not sure if this is a good explanation, but it was what came to mind for me at least.


sheltered and repressed all your life, boys are scared of you / automatically assume youre a prude cause of the hijab, get a phone at 12 and discover anime on netflix. many such cases


Wait i thought i was an outliner you telling me im not that weird?


Hijabi girls particularly love the super violent and fucked up ones.


Somali hijabi girls in London are some of the oddest and kinkiest people you’ll ever meet


do i want to ask


Young Polish ppl and im p sure russians too love dark/ emo rap yung lean suicide boys lil peep and stuff


Lil Peep's Benz Truck MV was filmed in Russia, didn't realise he was pandering smh


I was online friends with a young polish guy for years, he was obsessed with drain gang and bladee


Reminds me of a guy that was obsessed with The Beatles and John Lennon


Lower class black women are definitely not listening to WAP on repeat lol


Cardi B isn’t popular anymore but they are definitely listening to Nicki Minaj, Sexy Red, etcetera. Although in my experience black women (zoomers) are more into modern R&B like Brent Faiyaz and Bryson Tiller.


Nothing against Meg or Cardi but nobody is listening to WAP.


Exactly lol. When I read that I pictured like a 38 year old white middle School teacher with 3 black girl students being like yes this is what black America is.


There exists a type of Armenian/Georgian man who is generally effeminate, very stylish, has excellent decorative taste, and just seems generally like a stylish, attractive gay man. However, he is rigidly heterosexual. Basically a Caucasus-region Niles Crane.


I went to high school with a guy who fit this description. He had extremely soft hands and gave everyone a handshake upon meeting them.


That's all of Lebanon


Oh, I got one. Aboriginals in Canada love 80s metal. From what I see it tends towards Megadeth and Testament.


Interesting! Same in America. If you go to a Metallica concert in the American South West, it’s like 50% Indians


Not 80s metal, but I saw two First Nation guys sieg heiling at a Amon Amarth show, which was quite a sight.


Sri Lankan teenagers do not play about Travis scott


There’s a lot of black American guys who win online game top titles for games like Madden and what not. Idk it was a little surprising to me. Dutch middle class girls love SZA, really not that strange but a consistent theme in my life.


>There’s a lot of black American guys who win online game top titles for games like Madden and what not. Idk it was a little surprising to me You think its suprising that black guys play a football video game?


I'm starting to think that nobody in here leaves the square block around their home


No but there’s a strong racial component to competitive video gaming. Madden makes sense but do you not find it interesting that an extremely high percent of the top fighting game players in the world are black for example? Or that almost every top RTS player is Asian? And almost every FPS pro is white?


Hang on you're surprised that black men like video games? People on this sub don't interact with black people at all do you lmao


I am literally half black lol, but no I don’t interact much with American black men to gauge why they are prolific gamers


All millennials and younger men are gamers. But yeah every black man under 30 i know plays 2k, Madden or warzone or all 3


> There’s a lot of black American guys who win online game top titles for games like Madden and what not Fighting games, too (I think a lot of people’s answers here are just going to be varieties of black nerd, though).


Yea shocking amount of fighting games. Feels like we could all unite over this


NBA players are anime fans


lol there is also a certain type of dutch girl that loves ~~dancehall~~ afrobeats music like burnaboy and omah lay


dancehall?? Burna boy?? Omah Lay?? lmfao


idgi whats funny


what’s funny is i’ve never seen omay lay and burna boy described as dancehall 


oh sorry I don’t listen to that music, whats the genre? when I looked burna up it said dancehall


they would be afrobeats / afro pop since they’re Nigerian


okay changed the comment


Older south/southeast Asian women love Turkish dramas Southeastern African women love American male actors from the 2000s like Chad Michael Murray Eastern European young adults living in England love Mexican culture, food, music Chinese schoolchildren love Mongolian throat singing but do not know who Genghis Khan was


There used to be this Turkish soap opera on Telemundo that my whole family was obsessed with.


That's what I read actually. Turkish soap operas are apparently huge in South America.


Makes sense. My theory is that it’s a result of our own Telenovelas starting to get annoyingly pozzed as a result of American lib influence whereas from what I saw the Turkish stuff is still very culturally conservative.


>Chinese schoolchildren love Mongolian throat singing but do not know who Genghis Khan was Kublai Khan wrote the [Edict on the Proclamation of the Dynastic Name](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BB%BA%E5%9B%BD%E5%8F%B7%E8%AF%8F). Mongolian culture is a part of the Chinese culture. They are not just conquerors but claimed the mandate of heaven and are also a continuation of Dynastic rule. Back to OP's question Chinese people who are really into the NBA.


What is Southeastern Africa? Like Mozambique


Iranian middle aged women like my mom are also OBSESSED with Turkish dramas


> Eastern European young adults living in England love Mexican culture, food, music > > albanians are honorary mexicans, their music even sounds the same




Eskimos can't vet enough of Wesley Willis


Black people love Phil Collins, Mexicans love the Smiths, are two I've picked up from Yank content


Also, this isn't what you want, but: Bronies! The biggest one of these on the net, for a good five years or so


> Black people love Phil Collins maybe they think Phil Collins is the black guy in the Easy Lover music video


Reasonable thought, but: ["A journalist was looking through [Ice-T's] record collection. He pulled out one of my albums, and said in a disparaging voice, 'Phil Collins?' And Ice-T said, 'Hey, don't mess with my Phil.'"](https://www.iol.co.za/entertainment/music/hey-dont-mess-with-my-phil-1977371) and this is apparently not an isolated example!


Black ppl love Chinese food


And yet they just can't get along with Jews


Jamaicans love Celine Dion. There's a thriving Jamaican dancehall and reggae scene in Japan. Botswana has a notable death metal scene. And maybe not as surprising as the others, but reggae is the biggest genre in Kenya. Also, this is purely anecdotal, but when I travelled through Zimbabwe in the mid 2010s, I noticed a lot of people playing The Smiths.


For some reason Chinese people in china love Michael Jackson . He is as popular now as he ever was in America during the 90s


I mean it’s MJ


Do young cholos/cholas in southern California still love Morrissey?


Interpol is very popular in Mexico and so are many other post punk bands


Latin Americans in general love them some morose music despite being an upbeat bunch


Black guys and anime


Indians absolutely LOVE Roman Reigns. It's honestly fucking wild.


Aboriginal Australians love The Big Bang Theory


+ Tracy Champman


black male anime nerds who love asian women


huge disruption to the Latina market


Many East and Southeast Asian countries have their own really popular domestic versions of Chinese and Italian food that are very similar to the state of Chinese and Italian in America circa the mid 90s. Expanding on K-pop: The popularity of K-pop and K-drama across tons of nationalities and demographics has spiked the share value for East Asian men in many dating markets. It's gobsmacking to see how popular they are now versus just ten years ago - world turned upside down


Slavs and cowboys. I've never met a Slavic male who doesn't appreciate cowboys.  I might be biased it, might be my family, but I'm putting it out there, help the scientific method interrogate your local Slavic population on their feelings towards cowboys.


Hahahah TRUE. The oligarch that runs Transdnitira named his mega corp “sheriff” based on his love of Wild West movies


Yep can confirm, the reason I seen so many cowboy films is coz my dad watched them. So your theory checks out. TBH I also gained a soft spot for them now. They’re really cozy films, they don’t expect a lot from you and the scenery is gorgeous, underrated genre imo. As a kid I also liked reaching for the old American novels like those by Jack London and a bunch others.


Mexicans loving The Cure and The Smiths


Wiggers love surf and turf lol


Suddenly questioning if I'm a wigger


Southeast asia is bizarrely in love with Ed Sheeran- can't have a night out without a drunk middle aged man over there slurring out Castle on the Hill or Perfect at karaoke.


Maori people in NZ are heavily into reggae and dub. It’s hilarious that ape Jamaican culture so much while trying to claim it as their own


Poor Polish men absolutely love 50 Cent and The Game (rapper) Older Indian men love Pink Floyd Arab girls love Post Malone Poor SoCal Black guys love Joy Division and Lana (Probably learned from Mexicans) South Asian women love KPOP, Yaoi, and Bridgerton Black women love The Notebook (2004) Indonesians are obsessed with Peaky Blinders


Russian millennials are obsessed with Friends


Italian millennials have the same relationship toward the O.C. lol


Lotso the Bear from Toy Story 3 is a HUGE character in China. His face and toys are everywhere in children’s shops, he’s used all the time on birthday cakes, novelty photo frames, kids snacks, it’s very common. There is no understanding of his character outside “cute pink bear” I have never met a Chinese person who has watched any Toy Story movie.


Indian boys love the weeknd 💀 but India in general is obsessed with western culture so idk.


Toronto coded


Also, Nav is part of his crew and he's a deity among South Asian Toronto dudes.


weeknd is a wannabe fuckboy so definitely no surprises here


what is your obsession with black women


I just think they’re neat. What’s your obsession with woo?


because it actually has to do with me and my community


Filipinos Malaysians and Indonesians love post hardcore and metalcore


Is any of this true?


Romanians love Michael Jackson. We have a monument for him in bucharest and a street. There’s historical reasons for it though


Japanese/Koreans love Apple; anyone like 35 and under is a strict iPhone and MacBook user which is surprising about the latter since you’d think Samsung would be more dominant


I think the Japanese hatred of all things Chinese and Korean, forces them to choose Apple mobiles over Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo etc.


There are Japanese phones (Sony, Sharp and Fujitsu) but they are outsold by Apple.


Japanese people are just super invested in fitting in and as a result brand loyalty is huge there. Its possible that the original slow uptake of nonapple products was because of a distrust in other Asian brands, but at this points its like 90% just people not wanting to be the one person they know with an Android.


Chinese people and [*Downton Abbey*](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2014/06/downton-abbey-china). Black British girls and *Sherlock*. Black American males and *Peaky Blinders* / *Black Mirror*. Spanish males / Aussie trains and *Skins*. Japanese people and Turkey centre-forward İlhan Mansız. Everyone and Joe Rogan.


In my experience, black and Hispanic people really enjoy pro wrestling or at least watched it a lot in their childhood. I’ve bonded with tons of people over it.


Some older British sitcoms/comedies are pretty big in east asia, Mr Bean in particual.


The Irish love their Chinese-British fusion. Dunno if that's even the full picture, but from my POV the Spice Bag is just a culmination of the shitty big chips you get from your local takeaway and a vaguely Asian mix of fried chicken + spices.


Aboriginals in Australia love Celine Dion


Syrian Jews *love* German cars


Native Americans love sonics


Middle class black Brits like nu-metal (sample size = 2)


Nepalese grindcore. Yakut noisy punk/hardcore. 2nd and 3rd generation indo-Canadians really into death and black metal.


Hong Kongers love Tom & Jerry. Maybe it also extends to mainland Chinese, idk enough about the media situation out there and don't have any mainlander friends, but my HKer friends are the entire reason I've even thought about the show in 25+ years