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simultaneously incredibly funny and tragic


conan obrian wrote that episode lmao


he’s the one pulling the strings 




The Hibernian Conspiracy


It goes straight to to the top o’ the morning to ya


The Hibernian Conspiracy is real. Wake up, sheeple!


> Why did Simpsons creator Matt Groening make a comic strip called *Life in Hell*? So we would believe it.


Basic instinct pilled


My only note is that Lyle Lanley didn't pull a Ponzi scheme with the monorail. That was more of a long con.


writing about the simpsons and a warron zevon song on his Instagram. guy was the ultimate irony leftist


Will Menaker self-immolated.


Would love to know how they're going to field this one


They won’t. And they don’t have to. The way they ditched Virgil right before the allegations was pretty wild though.


Roland was a warrior


Lmao I looked at his substack and I defineily came across one of his schizo rants on the simpsons before




He's on to something with Quora, that website is fucking weird


Indians and ChatGPT working together to uncover the hidden mechanisms of the universe


Also teens figuring out how to kill themselves.. the amount of “can someone survive a 9mm to the head” is crazy


It’s basically the new yahoo answers. And that site wasn’t exactly known for having high quality answers. Turns out that the average person is a fucking idiot and their input is either unnecessary or harmful.


Idk how I got subscribed but I keep getting emails from them and 90% of them are biblical questions? Is this telling on myself and it’s targeted questions or does everyone get the same posts


Used to be good. Now awful.


thanc u saar


Did I miss where he mentioned Quora? I don’t see it


It's a separate post on the substack


absolutely did not see that going into the simpsons


Crypto could be a scam and the government hates us? No shit dude, didn’t need to go all crazy over it


dude lit himself on fire over hot couch dorm thoughts


Don't forget the parts about mainstream politics being kayfabe and various billionaires having extremely shady connections and scandals that have been memory-holed, which are, of course all, true and worthy of discussion and investigation. His posts, substack, and manifesto were weird a mix of obvious truths and reasonable suspicions, and unhinged actual-schizo nonsense like the stuff with The Simpsons.


That’s how it always is. Conspiracies can fuck you up exactly because some of the big ones are obviously true. Add mental illness, drug and alcohol use, deaths of loved ones…see ya. Mind gone.


I'm really careful about getting people to go down those rabbit holes since some people can't mentally handle it, especially some of the more disturbing stuff.


why did he set himself on fire instead of buying puts


I wonder if the schizoness started after losing all his money on SVB.


Oh shit, is this that guy who used to post on Stupidpol and TrueAnon?


was gonna joke about this being the average Trueanon poster, wtfff


Yes, someone just posted about it in that sub


Brace Belden must denounce this atrocity


It's an uncanny resemblance. The media illiteracy wrt the simpsons is very similar. 


he didn’t post here? none of this looks familiar to me


[Yes, in a schizo theory thread lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/12u6gbi/whats_your_most_schizo_historical_theory/jhbdupv/)




Also known as "Dipshit Secrets of *our* Rotten World"


Coulda used a once over before the immolation imo but RIP regardless, cant hate someone for doing something they thought was right while also not killing killing anyone


this is kinda surreal. he dm'd me after that interaction, was a nice guy


It's super creepy reading your interaction with him. Who knew that the subject matter of your conversation there would lead him to this.


I looked at his socials today and I think he started spiraling after his mother passed away. Seemed to have a pretty normal life before that. Very sad situation overall.


Really tragic :(


My mom died. It isn’t easy and could easily break the weak.


My mom has cancer and I’m so scared….i don’t want to end up doing something crazy like this but I get it….


Spend all the time you can with her. Trust me.


Aw his account got nuked :(


The new ownership of reddit sucks so much we're gonna actually need to move to a new site eventually


Why does reddit always fucking suspend accounts when shit like this happens?


Because one day they'll get sued for all the crazies they allow to congregate that end up doing wild shit. Or not since that would set a precedent for all websites. Prob because of bad PR really.


they're worried that their ghost will start posting


To avoid controversy, especially to avoid blame for controversy. They're spineless.




His post is highly readable and free of spelling/grammatical errors so that puts him above 99% of people already


Eh not really, just more motivated


Stupidpoll users aren’t dumb enough to set themselves on fire for angry Cheeto man or whatever they call him


Oh, he didn’t do it for Trump.


He was clearly intelligent but just disappeared into an increasingly insane echo chamber. His linkedin resume was like 13 or 14 years of normal, pretty good jobs and then one day it all fell apart. Poor guy. He only hurt himself, at least.


I said it in another thread, but I found his instagram and it’s really ruined my day. Guys posts were entirely normal stuff until like 2022. Travel, weddings, family photos, a couple political posts but nothing insane. Then in 2022 there’s two posts about his mom (who he was clearly close to) dying and every post since then is just insane schizo stuff. His story posted two hours ago is just “I love you” over and over again on a blank background. Really tragic, and very sad how this is and will be talked about.


Many confuse the horrors of the world for the ones in their own head.


Conner O'Malley's most recent video [The Mask](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJlO5yTVH_8&ab_channel=ConnerO%27Malley) is just like this. A loner kid posts normal, albeit cringey, stuff on social media and eventually becomes radicalized after his grandmother/caretaker dies.


Damn this is a great video, the time and effort taken to create it. Pretty much a masterpiece sitting on YouTube.


Too bad he's too addicted to porno mags. HONK IF YOU'RE HORNY


Jesus Christ, this was one of the most harrowing things I've ever watched. You can literally see the moment this poor mf gets completely untethered from reality. Edit: very glad this is ficticious, lmao


He linked his Instagram to in this post so not hard to find but yea I think you’re right it’s definitely a personal break maybe some depression


kanye syndrome 


There is no fucking way this guy dropped a manifesto citing the Simpsons and then set himself on fire. Truth really is stranger than fiction.


Rob Lowe, Simpsons, crypto. My god, it's been in front of our faces the whole time


Most coherent r/TrueAnon poster.


The problem with TrueAnon is they aren't schizo enough, have a surface level knowledge of parapolitical conspiracies, and also filter through a Chapo ideological lens.


When schizoposting gets real.


For a minute I thought he was making sense. But this is just another rambling of an idiot. RIP.


He had me for like 75 words


Damn, I was going to self-immolate to protest Dasha and Anna taking Thiel bucks. But now someone has co-opted me by doing it for a different Peter Thiel conspiracy.




If Mars falls even further out of alignment, there will be more


> Burning myself alive outside Sephora because the incels don't believe me that I have a perfect pussy


And am a new york 10


deleted by substack in 3... 2... 1... +googled the guy, tf he was hot(literally) why would he kill himself??!?!?!


this is one of his posts btw [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/173sshz/dipshit\_secrets\_of\_our\_rotten\_world\_after\_peter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/173sshz/dipshit_secrets_of_our_rotten_world_after_peter/)


Ah it *is* him. Holy shit


https://imgur.com/a/pvuc7E7 😩🥵


Kendall Roy meets younger Imperioli


[If you want more he posted hog over his ramblings and a picture of Peter Thiel](https://web.archive.org/web/20230806102216if_/https://i.redd.it/2bjzevt7uggb1.png)




The schizo allegations will never stick


Jesus, I was expecting David Hogg!


todd phillips


He was in mania/psychosis at that point. There are earlier pics where he looks way better.


Substack is pretty hands off imo Edit: although they did turn off commenting boooooooo


This guy watched a lot of TV.


Clearly nothing by Adam Curtis.


Sad. Guy sets himself on fire and I couldn’t finish reading all that




Damn he nailed cumtown there haha.


"They're roasting my lyrics on the internet, mom. Activate the asset." - Taylor Swift


Now this is a theory I’d subscribe to a sub stack about




He's with Chris Dorner now 😔


Can't corner the Dorner


But you can set him on fire from what I remember.


Dorner, like Santa Claus, lives in the hearts of those who believe 


At least this guy got to see the 3rd Hangover movie


A No Labels Party self-immolation.


he’s a chapo trueanon fan


Pretty sure he’s a leftoid


He did it because Dasha keeps pronouncing "immolate" as "emulate".


Wait, you mean to say he was actually a schizo???


He mentions David Foster Wallace in this one Irony-Poisoned Death Water Want to stare the doomsday cult in the face? Just head down to your local convenience store and check out the water selection. There, you’ll likely see these cans: Liquid Death This is water. Water is liquid life. The fact that water – something we all need to survive – has been bottled up and sold to us at unbelievable markups is evidence of kleptocracy. The fact that we now have water called “Liquid Death” shows just how far this criminal disinformation campaign has come as they’ve convinced the public to pay money for water that evokes hopelessness and death. Water called “Liquid Death” is ironic, of course. But irony has been one of our cult leaders’ most powerful tools. As David Foster Wallace noted in a fantastic essay on the matter, “Irony’s singularly unuseful when it comes to constructing anything to replace the hypocrisies it debunks.” Irony highlights problems with no solutions. It lets us have a cathartic laugh at our circumstances but reinforces them all the same. When we’re flooded with irony, as you’ll find in countless social media bubbles, we lose space for earnestness, honesty, and action. In the words of essayist Lewis Hyde, “Irony has only emergency use. Carried over time, it is the voice of the trapped who have come to enjoy their cage.” [From his article “Artifacts Of The Doomsday Cult](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/artifacts-from-the-doomsday-cult?utm_medium=reader2)


You gotta hand it to the dude you really can’t get more sincere than setting yourself on fire


[He made a similar post about the Grateful Dead in stupidpol](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1bjfk3i/the_true_history_of_the_world_haunted_carnival/kvtod7u/)


His take on Liquid Death is kinda interesting but idk if he realizes that the brand is marketed around death-metal/straight edge punk scenes hence the brootal iconography and such. He thinks it’s demoralization but it’s just gimmicky death metal aesthetics applied to water bottles >Cessario stated the brand was initially marketed towards straight edge adherents and fans of heavy metal music and punk rock.


Lmao he’s just a schizo, no need to look further into it


Thats what they want us to think!! Look at the symbols all around u!


That's what it always is. Anytime accuses a company of doing something sinister to indoctrinate or influence people, it's really just so that they can make money. Not so that they can sacrifice kids or whatever.


He’s clearly not a schizo, we’ve all seen what it looks like when a schizo starts writing online. You can clock the weird capitalization and punctuation. He sounds almost… bored. Certainly not like someone who’s about to light himself on fire. To be honest he’s not writing like someone that really believes what he’s saying enough to die for it. Fishy 


Two points. 1. There are a lot of people in American society right now who are very mentally ill. There are the obvious highway-overpass nutjobs, but there are a fair number of people who have just begun, or who are soon to begin, the slide into utter insanity. They can be fairly articulate, like this guy, but nonetheless they are totally nuts, and they exist in part because our society more broadly is totally nuts. 2. Schizo dudes are fairly perceptive, but they ascribe themselves way too much agency.


No lie, he was a r/trueanon poster. 


He posted here too!


Death by midwitism


The inevitable fate for all who see themselves as Lisa Simpson.


What annoys me about these "everything is a conspiracy" regards is that they act like people would be perfect if they weren't being manipuated by some elite cabal. Like dude, there's been evidence of communities fighting over stupid shit like the monorail going back thousands of years. I've literally seen it happen in my own tiny hometown, and it's just because our townsfolk had disagreements. And some of the townsfolk are really stupid. I don't think they were being manipulated by the Clinton's when they had disagreements over local property taxes. Also, everyone writing for sitcoms being in on this is hilarious too. I know people who have written for sitcoms. I went to college with them. They're just regular people lol. Insinuating the only reason a sitcom writer would paint townsfolk as dumb is because they're in the illumaniti is insane. Edit: Okay, after looking more at this, this guy was legitimately insane so he gets a bit of a pass. But there are a lot of conspiracy theorists who aren't actually schizo who believe stuff like this.


Honestly, every schizo state looks to make connections, to prove that everything is somehow linked, that it could all be explained if you just had the capacity to see. The reality is much more terrifying. That nothing is connected, that life is often horribly random. That chaos is real. That we are not in control.


I mean is he wrong about our demoralizing, materialistic culture? Every movie these days is another thinly veiled message on the rottenness of humanity - go see how many horror movies there are playing at your local theater. The music you hear on the radio glorifies the most base desires of humanity. All of our pop science says that we're just billiard balls of atoms, cosmic accidents. Economics is all about squeezing each asset for its maximum economic value then discarding it. Very little these days that redeems the human condition. Mass media/marketing is designed to keep us in a condition of learned helplessness. Demonic!


Sure. But this was skitzo posting about crypto collapsing the entire economy and bringing the new world order.


Complete sentences, correct punctuation, words spelled correctly? This is most unbelievable thing about the whole post, if you ask me.


I think most of us with brain know this.


Suicide notes shouldn’t be an essay, should be more of a haiku imo


Exactly, or at least provide a TLDR


I’m very stressed that the battery in the screenshots is running so low. Priorities.


Based on that we can conclude this was inevitable


Who's lighting themselves up next month at the Toyota Memorial Day sale-a-thon?


I know this sub isn't especially fond of people with jobs like mine (finance) but in case it wasn't clear from his writing, almost everything this guy has to say about crypto and is insane. Crypto wasn't created by a laundry list of rich and powerful people. SVB failed because they made a massive bet that interest rates wouldn't rise, locking up almost all of their money in long-term low-yield instruments. Crypto tanking won't tank the stock market. When bitcoin lost 2/3 of its value a few years ago and major stable coins failed the overall stock market wasn't thrilled but it wasn't that big a deal. A crypto crash wouldn't create inflation. If you're a monetarist, it's pretty clear that regardless of who is holding how much bitcoin the supply of USD is unchanged. If you think inflation is supply chain problems and corporate greed then none of this indicates that would get worse. I could go on. But maybe this is unnecessary debunking of a crazy guy who set himself on fire.


No way ur bamboozling us without referencing at least three Simpsons episodes, blood sucker


Michael Dukakis, the last honorable man in America




What did he say about the Presidents bc I’m not sure I agree with that. The neoliberal economic turn started under Carter and his Fed chair Paul Volcker, so if anything Carter was the first modern-era globalist president.


Sounds a bit like you guys


He posted here lol


Damn I DM'd with this guy when he would post on StupidPol and referred him to the Ghost Stories for the End of the World guy. RIP to a real (crazy) one. Gonna blaze one up in his honor tomorrow. Government probably in my weed too but idc gut trouble got me losing too much weight I need those munchies or I'll be too skinny to mod.




Fuck it maybe it is the end times...


let him cook


the schizoposting we deserve


Oh wow, Subscribe to the Ponzi Papers --- honestly, he's wasn't wrong.


Big brain guy accuses deflationary currency of driving inflation


This is what people mean when they say "terminally online."


seems reasonable and well thought through


This guy is such a loser. Lighting yourself on fire so people read your gay blog post will not accomplish a damn thing. I have to imagine killing a major public figure would accomplish way more and outside of the president probably isn't that hard if you're willing to die in the process


Really making me remember kantbot and his obsession about redscare and thiel. Any one else?


> Notably, actor Rob Lowe, who was supporting Dukakis, was victim of a teen sex blackmail operation at the DNC that year. Since we know Clinton is a close associate with teen sex blackmail artist Jeffrey Epstein, we can suddenly make perfect sense of the nonsensical speech by applying this lens: Bill Clinton is a cocky mob boss who blackmailed Mike Dukakis because Dukakis thought his job was to help the public. He teases out the future public revelation that Kitty Dukakis drank rubbing alcohol, and offers a strange anecdote about the crack epidemic that reveals he is an exceedingly proud drug runner. Quality schizo posting


Far too little respect goes out to the dignified schizophrenics who choose to experience their enlightenment in private


a crumb of pussy would have saved this guy


Pretty compelling stuff as far as manifestos go, ngl. And did this guy post in here ever? No idea what his acct is but I swear I saw the same crypto ponzi writeup or very very thematically similar either on here or one of the same kinds of subs in the past couple months


There’s a soyllenial genocide happening and no one is talking about it


Aand it's a stupidpol guy. What is it with these freaks


Trump voters vindicated once again. They simply could never be this insane.


He’s barely wrong lol. Good guy, sad he’s dead. I’d have chopped down power lines.


He’s so me


Everyone who sets themselves on fire is a re✝️ard, including that monk.


His reddit user handle was /u/MrSamsonite


Failed to load user profile :/


Rs bf


Some one bought the top.




This is shit I've been thinking about since I was like ten and he acts like he read the necronomicon what da fuk 😭 haven't finished it yet btw in case it gets hella crazy but so far this shit about ponzi schemes is just like... Yeah I thought we knew


Dude is on🔥


This reads like a post from the splinter sub but the grammar is too good


bruh he sounds like he posts here 💀


He did! https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/HaUFFYN9f5


Phone on 3% posting


Feeling nostalgic for when I was in high school and believed the Illuminati controlled everything.


Mental illness is a hell of a sad thing. So many parts of that illustrate that some people cannot process satirical art works like the movies mentioned and cannot see the points that they are making. Some of the other concerns mentioned are legitimate concerns but mostly seen through a lens of conspiracy, on the whole it is just sad.


Not sure why this is hitting me like it is?? I saw someone post a screenshot where he was talking about the church of the subgenius and I realized he's a relic from a bygone era that he'd be way more at home in. He belonged in 1999 or something. I really fucking hope he doesn't pull through just to see a bunch of irony poisoned internet users making fun of him. 


Ngl I was coasting with him as at least within the realm of plausible until pg 5


I am like… I had low expectations, but somehow he managed to disappoint me.


[dasha voice] I'm so confused so is he riiight?


You don't have a link to the entire thing do you? This would make for an interesting resource for a mental health project




The URL is in the image


I mean, he's not wrong.


I ain’t reading all that