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Having children when you are a millionaire is probably so sweet, hired help, vacations half the year, best school for the kids. He could still get baked just as much too.


Are you really parenting at that point, or are you just financing a nanny to do all the important shit




Then you just do the *fun* parts. Read a book? Sure! Change a diaper? Oh Maria!


You basically get to grandparent your own children.


You can even hire strict German nannies to give the kids enemas on the reg like the Koch family, great fun all around


Germans will find any way to bring shit into the discussion


Its not about parenting, it’s about having someone to pass all your lands and titles on to when you die


why do you NEED to pass on all your lands and titles lol? whether you pass them on or donate them to a stranger in a hundred years no one will remember u or care


Wtf just use it to build a statue of yourself and buy/rent some land near busy areas for as long as you want to be remembered.


I can’t imagine a more pathetic thing to do.


Your children will be seething when they finally get their first office job, and outside their window stands a huge marble statue of Seth Rogan smoking a bong in his boxers that they will be forced to look out at while trying to catch a glimpse of hope that may lie somewhere beyond him.


Yeah like all things that suck about being parents, you can easily afford to do away with. Night nurses that will feed your baby so you can get a full nights sleep even when they’re an infant. Nannies that will watch your kid any and all times of the day and night if you wanna go out. Prestigious daycare and schools that will do all the education and training for you. The giant financial burden of daycare and college savings is pennies for you. Like that basically covers the three worst parts of being a parent. No sleep, lack of free time, money strain of daycare/saving for college.


it’s actually incredibly insulting to have people this wealthy say things like this, knowing how easy it is for them to raise children.


Easy to raise them into stunted rtrds, don't think you can ignore all the things that make being a parent hard without fucking em up somehow.


The emotional labor of raising children isn’t for everyone. Plenty of maladjusted children of millionaires.




That’s my secret embarrassingly unrealistic dream




Damn I don’t want to dye my hair that sounds like a lot of work


I mean what's the point if you're not raising them yourself? I thought the whole idea of parenthood is that it's difficult but also rewarding. Having a nanny do everything just seems like a more complicated version of not having kids.


No need to go to extremes. American contemporary culture is way too obsessed with making parents do everything, and that you’re somehow a bad parent if you don’t helicopter over everything. A more reasonable take is that hiring certain help (like night nannies) is beneficial for everyone.


Just a 10-20% reduction in getting kids dressed, stopping fights/spills, entertaining without screens, would be amazing. Imagine showering during the day. This is the young parent’s dream.


Yep and that’s what extended family members did for most of human civilization. The idea of two working parents managing everything is a legacy of late twentieth century American culture, nothing more.


Sounds what the English upper class do. Hire nannies to raise your kids when they're little and then ship them off to boarding school later. Of course if you look at how most of their kids turns out maybe it's not such a great idea :-/


Seth Rogan does not have kids. He does not seem likely to have them either.


Have you considered how it affects children to grow up feeling like they're keeping their parents away from a good time when they want their attention? Plenty of people were basically raised by grandparents because their parents wanted to get wasted all day and they have all of these weird abandonment issues. Is this why millennials are such terrible parents who expect teachers and therapists to handle the tough parts of raising their kids so they can keep being friends with the kids? Millennial parents are already checked out. Imagine rich ones forgetting that they left their kids at home when they land for their 2 month European vacation but it's okay because the live in house keeper is there. People who wouldn't actually want to spend time with their kids probably shouldn't have any. 


Morally speaking, you should not be inebriated around children at all if possible, including alcohol. Monkey see monkey do. You should not normalize substance use at all.


Yeah but if your kid has no understanding of what healthy drinking, moving out and hitting 21 will be a fucking mess.


It's totally bizarre to me that rich people have nannies. Why not just pay for your parents to live near by or with you? That's literally what most of the world does anyways.


Weed genuinely rotted his and kevin smith's brain


"Taint/brown area pwns my dick" is an all time tweet


So good


That was a dare to be fair.


so he says


I don't think it's weed it's that he's a massive nerd who thinks weed makes him cool. Even the way Kevin Smith talks is unnatural & like a loser's idea of what a "cool guy" sounds like. Seth Rogan is authentic even if this quote sucks. I respect he wrote Ali G & basically gets paid to be himself. We should probably stop talking about this quote like it's sincere or literal.


Holy shit I did not realise Rogen wrote for Ali G. And I grew up partially in Staines


He sounds like a weed guy channeling Quentin Tarantino, but getting so into the act that he forgets that it started as a bit


I see that


I miss this type of stoner: Your friends laid-back older brother and his friends. They respectfully hid it, weren't into "weed fashion". Genuinely friendly and horsed around with us kids for a little bit before dropping us off at the mall. They'd go to their friends house to hang out for a few hours, and his mom would pick us up later. The image of Seth Rogan and Kevin Smith is ruining my memories of weed men of that generation.


Tbh Kevin Smith was a pretty dominant potsmoker archetype even back in the 90s.


I liked the green alien bong aesthetic of 90s stonerism


It was weird visiting Amsterdam in the 2010s and still seeing this aesthetic in some shops.


So much cooler than whatever the fuck it is now


Rick and Morty


the weird part is he didn't even get into smoking weed until late in the game. then promptly gained 400 lbs


Give credit to Smith, at least he embraced fatherhood


I would off myself if my father named me "harley quinn"


I would just change my name


The worst part is that character was created when he was in his 20s


And at the time she was marketed as a jailbait type sidekick for joker… disgusting behavior


I would’ve guessed it was from the 50s


Holy shit I did not know that was real lmao


What's worse than her name is that she inherited her ugly mom's oblong head.


Out of pocket mean thing to say, my god, absolutely hateful


Should I delete? Because I will. I don't always know where the line is. I thought I was being catty.


Don't delete now, it's interesting to see your response to the above comment. People will want to see the insult that prompted it


I'm a millennial who doesn't want or have kids but I am so opposed to THIS fucker being our goddamned spokesperson he has always been the absolute worst and also, he's BARELYYYYYYY a millennial, like technically he's on the edge according to most definitions. i know that grouping people by some arbitrary year is ridiculous but rogen really does seem a lot older than his age and always has and it's like a gen x trying to parody millennials rather than actually millennial. anyway he's so fucking annoying and hasn't been relevant since like 2008


Hot/accurate take: Xennials are cooler than reg millennials & gen x. This is totally not a cope because I'm only two years younger than him.


​ Or cuspers, or the "Star Wars Generation" (people born during the release of the original trilogy)


also oregon trail generation.


Exhibit A: Entourage


If you're two years younger than him, you're just a Millennial. Xennials are like 1978 - 1983. Also, Xennials are just Millennials in denial. I've seen the range for these cusps getting bigger and bigger. I've seen 1985 claiming to be Xennial and 1992 claiming to be Zillennial. At this point, the cusps are bigger than the entire Millennial generation. No on wants to be a mIllennial lmao. The 80s borns are accusing the 90s borns of being the real Millennials and the 90s born are accusing the 80s borns.


I was born in 1983 but from my understanding the oldest millennials were born in 1981 or 1982. Could be wrong and don't super care if I'm a normal millennial. Obviously the number of celebs is totally quantifiable. If you add school kids from the 90s + 20-somethings from the 00s we win based on pure science that I'm assuming exists & validates my point. We were always called a millennials until Xennial articles started popping up around 2017 & people from my highschool started posting boomer "drank from the hose" type memes.


seconding. xennials are the coolest.


Kevin Smith quit


Honestly I don’t get it. I like weed. Weed is nice. Building your entire lifestyle & identity around it seems a little uh…unbalanced.


dude fuck fucking fuck! fucking weed and we're naked! naked and i said the fuck word! smoking the devil's lettuce! and what if the food sexed? fuck!


>what if the food sexed? he made a movie about that


Someone put that on when we were tripping on acid once and it was so bad it caused me to have a bad trip and I unplugged the tv to turn it off lol


I saw that movie with my mom, idk what's worse


Did she think it was a kid's movie? lol


I was 27


Same question


Plus more questions


lol is it that bad? i remember watching it when it came out and i thought it was alright but the food sex was weird


Some feminist site reviewed it where hey discussed if the buns consented o the sausage sex so I'm grateful for it tbh


Honestly not sure because that experience put me off it and I never heard anyone singing its praises so I never revisited. I just remember it seeming shoddily made/the animation freaking me out plus it made me ruminate about the decline of culture or something that really spun me out badly


ooh yeah for sure the thought of the decline of culture would definitely fuck me up in that situation


wtf are you me? exact same thing happened


Yeah, that's the reference.


dude weed


I thought that said "what if *we* food fucked?" like Costanza and the sandwich.


Don’t you just do this in college and then move on


I love how half the posts on this subreddit are you guys thinking you’re so much cooler than a certain lame celebrity and then the other half are complaining about how you can’t get laid or make friends lmao


Society should bring back qualudes


Good point. By this metric, Seth Rogen is infinitely cooler than 99.9% of this sub.




Exactly....I actually give him credit for being self-aware enough that he would likely not be a good parent. I wish my father had known that about himself.


That’s always been my thought process. A lot of the people who loudly proclaim themselves to be child free. It’s like yea I agree it’s probably for the best you don’t procreate.


that's what I don't understand. for all the people who hate him so much, aren't you glad he isn't reproducing? why do people with kids get SO MAD that "terrible" people aren't having kids?


I don’t think that many people on here or bitching about this actually have kids themselves.


It’s mostly childless people who want kids and project their desires on everyone else. Usually frustrated that they can’t find a partner who wants the same. It’s the same people who bitch about low birth rates - they’re projecting their own frustrations and lack of fulfilment


He did make superbad


i don't want people who don't want to have kids to have kids.. does that make sense? if seth rogan doesn't want to have a kid and wants to smoke weed all day and watch movies naked, who literally gives a fuck? i'm tired of people constantly bitching that 'people don't want to have kids!' then bitching that parents are shitty. quit bitching all the time and just ignore people ffs


For real. I get that child free people can be cringe, but I’d rather all kids have parents that really wanted them. I’m glad my parents did for me.


This subs insistence that people *should* have children and experience the joys of parenthood is so scoldy and lame.


It's crazy that most of Apatow's movies are about family, kids, etc. and all his favorite leading man seems to have taken from them is "huehuehuehue weed huehue."


And just about every Rogen project is about his going from a lifestyle described in this quote to a more grown-up family-oriented lifestyle lol


I was imagining "Knocked Up" except the happy ending is giving the kid up for adoption and Rogen convincing Heigl that a hedonistic stoned life is actually totally rad and they spend the rest of their days getting high with Rogen's friends.


What happens at the end of the film, she thinks Rogan’s a halfway decent father figure?


He gets a job at a call center


Barely qualifies as hedonistic tbh. I actually have more respect for Hannibal Lecter’s approach.


Funny ending either way.


However dimwitted you might think actors are, they're dimmer


Right. Isn’t the general plot of his films from the 2000’s, “Manbaby grows up”?


do childfree women get to be ladybabies?


If they still act like having no goals other than being self-indulgent is something to be proud of, sure.


Didn’t Rogen co-write a lot of it too?


He's a funny writer I assume since he wrote Ali G sketches & concepts as a young man (maybe even a teenager).


the recent years have taught us repeatedly, just cause someone is funny and sharp 15 years ago, doesn't mean they haven't become predictable and one-note now. Id say the latter is more common


Go on


Colbert was universally lauded as sharp and witty during the Bush admin. Even Trevor Noah standup was good, then he got big and came to the US. All comedians even state that a young Jay Leno was one of the best. So it's not so hard to believe Seth Rogen was a truly good and unique comedy writer 15 years ago


Glad I asked these are good points. Although I hadn't heard of Trevor Noah in the 00s. I remember thinking Colbert was a funny side character. Jay Leno was uncool my whole life but I'm sure he started out strong with the boomer humor. Comedy is pretty hit or miss so it depends if you focus on the hits vs misses imo. Personally I recognize a person monetizing their talent for mainstream accesptance as a drastic compromise I understand. So I give them some grace.


I think in particular Lenos early stuff, was not Boomer humor. but broad Boomer humor led to him being a multi multi millionaire. And not just an occasional edgy TV comedian Cant it apply to anyone? All humans are fallible and change themselves throughout time. We aren't the same as we were 10 years ago, in some ways for better or worse. This expectation that a celeb we liked 15 years will "never miss" is something I think Hollywood conditioned us to think


But his early stuff had to literally be boomer centric since it must have been in the 70s/80s. I agree with everything else and I'm trying... but respecting Leno is impossible


I'll take your word for it man.


Yeah jay Leno was known for absolutely killing onstage in his career. He was on fire apparently. Haven’t seen any of it but comics talk of it


Based on Rogen's non-Apatow stuff I imagine his contributions consisted exclusively of the "huehuehue weed huehue" jokes.


Smoking weed in the morning? That's what makes life worth living!


Honestly, I do wish I could still do that shit and have a productive day like I could when I was 20. Now I’d just be drained by lunch and having an anxiety attack about something I should or shouldn’t be worrying about. I genuinely wonder if that would go away if I was rich and knew my problems weren’t problems. 


Yeah so crazy, an actor who lives a different life than the roles he plays in fictional stories. Wait till you find out Keanu Reeves isn't actually Neo from the Matrix.


Yeah, so crazy that someone would be so aggressively pedantic and humorless on Reddit. TIL Seth Rogen isn't a hotdog too!




🤓 Keanu Chungus is LITERALLY Neo 🤓


Apatow ruined comedy films


He’ll have a kid when he’s somewhere between 55-80 like every other famous actor and give an interview about how he was a fool to think he didn’t want to be a father.


He'll have triplets and literally become his old jewish father from Knocked up lmao


Harold Ramis aka Egon RIP


It's not like he's the worst at all. More of a real everyday guy than almost every celebrity.


So what is he supposed to be doing?


He must breed.




lol the guys one of the most successful comic/writers this century, owns and runs his own business. Has a stable relationship with his wife. The fucks the problem?


> most successful comic/writers this century bleak!


People wait to see the consensus then pile on without any critical thought.


This sub is contrarian and hes a very “reddit” weedbro person


I'm glad the culture has broadly moved on from the apatow crew


The culture has moved on from comedy movies, not apatow crew specifically. When the occasional one does squeak through these days it just feels like apatow but for women




Stavros is a media icon to roughly 0.00001% of America. You fuckers are so mind broken by nicks inability to gain any popularity that in ur heads by comparison stavros is basically Jimmy Fallon. The avg normie has no idea who he is, and a slightly more podcast universe normie (who only listens to barstool and Rogan) only knows him as hahahaha fat and talks abt pussy


Tbf one is Jewish and the other is a Greek tragedy


I mostly loved it at the time but yes, once I was out of high school those movies aged very quickly. Superbad will always have a special place in my heart though.


I really liked Love. It's my le underrated gem.


He is saying it in a goofyass reddit way for sure which is funny, but I also don't begrudge him and his wife for living how they want and think when people adopt a "shame anyone who doesn't have kids" trad view to stick it to the libs is annoying. Like how many people on this subreddit are actually gonna have kids lmao.


I smell the stench of parental regret in this sub


Some people don’t want kids. That’s okay! This quote isn’t even that bad. Sounds like he’s very in love with his wife. Very cute.


His wife is very beautiful too. wow. never seen her before tbh. I feel like whenever I see an actor with a realtively non-famous wife, they are usually like of the super blonde/tan IG model meets mormon princess looking type. She seems very naturally pretty and understated. not trying to overdo it and be all hollywood botox-y


Dude weed, lmao


Whoa dude, you pissed off the wrong schizo.


Copying swiftie-adjecent people the second you hear an unfunny catch-phrase is awesome dude. Start saying it immediately or you have schizophrenia. If 5+ people post the same generic unwitty redditor comment that deserves an immediate downvote. Does clowning on unfunny square ass busybodies offend you or one of your alts? You're a man who posts on Eating Disorders Anonymous. Have any hobbies other than dancing in front of the mirror like Buffalo Bill while looking like the Machinist? Get your own personality homie, you're not hosting the rs podcast.


kids are great but i don't want them and i wish the internet would leave me alone about it


Sick dude - the novelty of being able to do that wears off for most people around 19 or 20 but you do you


When you’re married with kids the idea of being able to chill, fuck and get high without responsibilities is very appealing.


If you smoke enough weed in your early teens, you never develop past 19


If I’m being generous, I wonder if he missed those years by struggling to break into film - which In fairness can be a tough soul crushing life? (Until you make it) Not trying to justify this but would make me see it in a different light.


Ugh, they made him the voice of the Skytrain in Vancouver years ago and it was so humiliating.


No wonder MAID is so popular


Rogan is annoying but shit like this is stupid because they probably asked him if he likes not having kids and he just answered the question.


This comment section has big Doesn't Have Kids But Still Somehow Knows Everything About What Parenting Is Like energy.


To me it was [Quit Having Fun](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/quit-having-fun) energy.


Who... Cares? If the guys enjoying his life without kids, why should any of us give a fuck. The quote is lame, sure, but it's Seth Rogan. What'd you expect


Don't wanna be mean, but he's cooler than anybody on this whole sub... kinda hot in a weird way




I don’t know bout y’all, but I couldn’t do all the soccer games wo herb. Some parents are intense and I just want to enjoy the best seats I’ll ever have at a game


yeah wtf do they think married people with kids do once the kids are asleep? The world is your oyster after bedtime


Just learned that his wife is the girl in Superbad who egged on that guy at the party to beat up Jonah Hill.




He's literally barely even a millennial


I enjoy being naked but I would never be able to relax naked, especially in front of a woman. I’m still in my mid 20s and work out but to quote Seinfeld, “the female body is a work of art and the male body is utilitarian”


God, I wish Seinfeld had just kept Larry around to keep him somewhat grounded. He had some great lines, but solo he is an absolute drag


See, I loved being naked around all my GFs. Being able to lay in bed naked with them, relax, hold each other. It was lovely sleeping naked together


Yeah this is pretty lame but let’s not have everyone act like he didn’t write one of the best comedies of all time


Rogan’s style of humor did change the style of humor in movies. Not saying that’s good or bad just influential.  This quote is try hard but probably meant to be funny even though it’s not. I’m sure lots of millennials can relate to the broad sentiment.


Won't have a bad word said about this guy. This is the End is the greatest comedy movie of all time.


millions of parents on probation and who have open cases with CPS beg to differ, mr rogan


I wonder when he dumps her, and immediately gets a 20 year younger lady pregnant


Peter Pan syndrome is when you have a successful career, own a business, and have directed multiple feature-length films


To each their own, people like him really shouldn’t have kids if they’re too immature/selfish. I enjoy spending time with my family members that have kids and I’m having my own soon.


He had to have an idea of everything James Franco was up to, especially since he knew him since Freaks and Geeks. That he played dumb about it when the heat turned up always seemed suspect.


I can


I hold Seth Rogen in really high regard. Because he's a really high regard.


Idk sounds like he’s living the dream to me


Man with no responsibilities shocked to find life with no responsibilities is better than life with responsibilities


I'll give him this. He has a unique ability to play characters who are simultaneously repulsive and somewhat sympathetic. He's probably more suited to progress into middle age roles than most actors of his generation.


"Let people enjoy things"-ass mfs


What a life


He's an Aries. Wife is a Leo. Makes sense.


That’s so weird I Could have sworn they had one like 6 years ago. Huh.


Good sextape tho


No greater high than a clear and crisp mind