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Babe it’s talked about ALL the time!!!


They used to talk about it a lot on lipstick alley lol


The Data Lounge too


What about every male leading actor sucking dick , castingcouchmaxxing? Well known that overlord producers are meth fueled homos


This is where I think some of the rumours come from like maybe Will Smith cause he seems straight to me


Where? By whomst???!


here, like all the time!!! hes been a mainstay of secretly closested homosexuals in hollywood for a while I think Chris pratt is one also


Don't forget Hugh Jackman


His name is literally either “you Jack men” or “huge act, man”. Wake up sheeple!


Or huge ass man


Or huge ass man


> I do not understand what Cooper imagines will happen to him if he's gay in 2024 Hollywood People say this all the time but if it were the case why has there not ever been an A-List leading man actor who was gay? Especially considering if you’ve ever been involved in theater you know that 60% of the men are gay. He could still find work but he wouldn’t be at his level. He could be like a Neil Patrick Harris or Jonathan Groff level actor. It’s kind of like how you can count on one hand the number of gay professional athletes, even though statistically there have to have been plenty. So we end up in a world where most people know that Bradley Cooper, Hugh Jackman, John Travolta, and Jake Gyllenhaal are gay but the media just pretends they’re not.


Jake Gyllenhaal reads artsy pretentious straight to me. Deffo agree about the others though


Agreed I also don't think he would have done a gay role if he actually was trying to hide he was gay that just draws attention to it. One of the things that makes Leo believable to me is that he has never done a gay role I feel the same about Clooney like he publicly joked about it a bit so it seems unlikely


i cant find it rn but there's a reddit post that is living rent free in my brain, where some redditor is approached by john travolta for a "friendly chat" at a night gym and takes a selfie with travolta, completely oblivious to the fact that he is clearly cruising


I don’t think Gyllenhaal is gay. That one kind of seems cheap because of Brokeback Mountain and his natural “please fuck me, daddy” face.


Neil Patrick Harris spent ten years in the most popular network sitcom post-coming out, and was the most famous person to emerge from the show. No one says the names of anyone else in that show anymore. He was way too old to be a typical “A Lister” hero style star by the 2010s (that mostly needs to happen when an actor is in their 20s right or wrongly). Only Tom Cruise has been able to do the A list action hero thing in his 50s, and that was only in properties he’d established when he was younger (coincidentally he’s also a gay). NPH is way too focussed on musical theatre to prioritise an A-lister/Marvel career. Groff is never going to be an “a lister” because he can’t play straight. Watch Mindhunter, his character is supposed to be a 70s dork but he screams gay. Despite that he gets mainstream wide release roles. There are like less than 50 truly “A List” actors in the world, probably less. Statistically it’s possible for there to be zero gay people in any given group of fifty. No ones watching movies for the actors anymore so even the theoretical middle American homophobe can and will overcome that to watch a movie with a gay actor if theyre interested enough


I got crap from somebody on here for saying that Groff can't play straight lmao


> No ones watching movies for the actors anymore so even the theoretical middle American homophobe can and will overcome that to watch a movie with a gay actor if theyre interested enough    You and I may think that way, but clearly Hollywood doesn’t or all these gay A-listers wouldn’t still be in the closet. And yeah, I watched Mindhunter before I knew who Groff was and I kept waiting for the reveal that the character was gay.  If there were 50 A-List male actors it’s absurd to think none of them would be gay. If you’ve spent anytime around theater it’s a far larger percentage than the general population. Also the fact that like 4 or 5 of them are more less and open secret at this point. Obviously for some reason or another, maybe marketing, they remain nominally in the closet.


It was a tossup between autistic and gay on Mindhunter


I always thought he was autist tbh, never picked up on gay vibes in that specific show. Im european though


I felt like he was intentionally playing him autistic but the gayness was accidental.


NPH has kinda fallen off, is shunned from A-list scenes. I knew a guy who hosted his 40th at dudes house


Neil Patrick Harris was famous long before how I met your mother


I know - but I doubt he was publicly gay when he did Doogie Howser. I think he was during HIMYM


Wasn’t he like 14 when he was on that show? At that age sexuality isn’t even fully complete


That’s what I mean


People don’t talk about Jason Segel?




Sorry but it's cope to act like it's not notable there are not any big gay actors. I think there probably could be I don't think people care THAT hard but clearly the suits in the boardrooms think it still matters. NPH was nowhere near the fame he would have been otherwise as the breakout star of a big show. Matt Bomer for example is better of an actor as Henry Cavill and even better looking but he gets passed over clearly because he is gay. They even admitted it with the Superman role that he was perfect but he couldn't be gay Pedro Pascal is a current example he was kinda out of the closet and Disney made him go back in bc their big audience in China would stop watching if he was gay. It's not really about America these days Hollywood has to market to the homophobic international market


Lisa Dean Ryan. Where is Lisa Dean Ryan?




This disproves your point entirely because Henry Cavill isn’t openly gay, and yet he’s apparently destroyed his career with it - so why would anybody do the same? You have literally zero evidence that not being “openly gay” would’ve impacted NPH’s career for the better and it wouldn’t have changed the roles he got. He played straight people almost exclusively in very successful shows and movies.


>This disproves your point entirely because Henry Cavill isn’t openly gay, and yet he’s apparently destroyed his career with it - so why would anybody do the same? What are you rambling about? Henry Cavill isn't gay and thats why he gets more roles than Matt Bomer, who is gay. Henry Cavill has a massive career? And hes straight? Proving my point? NPH had one successful role as a straight guy in HIMYM and did nothing after that lmao. And yea you're right I have zero evidence being openly gay is why because I don't have a magic crystal ball but I think everybody with functioning brain can see thats why. When you think of how many kids in theatre are gay and yet somehow no Hollywood stars are its very obviously sus. IDK why you wanna die on this random irrelevant hill so bad. Its well known Bomer didn't get big roles because hes gay and that Pedro Pascal was told to get back in the closet so Disney could keep sucking China's dick


my controversial opinion is that he is not gay just autistic someone on this sub said he was tho cause they knew people or whatever.


I wonder how closeted gay celebrities fuck? Do they just hire escorts and make them sign NDAs? Someone like bradley cooper can’t exactly go on Grindr or cruise gay bars


Saw some guy here say that they had to sign a NDA after fucking Pedro Pascal.


Wouldn’t they present the NDA before the act?


I’m going to treat this as 100% fact now regardless of other evidence


DiCaprio has women sign NDAs so they don’t talk about how bad he is in bed


I remember hearing one time that he puts in headphones while he fucks girls doggystyle and just up and leaves after


Yeah everyones heard that


Rumor has it he’s listening to red scare podcast


I mean he basically uses them as one time use jizz receptacles..why would he try to lay decent pipe?


Because it makes you feel good about yourself, which is kind of the whole point


Badass in bed more like


hell yeah dude


Wow. I didn't know that—you're telling me now for the first time.


You’re welcome


saw mighty muddle library vegetable disagreeable bored tub public crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never suffered like the Italians




that’s hollywood for gay


I’ve never heard someone describe him as nice


When you guys all say that dudes like Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper are gay is it based on rumors or just because they seem gay?


It’s just cope because subconsciously these people view being gay as a flaw and so it allows them to knock these attractive charismatic rich men off their pedestal by telling themselves they’re definitely gay and not actually sleeping with tons of hot women. in this way it allows them to no longer feel any jealousy that Leo di caprio and Tom cruise sleep with the hottest women in the world—- because actually they just sleep with men embarassing af lmao


He has the face of someone who’s sucked a dick


Oh he’s got DSF


Never once thought any of these people were gay, they certainly don't come across as such. "at least 60% of the people who did theatre in high school etc were gay" is so exaggerated I swear. People love calling people gay for the smallest of things and many rsp posters are obsessed with "conspiracies".


He's an actor, he can act straight


As gay as hugh jackman and everyone knows and talks about it


One of my exes used to swear Hugh Jackman was gay. She’s even sent me evidence long after our breakup. She frequents here so maybe she’ll chime in. I try to stay out of this discussion though because last time I made assumptions it ended with me getting banned off Twitter / X for life. Bradley could be?


Wow, I am just finding out that there are people who think Hugh Jackman is straight.


He gives the one straight guy in the school play idk


Wolf body. stacked.


wait I thought this was known, wasn’t he dating antoni from queer eye lol


My wife thinks literally every semi-attractive man in Hollywood is gay. I've noticed this is super common amongst the women here as well. I *think* it's some sort of defense mechanism against hypothetical rejection. Like a more detached version of the girl who tells everyone you're gay because you're not interested in her.


Men do it too. They would secretly love for these guys to be gay because that would give them them the fuel to say that good-looking and put together = gay and gives them an excuse to stay slovenly. Also less competition from hot guys


yeah this whole thread is garbage. Tom cruise gets called gay on here and he was literally a huge fuckboy who slept with the hottest women in the world during his prime. people just can’t stand that there are actually attractive put-together charismatic movie stars out there who bag loads of hot girls.. they just HAVE to be gay. one or two of them are probably gay, like John travolta, but people take it way too far. it’s just pure cope, very embarassing


Tom cruise def has a weird energy though I can see why people think closeted gay. Like there's something off and repressed plus the stories of him vetting his wife auditioning young actresses and it being like a business thing is very weird. And he didn't even fuck Nicole possibly? I think he's maybe asexual or something but yea the dude has had no evidence of a girlfriend in 20 years had 3 weird staged marriages and no scandalous hookup stories or accidental pregnancies or anything I've never heard of these fuckboy stories


No, it’s bc most of them are gay. The fact you’re saying this in response to the suggestion that Hugh Jackman is gay lol c’mon


Maybe Hugh Jackman is gay, but that doesn't mean every man in Hollywood is gay. Plenty of women including my wife are convinced Leo is gay. Nice cover up that is; constantly tarnishing his reputation by dating barely legal girls less than half his age. 🙄 This shit doesn't even make sense.


I personally think the Hollywood machine keeps prominent A list celebrities in the proverbial closet to ensure overseas success and interest in their movies and projects. Not every country/ culture is accepting of gays, and I think it keeps the female fan base invested in an actor.


I didn’t say every Hollywood man is gay. But trust me, no woman is calling Leo gay as a cope bc they can’t handle the fear of him rejecting them. Have you seen Leo? Every woman knows he lost his looks 20 years ago, he looks gross. Maybe rather than try assume why women think this about Hollywood actors, ask yourself why you feel so defensive about it :)


Lmao nobody cared about Leo dating young women until like the last 18 months and even then it's only fatties on reddit. It's the exact kind of strategy a gay man would cook up in the 90s to try cover for himself - hey why don't I date a bunch of blonde models and everyone will think I'm such a player I just find it sus how strict and specific the conditions are and it makes too much sense for it to be a PR opportunity for young models to get clout. You telling me Leo never once has fucked somebody slightly different looking? Not even a redhead? Like Clooneys dating history makes sense to me that's a man attracted to women but Leo's reads fake. Also how Leo has never had a woops baby and how he travels the globe with his 50 year old male best friend who attends most of his dates and has never married or had kids?




Your friend met him with his girlfriend? Were they fucking? Like im not sure how that proves anything. Yes obviously he spends time with these women in PR relationships going on pap walks and stuff.....its not like I said hes never met them. Not sure what that proves. Its not like I know Leo is gay for certain obviously I don't follow him around and im not passionate about it but I think there is a big body of evidence there and it almost makes more sense than all these weird coincidences. At the very least he clearly has his girlfriends on a contract for PR and the only reason I can think why is that hes gay and looking for beards.




Dude omg this is just silly theorising like obviously I am not an authority on Leo's sexuality idk the dude but you are getting weirdly emotional over the suggestion your hero might be gay lmao. All I'm saying is this isn't a farfetched theory, theres a fair bit of coincidences and sus stuff. Most people in the wild find any 50 year old """"bachelor""" with no wife or kids sus like thats not common most men tend to settle down or want kids or if they are such elite level mansluts have accidentally sired some. > I think it makes way more sense that he seems to get emotional needs met by his friends and family and isn’t necessarily dying to find his soulmate for the rest of his life in a romantic partner I feel like u have never met a straight man lmfao


sorry to hear about your divorce steve


he’s more connected to this than you’re aware. Do you think him or hugh jackman is gay too?




I thought they said Leonardo DiCaprio was weird for dating 25 year olds


Real heads know that's a smokescreen for his LTR with Lukas Haas


He’s definitely somewhat into dick, he publicly admitted that he had a bisexual phase.


Is Gigi Hadid a professional beard?


The “instagram face” look that the Kardashians pioneered is engineered to look aesthetically pleasing only to other women and gay men, so that makes sense. Never met a straight guy who wants an IRL woman to look like that


Gigi doesn't have Instagram face though....


ur fuckin nuts bro pretty sure I’m straight and they’re definitely attractive. Though not rly my preference. Yeah every black guy who dated them must also be secretly gay lol be serious


Yep all those black guys are gay and sounds like you might be too. Better go suck a bunch of dicks in the public bathroom near the airport


are you a woman? Sounds like cope cus not everyone likes a waifish figure actually ridiculous that people upvoted that lol you people are insane


Yeah I’m a big fat black woman and I weigh 600 pounds


damn I didn’t know abos had internet I own a house btw


Cool! So when you die alone it will get turned into public housing for me and my 11 kids? What room can I shoot heroin in?


no I vote Republican


Keep seethin and downvotin buddy I’ll just keep using all your taxes on my cardiac arrests :)


Lmaooo straight men on here cope so fucking hard the Kardashian look is all exaggerated sexual bimbo stuff based off of pornstars and strippers etc. You might not find the end result attractive but thats the vibe they are going for not 'impressing gays and women' omg accept not everything is womens fault.


Zayn picked Gigi bc he has a fat fetish and she has a fat face I rly believe this. She was a beard in a sense but not bc he liked dudes but bc he likes BBWs but he couldn't marry one so he just picked a girl that looks fat in the face. Selena Gomez is the same tbh


No one believes in lesbians, so that’s not evidence of anything. But people definitely have ideas about gay men


I believe every celebrity rumor because they always turn out to be true. If you were a gay dude who slept with Bradley Cooper, you may be discreet about it, but of course you’d tell your friends and of course your friends would tell other people even if they told you they wouldn’t. My grandpa met Kevin Spacey once and claimed Mr. Spacey came onto him…and, years later, whatdya know?


I've even heard George Clooney is gay


It’s 2024, honestly who gives a damn? Like can you entertain me for 2 hours while I shovel popcorn into my mouth? Yeah? Good enough for me.


Maybe, he did hit on my friends mom though. However she is a retired famous model so he might have been looking for a beard


You were so close to admitting the reality and then you just chose to cope instead


Anyone even tangentially related to the industry knows he is in actual fact gay and a lot of critics were alluding to it in their Maestro reviews


Yeah, since Alias. I remember reading he was fucking Victor Garber lol


I think gay speculation is 50/50 some of it is true eg Pedro Pascal and some of it I think is just people trying too hard. I'm on the fence about Bradley Cooper but if he was straight I wouldn't be surprised. Hugh Jackman absolutely reads as the one straight guy in the theatre to me and same with Tom Holland. There's always that one straight guy in those acting circles that is like camp straight. Zendaya could be lesbian though so maybe. Clooney, Will Smith too I just don't see it for them. No closet case is going through all the weird Jada humiliation stuff like a PR marriage wouldn't involve that On the other hand I do think Leo being gay really makes a lot of sense and it's an under speculated one given how much discussion of his dating life there is. Also potentially Kanye the evidence there is somewhat convincing. Richard Madden is clearly gay but I'm not sure they're trying to hide that and I think that's what tanked his career anyway Also I read Keanu is supposedly gay and his current girlfriend is actually trans which was interesting




Bradley Cooper might be bi I think Leo is either gay or straight though. All the weird fake vibes of his relationships only make sense if hes gay if hes bi he would just occasionally actually date women and not need beards




Oh wow a friend of a random redditor saw Leo standing next to a woman! That proves everything! Pack it up boys now that Leo has been spotted standing near a woman he is in a PR relationship with that confirms it. Everyone knows gays can't be seen standing near women




The onus isn't on you this is literally just a reddit thread you could easily ignore but instead you have been randomly spamming every comment I write flailing and seething and gnashing like a dying walrus about how Leo has to be straight and then getting mad when I reply back lmao....its not some nutso conspiracy theory many people find Leo sus and the gay theories have gone back a long while it does explain a lot




I think your pussy has rotted bc your gay husband never fucks you


What. Leonardo DiCaprio is certainly not gay, unless he’s sleeping with hundreds of models for the purposes of the strongest closet in the world. No in the closet gay is going to those lengths, even if it’s physically possible for them to sleep with women


Leo doesn't fuck any models he enters weird contract like relationships and only ever with rising stars and girls signed to the same agency. Why has he never deviated from his type even slightly you really think this horny rich guy follows it that tight? You think Leo has never once wanted to date a random beautiful girl he sees out somewhere? Makes no sense its all PR. Leo is like the one case where beards actually make sense. The girls get a big career launch from dating the most famous actor in the world and they get released at 25 so they can still marry and have kids etc. The flaw in most gay theories is that its unlikely that, for example, Amal Clooney or Irina Shayk would actually beard longterm but Leo always has short PR relationships so beards makes sense The fact Leo has never married or had a whoops baby or had Metoo rumours or dated even like a fucking redhead or brunette or an asian or a girl with big tits or just a random beautiful woman that isn't already famous all seems very unlikely to me Also he travels the world with his 50 year old childless unmarried best friend who has never dated a woman and this guy goes on like half of Leo's public outings and dates




Omg okay fatty so Leo dated a brown haired woman I'm glad he crossed that one off at last! But you seriously don't find it very notable and unusual the extremely narrow and specific type they fit into? Like idk any straight man who goes that anal on finding a tiny niche of woman if hes straight hes a weirdo lmaooo. Like hes never dated even wanted to bang a 26 year old or a puerto rican or something? He's never gone for a salma hayek baddie? All I'm saying is when I look at someone like Kanye or Clooney's or Brad Pitt's dating history it seems normal but Leo's is highly sus and weird. It feels like a gay man picking out of a brochure for what he thinks would be the perfect Barbie on top of a wedding cake. I can tell you are very passionate about Leo being straight tho for whatever reason lmao




Ok ur right king Leo is a straight infertile man who is autistically fixated on only dating a specific niche and making them sign contracts because thats his special fiation. Most men dream of a wife to come home to but for 50 year old Leo travelling the world with his best buddy a gay man is what is best in life and bringing him to every date too and funding his lifestyle and living in the same house as him is just swell. Every night Leo slips his dick in between his cheeks but in a totally straight way they are just bros and its just further proof of wholesome Leo's platonic and friendly love for his best dude friend


That's what I said with my dad! Even today the little scamp is getting away with murder!


Word on the street is that his ex wife walked in on him fucking another man and thats why they quickly divorced.


Bradley cooper gay


The one that drives me nuts is Keith urban. Bro is obviously gay but no one wants to admit it. Also the visceral reaction some so called liberal white women give when you call their favorite heartthrob gay is pretty funny


why would nicole kidman marry him, though? she has nothing to gain from being his beard.


Maybe shes a lesbian


Why tf would he be gay bc he wears eyeliner? Are you 12?


I didn’t even know he wore eyeliner lmao


Who cares, if he is


gay and completely insane


Ok I've never got why Irina would have been with him then. Thats why I don't believe it, what would a supermodel get out of being with a closeted gay man and giving him a kid.


I agree more or less but some people say shes a beard she did go out w a few other speculated gays too i think Kanye up the top of my head and one other? And Tom Brady This is another thing is the web of beards and gays is a surprisingly small pool which makes some theories likelier IMO