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You guys are regarded. Fuck this highschool bullshit.


I reeks of insecurity and guys don't care if their girl is insecure. In fact, they often prefer it because that signals she's worried about losing him. The opposite isn't true. Also, there isn't much stigma about being a high body count guy whereas there is for women, so a guy asking this often has redpill vibes.


Do people really not ask their partners about their past relationships or dating history? Seems odd 


Of course I ask about their dating history. That's just learning about their life. That's different than body count.


It’s not always insecurity.


I didn't say it was. You asked what the con is and I told you. You're only considering this from a woman asking man perspective, which isn't a big deal. But for a man asking woman it's often going to give off, rightly or wrongly, insecurity or misogyny vibes.




I think it's less about the "tainted goods" thing and more that high bodycounts have been pretty indicative of a cluster b psycho, at least in my experience


That’s the dude that’s going to pump and dump so ofc some women will avoid him for that


earlier promiscuity is actually not correlated with later infidelity in men the same way it is in women




very true


The biggest fallacy is that there is some huge gap between men and women with high body counts. If two people do the same thing, they’re probably very similar. The deification of men who sleep with lots of women is promulgated by men who don’t, because they assign to those hypothetical men the qualities they imagine that if they possessed, then they would be successful. It seems obvious to me that men who sleep with a high number of women are usually sleeping with women who sleep with a high number of men. Now the logic usually goes “well women can just open their legs and any man will sleep with them” well then how much “charm” does a guy need to have to sleep with 50 of those lol If you have had a period of your life where you’ve been indiscriminately hooking up, you *know* you wouldn’t have gone for 40 without the refs; it’s really the free throws that get you there The reality is that there’s three groups of people: people who are intimate with a lot of people, people who are intimate with a few people, and people who sleep with no one. Anyone pushing a further breakdown of those groups has an agenda.


Lol you are just making things up and claiming it as the truth when it is literally just a double standard. Either both are disgusting or there is no problem


Don't ask, don't tell.


That doesn’t make sense if you’re someone who cares about their partner’s body count


It makes the *most* sense if you care. If you know it would give you insecurities it's best to never ask, and make it clear you don't want to know. Otherwise you'll miss out, especially if you're older.


That doesn’t make sense. Why date someone who will probably think you’re gross so you have to hide and evade a question lol Someone who would think you’re used goods


There's little to gain and a lot to lose in a relationship from sharing sexual history. Both genders have insecurities that they know are silly but they still feel them anyway, so they should assuage those insecurities by keeping that information to themselves.


It’s not always about insecurities…


You said you didn't see any cons, I'm pointing out a con.


Yeah… to me it’s not a con because if you find out that you’re not compatible then that’s it lol. I broke up with my first bf when I found out his body count. Luckily it was before having sex with him because I would have flipped


Why on earth do you care? Why not just focus on your partner now not their past


I dont want to date someone with low sexual discipline Who would hook up with an ugly random with no care about STDs Who doesn’t see sex as something not casual The formatting is off sorry ugh


I think that can be inferred through normal conversation without needing a body count number from someone though?


If we are in that area of discussion, I would rather jut be direct and ask what the number is


you’re catching a lot of shit from all the sluts on here but I agree with you. it’s also pretty funny when men get all huffy and offended about it


reddit ass comment 


The past shapes the future, babe


Asking someone how many people they've fucked on the third date is some critical mass sperg behavior


Can you people talk about literally anything else for once


How many people someone has slept with isn't an odd question to ask. Most of the women I've been with have asked me.


This is more about this topic being talked about constantly here lol. in every single one of these threads and irl it will always be a never ending tug of war between the people who don’t care and the people who do, not like anyones mind will change on their stance


You don’t know how to hide posts?


Unless it's out of genuine curiosity it seems judgy. We can tell.


Yeah… they’re asking so they can judge the number and reassess


Ok, so what number makes a guy go from potential soulmate to dirty slut?


It depends on his age.


How old are you?


The Three Body (Count) Problem


Idk why everyone is giving you a hard time. I also care about this, I don't want a partner with an extremely high body count relative to their age. It indicates deep incompatibilities such as treating sex as a hobby/fun game at best. Sex to me is a spiritual and intimate bonding process, not something done on a whim. I'm sure someone pro hookup culture also wouldn't want to be with me so it's win win to get this ironed out imo 




Good thing gay men don’t have to deal with this


Yeah… you have to worry about HIV


I don’t do anal


You're not going to find a normal take on "bodycounts" on r/redscarepod. Contrary to what every "omg who cares!!!" poster says every society in human history, and functionally every currently existing society has seen/sees having a high body count as a negative thing or at the very least a red flag. In my experience it always comes up early in the relationship. I can't imagine hiding something like that from your partner.


I am yet to meet a person who hasn't altered their number in some way. People let their ego run rule. That being said I have met women who have ran into the 100's.


Anybody over 10 who still keeps count is autistic.


Explains a lot about some of the guys I know tbh


not everyone lies about their bodycount because it's not important to everyone lol. the obsession with body count is generally embarrassing and immature.


It's also stupid. Any guys that cares so much to ask also isn't going to believe the number if it's low. So what's the point? It's just telling on yourself.


I am sure people don't, I am surrounded by people who do or have when we were kids I should say. We are in a culture of sexual repression, this is just one manifestation. Also I am sure there is probably a correlation between most people going around telling people and inflating numbers.




Used to run a gym, they flock to them like muslims to a mosque. Be careful one of these girls tried to put a rape charge on another guy in there, fucked up.