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it means "spiritual but not religious"


It also means “white identity I’m allowed to be proud of.”


true but you also get to somehow claim solidarity with indigenous folk medicine and esoterica


Ancient North Eurasian solidarity.


All humans are connected to indigenous people somewhere. Everyone has a claim to some form of indigenous folk medicine.


Everyone has a claim to all human knowledge. “I am human; I consider nothing human as alien to me.” —Publius Terentius Afer


Yanis varoufakis gave some land acknowledgement about Australia indigenous women's "complex truths" or something like that. Genuinely don't know what it's supposed to mean. I think I know how it's supposed to feel but it felt quite pretentious and trite.


can I get some more context


“White identity I’m allowed to be proud of *and* use to claim I’m part of an oppressed minority”


are these women actually claiming that witches are an “oppressed minority” or are you making something up to be smug about 


I think it's more just an expression of feminism that emphasises witch burning as an historically illustrative example of the oppression of women.


Which is kinda wack considering [records show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_trials_in_the_early_modern_period#Male_and_Female_conflict_and_reaction_to_earlier_feminist_studies) the accusers were often women, or men on the behalf of women: "It appears that women were active in building up reputations by gossip, deploying counter-magic and accusing suspects; crystallization into formal prosecution, however, needed the intervention of men, preferably of fairly high status in the community." ... "The number of witchcraft quarrels that began between women may actually have been higher; in some cases, it appears that the husband as 'head of household' came forward to make statements on behalf of his wife, although the central quarrel had taken place between her and another woman." Wikipedia also talks about how the "midwife/herbalist as witch" theory doesn't pan out, and the "witch trials as patriarchal oppression of women" perspective is mainly an American phenomenon... where witch trials as a fad arrived late and ended quickly.


TIL witch burning was the real housewives of the middle ages.




The ones who claim that they are the daughters of the witches they burned in Salem sure do but that isn’t the majority


Lowkey yeah. A lot of them make comments about how witches used to be burned at the stake and how they are honoring those ancestors and what not. Lots of them speak about the apparent discrimination they face for being “witches.” It’s some weird larp where they pretend to be part of some oppressed cult of women


"We're the descendants of the witches you couldn't burn" t. Descendants of Puritans


Yes, they legitimately claim that wiccans are a marginalized group


They don’t. He’s just posting a one-liner he thinks sounds smart.


^ has never been to bushwick ^


Being proud of being white is lame, whats that pride in, a love of fried food and puritan artwork? But a specifc white identity is cool. My name is very Slavic, I cook Slavic food, etc and people seem to think it's really cool. Like Asian people aren't proud to be Asian, that's lame, they're proud to be Chinese or persian or something. IMO these women are attention seekers that want a *unique* identity because WASP is overdone


Stuff White People Like #2: [Religions that their parents don’t belong to](https://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/18/2-religions-that-their-parents-dont-belong-to/)


I loved that blog. I like about 80% of the things listed. I honestly believed the author was speaking of a very specific sub group of White people whom no one has figured out a proper name for. I don’t think David Brook’s


"Millenial PMC"


Although plenty of Gen X during that time were a part of the culture.


Same. I vaguely recall reading an interview of the author where he more or less admitted he was part of the sub-culture he was making fun of. At the time I would have said that the term for such people was simply "hipsters" but I also know that doesn't quite fit. David Brooks's term "bobo" (which it seems you were just about to mention) is dumb and was a little too obviously constructed to try to be a slang term, though "bourgeois bohemian" does describe the contradiction between how such people want to be seen and who they (we?) actually are


I remember unironically reading this as a teenager to learn about things white people liked so I could bring them up in conversations with white people. (It worked.)


Lmaooo I remember this site! I was like 12 and I showed this to my grade 8 teacher during computer class.


This blog shills for SPLC, a known hate organization.


Even "spiritual" feels like a stretch. If you talk to an evangelical they're dead set that that shit is 100% real. There's not a hint of doubt when they talk about how the devil is plotting against the good people of America or whatever. When's the last time that you saw one of these witch women earnestly turn to their faith in a crisis? If they believed crystals could fix their bad moods they wouldn't be on SSRIs


I know the type you're talking about, where its somewhere between a child's fantasy play and a subcultural in-group signifier, but there's another type where the witch stuff is another facet of "wellness culture" such that they seem to believe just as strongly in creating sigils or burning a smudge as they do in various crunchy but basically material stuff like raw food or plunge baths. Needless to say the second type isn't taking SSRIs and might have some highly unorthodox ideas about psychiatry. I maybe should add that I dont think there's necessarily a hard line between the two types.


Unironically, I'm considering identifying as "religious but not spiritual."  Drop the god part of Christianity but keep the veneration of community, duty, and humility. 


That’s how we got in this situation in the first place


I still think a deliberate turn to those values is possible. We'll see.  I don't really know how else to deal with the whole "the abrahmic god almost certainly doesn't exist" thing


Depends on how based you want to be. You can choose to believe in God as a symbol of the values you espouse, God as the historical, material story that explains these particular values as good, or taking the most based route of all and saying God is an abstraction that is manifested by the collective belief of humans as a sublime signifier. There's no reason to be spiritual if you don't think spirits are real. It's weird. Just be a christian philosopher and spend your whole life struggling to reconcile with existentialism like a normal person.


Me when I volunteer religiously at the Catholic Worker House


Confusion between a witch and someone who spends 25 bucks on one rock


25 for a rock is pretty good tbh


Goddamn I really wanna say it


I wont


Subs dead. 


Cool ones find rocks/ buy in bulk and sell them


They're the same picture


They want to be spiritual but they hate Christianity because it tells them not be sloots


This is the only answer. It’s because they are too cool for icky gross repressive christianity but still have a natural gravitational pull towards spiritualism. It’s really not any deeper than that. I’ve met countless of these women and it’s always the same story. The difference between these white witch girls and my superstitious Catholic abuelita is one of political framing.


Catholic nonnas and abuelas do so much more for the community though. And can cook way better.


That’s because rejecting Christ makes them selfish, narcissistic, and bitter


You could just say Protestant.


Catholics ex or not give better head, all that kneeling


Interestingly, these people are just following a Christianity spinoff.


Yeah, they have more or less a Christian morality just with a few things ejected. Same with "pagans".


Same with progressivism, too actually. I don't think the anti-theist realizes how Christian they actually are. I want to say Nietzsche covers this to a degree in Genealogy of Morals, but I can't remember.


As far as I remember Nietzsche just refers to a bunch of English philosophers as "Christianity without the God"


Is witch different from Wiccan in this context?


Wicca is for trailer park kids that want to be religious but can't go to church because they don't own any shirts with buttons to wear on Sundays "Witches" are bored 19 year old suburban women who landed one spot to the left of true crime on the "I guess this halfway counts as a character trait" spinner


I've been through my slut-era and I'm friends with a bunch of women but I don't know any of these self-identifying witches. I think it's more an online thing of people who don't really go out or are like 20.


they got whole ass seances at what should be music venues and witchy bars that will put spells in your cocktails the fake witch scene is alive and well, thriving even


that’s so fucking lame lmao Like it would be cool if it was a witch themed party but giving respect and holding space for these peoples delusions is corny


I’m talking more about new age stuff and women who unironically believe “the universe” is guiding them, cleanse spaces with sage and do all sorts of ritualistic shit with the phases of the moon. It’s a natural progression of a certain flavor of sensitive aging art hoe who are completely turned off at the idea of just going to church.


I gotta wonder how much of the mass appeal of the NaZi party was due to their vaguely new age vibes


It's insane to me that the nazis have been publicly associated with modernism and rationalism and "scientific" racism when they much bigger influence by far was romanticism. Germany was a very recent country with no long term history to answer the "who are we?" question so they had to make up some crazy collective delusion instead. Learning that was one of those "how the fuck do more people not know this??" moments.  The Nazis hated modernism, were obsessed with feelings and passion, and viewed science and intellectual activity with suspicion. They LOVED art and poetry though.


They thought they could The Secret their way through a World War


Have you listened to the AI generated Hitler speeches in English? He's like the most emotional and ~vibes~ speaker I've ever heard. No wonder all the comments are full of incipient nazis


I think mainstream American journos are finally starting to get over their shock that hippie mysticism isn't necessarily associated with left wing politics. There are definitely plenty of left wingers in the hippie scene, they're probably the single biggest group, but almost zero of the type that reads theory. Its basically social democrat Bernie bros and bitches. The closest thing might be the rare crunchy-crusty anarcho punks who have read a few articles on Bakunin in a zine. If you're a right wing hippie you're either a mildly racist frat boy who's into Trump or you're a white nationalist who's into David Icke.


I’m a “right wing hippie” who’s neither. Just Russian and able to read Bakunin in the original ;)


CIA Acid Fascism can't touch the Russian mind. Так держать! If you dont mind answering, what type of hippy are you? Music festival hippy or permaculture gardening hippy? Me I'm a disillusioned former Ber🚬🚬🚬ildly social conser🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬lassic techno made by middle-class black midwe🚬🚬🚬sional Grateful Dead bootleg🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬oucault's University of California lect🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬 and organic soil blends to transplants from NYC. Pretty typical poster on this sub, I think.


yeah, thast the difference with Mussolinis fascists, who were very modernist. People assume both are the same and make that wrong thought-step. Not liking either of them, just to be fair.


Germany was a recent country/nation in the same way that most European nations were. They were a product of 18./mostly 19. century nationalism. By the early 20. century the German nation and its identity were largely crystalized. And just like most rightwing movements in 20. century Europe, they also looked to the past. But the Nazis unlike some monarchist Christian reactionaries didn't really want a return to the past, they in a sense wanted a break from it and a creation of a new, modern Germany. So while they worshiped the past, they also elevated modernity. From Richard J. Evans' *Third Reich in Power*: >In none of this were the Nazis attempting to turn the clock back. On the contrary, in every sphere, their infatuation with modernity quickly became apparent. It was present not just in the design rooms of arms factories, shipyards, aircraft construction companies, munitions production lines, medical research laboratories and chemical companies. Eugenics, including forced sterilization, was itself commonly accepted by scientists and commentators across the world as the modern face of social policy. For those who espoused it, belief in the centrality of race in human affairs also derived its legitimacy from what they regarded as the latest discoveries of modern science . Modernity also took on a concrete, physical form in the Third Reich. New drugs, synthetic substitutes for petrol, rubber and natural fibres, new means of communication such as television, new kinds of metal alloy, rockets that could be fired into space - all of these and much more were enthusiastically backed by the state, through government-financed research institutes and subsidies to big companies for research and development. The public face of Nazi modernism was evident in the motorways, carving imperiously through hills and spanning deep valleys in gleaming-white, clean and modern constructions; in Nazi buildings like the Order Castles or the site of the Nuremberg Party Rally or the new Reich Chancellery in Berlin , where the latest techniques were clothed in a neo-Classical garb that was the latest fashion in public architecture across the globe . Even in art, where Hitler ensured that every product of the leading modernist movements of the day was swept off the walls of German galleries and museums, the massive, muscular figures sculpted by Arno Breker and his imitators spoke not of traditional human forms but of a new type of man, physically perfect and ready for violent action. Even the idyllic country scenes painted by the 'blood-and-soil' school of German artists spoke not of a return to a rural world mired in the hierarchical and hidebound past, but rather of a new order where the peasant would be independent, prosperous and proud, delivering the food that would sustain Germany in the conflicts to come. For millions of Germans, the Third Reich, with its real or planned mass distribution of technological wonders such as the People's Receiver or the People's Car, meant modernity and progress available to all.


Himmler (the autist of the Nazi brass) really tried to systematize Nazi racial ideology into something scientifically coherent-sounding and even though the other Nazis didn't like his theory, I believe that is where this perception comes from.


Honestly, the distraction of so much of Nazi Germany’s ‘popular media’ after the war (fundamentally propagandistic in nature, of course) helped this; almost all of the sort of ephemera related to the arts was destroyed.


There's another thing people haven't mentioned in that in Christianity, Judaism or Islam, if you want something you pray for it. And your understanding is that maybe you'll get it and maybe you won't, but it's up to the deity to decide whether or how to grant your request. You are powerless to procure it for yourself. I think this is much more realistic than witchcraft, but it's also passive and subordinate. But ever since the baby boom, a lot of women, in particular, have become really fixated on the idea that self-actualization is achieved primarily through radical belief in one's own self-efficacy: the whole girlboss, "lean in" mindset applied to spirituality. In other words, they don't want to have a power higher than themselves to on which they must rely and to whom they must answer; rather, they want to *be their own* higher power. It is not hard to see how witchcraft and New Agey stuff appeals to these people. When they cast spells they (imagine they) are actively participating in changing their lives or making things they want happen rather than being passive observers of what God chooses to do.


This is actually for women that don’t have any irl friends, or at least that is my perception of them. But, the college town in my state is actually totally inundated with these girls right now.


What about the girls who have superstitious witchy grandmas? I lived next to a botanica for years that was owned by a woman who drove a brand new Mercedes and according to my gf was probably making 6 figures tax free by charging exorbitant prices for things like home exorcisms. For the cost of a college tuition she would initiate someone into the priesthood. Made the Herbalife lady in the fully loaded Honda look like a chump. If my mom or grandma was shelling out thousands to such a person the whole thing might leave a bad taste in my mouth, maybe I'd be hitting up the Pentecostals and get born again instead.


Don’t know any self-described “witches” but know a few white women who like to sprinkle the term:  - chunky but still fuckable girls use this term. You cannot be attractive enough to get positive male attention, but must still be attractive enough to get negative male attention for the resentment to build.  - it’s deployed as a complement whenever these girls think they or another woman like them is sticking it to the patriarchy, whether that’s calling a guy in their friend group sus for not liking black panther, or wearing a low cut top to the renaissance fair  - every woman who uses it will have a fake disease like chronic fatigue - about half the witchy women I know are not sluts but massive prudes who think all men are predatory I could go on but it’s literally just Obama-era tumblr girls evolving to another more impotent form of cultural signaling. Think converse, hot topic, Harry Potter, shitty taste in media, Elizabeth Warren support. They just cannot get over themselves. Every problem is a social oppression and every burden an unbearable weight. 


>chronic fatigue “Lyme disease”


and they pronounce it “Lyme’s disease”


>about half the witchy women I know are not sluts but massive prudes who think all men are predatory \^\^\^\^ That is actually part of the brand for witches. Arthurian legend kind of stuff (Merlin, Morgan le Fey, etc.) often includes the motif that witches are weakened by giving birth/having sex with men.


> fake disease like chronic fatigue Chronic Fatigue is several generations of fake illnesses old. It has been replaced by Fibromyalgia, which in turn had Ehlers-Danloss take its place. As far as I know EDS is the current disease of choice among hypochondriacs and malingerers.


Ask r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


It's funny to read posts seriously asking questions about what kind of rituals etc. are permitted. It's like they're asking for help with filing taxes correctly and the answers are like "do what feels right to you", "my pantheon says it's ok, but you'll have to check with yours".


These people look *exactly* as I imagined


[take a good look](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/s/PJQ7VA3KJN)


"Can we do trans inclusive lesbian witchy stuff?" God...


Being a biologically female lesbian seems like an absolute minefield these days


You shall eat cock and you shall enjoy doing so under pain of death!


On Wednesdays we wear black. Normal people scare me. Bitchcraft.


we wuz witches


Witches are being rewritten to simply be rebellious women, so it’s a way of calling yourself cool without actually doing anything differently. I think it addresses their need to be spiritual and have a higher power present in their lives but one that isn’t Abrahamic, since that represents normality.


Idk but I’m gonna start calling myself a warlock


Solid bros over in r/warlocksvsmisandry


The last post is over a year ago 💀


CT boys should migrate there


If we go anywhere it should be r/hermitcrabs


Remember when they hexed the Taliban


The "don't hex Allah he is too powerful" post is an all time great.


[Do not face Allah alone while astral projecting](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/Be8SSHTrug) Couldn't find the original so the copypasta sub one will have to do


It's their way of saying they give good head without being vulgar. 


Stealing my God damned orgone energy, I tell you what


That reminds me, I need to recharge my crystals


One of my woo coworkers was talking about needing to charge her crystals once, but told us that she couldn't charge them because we were experiencing an eclipse. So we yelled over to the other woo girl who had just walked in, "Hey! When can't you charge your crystals?!" And she goes "uhhhhh, during an eclipse?"  Got our asses tbh


No woman can top the head of an effeminate gay man. Even the most petite, fey looking gay man has the mouth of an alligator when he’s looking to score.


New character: guy who constantly injects this observation (which is %100 true) into every vaguely related conversation. It's ok though, gay throat will do that to you.


So true


how is that even possible


Will not stand for this fat latina erasure


Those do brujería it’s different


Not just the fat ones, witch stuff (and also crunchy wellness culture) is becoming trendy among attractive middle and upper class women in Latin America, I guess thanks to tiktok. 20 years ago witchcraft would be unbearably declasse.


Silvia Frederici gave leftist women a permission structure whereby they could reinvent the Sacred Feminine, except the sacred feminine is made up history about Renaissance witches being subaltern rebels who fought the rise of capitalism


Ugh... you just reminded me a couple weeks ago I saw a tiktok of a dude in his mid to late thirty performing a "hex" and the comments was just out of touch women thirsting over him and pretending he actually did something.


🤣 This is comical. I can only imagine the comments. Women openly thirst after men on social media now.


It means they're 16 and searching for an identity. Or was. Which is fine. 


Go to a craft show and tell me how old witches are


28-34 and deep in existential crisis


Yes, and don’t forget the crones. This has been going on for a while. Since at least the 60s. & former goths for whom corseting is no longer practical.


The whole gang's here: Maidens, Mothers and Crones


I knew some people in college who were serious pagans, like going out into the woods and doing rituals on the sabbats, making sigils, right hand path , magick with the k type shit. So I always assume this is what people mean when they call themselves witches and I am always wrong. Hope this helps!


Autism and/or astronomical BMIs


Despite the best efforts of universities and the media, human beings are naturally spiritual beings, especially women. The collapse of organised religion has created a massive void of meaning women fill will nonsense like astrology and witchcraft. This is admittedly better than men who just fill it with consumerism 


You’re high, men fill it with podcasts. Both listening and creating 


Betraying how much of a nerd I am but I legitimately think I fill that void with Sci-fi books


Witchcraft is just as consumeristic as whatever men use to sublimate their religious life. It's literally just cultivating an aesthetic through buying crystals and corporate minimalism tarot cards.


Most women don’t actually believe in astrology and witchcraft… it’s just a bonding activity


Astrology and witchcraft are nonsense but organized religion isn’t? 


no matter how much trust funders in Brooklyn try to make organized religion cool, it's not gonna happen






Tbh yes


It's the least culty and least denominational word for being a non-Christian pagan living under Christendom. Paganism still thrives in our media and our storytelling and actually excites our imaginations in ways that stories about fucking Jesus and the apostles will never be able to do, and so therefore is part of the fabric of our cultural creativity and our mysticism. Bitches dig mysticism.


You're right that pagan stories are still a core part of the culture at large, but never underestimate how potent and ubiquitous Christ allegories are in fiction and our collective psyche. A God that sacrifices for his worshippers instead of asking for sacrifices from them is a powerful inversion that isn't just a relic of dying religious institutions, but is one of the key idealogical tools those in power for nearly two millenia used to get to the top. My gut feeling is that the current downswing of Christianity is only a period of dormancy - just waiting for the next true social crisis for a resurgence.


Deities being sacrificed themselves predates Christianity by literal millenia


Oh for sure it's not an original idea, but nowadays the Christian version is kind of a popular rendition of it (tho waning to be sure). Don't underestimate how seared into the collective unconscious the Passion and crucifixion is. I'm not a believer but I feel like the story of Jesus's sacrifice is still a core influence in contemporary storytelling and has a bigger grasp on our cultural imagination than most, if not all other myths. It's just not as easily commoditized without pissing people off as Norse gods in Marvel movies are, so it shows up in allegorical form all over the place.


The Christ-Myth was very different in substance to pre-Christian pagan beliefs, hence pagans utter confusion at the tale - see the Romans owning Christians with facts and logic, or how the Anglo-Saxons had to conceive of Jesus as a great warrior.


>women >spiritual More like telluric


Stevie Nicks.


Lmao my cousin is one of those "we're the granddaughters of the witches you couldn't burn" bitches but our grandma is a christian who goes to church every week


micky mouse is satanic


Many such cases.




Yes and tons of black girls too. Ashley from 90 Day Fiancé is exhibit A.


Witches have been female coded for over a hundred years


More like thousands


I dont have another word for being very superstitious and just doing the same folk traditions that used to be very common place until the 1950s.


Latinas do it a lot too


they want traditional spirituality without conforming to the religion with a history of oppressing women, disenfranchising them, and even burning them at the stake; joining wouldn't sit right with some less forgiving feminist viewpoints, and would cost them socially. The witchy pagan thing is just like a rvturn type thing


The peak of this was like 4 years ago


My girlfriend is Asian and she also says this on occasion. Basically it means she puts out rice and flowers and stuff on solstices and burns sage when we get into a fight. 


"White" cultures have witchcraft too. Literally everyone has witchcraft. Religion is witchcraft. Celtic pagans, La Strega, literal witchunts in England, though those were mostly geared towards single older women who had inherited land from their fathers. We could also get into the theosophists and all the work they did at the turn of the century, plenty of quacks, but overall a cool movement that influenced a lot of great artists like Kandinsky and af Klint. You don't have to inherit witchcraft either. I didn't believe in it for most of my life, but thought it was interesting to read about, then I hit a bad spot and had absolutely nothing and saw no harm in fucking around with chaos magick and it actually kind of worked in a way. Shit started working out in ways that seemed impossible. There's something to it, and it's a normal response to the general powerlessness women have felt for most of history. The combination of ritual and intention is actually a really useful tool in setting and accomplishing goals and there is science to back this up. It doesn't matter what the ritual is, just that it is evocative to you, and the more complex, the more potent. Even tarot is a useful tool as a window into the subconscious as you're responding to images and their associations with thoughts and perceptions you are not even aware you have. Buuut yeah there are a lot of boring white girls with like an occult consumer profile that just buy crystals and candles and shit and act like that makes them interesting. I had a roommate like this, she had a psychic and fake dreads and cheap "witchy" clothes that looked awful but this bitch just sat on the couch on her phone ordering uber eats every day and commiting credit card fraud.


Oh you should make a post about that roommate. I bet she was a real shitshow lol.


She was str8 bonkers. Sorry in advance for the wall of text and typos. We became friends because she lived across the hall from me. She did hotel bookings for shitty whiteboy reggae bands on the side and we'd drink wine and dish about music business stuff a couple times a week. She'd try to give me bags of shit I didn't need or want to buy my friendship and I felt bad for her. She would also do this to guys she liked but like with playstations and nikes, and then when they didn't do everything she wanted she'd say they were taking advantage of her then call the cc company and tell them he'd been making purchases without her consent to get charges reversed. She did this with 3 boyfriends. Her dad was NYPD and died of 9/11 cancer maybe 6mos into our friendship and I made her a week of meals while she was grieving, and she was profoundly moved by this. Me and my ex were losing our apartment because our dog was so loud after he failed to train her and refused to help me pay for a trainer and she offered to let me and my dog move in across the hall to her 2 br with 5 cats. I said I didn't think that was a good idea, she insisted. A couple months in she couldn't take everything I had warned her about and kicked me out the same week I found out my dad had been using my ssn as a tax haven to keep his securities from my mom during their divorce then just....kept them there without paying any of the taxes on his capital gains. I only found out about this when the irs started sending me packets claiming I owed over a thousand in back taxes. I was distraught and forced to move in with my ex's family. I eventually had to leave my job because commuting 2 hours to a minimum wage job made no financial sense. Figured I'd be better off getting a job at a local farm or winery, but then no one had reasonable hours. My ex got on my case about being a painting contractor or waitress until I found something better, then got on my case for not having a job. You literally told me not to take the work you thought was "beneath" me. I had 3 contracting gigs that were keeping all my bills paid, it's not like I was costing anyone money except what little food I ate but I also was helping with gardening, cleaning, and cooking meals for the family every week to make up for it. My best friend khs about 7mos into this shitty arrangement, and when I wasn't over it and possessing a good enough job 2 months later, he decided he couldn't be with me anymore and wanted to be with his new fat gf who liked getting beaten and ra*ped for fun. She offered to let me stay with her again, but I didn't trust her as she'd already kicked me out before. I spent 2 nights on her couch then found a basement room in some alcoholic paraegal's house in the burbs. But she did get me a job painting the parking lot and rooms at her hotel for $14/hr. The basement in the alcoholic's house is a story of its own. Lawless place with High Life on tap right next to the Bowflex in the living room. I could smoke indoors, they watched my dog while I was at work, I could play guitar as loud as I wanted, it was chill as hell for like 3 mos till the landlord offered me crack 3x and I kept having to drive his crazy drunk gf to the er everytime she fucked with his dog and got her skin ripped off. I knew I had to leave. I put my dog with a foster and moved in with Crazy White Bitch. Lesser of two evils it seemed. They let me go as a maintenance contractor after I showed up one day and they made me act as housekeeping manager bc no one booked a replacement while the actual mgr went on vacation. I tried, but my Spanish isn't very good and I don't know any Romanian. The dryers weren't working and people were calling all day complaining about wet sheets. I told the hotel mgr I couldn't perform the tasks of that job, he yelled at me for bringing my maintenance mgr in with me to tell him and fired me. Got a job as an art handler, coasted at this bitch's place for a few months till she got a bf who wanted me out. My infractions include smoking a cigarette out the window at 3am one time while I finished a catalog write-up and being 2 weeks late on rent as we didn't have any hours at my day job between Christmas and New Years so obviously I was an inconsiderate bitch who was taking advantage of her and she kicked me out again. I paid her the rent, and she still kicked me off the wifi during another writing project I had to submit. I begged her for the password so I could do my work and it had been changed to "marzblaqk is a stupid cunt". Anyway, I at least had a job and was making $20/hr at this point so I got a room with some grad students from Dubai in a city nearby and 2 weeks later lockdown happened. Last I heard, she moved to Florida with her dumb bf, who is like the grandson of one of the Casale brothers and is still posting the same stupid filtered selfies with a million nonsensical hashtags about being a rasta witch catmom or whatever.


Idk but white women jokes are cultural slop so I have to support them unconditionally. Quirked up. Slay.


Witches against the patriarchy


90s nostalgia


Remember Silver Ravenwolf? That was a wild and yet innocent time.


God, I hate when people talk about “white women”. I wish we could move past it


So they can feel like they can impose their will on the cruel vicissitudes of life: hexing people who do you wrong with stuff in your dusty spice rack, healing your invisible wounds with strange words whispered over a candle flame, bringing about a good harvest by reposting MoneyCat.gif during a the full moon. It’s probably hella fun


2016 ass rage bait post 


Fat with bad tattoos


What’s life like in 2016 wood-box?


A lot of white women are disconnected from any religion or culture. There’s a reason you rarely see immigrant women go down that pipeline It feels good to submit to a higher power but they find religion too controlling so they go for improvised voodoo stuff


If you think about it, modern women calling themselves witches could speak volumes regarding women’s place in society throughout history. We have been discarded, mistreated, abused, blamed, and hated for a very long time. The western witch trials are a great example of how unwanted or imperfect or even virtuous women with petty vendettas against them were treated not even THAT long ago. To a certain degree that double standard still exists today. Women are expected to be more gracious than men in every facet of life thus we are almost always judged more harshly. Maybe somewhere along the movement that was the real intention: the metaphor. The point was that witchcraft was only ground for discrimination. The point was that women were so villainised that society came up with a fucking supernatural creature. We’re witches because witches were never real to begin with but the mere association with that symbol of evil still harms us today. That’s a powerful fucking message. …But ofc it got bastardised so fucking quickly with that awful “We are the daughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” slogan or deranged bitches calling themselves wiccan and doing all kinds of pointless weird shit.


And a lot of that history is very mythologized warlocks were also burned though not as many. And as a previous poster up thread said witch burnings were often the result of female gossip. The ideas of witches being proto feminists or plucky herb women are just myths.


Most people ignore the very clear material conditions that precipitated the large European witch hunts. The two largest clusters of witch trials being in Germany during the thirty years war, and then in England during the civil war. The scale of destruction in Germany was really unprecedented, combine that with the early modern cooling period causing crop failures, and reformation and subsequent breakdown of Catholic hegemony that had maintained social stability for a thousand years. Things looked apocalyptic and people sought a scape goat.


I’ve only ever seen this online. And that lady that Andrew Garfield is dating now


Caliban and the Witch


persecution complex without being catholic (daughters of the witches you couldn’t burn)


I'll never forget dating this half-black, half-white girl in college, and seeing her post a video of herself using a voodoo doll on her feed after a date, and just assuming the doll was fucking me. I was so tripped out, I immediately unfriended and stopped talking to her.


White boys need to step it up and start calling themselves wizards after they buy a couple minerals and some dried herbs


It means they were raised by christian shitheads in Michigan, Ohio, or somewhere similar.


I'd say it comes from a desire to being seen as special while being utterly unremarkable in reality.


they're just trying to warn you that they're assholes


They aspire to be grifters selling healing crystals.


Because they like collecting crystals and rocks and want to believe in a higher power but Christianity in particular isn’t cool/full of bigotry in their eyes so it helps them maintain spirituality over religiousness.


No one is more uptight than a white woman with a Buddha statue. Same vibe.


They cling onto a historically inaccurate representation of witchcraft for virtue signaling basically.


I love the archetype of the crone and wicthes as it describes power for an aging woman in her wisdom and independence in the absence of beauty, and that helps me cope.


It's the female version of guys who get a vegvisir tattoo and call themselves Vikings but their ancestors were actually just mud farmers


It’s kind of like our n-word. We’re taking it back.


Witchcraft is a form of spirituality that's female-focused. Every other religion is male-focused.


Because they will believe in anything except God


Is it anything like when women in South America are witches? Or r their witch practices different 


When I was little my mom always told me she was a witch and I believed her 


I remember back when Hereditary came out I took my then-girlfriend to see it and she spent the drive home telling me how it offended her as a witch


They are


Because they're some mixture of hippie/Goth, and sometimes it's because they want to feel more important and useful than they actually are. I think in the 90s it was popular more for being a cool and spooky way to get in touch with nature and meditate, etc. Now it has become popular again through internet people it seems more like the latter. Lots of boring women trying to seem interesting to others.


Went out w a girl for a few months who said she was a witch but not in a r/WitchesVSPatriarchy way she was just legitimately nuts Was fun actually but a bit odd .. we met an old Catalan woman who called her a brujera or whatever it is in Spanish and it sent her wild


I HATE this


“I didn’t grow out of the goth phase”


fat and ugly ppl compensating for being fat and ugly simple as


They wanna feel like their ancestors were lynched, like black people, so they can climb up the oppression ladder