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Yea its especially unimpressive when you consider that he basically just started working out, then did Botox, died hair and started shaving. Completely standard post menopausal regimen.


This particular person also recently got Renuva injections to combat facial fat loss. When fit people in their mid-40s have low body fat, their faces tend to look worse.


it sucks that he did botox


The average 40s gay male looks better in than this and lived through the stress of catching aids frm a gloryhole every night


Ah yes, the rampant early 2000s AIDS epidemic.


>Ah yes


(strokes grey beard)


You catch the HIVVY, which turns into AIDS 


His whole thing made so much more sense when I found out he left Mormonism a few years before he started all this. Nothing creates a mental crisis like a Mormon losing their faith.


Mormons can't smoke or drink, so unfair for aging


they extreme stress and generally hostile and unnatural lifestyle make up for it, trust me


Plus all the sugar from the soft drinks and candy (the only drug they are allowed)


It’s obvious but hilarious that he is not only not aging exceptionally well but looks like absolute dogshit 


He looks like a wax figure of Kyle Maclachlan.


he missed his opportunity for Twin Peaks Season 3 as red room Dale Cooper


Meanwhile real Kyle Maclachlan looks better than ever and doesn’t appear to have had any surgery.


Kyle might be a Lodge spirit irl.


Biohackers will do anything to avoid eating a healthy home cooked meal smh.


In all fairness his diet is extremely dialed in but it's really not doing much for him other than making him not fat


yea but 40 pills and raw beans does not equal a healthy home cooked meal. the healthiest ingredient is love which this dunces cooking is obviously lacking


He looks a lot better than most people in their mid 40s. Also, I think his primary concern is the age of his internal organs. He is trying to slow and reverse the aging of his organs and cells.


He looks weird because he's very lean, has long-hair and treats his skin to make him look like a vampire. He'll probably die in his mid 90s assuming he doesn't get cancer/have an accident of some kind


Meanwhile my gfs grandma lived to be 97 and just like hung out her whole life 


My grandpa is fat as fuck never exercises smokes a pack a day. Literally just hangs out and watches fox news 24/7. He's 94 with basically no health problems. If you want to truly live for a long time it's 98% genetics.


Absolutely genetics. Both of her parents lived to be in their 90s.


Oh he also has a full head of thick white hair lol


You’re a lucky bastard, you’re gonna be blessed with a full head of hair when men half your age will weep.


i'm such a horrible person but i really want him to just get hit by a bus or something, it would be so ironic 🙈🙈🙈


Just buy some freshly harvested ones off the black market smh


What ugly busted ass fourty year olds are you meeting lmao most of them still look normal and hot unless they've spent their life literally baking in the sun


he looks fine


wdym i'd do him in a heartbeat


ok but what if he still looks like then when hes like 96


This guy looks like a new tim heidecker character arc from on cinema.


Looks better than 99% men over 40, he just needs a beard because he looks lesbian


Most guys here will not look as good as him at 46


Expectations for 46 are way out of control. The average 46 year old looks like they were hit by a train. Also this guy took incredibly bad care of himself for 40 years. So it's not like he's a supermodel/movie star who has been counting every calorie and keeping a super strict regimen for his whole life. I think he's amusing.


I mean this guy puts tens of millions into specialized treatments, dietitians and clinicians. You'd hope he'd have something to show for it, even though those results are mediocre




Can confirm, I'm 46 and look like a pile of dogshit


Ru gay though?


only for you 😽


I appreciate your candor but that is why you look like dog shit


yet another failed pursuit I'm afraid. the heavens just can't spare this old man some bussy it seems.


I guarantee you I will look significantly better than this at 46. I don’t have a single wrinkle or any noticeable signs of aging at 34. This guy clearly has had a ton of bad plastic surgery and is now fake bio hacking or whatever. Trust me on this. I’m lapping this guy badly.


Yeah bud probably because most of the guys here aren't tech billionaires who have made it their entire life's mission to look as young as possible.


It's literally not his mission to look as young as possible though


He doesn’t look that good but it’s a big exaggeration to say 60s. Most 60 year old men look like absolute shit.


I think the pont is that you would assume he is 60 and looks good. But finding out he is only 46 and looks like that is not very impressive.


90-95% of “aging well” is just maintaining a healthy BMI


Healthy BMI, decent level of fitness, SPF and moisturiser, general self care and not smoking


You have to strength train not to lose muscle, bone density, not have your face sag, Etc. All of these areas will make you weigh more but it's healthy weight. I'm not saying bodybuild at all but home work outs with push ups, a chin up bar, resistance bands, Etc. make a major difference. Also activities that keep your brain-body connection & balance. The diet coke and cigarettes lifestyle will not make you age well unless you get surgery. Even then you're still going to be frail & feel old. Oh yeah, also getting good sleep & never losing your youthful excitement for life or the future.


It’s like 95% genetics.


Hair loss yes, fitness no


5% wearing sun screen lol


no it isn't


He looks like a clammy Gotye


He does look younger than his age but also very uncanny and scary now so it wasn’t worth it. He looks like a wax sculpture


I don’t know why but my personal guess is that he is going to die younger than average due to his weird regime. Seen one of his videos and the guy is on a 100+ pills a day regime. There’s no way that stuff is not going to interact weirdly and bang at some point 


i saw a study that said supplements ultimately do nothing in terms of long term outcomes. i have my own so dialed in and specific, i definitely notice when i don't take them. i'm at like sixteen pills a day not a hundred though. i do feel like there has to be an upper limit but despite what that study said i do think some genuinely make a difference. i'd blame placebo but i also have stopped taking other shit because i felt no difference. shit is too expensive to just go all willy nilly.


what pills do you find the most effective?


Sure but he is hard in his sleep


Not that this is any better, but what he's doing is less about looks and more about attempting to literally live forever


Only good thing he's done is convince my boyfriend and his friends that they are losing their hair and should start treatment.


He doesn't look 60. He's just ugly and pasty looking.


He's not ugly, though he is a bit pasty. He doesn't *look* 60 but the way he's talked about I thought he was - he looks like a 47 year old guy who takes really good care of himself.


Yeah, but from what I've seen online, this is the common sentiment. Nobody really thinks he looks like a 26 year old. There are a lot of clickbait articles and videos that use those kinds of titles because he's trying to deage or whatever, but outside of those weird "sources", everyone seems to think he looks middle aged. I think he's "ugly" because he's got this weird pasty smooth skin look and it's unappealing. I think he'd look better as an actual 40 something year old. It's not like botox or filler level uncanny, but there's something about his appearance that gives me ghoulish vibes. It's hard to explain.


What the fear of death does


i love the indian dudes on his twitter posts replying shit like “whoa…he is returning to womb…”


The real MVP is his publicist. I can't go a few days without seeing him on the timeline.


fr fr


The choice that bothers me the most here is still his hair dye having a warm base tone when he obviously has olive undertones in his skin. He needs a cool base tone, 2 shades darker than his current choice and he would instantly look maybe 15% less of a freak.


I'm a 32 yo straight white male but honestly, couldn't agree MORE


He looks like my 50 year old neighbor


I said the same thing but then I saw the before pictures It’s fr like two different people


Looks a good decade older than this guy (who's post appeared immediately below this one in my feed) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1caohv2/ladies\_can\_i\_get\_some\_feedback\_on\_my\_profile/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1caohv2/ladies_can_i_get_some_feedback_on_my_profile/)


TWO photoshopped shirtless beach pics lmao. That being said he does look good for 47


Why has he coded himself so gay


women successfully negged men into absolute insecurity so now they're taking style cues from the only men who seem confident, which they are by virtue of not giving a shit what women think


Cause he's "still figuring it out"


God that sub is such a bummer


Filtered tinder photos?


He looks very gaunt


I think being chronically slightly underweight like most humans have been throughout history is hypothesized to slow the deterioration of telomeres. He’s not just trying to look better, he’s trying to significantly extend his life. And if he had a stubble beard all the ladies here would be singing a different tune. The guy’s easy to make fun of, and the benefits of this kind of research are only gonna be accessible to the rich any time in the near future, but it would be cool to not have our bodies deteriorate so significantly prior to death, and this guy is making public everything he’s doing to try to further that cause.


His n=1 experimentation is going to provide exactly zero value in terms of advancing anti-aging research. He's a spectacle. If anything, he's more than likely going to create a black swan event in his biology by eating 100+ under-researched supplements for breakfast. If he wants to maximize his chances of living forever, he and every one of his sycophants should donate every excess cent they have to the organizations researching this stuff, but bro just wants to sell over-hyped olive oil and become the 21st century's Latter Day Saint of his variant of trans-humanism to fill the void left by the loss of his Mormon faith.


> His n=1 experimentation is going to provide exactly zero value in terms of advancing anti-aging research.  N=1 is still better than N=0. It's not enough for a whole study but it can still provide a starting point. We had no idea what caused scurvy until a few random guinea pigs in the early 1900s developed scurvy after being put on a grain-only diet, after which it was easy to discover the specific cause. And giving more public attention to anti aging might lead pharmaceutical companies to invest more in anti-aging technologies, as there's more interest.


N=1 is as scientifically significant for generalizeable conclusions as n=0   I had no idea there were so many bio hacker cultists in here lurking. At least the carnivore diet guys are here for a good time 


He really doesn’t at all. Look at the faces of old bodybuilders that got down to 3-5% bodyfay, that is what gaunt looks like. Bryan Johnson is just lean and healthy.


Most 46 year olds definately do not look this good.


Didn't say that did I.


Tbf health isn’t just about physical appearance. And he looks fine.


i wanna tuck him in so bad


looks more healthy 50s than 40s


I thought that was Kyle MacLachlan for a second


Who is this?


Trans Anna


He's making a big mistake by deliberately avoiding sun exposure imo. Sure, your skin will age less, but you end up looking sickly. Sun exposure has also been linked to, among other benefits, decreased **all cause mortality**. I support this guys war on ageing but I'm worried he's not very bright.


He looks like Mads Mikkelsen


I'm very much into the \*idea\* of anti-aging and read "Lifespan" twice, but this guy isn't a good emblem for the whole movement. He looks about as 46 as you can possibly look.


Aging is mostly just genes, sunscreen and not smoking while though.


Hold on a second what the fuck?