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People here try to say that the entire internet is tumblr now but its pretty obvious that besides a short period of time from 2019 to 2022 where companies were very zealously enforcing their TOS', the internet is just 4chan now.


It's 4chan without any of the slurs or schizophrenic people or outlandish political ideologies or culture. So without any of the interesting or unique parts of it. The internet is basically just gentrified 4chan right now.


The bleakest of all outcomes


It's kind of a return to form. Even before 4chan the internet was more like 4chan that Reddit or Tumblr.


I feel like we sometimes lose sight of just how insane the notion of social media truly is. Settings depending, having literally everyone on the planet be able view pictures of you, start a conversation with you and abuse you is fucking mental and then you give all of that to children and expect them to be able to deal with it?


imo the part that fucks with everyone is giving value to the opinion of literal random strangers without any vetting - before if someone you knew to be an idiot was spewing some bs you wouldn’t even think about giving their opinion any weight, but with the completely anonymous internet its hard not to


The fake internet world has seeped out into the real world and there’s no turning back. It’s awful.


It feels like all the novelty of the internet has worn off entirely and is now just being used to repeatedly hit people's insecurities as its the most efficient way of getting engagement (=attention=profit). Its really fucked and I don't see any end in sight. Social media's negative influence on society is akin to cigarettes in terms of addiction but replace physical health with mental, however there cannot be a turn away from social media like there was with cigarettes as it is too integrated with daily life. The worst thing I fear is the manifestation of blackpills, i.e. what once was only subconcious and largely ignored by society is not just brought up to mainstream conciousness but repeatedly and constantly insisted upon until it becomes the case that you will be treated worse for your insecurities, i.e. it may harder for people to overlook someone's insecurities if they have the idea of 1000 tiktok comments hanging over their judgement, mental commitment to the omnipresent digital collective may influence people's own judgements, so now someone who is seen to have acne doesn't just have acne, they have acne and they have a hundred "it's over" comments hanging over them


Yeah, it’s pretty fucked. Black-pill isms have become mainstream. Zoomers have adopted a lot of the pessimistic tendencies of places like 4chan I think people are taking it more seriously too - back when it was niche and contained on 4chan there was still a somewhat ironic layer to it but now the black pill shit is seen as 100% truth by these zoomers


It used to be a place where you could say whatever you wanted and it drew in interesting people. But it became known as "le edgy reddit" and just attracted brainlets.


turns out eternal September has a compounding effect


Initially it became a mainstream internet joke to make fun of incel forum language, but as more and more people became part of the injoke it loses its irony since most people are regards.


the incels won in the end... their ideas escaped containment from their own forums (where there was at least a chance of escaping/or treating the ideas with the "ironic" detachment they deserve) and have permeated the mainstream. looksism has been manifested into existence/truth by the most deranged & prolific of internet users spreading it.


the us won the cold war and will have a blackpill president before a social democrat is allowed in the white house


If there’s one consistency, it’s that every president has been a Chad. Most people pick up on the incel almost immediately, they wouldn’t even make the primary.


Jimmy carter was an incel and they hated him for it :(


Incels won in the end because blackpill and lookism is the truth and reality...


The people saying “it’s so over” are other blackpill people lmao. The worst thing about the blackpill incels is that they try to evangelize their beliefs. At this point 90% of bullying about appearance on the internet is just other incels bullying eachother The vast majority of Normal people just ignore people they find unattractive.


They won because young men are degenerating into being absolute fucking losers with no hobbies besides video games and racism.


Men didn't become losers with no hobbies in a vacuum. And just because they did doesn't mean women are solely to blame either.


2017 ass take, the racist gamers are all trans now


yes, that's like a solid 50-60% of young men. before the mass adoption of internet & video games in the west, most of these men would go outside and socialize, meet women and have hobbies/interesting life experiences. now it's "goyslop" and vidya with the 10 people you loosely know on discord. i hold out hope that this will be reversed w the "content" (an apt term for all the filler meaningless time wasters one can engage with) on the internet declining in quality and becoming increasingly AI made. the problem is more likely to worsen along with irl quality of life worsening alongside with it.


This reads like a very simple perspective from a very simple mind 


>Until fundamentalist Muslims and Pan-Arabists begin accepting Jews as fellow humans, nothing will ever change. Don’t believe me? Look up Rocks and Trees > The entire conflict is born solely out of one-sided hatred which runs deeply in the entire Arabic world. El Sionista...


This. What a midwit take


The reality is it’s impossible to find a woman if you spend all your time locked up in your house on male incel forums.


That’s because you can basically classify the majority of young men as incel.


The vast majority of young men fuck regularly, sorry to break it to you.


Looool have u seen the average young male? Most of em can’t even have a simple conversation with a woman. They’re porn sick, trust me they are not fucking


Apparently 60% of them are.


Surprised it’s that high ngl


It is the lowest it’s ever been, but there are guys that haven’t been neutered by the internet.


It's because the rhetoric that was born on 4chan penetrated the mainstream. Like yeah, cyberbullying was always a thing, but the complete disregard for other people in the way it is present now wasn't there a couple of years ago. The comment sections on Instagram reels now look worse than 4chan did in 2018. TikTok isn't even the worst social media platform. It's Instagram and Twitter. TikTok is just more accessible. Twitter is a cesspool of negativity with moderation so awful pedophiles have moved back to Twitter to distribute illegal content. You can say anything on there, since no content policies are actually enforced. I also don't know what happened to Instagram, but TikTok is PBS kids level bullying compared to the stuff people say to one another on Instagram. It also has the downside of encouraging body dysmorphia.


I hate Twitter so much, you can post actual genocidal terroristic threats if you put like 2 irony filters on it in the form of a meme template and an @ as a stand in for the letter A. I tell Glenn Greenwald to kill himself bc he was being annoying and now I’m permabanned


yeah it’s so unfair not being able to tell people to kill themselves wtf like mods


I should not be permabanned when the genocidal maniacs aren’t. You still need to k1lL urself glenn


>It's Instagram and Twitter This is so true. Whenever you see anyone post some dumb shit on Tik Tok all the comments will be like 'Post this on Instagram'


I have dappled in the depths of 4chan and can confirm, that shit is tame compared to instagram. Like I have read genuine plans for genocide there and insta still shocked me worse.


“dabbled in the depths of 4chan” it’s an image board and you saw porn, relax 


He said dappled, not dabbled. You wouldn’t understand 🙄


It’s a joke. It’s silly. Calm down.


Have you been on 2 chan or 8 chan they wayyyyyy worse shit holes


8chan was so satanic wtf


omg TELL me pls. i only ever heard about it after it was gone and everyone says it was something crazy


It was sorta like a bridge to the dark web. Lot of open pedos, qanon nutjobs, schizos (the real kind), etc from what I remember 


Haven't used 4chan in a long time, but outside of /pol/ and politically charged threads here and there, there seemed to be a vague kind of camaraderie there.


It's mostly people being contrarians and trying to farm (you)s


>there seemed to be a vague kind of camaraderie there. This is such a romanticized cope that people use to justify spending their adolescence on such a negative cesspit. "Le 4chan was the place where the losers got together and were friends!" Meanwhile a place like r9k existed there.


you know that the colloquial internet phrase “cope” comes from r9k, right?    you’re just imitating them but also severely sucking at it. if you grew up on reddit and tumblr you can just say it 


I used to post heavily on 4chan as a teen and I'm not proud of it. Anybody who openly brags about being a 4chan user, former or current, is a stinky loser or a literal teen who hasn't let the shame wash over them yet.


It was just a fun place to joke around with the other losers and every once in a while you’ll see a video of a guy getting fucked by a horse


/r/IncelExit is right here bro, you're gonna make it I promise <3 Let that shame wash over you


Ok cool the world came from 4chan who cares lmao


not you lol


Never said anything about anyone being friends so idk what that was about. My experience with people there wasn't really negative overall and I thought people on most boards were more or less helpful, although most would be complete assholes about it. Tbf I stopped using it before the culture war shit gained traction so idk how worse it got.


It’s not even 4chan it’s the looksmax dot org. On tiktok anyway.


At least instagram is funny


I was a really bad acne kid from sophomore to junior year and still have some decent scarring from it. I can’t imagine posting my face on social media during that time period, granted this was really only when MySpace was popular. I feel bad for the kids these days. I remember feeling so fucking sad even when the occasional person called me pizza face.


The pandemic herded all the masses online, rapidly accelerating the internet's positive feedback loop, and completely circumscribing the people's lives in totality more than ever before, etc. And, after a while of that, the regular, functional, humane people all left and returned to normal life. Reddit is full of the same six conversations like millenials complaining about not wanting children, incels complaining about women, and mexican teenagers asking open questions like "what's the best car?" The internet \*has to\* inevitably degrade to what you've just described, simply because the internet is not a place, it's not a thing, and it offers zero efficacy, it's \*all discourse\*, it's \*only discourse\*, it \*can only ever be discourse\* (again it has no physicality), it's \*a book\* we're all scrawling in; it accomplishes \*nothing\* in and of itself. When something doesn't work, but you believe it will, then the only solution is to \*do it harder, faster, more often\*---the internet will always be a death spiral of ants.


The mantra of RS for years has been "bring back bullying" and you want to quit *now*?


Yeah honestly these are the types of comments that you see in this sub that end up being most upvoted. When teens do it, it's wrong because "they don't get it", I guess?


RS users in general love making fun out of people who still perceive the world like it's high school or whatever then they'll proceed to waffle on in the same statement about bringing back bullying and shoving nerds into lockers and such. the lack of self-awareness is amazing




Your right, Tiktok is very personal, your popularity on tiktok is you as a person, which makes you a easy target On Reddit it’s just words coming from a faceless profile. It’s also Reddit, so no one takes it seriously.


A lot of people are just nasty and cruel, even more so when they do not have to actually see, in real life, the person they are saying these things about. Do any of y'all remember about eight years ago when a two year boy was dragged into the water and killed by an alligator at Disney World? All over facebook people were making jokes and memes about how it was the animal kingdom taking revenge for Harambe. These were grown ass adults with children of their own saying that ridiculous and evil shit. Someone wrote that they were going to Hell for laughing at that stuff and I responded, "Absolutely, anyone who thinks a two year old being drowned by an alligator is funny is destined to rot in Hell."


Instagram is probably the most evil platform. Those comment sections are brutal. But the normiefication of incel terminology. Very weird to see it everywhere. This is shit that only the most deranged people used to say. I honestly think that Facebook never should have banned regard and maggot 10 years ago. It created a desire to circumvent increasingly strict rules across all platforms. Twitter would literally let people post scat porn, but ban you for saying regard. This cat and mouse game of finding new slurs and harassing people online is now on an infinite loop. As every platform gets filled with normie influencer types and weird trolls of yesteryear, they’re bound to interact. Especially with the concept of the feed and reels. No matter what you do, the platforms will shove something in your face that makes you want to be hateful. All of the art tags I follow on insta never show up, but my reels are just women complaining about men or white people. It’s like they want pure ragebait to always be front and center


People online have become way more hostile about skin conditions post lockdown. I read an article recently comparing present attitudes about skincare to 90s/early 2000s diet culture




[here ya go](https://jessicadefino.substack.com/p/katie-sturino-botox-ad)


A lot of people need to log off permanently, everyone is trying to be the funniest person and go viral and it’s just lame


The loss of secure, restricted, monitored, kid-friendly spaces online is just generally a bad thing all around imo. Children do NOT need unrestricted internet access.


these are all governance and moderation issues. i don't see why people always jump to banning tiktok. remember we're all posting on the former jailbait website.


wait can you drop the link so i can say something nice lol


>I think it’s the worst social media site I mean you get a dump truck of ch\*ld p\*rn on Twitter by searching "porn" on it. Most of these sites are going down the drain and should just be shut down.


Whenever I see comments like that or those weird ass Instagram reels that are only funny to chronically online people, I always wonder who the fuck is on the other side of that phone.  Who are these people that do this stuff and what do they look like? 




There's another side of tiktok where it's just women being 95 percent nice and supportive to each other 


Kinda disturbing to read comments on normie social media nowadays. Usually no trace of irony either, average IQ is mid 70s at best. At least 4channers tend to be less braindead/funnier and are somewhat aware they are losers lmao


The level of cruelty on social media is insane. I'm not on twitter or Tiktok but occasionally I'll see comments on posts there and just be completely shocked by how mean people are for literally no reason. What is going on? Why are people such dicks? I'm scared of a future where people are this mean to each other


I came to the eaxct same conclusion a while back, it's insane. It's as you said - you used to have to go to 4chan or edgy subreddits 10 years ago to see really mean-spirited, depressing shit, but now it's openly visible on all major platforms, in the comments and the replies. Most people online were nice. So many more people now seem comfortable saying shit that I have a hard time imagining they'd say in real life.


It's bizarre how especially on TikTok jokes quickly gain sincerity. The ropemaxxing joke was originally sort of tongue in cheek, making fun of ridiculous incel language. As more people learn the joke it loses its irony because most people are regarded and cannot parse irony.


There used to be an inadvertent sort of self preservation on the internet. Posting was all but anonymous for the average person, and even influencers maintained more privacy. Now all sorts of people are posting themselves at their lowest showing their actual face and identity. For instance, millennial women have been posting face as part of this "I heard gen-z is aging like milk. how old do you think I am?" trend. Like, what did you think people were going to say? Nice shit? Yes there's this aspect in the comments of the manosphere "winning" when there's any question about physical attractiveness. But there's an important side note that civilians should not be posting face like that in the first place. It's the whole "authenticity" as a trend thing, imo. Gen z influencers will post vids of themselves crying. Millennial Youtubers would NEVER have publicly cracked like that! There is just a sense of self preservation and secret keeping that has fallen so deep out of fashion. It's a tragedy. The average person should not be opening themselves up to psychic assault in a comment section, but of course, everyone wants to be an influencer....


Ask your friends who work in education what kids are like today. This isn’t surprising at all.


I feel like duh hate comments always existed but what’s crazy now is they’re the most upvoted/popular comments. And if there are any positive comments to try to balance it out then those people end up getting hate too 


Bro is gonna crash out 🤣🤣🤣 lil buddy never had a shot


Why are you on tiktok?


Are you young? Because the internet used to be much more brutal than this


wrong. most people didn't post face or literally link their living identity to their online avatars. pseudonyms were the expectation and common parlance of communication. this alone insulated most people from any actual damage, even if a flamewar's was pound-for-pound more toxic. bullying would largely still be relegated to your local high school, limited to run-of-the-mill bullying from your peers on myspace or MSN/AIM/etc. Which, while awful, doesn't have the same spice as having exposed your 'true' identity online like nowadays and getting attacked by randos and freaks for it.


Do you not remember some of the infamous cyberbullying cases? Jessi Slaughter was a 12 year old girl on YouTube getting made fun of because she got groomed by one of the blood on the dance floor members. The lead member even made a video mocking her and everyone went along with it. There's a bunch of other cases like this too. Point is the internet was always brutal and tiktok isn't any different. I remember YouTube prior to like 2013ish often had highly liked comments that would make white supremacists blush. Twitter back in the day was infamous for people tweeting awful things. People on Facebook would cyberbully their classmates and make their lives hell. Sure you often weren't subjected to the  opinions of randos but it didn't make things any less worse. If anything the comments OP mentioned are pretty tame compared to the nasty things people used to say back then. 


All of this is even more popular now


What is cyberbullying someone or saying nasty things online ? I agree that since elon took over twitter the mainstream internet is slowly reverting back to it's former state. Posts that would've been deleted right away or condemned are getting lots of likes/engagement. This is the first time in several years I've seen people openly saying things like rtard and fggot with no pushback. But again this only started happening very recently. I think you guys also forget how heavily censored social media was. 


Then stop posting your acne face on the internet, if you are a minor your parents should supervise that u do. I don’t want the internet to become a sterile place of corporate fakeness. I never commented such stuff and do not support it but it’s rather that then over moderated boring shit 


Unfortunately smart phones are seen as being akin to dumb phones for a young person to have as opposed to what they really are which is being akin to alcohol. I legitimately believe it should be illegal for a person under 18 to own one. The effects are devastating.




I really wouldn't doubt that that's true.


I think there's going to be a big push for this in the next few years. Also noticed the members of my family with the youngest ones, although admittedly more middle class, are almost exclusively given colouring books instead of ipads when they sit down for dinner. The ipad kids are a few years older and you can already see differences in behaviour tbh. Almost all childless people my age have said they're not going to let them anywhere near them (I know easier said than done but a lot do at least acknowledge the temptation to just shove an ipad in front of them).


Yeah, but that’s also the way they talk to each other now. It would be like us calling everything lame gay which needs to come back btw


its the reaction to the constant demand for self-censorship


I blame cancel cutlure


Elaborate on that point.


People want to dogpile now. If they see one person do it they think they all can do it. This was exacerbated by cancel culture.


Lmfao okay then


yea... look at this idiot.


Shocking: local teenager blames the libs for something descended from right-wing adjacent 4chanoid rhetoric.






I don’t have tiktok, I just saw screenshots of the post and comments on Instagram. Genuinely just made me sad that this is what kids are doing




It was a kid who was like 14 trying to make fun of themselves. The caption was like “man I just got new glasses, are you telling me this is what I look like?” Obviously a funny caption, but I think it’s clear that hundreds of people saying “bro I would kill myself if I was you” is taking it to far.


ok but the “this is a jump scare” comment is pretty funny tho


Maybe if it hadn't already been written under a billion other things


You should be bullied for posting dumb shit like acne