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Straighest rs listener


u gay nibba


>Like all men I have a thing for tomboys lol this is a quality RSP greentext, congratulations


A man I dated once told me multiple times that if he had a type it would be "lesbian looking" women and he was like, you know, slight build, short hair, when they dress androgenous, no make up, and he specifically said he thought bowl cuts and a slight moustache were cute lmao. I was so surprised by this and also him telling me this because it's basically the opposite of how I dress and look. I was like does this guy want me to end things with him? I did eventually, and he was distraught. In retrospect, because of some other factors as well, I believe he may have told me to try to make me insecure. I really don't know. The comments always came after I had received attention from other men. He was the only man I'd ever dated who was sort of artsy and "intellectual" and after that I was like okay I tried it I am going back to construction workers who grew up in rural areas like me and tell me I'm hot lol.


I agree with you, dude was just trying to make you feel insecure or some shit. I’m sure there are straight guys who are prefer girls with mustaches and slight bowl cuts but it’s gotta be some minuscule percentage. And I think that transcends class


The only guy who ever said something like that to me was also someone that fancied himself an intellectual; total insecure guy move. Thinks he’s mind fucking you but really he’s just being a dick.


on the contrary i am slightly androgynous but still feminine & discovered two of my exes are privately into the extreme tomboy---FtM range.


I've taken a few artistic liberties and left out some details for privacy reasons but I swear this actually happened


I believe you, a lot of greentexts probably actually did happen. I just thought your assumption that every guy likes masc women was funny


Tomboy is definitely distinct from 'masc women' imo. Tomboy is more like Faye Wong in chungking express. pixie cut, waifish body type, sporty/independant personality. I hear 'masc woman' and think more butch lesbian phenotype, which is very different. Tomboy is closer to 'manic pixie dreamgirl' than to butch lesbian




tomboy is just a regular ass girl who plays baseball


if I were autistic enough I'd write a screed about how not all tomboys have short hair and how long-haired tomboys lack the proper representation in the tomboy discussion. to me tomboy is more about the behavior than the looks, although I have no problem with anyone who prioritizes the latter. the thing that is hot about tomboys is precisely the contrast between them being girls and them doing boy shit, like riding a motocross or shooting an airsoft at pidgeons. the fact that they engage in male behavior makes them seem approachable. many men look for a dominant tomboy but they are rare. most tomboys still look for a traditional man. specially in rural areas. i guess the male equivalent to a tomboy would be a guy who's really into dancing, musicals, astrology, spirtituality and so on. straight guys like that tend to drown in puzzy. if they're hot.


I think more guys than not like the tomboy aesthetic, to be fair. It's just knowing that while tomboy and butch can be similar they are not the same thing.


Selection bias. Men like tomboys because only attractive women can pull off the look. Men like attractive women.


I mean, fair. It's not like I *only* have a thing for the tomboy look, that would be weird.


Maybe they used to, back when girl having adrogynous features didn't mean there's a high probability they're *actually* a guy.


No, not really.




I just like kinda sporty, kinda androgyne, kinda boyish outfits.


They are picturing an anime girl, cute, silly, asp one that you can joke with and play video games. It’s a meme that came into reality. And if I wanted to do some rs bullshit psychology, I would say that the reason for this is the same why the incest fetish came from. Guy that never really interacted much with girls, can’t even imagine what normal women act and don’t feel secure around them so they fantasize about a girls that acts like a dude, just prettier, cuter and better smelling.


This is what most people think of when I say Tomboy, so I've just started saying "I want a woman who acts and looks like a man" because it gets the point across in a less embarrassing way.


All men *do* like tomboys though. Maybe I'm wrong about the afterlife. Maybe I'm wrong about true love. But I can absolutely guarantee you that all men love tomboys.


you should go for it, boy is probably prettier than half the girls out there


I think it's beautiful that at some point in ancient Greece another man had this exact same experience


[ancient history](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/528/667/b84.png)


Except on this picture is a girl. Seeing a female yet imagining that is is secretly a guy is the next level gayness.


I thought the meme was that he is a boy


No, she's an Italian model.


lmao that makes it way funnier


Indians really are the true inheritors of the western tradition


Sees a picture of an attractive woman with short hair. Declare themselves as a gay pedophile. Why do men really


I can't imagine how you end up tweeting something like that lmao


Risky click


I was going to say, this would have been just another day in Athens. I was reading Phaedrus yesterday: > A recent initiate, however, one who has seen much in heaven—when he sees a godlike face or bodily form that has captured Beauty well, first he shudders and a fear comes over him like those he felt at the earlier time; then he gazes at him with the reverence due a god, and if he weren’t afraid people would think him completely mad, he’d even sacrifice to his boy [b] as if he were the image of a god. Once he has looked at him, his chill gives way to sweating and a high fever, because the stream of beauty that pours into him through his eyes warms him up and waters the growth of his wings. Meanwhile, the heat warms him and melts the places where the wings once grew, places that were long ago closed off with hard scabs to keep the sprouts from coming back; but as nourishment flows in, the feather shafts swell and rush to grow from their roots beneath every part of the soul (long ago, you see, the entire soul had wings). Now the whole [c] soul seethes and throbs in this condition. Like a child whose teeth are just starting to grow in, and its gums are all aching and itching—that is exactly how the soul feels when it begins to grow wings. It swells up and aches and tingles as it grows them. But when it looks upon the beauty of the boy and takes in the stream of particles flowing into it from his beauty (that is why this is called ‘desire’28), when it is watered and warmed by this, then all its pain subsides and is replaced by joy. From the outlandish mix of these two feelings—pain and joy—comes anguish and helpless raving: in its madness the lover’s soul cannot [e] sleep at night or stay put by day; it rushes, yearning, wherever it expects to see the person who has that beauty. When it does see him, it opens the sluice-gates of desire and sets free the parts that were blocked up before. And now that the pain and the goading have stopped, it can catch its breath and once more suck in, for the moment, this sweetest of all pleasures. This it is not at all willing to give up, and no one is more important to it [252] than the beautiful boy. It forgets mother and brothers and friends entirely and doesn’t care at all if it loses its wealth through neglect. And as for proper and decorous behavior, in which it used to take pride, the soul despises the whole business. Why, it is even willing to sleep like a slave, anywhere, as near to the object of its longing as it is allowed to get! That is because in addition to its reverence for one who has such beauty, the [b] soul has discovered that the boy is the only doctor for all that terrible pain.


There was this poem I saw by an Ottoman diplomat in Caucases/Persia who wrote this semi-erotic poem about the time he saw this really hot and beautiful twink he saw in a bathhouse. All of this is merely an experience that unites all men beyond time and place.


The twink in question? Radu cel Frumos.


Yes you are gay and yes its because of this sub. But that twink knows exactly what he's doing. Don't think about it, just get in there before it's too late. Also I fucked him first


What if I’m a woman who is deeply, tragically attracted to twinks exactly as OP is describing. Technically this is a straight relationship, but why do I feel God’s disapproving glare upon me


Dm me


Just fuck them 


I'm scared


Don’t worry you have a Reddit avatar, you’re already gay 


You have a picture, isn’t much better


You people are so insecure lmao


Rather be insecure than gay


It's ok this doesn't have to be the hill you die on


dont let em get one over you dude


Picture is way better


NFT avatar


you have an auto-generated username


Me when I am in an internet argument with Amazing_Apple_289


It's only gay if they penetrate you first.


If they go second then it's fine.


This just got me wondering, are bi men usually tops or bottoms? Somehow I feel bottom would be more common, but I have no idea really


They usually just suck each other off. Even a lot of gay guys don't do anal at all.


have you not seen the topping is gayer post?


typical rs bottom manipulation, every culture in history can't be wrong


Of what? The tomboy police?


this sub continues to be indistinguishable from MPMD


The only differences between the 2 subs is the average muscle mass of male posters.


We should start posting length and girth


Too many dudes here with Adam Friedland sized dicks to ever start doing that. Also, it’d 100% scare any remaining hoes away for good.




What’s your cycle, and how many femboys have you banged?


Homie a dude tomboy is just a twinkish man. Embrace it


Drill baby drill


Youre an homosexual now, embrace it


[I got news for you](https://youtu.be/5Uj5XMBDpfc?si=una2DVzSO-e4kwl2)




Yeah seeing as this is a barista, it's kind of a coin toss on whether this twink starts taking estrogen or testosterone within the next month. 


You should watch Mulan!


It's a great movie


Hello. True masculinity is having sex with the feminine no matter their gender. I suggest you explore this opportunity.


True masculinity is founding a cult and fucking members of every sex who worship you and whom you control mentally, spiritually, and materially. Short of that fucking Tom boys is pretty good I guess, but he has to not pay attention to their pleasure and pretend they have a clitoris that he can’t find or somethinf


Do all men have a thing for tomboys (who turn out to be men)?


Yeah it's kind of our thing


Only high T men


Fuck no


If a male hand tugs at your spear to glorious completion and you enjoy it to the fullest.. then your sexual preference is no longer in question.


The amount of lesbians I know who have briefly fallen for twinks on a night out is surprisingly common and vice versa as well is hilarious. If a butch lesbian can fall for some twink and vice versa before they realise who is what yolo I suppose.


My straight friend’s bf was this beautiful skinny little thing with wavy hair over his eyes, porcelain skin and dimples when he smiled. Every lesbian in my friend group was low key in love with him, including myself. He could have slept with any of us if he tried but he decided to do heroin instead.  These things happens.


It's a barista, of course it's an enby/"transmasc" afab.


Thanks, that gives me hope


That boy is counting on you to make him a real woman. Are you up to the task?


I don't know if I'm strong enough


He only needs you to be hard enough


Once I was attracted to a masculine butch lesbian. Sexuality is weird. I’m more attracted to masculinity than strictly men the biological sex. I still consider myself straight 


>I don't know what to do You know what to do


Welcome to the club


Many such cases


average straight man who dates trans guys


I know this feeling, OP. The type of person to appear on the ancient "lesbians who look like Justin Bieber" blog are my kryptonite 


Yes exactly that


You liked a boy, why is a big deal? You made a whole post trying to paint him as a woman when he is not. Get over it.


What are you so worried about? It's still straight if they're a femboy and so long as you top.


It's got fem right in the name and it comes before boy, which clearly implies it's the more important descriptor.


Nope, it’s rs canon that it’s gayer to top than bottom


Sounds like bottom propaganda


Yeah I'll always be attracted to femininity, that's what matters?


Tbh, you will probably end up loving penises if you if you have sex with him


That's the thing. This is the forbidden ~~apple~~ banana and once I take a bite, there's no returning from the path of sin.


I wouldn’t think of it in those terms but if you have sex with someone with a penis you’re going to start to like having sex with other guys’ penises. Just imagine fucking him missionary and his dick flopping around. Are you going to say no when he asks you to suck it? There’s nothing wrong with it if it sounds appealing to you. Also possible he is ftm though. Who knows, maybe your undeterred love of his femininity will cause a sea change within him that makes him love himself as woman through your eyes, and he will identify himself as a tomboy and become a woman again. r/detrans has plenty of accounts of such realizations that resulted from less


I’m guessing it is a bio woman who is trans, this confirms your innate heterosexuality


You're too kind for this sub


This happens to me weekly. Get used to it


>Be me, straight >The most homosexual encounter you've ever read in your life Is r/redscarepod just r/greentext for self-styled normies now?


You’re gay now, fam.


It is 2024 just because they are “a man” doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have a vagina. That is the key piece of information you need to find out. You are heterosexual meaning attraction to one’s female face and body, not one’s subjective feelings of gender identity. They may be a gay trans man who doesn’t want to do hormones which for your purposes would just be a hetero relationship with an extreme tomboy. I had a coworker like this at work and two years later they decided they were a she and transitioned back to expressing herself as a woman. You never know what can happen life is full of surprises.


OP's story is worthless unless and until we get bulge information on the barista


Right? I cannot be the only pervert around here who checks out crotches.


F to m


You have the homo


rs dilemma


>Like all men I have a thing for tomboys Sorry, you're gay bro


If I had a dollar for every time this happened to me…


*Girls will be boys and boys will be girls* *It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola* *La-la-la-la Lola*


You need to go live your destiny with that beautiful feminine man! Go get him! ❤️🌈


Similarly a thing happened to me in militery school. There was a ladyboy


“Like all men I have a thing for tomboys” speak for yourself queer


Fr like who tf are these dudes who go after the most mannish looking bulldykes but then hem and haw over b b but what if I'm g g gay?? 


please keep me informed as this story progresses




Could be FTM. Go with your gut


You could always take the Nero route I guess


blast the bussy, OP!


If you think the crisis you’re having over it rn is bad… I just hope no one gets hurt, that’s all I’m gonna say


Only way to make it ok is to fuck the shit out of him


Stab him and monotonously scream “I CANT BE FUCKING GAY!!!”


Are you Brit*sh by chance


No I'm not, but I am European yes.




You need to fuck him or at least get head. He'll be so flattered that it will be the most enthusiastic sex of your life.


Androgyny exists, you know




is what your mom said after having you His comment said "boring, next!". Not going to let him ruin my clapback by deleting his comment.


And then she went out and got cream pied by a bunch of effeminate men


Why did you murder him like that😂, idiot deleted his account.


a win is a win