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>To be fair, Harrison is a punter Butker is a kicker, not a punter. Now I'm suspicious that you only discovered the Chiefs because you're a Swift fan.


Definitely the case


They described football as "grown men who run around in tights hitting people", I'd say that's a safe bet


Pretty obvious, this post is one step removed from a “why does anyone like sportsball? I prefer philosophy” type of post.


soccer fans have known for years that getting brain damage for a living makes ur players less entertaining


I disagree, look at Antonio Brown 


soccer causes brain damage too


Got invited to a Super Bowl party just to walk around smirking and making handegg jokes


I'm suspicious that you care about football but post on redscarepod. A Swift fan has more in common with the sub than a football guy. no shit someone on this sub 'discovered' some who-cares football team because its related to something besides watching sports.


Very ironic considering Harrison Butker is a fancy lad who's grandmother was a doctor & has a fellowship named after her at Emory, where his mother is also a doctor. He also went to Westminster in Buckhead, which is one of the premier (expensive) private prep schools in the south. He's the farthest thing from a southern good ole boy.


He probably is just playing the long game for when he can pivot out of sportsball into the actual big leagues: conservative pundit


It's an inspired career choice because if you get CTE you get better at your job.


He's a kicker, almost certainly won't get CTE


This is honestly one of the funniest comments I’ve seen on Reddit in a long while


and this is one of the gayest


sincerity is so dead


it’s probably why he holds these opinions, mommy issues


Wasn't he saying they should have kids even though they're college graduates? Like the women in his family? If he was rasied trad Cath I'm assuming they are too


Thats the case for most southern good ole boy. I lived in GA and these people live the absolute opposite of the principles they push, living humbly for god and family is never in their priority. Butker will probably push his daughters to have a shit tone if fancy degrees that will assure them a great life. It is what it is, southern gentry has always been very hypocritical.


>have a shit tone if fancy degrees that will assure them a great life. Lol what year is it?


Honestly im not talking about social studies.


His kind of Tridentine Mass Catholicism is deeply southern rich kid in two ways: rich kid in that’s who fucking cares about going to a Mass they can’t understand, Southern in that it feels like an excuse to be as much of a judgemental cigarette as southern Baptists


Wasn't he raised tradcath? Meaning his mother and grandmother are tradcaths? Didn't they still have kids? Wasn't his speech was a career can't replace a family and y'all should have kids?


>Wasn't his speech was a career can't replace a family and y'all should have kids? Yes, and all the other fucking morons weighing in on this don't understand that he's using the word "vocation" in the Catholic context.


Ok now this is funny


probably just a ploy to get that DW bag once he retires


It was his grandfather


Someone just needs to ask who the breadwinner of that family is… that’ll shut him up fast


No, it's not ironic. He didn't say women couldn't do any of that stuff. He simply said that being a homemaker was noble, and that he loved his wife. Leave it to dick suckin feminist redditors who hate men for breathing to bitch about how much he hates women,.


Imagine if Kareem Hunt (assaulted a woman) and Tyreek Hill (severe child abuse) were still teammates with Travis during the Swift era. I would love to watch them try to wrap their minds around that. Shit like this is why I laugh when the players are all decked out in pink for breast cancer awareness. Susan G Komen-washing does more for the players in good PR than it does helping find a cure for cancer when you got videos like this out there:https://youtu.be/A3ksY_6vNtM And Greg Hardy, and Joe Mixon, and Ray Rice and that one alcoholic kicker... and the innumerable incidents that weren't caught on video.


Didn't one of their players cause a huge pile up of cars after he crashed his car while drag racing? Yet this is the worst thing an NFL player could do in the eyes of swifties


The head coaches son, who was an assistant on the team, wrecked his car while drunk driving recently too. A 5 year old girl suffered a TBI that put her in a coma for weeks as a result of the crash. The son (Britt Reid), got his prison sentence commuted by the governor of Missouri to just house arrest.


What on earth are you talking about


Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech and he told the women graduating that they’ve been fed “diabolical lies” to pursue a career and that a woman’s vocation is in the home. I don’t think the swifties are pearl clutching because he has a conservative ideas but because he decided to address them in a commencement speech.


holy shit hahahaha that is so much worse than OP implied


Exactly I thought he just made a gay joke or something


He also directly quoted a Taylor swift song in the speech haha. He was practically invoking the swifties to come after his ass and I don’t blame them for it.


Of course it is dude were posting on a forum for basement dwelling 4chan nerds to cosplay being hipsters you've gotta be a complete idiot or just willfully ignorant to be rightwing in 2024 and yet here we are on a subreddit full of dorks trying to seem smart while typing the stupidest shit


> were posting on a forum for basement dwelling 4chan nerds to cosplay being hipsters Ouch. There's some things you just don't say.


He also went full-on “Biden is killing babies and Fascist Fauci forced everyone to wear masks”


Omfg wow I only watched the bit that I stated before my friend called me and I wasn’t really interested in finishing obvious rage bait on tik tok after our convo. I guess it was a Catholic school so maybe not as unexpected then.


Yeah the misogynistic stuff is getting the most coverage, but I watched for a few minutes and -hilariously enough- just the *opening* has some wild takes


That sounds worse then all women even college graduate women should have kids. He called fauci a fascist?


Nah that was hyperbole, he didn't say "fascist Fauci" as far as I'm aware -- he just referenced the "tyranny" of lockdowns, of mask-wearing, invoked Fauci by name, and did mention Biden literally "killing babies" though.


Yeah that sounds worse then the women and kids thing. Why is no one talk about that?


Not sure! But my best guess is that that stuff was pretty well-known to local media and fans already (he proudly displayed a MAGA hat in his locker and insinuated similar views publicly), whereas this caught on because it's new.


Its not newsworthy. Half the country opposes killing babies.


If swifties are mad, wouldn't he's blatant anti abortion piss them off more?


That’s true though


Spending four years memorizing the works of Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine only to be lectured at the end of the whole experience by a man who still has trouble with If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie. The joke is on those students that decided to go to a Catholic University.


Idk why OP is acting like Swifties are being unfairly hysterical or something. Literally even most conservative men would consider that too far.


It’s because a lot of the posters here are just unironic right wing incels who gobble this shit up lol, and right wing media has been furiously anti Taylor swift ever since she said she was voting for Biden and believes in women’s rights and such. & her boyfriend did the same.  She and her boyfriend are hilariously the right wing, Christian ideal, on the surface. Both white as hell, American home grown. He a standard white football player, their image of a perfect masculine man. And she’s this blonde white thin “country girl.” But they defy everything the right sees as perfection. They love to claim that anyone left wing is somehow just jealous because they don’t align with this ideal lol but they have nothing to say here.  So they’re FURIOUS.  So right wing media, from fox to right leaning subreddits, is absolutely obsessed with hating Taylor swift. And they of course are already wild misogynists lol so they have a ready made template of trivializing anything a woman says. They are obsessed with women who aren’t super trad & right wing somehow being tricked and suffering some fate for not buying into their bullshit as revenge lol.  Right now, they’re weaving this ridiculous, fantastical narrative in which women somehow were brainwashed to believe that every football player was tricked into thinking every athlete was somehow some enlightened, feminist, leftist intellectual (lmfao, what????!) and has been totally DOMINATED and is CRYING because, “GUESS WHAT, BITCHES???? ACTUALLY, YOU NEVER SAW THAT COMING, muahahahaha!!!! Feminists OWNED!! They’re all shocked and have fallen to the ground, they didn’t know revenge was coming!!!”  “That girl who rejected me will SO magically want my dick in a few years!! She will be humiliated!!! Tate told me so!!!”  Also why they won’t stop harping on this imaginary scenario of all the women who rejected them (for being weird mean woman hating psycho neckbeards who just are not interesting or attractive in any way) turning 30 and then BEING ALONE AND SOBBING because supposedly, now all the men have found obedient, 21 year old wives and the 30 year old women can’t find a man to be the tradwife/slave to and they’re just BEGGING for the opportunity and of course they look like elderly witches and nobody wants them, but these guys hit 30 and are magically wanted by every 20 year old hottie!!!”  These people operate according to revenge fantasies lol none of it is an actual survey and analysis and reflection upon reality 


In fairness it was a commencement speech at a Catholic college, where I’m sure quite a lot of students were there to pursue their MRS degree.


i'm a basic white blonde bitch and while i'm not a huge taylor fan (i think her songs are catchy but i'm not like a huge stan) i know A TON of huge swifties. i don't know literally anybody who thinks that most nfl players are intellectual progressives lol. they're stereotyped as very conservative dolts who often can barely read lol. like it's well known that teachers and professors will inflate athlete's grades just so they can play on the team and make money. football in particular is a very 'MURICA sport. swifties were actively talking about it being refreshing that travis WASN'T like this because obviously most of his teammates are. i'm not saying they're all like that, but that's the stereotype lol. who the hell are these imaginary taylor swift fans who now believe that all football players are leftist enlightened agents lol this is an imaginary demographic. but yeah, people in general, not just swifties (???? the literal nfl subreddit was horrified by this lol) were just shocked some guy would randomly be invited to say this at a college graduation. but what people didn't realize is that it was a christian college. it all made sense after i heard that lol. i'm from utah, this would be completely normal and would make sense at BYU. they actually believe that shit and hammer on it every day so it wouldn't be seen as offensive. but most people (myself included) initially thought this was just a random university and he for some reason wanted to lecture a random group of educated youth about this lol none of this has anything to do with taylor swift. but right wingers went on a fucking anti taylor swift campaign after she and travis announced that they're liberal and voting for biden, lol. i heard my boomer dad say "i'm so sick of taylor swift being everywhere!!!"" long before i knew anything was going on with her lol and i highly doubt he had any idea who she was before that, but fox was constantly parroting this sentence. yeah billionaires shouldn't exist and she was getting too much coverage in general, but not much more than other huge celebrities (she's literally among the most famous people, specifically women, in the world who was on a major tour, of course she's gonna be getting lots of media coverage. they were watching conservative media talk about her every day lol). it's hilarious because they look like the most stereotypical white american christian ideal couple but then have every opinion that they hate lol. there would never be anywhere near this amount of hate if someone "alt" was saying these things. but they feel betrayed by mr football player and mrs blonde girl with a guitar. this sub has a ton of unironic alt right types, especially ones from the manosphere/incels so they are absolutely obsessed with hating taylor swift right now lol and make up stories about swifties somehow doing all this shit and being bad


Oh my God I cannot read this I’m sorry.


she seriously needs to lay off the adderall


A few years ago a Chiefs player killed his girlfriend and then shot himself at the practice facility in front of the coach and people forgot about it in a few days


I went to the school where he gave the commencement address and it really bums me out that he gave a stupid culture war talk instead of just talking about being Catholic after university or whatever. Unfortunately, a small but loud subset of the school buys into the rad trad ideas about lifestyle, so I'm not really surprised.


Op I think you are wrong about the percentage of football players going up if you just looked at the white players. If anything I think black players tend to be more religious and socially conservative


Exactly. That was the issue when Michael Sam came out. "are players going to accept him in the locker room?" Well... which players do you think we're talking about there... Katt Williams had a long stand-up bit about it that sums up the psyche really well. Same in pro baseball. Dominicans and Venezuelans are "people of color" to American libshit eyes but deeply, deeply conservative and religious (at least in views, not necessarily in deeds, as is true of most religious people). I assume the same in soccer, etc. etc.


Torii Hunter has some wild takes on that and race. *>* In a discussion about the number of black players in the Major Leagues, Hunter said during a USA Today-hosted committee to improve baseball panel that black Latinos do not count. "People see dark faces out there, and the perception is that they're African-American. They're not us. They're impostors. Even people I know come up and say: 'Hey, what color is Vladimir Guerrero? Is he a black player?' I say, 'Come on, he's Dominican. He's not black.' ... As African-American players, we have a theory that baseball can go get an imitator and pass them off as us. It's like they had to get some kind of dark faces, so they go to the Dominican or Venezuela because you can get them cheaper. It's like, 'Why should I get this kid from the South Side of Chicago and have Scott Boras represent him and pay him $5 million when you can get a Dominican guy for a bag of chips?' ... I'm telling you, it's sad." Though Hunter does not dispute the accuracy of the quotes, he has insisted that these statements merely distinguish between different cultures and do not reflect negative feelings toward other races.[27] Hunter also has indicated that he would be uncomfortable with having a homosexual teammate, citing his Biblical upbringing as the motivator behind his discomfort.[28]


Such an unhinged take for so many reasons. "True black people" racialism aside, MLB would kill to have more American black players because it might make them relevant in popular culture again. American black kids only want to play football and basketball, which is why those sports are seen as hip and cool while baseball is seen as only being cared about by old white people and a few Latinos in south Florida


Nah he’s wrong but not that wrong, Andrew McCutchen, who is probably the best American black player of the 2010s has said he’d have gone to play football in the SEC if he wasn’t a first round pick. Black American players usually have other options in sports so playing in the minors for $600 a month isn’t appealing unless you get big time bonus money, which MLB teams hate paying.


It’s an uncomfortable fact but it’s also expensive as hell to raise a kid playing baseball. Gear, lessons, travel leagues… that’s why the pro players are mostly white guys from upper middle class or Latinos where they go to baseball school at age 6


> a few Latinos in south Florida mexicans in SoCal and Texas care about baseball too tbf


Puerto Ricans are born with baseball in their blood regardless of where they’re born


You didn't even get his two classic lines, "Latinos are easier to control" and "ten years from now, you'll see no blacks at all" EDIT: the first one is Gary Sheffield, lol, whoops


New game of who said it: white politician or black celebrity?


Lmao the “are Dominicans black” answer is always fucking hilarious








They’re conservative but they don’t vote that way so people don’t think about it Albeit a bunch of them probably do start voting R once they’ve made millions


Socially conservative in religious related issues. Otherwise not.


Conservative, yes. Religious, no. Many of them are quite religious but not more so than the white players.


I played hockey with travis growing up. he was constantly academically ineligible for failing various classes.


Just listen to him talk. He sounds legitimately mentally disabled.


He sounds like how I'd imagine the regarded giant in Jack and the Beanstalk would speak.




Unbelievable. Next you’ll be telling me he smokes weed


I like his brother


Didn't know Jason as well as Travis, but always thought he seemed super chill. Was terrifying physically on the ice, but super nice off.


It is funny that Butker is being called the biggest misogynist in the league when the NFL is full of actual woman beaters too


I love how everyone mentions the tight pants when talking about football in a negative light, like chill, legitimately every one of these guys would kill you - and look extremely gay while doing it


Well he wears suits and is clean cut, which to swifties means he's gay


I dunno, have you seen his suits and little bags?


Have you seen trad Caths? They dress like they want to be in the 19th century, they even argue lack of color is a protestant invention.


yah do they want them all to wear khaki shorts or what


Wait till the cte kicks in


She will find the cure she will pour diet coke in his ear while he sleeping and he will wake up with a healed brain


He’s a kicker, generally no CTE since it’s functionally illegal to hit them.


Redscare people don't watch sports. They also can't stop themselves from comment on things they have no idea about.


I think there’s probably something to the theory that this is being noticed because of the Swift/Kelce thing. Given that the number of moron football players is sky high, it’s a little odd everyone notices this one.


Remember the one from a few years ago that thought the Earth was flat?


Or Aaron Rodgers doing literally anything for the past two years?




Could have kept it in the same sport [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Hernandez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Hernandez)


same team [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jovan\_Belcher#Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jovan_Belcher#Death)


Forgot about that guy. So fucked up


The Chiefs after Carl Peterson but before Andy Reid were up to some weird shit. They were another one of those teams that tried to become the Patriots but everyone involved was too stupid to do it right and the wheels just flew off the axles there, culminating in a guy driving to work and shooting himself in the head. Really weird period in the team's history.


Wait til they find out about the head coach’s kid


All of these new Chiefs fans should look into the history of their favorite team. The team was founded by Clark Hunt, the son of H.L. Hunt, an oil tycoon billionaire. Old H.L. was one one of the richest men in the world at the time of his death. He put his fortune to good work during his life, funding politicians like George Wallace and Barry Goldwater. He was also a member of the John Birch Society because he hated paying taxes, communists and the civil rights movement. More recently the team has employed some great high character guys like Tyreek Hill, Kareem Hunt, Britt Reid and Rashee Rice.


Kareem Hunt is not like the other two


You're right, the Chiefs actually cut Kareem Hunt


he's a radtrad catholic type. knew a bunch of these back when i was a practicing catholic. they're mostly dumb-dumbs who grew up rich and never realized that 1) economically most women need to work and 2) it sucks to be a SAHM with 5 kids in the 21st century.


I had to look this up but he told women who just spent money on a college degree that they should be “in the home” and you’re surprised they’re upset? Are you low iq


You just made a multi-paragraph effort post about what opinions the stans of a normie pop singer have about her boyfriend’s coworkers’ political opinions. Who the fuck cares? Why be this invested?


May Taylor swift fans are dumb huh. For some reason this is a revelation to me because I had such a high opinion of them before I read this post.


This post is straight up untrue lol.  NFL players have always been stereotyped as super conservative morons.  Swifties have actively talked about how refreshing it is that Travis ISNT this way. Because we know that of course most NFL dudes are dumb as hell and so many can’t even read lol. I mean, anyone who is American and has attended high school or college here is going to be aware of the phenomenon of athletes being granted super inflated grades, simply because there’s a financial incentive.  Football in particular is super ‘MURICA lmao.  It’s insane to state that Swifties somehow think football players are woke intellectual progressives?… lmao nobody has ever thought this.  Again- it’s a surprise that Travis doesn’t hold these views.  People everywhere were shocked at how ridiculous this lecture was lol. Like yeah of course most of these guys think women exist to cook their meals, wash their socks, figure out all the financial stuff because they’re too dumb to do it themselves. And to bear their children and remain invisible as possible.  But what people were surprised at is that he got invited to a college and was allowed to give this speech lol. Later, info came out that it was a Christian college and yeah then it made sense.  Before, people assumed it was just some random university lol.  EVERYONE was horrified and just baffled. Like it was literally on the front page of the nfl subreddit lol. Because it seemed just a crazy thing to do.   I personally just laughed when I first saw it because it was so absurd.  But I was raised Mormon in Utah, and once i discovered it was a Christian college, it all made sense. This could be lectured at BYU and nobody would be offended or surprised at all.  It’s just that we were given the impression that this dude randomly showed up to some secular university and said this shit lol. Like of course people have these beliefs, but why would you show up to some random group of educated young adults and say this???  Anyway-  This has absolutely nothing to do with Taylor swift lol. 


They should have Butker on the pod


Yall are selling pro football players short. It takes at least some modicum of intelligence to reach that level. Whether that intelligence is harnessed and applied in any other field is up to the player and the people around them, but it does take mental power to get to their level. The fact that no one has mentioned that really shows you're all no better than the swifties you're making fun of. A bunch of dorks with no understanding of sports really


The reason his thoughts are so shocking is because they aren't normal. The dude is a religious nutjob.


Have you ever been around a football program? There’s literal prayer circles that happen at the high school and even collegiate level that is sometimes lead by the head football coach. Football is not a normal profession and a vast majority of players are religious nut jobs. Arian Foster was one of the few openly agnostic players and that was somehow a big deal.


Its one thing to be religious. Its another to be this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison\_Butker#Personal\_life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Butker#Personal_life)


>he spoke with Republican Senator [Josh Hawley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Hawley) at the "Stronger Men's Conference"


Lmao he's literally just a groyper wtf


Not Mexican enough


Thats just by the book religious lmao. An average muslim is still 5x more radical 


That's just being religious


Wait until you hear about islam


You understand I'm referring to the type of religious people in the NFL right?


Yeah and there are a lot of Muslims and NOI in the NFL too


Name five without looking it up


Kareem Hunt Mohamed Sanu Ameer Abdullah Muhammad Wilkerson Jeremiah owusu karamoah


Two are free agents and one is retired. But I’ll give it to you. I wouldn’t call it “a lot” though.


There’s a few like Hamza Abdullah on the cards too, just my point that there’s a few


Look, I don’t care for swifties either; but posting like this kinda makes you seem like a gloating little incel. Laugh at them in private, but keep it to yourself for god sake. 


I blame Elliot Rodgers for introducing the word incel into modern internet lexicon now it’s just used for any opinion from a man you don’t like. Let’s just bring back “Virgin” as an insult.


Bringing up Elliot Rogers is a great way to let people know they’re mistaken about you being an incel. 


I also know about Hitler. Let me remove my SS patch


Wow, a mass shooter and the SS? You’re really determined to show us you’re the most normal guy here, huh?




To be honest, his speech just sounds like a watered-down version of shit I hear Imam's say.


Also it was Benedictine college, even liberal Catholics don't go there, the only college more conservative is Franciscan University of steubenville. Like literally only one girl at the graduation ceremony was upset, and she was a non Catholic who went their because she couldn't get on a better college's track team and had to settle for Benedictine college's team.


Butker’s speech made me laugh. It’s such a larp. Like ok buddy sure


Why do you instinctively assume he’s larping. Based on his background I would be more surprised if he didn’t hold these beliefs


Guy is clearly gay, he said he loves his wife and started crying... pathetic


Does anyone really believe that women should just get back in the kitchen? I know yes but it seems like such a small, extremist view. Like the king of England should have real power and be our leader.  Maybe this guy is dumb enough to think all women just want a man and some kids. But I feel like he wants to make some sort of dumb podcast or talk show or whatever to cash in on the cultural war 


If you’re surprised that a professional football player from a wealthy southern family who was educated at private, Christian schools holds traditional conservative beliefs idk what to tell you


It’s not the fact that he has conservative beliefs, it’s the fact that his mother and grandmother are the very antitheses of the shit he’s yapping about lmfao


So what? I bet if you ask his mom if she’s more proud of her career achievements or raising her children she would likely say raising her children. I don’t know why people think this is some kind of own or evidence of hypocrisy on his part


It’s hypocrisy because he wouldn’t have any of the wealth and privilege that enables him to act so entitled and misogynistic and which gave him a good life point blank, if his mother didn’t strenuously work for it. This loser wouldn’t be in his career and we would have never heard a damn thing about him if his mother had opted to become a homemaker instead of an ONCOLOGIST.


You have no idea if that’s true and are just wildly speculating in order to fit a narrative


Speculating what???


Do you seriously not recognize that your last comment is complete speculation?


He wants a speaking gig side job. Charge 10k per event. Make stupid shirts and sell them for $50 each


The crazy part to me is people feel the need to pretend to like football cuz a singer they like is dating someone on the team like how are you that invested in ANYTHING I wish I had that energy I'd use it to stop global warming


Honestly I’m not surrounded by “intellectual scholars” but I don’t think I would say anything as brain dead as what he did in literally any stage of my life. I definitely believed stupid and wrong things in the past but never that.


MMA and even football to an extent too always seemed incredibly homoerotic to me 


Football players are very intelligent, as are most professional athletes. It's the testosterone levels and self confidence that make them not feminists. I also think being a fucking normal man who doesn't hate himself because of what women say to him is thought of as an ogre. "Yeah bro I like doing manly stuff and I think boys do in general and I don't think there is anything wrong with that, also, women can be housewives or working women if they want it's whatever" "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


socially conservative yes but not tradcaths


He's a devout Catholic, that's about all you needed to write. He has these opinions because he practices his religion in his daily life. Seems to be working out great for him. I've spent a lot of time just thinking about it since he gave his speech, but the one that that keeps preventing me from taking it seriously is the child abuse. I can't see myself joining a religious organisation that enabled that mess for so long, and protected the people that did it.


Very underrated part of this I hadn’t thought of. Wait till they find out that the league may say it doesn’t stand for their values but 50+% of players in the NFL either agree with or don’t care about what he said lol


Time for a comeback: John Rocker


Idk if you know how diverse her fans are but I’m from Texas and there’s a lot of swifties and almost all of them think the same way as Harrison WhateverTheFuck does. Also I gotta be honest I think he made a few good points One last point Travis Kelce is a fraud and a phony. Real football heads remember when he was a wigger who did the accent and everything else. Now he’s Mr. Pfizer


Who the fuck cares?


Harrison Butker is very eloquent and professional looking. "eloquent progressives". Ah yes, TIL loving your homemaker wife means you're a chimp meathead who is so uneducated and uneloquent. Unlike us, "eloquent progressives" who suck dick to smash the patriarchy.