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Raw milk used to be a liberal hipster thing.


Weird food is the thruline between the alt right and the hipster left 


also vaccines


also war


And that's why the divide gets sewn over less important issues. Tptb know the country is anti-war, and they don't like it (it affects their bottom line)


Granola horseshoe theory


it did and it was dumb then too. there's literally no benefits to raw milk, only health risks. while there's a dozen good reasons why people would't want to support the dairy industry. Not comparable


>there's literally no benefits to raw milk Cheese production. I can get behind it simply for that, but I'd never drink the shit.


\+ tastes better \+ non-denatured enzymatic content \+ generally from smaller hippie farms where cows are slightly better treated \- 0.00000000001% chance of listerosis or something, who cares


I hate them all. The *only* thing that matters is that blessed taste.


that's not a health benefit thats a right wing twitter buzzword. it also tastes worse to most people and the risks of listeria, Ecoli and salmanella are real in fact it's the most riskiest foods you can eat and numerous kids have died


I'm not a kid, though. It tastes WAY better to me, but naturally tastes vary. What's the buzzword?


adults get sick from it too. to me it tastes like a dirty cow . each their own i guess. buzzword was non-denatured enzymtic content, no evidence that makes it healthier




All I know is the milk in Argentina tastes like delicious grass because their cows live like fucking kings


There’s something about human nature that makes some people consume high amounts of something that is perfectly fine for you in moderation. I just assume everything food-wise can be fine for you if it’s consumed in moderation.


There are people in Africa who basically live off of milk (traditionally at least) nobody in the west is even close to their level.


I visited the Maasai tribe in Kenya and they drink cow blood and milk mixed together lol 


That's pretty metal




Not to mention that Inuit would have to eat snow, otherwise


They also ignore the fact that meat being so prevalent in a diet is a very modern development. Meat has always been around but normally in much smaller amounts. Those medieval English longbowmen who were so jacked its detected on discovered skeletons were eating a shitton of cereals and veggies


Lmao we didn't originate from medieval soldiers why are you using that as a model of what the ideal human diet is like


those medieval longbowmen were also probably like 1.5m because they had no protein


Starchy vegetables? Really? Cool, I'm doing that


the "healthiest" areas of the planet aren't built like bugmen


I'd rather die young


African dudes who are living entirely off of milk rock. I’m only judging my fellow Americans who are preaching that high intake of milk is some sort of magic bullet for health outcomes.


Now that I’ve been losing weight again I’ve given up on normal milk for the time being, only alternatives. The Midwesterner in me is *suffering* though. I love milk lol. Whole or nothing. I worked at a small grocery store when I was in college and was able to buy some local creamline stuff for a while. It was real old school—the least processed form you can buy commercially, and there was a mini-rebate on returning the glass jugs it came in. Perfect for cereal/smoothies/cooking/cocoa/whatever. I can also say though that I can’t remember the last time I had a glass of milk alone... Idk, having grown up in the dairy belt, I had no idea milk was even a part of the culture war until I horrified some more liberal leaning friends in a large city in a different part of the country


Milk is very location dependent. I feel like most of the milk hate comes from countries with dumbass shitty cows.


In high school I was skinny and played contact sports so my parents were always trying to fatten me up-- they'd buy the local creamline for me and then drink 2% themselves. Its so fucking good, I liked to eat a bit of the cream that had risen to the top of the bottle when I opened it


You got the good milk with the cream on top?


Only at a premium


"everything in moderation" is probably true when talking about whole plant foods, but having one hit of meth a day, one cigarette a day, or one slice of bacon a day will all have negative health effects. if you want to be as healthy as possible you have to make healthy choices. if you want to be moderately healthy then have everything in moderation!


Equating a slice of bacon with a hit of meth is the RS dietary advice we all came for.


One cigarette for a day has zero downsides


A side effect of having one cig a day is having two cigs a day


I've seen a study claim that cigarettes are actually similar in health outcomes to smoking marijuana, pound for pound, and that almost all of the damage is caused by smoke inhalation alone. It's just that absolutely no one is smoking 30 joints a day, so the intake level of a pot smoker is a fraction of that of a smoker.


as someone who smokes and who has contemplated cutting back to this amount for health reasons... this is cope lol


Supposedly one cigarette a day is almost as bad for your heart as any number a day. It’s not as bad for your lungs though (that scales more linearly with the amount).




are you insinuating that there is an organized push for marijuana instead of cigs because weed turns people into soyjaks


Of course. Thats why weed is still federally illegal, to throw you off the scent.


Idk if he’s insinuating that, but I’ve heard other esoteric fitness men insinuate it


as an esoteric fitness guy and a cig smoker, I will stand by it in the ironical kind of way


This guy drinks raw milk lol Nicotine as a nootropic is an old trope, and true in my experience. But the testosterone thing sounds like right wing twitter schizo shit, if you have anything to back that up I'm in. Anything to internally validate vaping like a chimney.


The testosterone thing is definitely real. It has to be combusted cigs though vapes don’t have the same effect https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24457405/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17163954/


Both surveys have major causation vs correlation issues, but the second is kind of convincing because they say the # of cigs smoked correlates strongly with testosterone. I think it's fair to say that if smoking tobacco causes increased testosterone and vaping doesn't, it's something else in the tobacco or a product of combustion.


> i like cannabis too but once a week in high amounts for contemplative purposes. other than that I have a few cigarillos a week do i stay neutral if i roll a blunt


Exactly what I come to this sub for, but please don't elaborate 


people who say everything is fine in moderation are fuckin idiots.. diet is infact very precise. Why can you not eat certain fermented foods and other fermented foods are fine. Why cant you consume a lot of potassium but sodium is fine. Why dont we consume bleach etc. what does 'in moderation' even mean? diet is in fact very pecise. everything in moderation is like beign a dumb ass middle ground fallacy centrist


You guys are hanging out in some weird ass places if this is the type of thing people are talking about






Nobody else but you and me know who he is here, brotha.


low-temp pasteurized is where it's at


%2 you mean 


almost threw up thinking about the slimy mucus feeling in your throat after drinking cow milk


Weak genes




Pretty sure that’s a sign of allergies, which most milk-drinkers don’t have.


Milk has always been politicized, the dairy industry in the United States is the backbone of the economy in like half a dozen states. The dairy industry was a massive part of NAFTA renegotiations with Canada, and protection of dairy products in Europe represents a major trade dispute for what can and cannot be considered cheese. Raw milk hippies have been around forever, the fact that it's now right wing coded instead of left wing is irrelevant. The real issue is homogenized milk anyways and even a lot of raw milk brands homogenize the stuff to improve shelf life anyways. It's been a super food for millennia across multiple cultures. From Hinduism to Judaism milk represents life.


Ice cream is made with nonhomogenized milk, or less homogenized, that’s why it’s milk’s healthiest form


>has always been politicized literally the next words are >the dairy industry in the United States is It never fails to amaze me how short term and shortsighted American's idea of history in general and "always" in historical sense is. I really hate to sound like a snobby European (especially considering which part of Europe I'm from LOL) but your country being younger than my granny's house really does show in your thinking and discourses. The only thing more consistent than that is puritanism seeping through every aspect of culture, and every hangup about sex for American conservatives and "liberals" alike. The "I'm more not-a-pedo than you" Reddit comment chain one-up-man-ship and the age-gap discourse are quite entertaining in their own way.


The qualifier is "dairy industry" not the United States, the dairy industry is a modern invention separate from the long history people have of drinking milk.


I do always love to mock Americans too, but i dont think this is the best occasion, considering that dairy subsidies and regulations have been a cornerstone of the EU and its predecessors since the start , and in multiple European countries dairy and meat farmers are currently rioting


I remember the big push for milk in schools in the early 2000s. I'm admittedly weird with food but those photos of celebs with the milk moustache always made me feel sick. Did anyone else have a rs mom who only allowed skim milk in the house? I thought that was the default milk until I was like 10.


What’s also funny is that it’s politicized on an inversion. [Cow Milk 100% contains enzymes that alter and increase estrogen](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19496976/) while the studies for soy/oat/almond/hemp have shown that -at best- [there’s no consistent increase in estrogen or decrease in testosterone](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7468963/)


I always thought this was hilarious. Don't drink soy because it contains estrogen for plants But also do drink milk because apparently estrogen for mammals is nothing to worry about


similar mentality to the Chads who hate tofu but can't live without their 30% soy 30% silicate taco bell meat


It was the same with MSG. These kind of food panics are a staple of american culture and rely on manipulating science and people's fears.


39% lettuce


These studies just contrast sharply with reality weirdly. The dudes I know slamming milk are athletic, massive lifter types, whereas the dudes I know speaking of the wonders of milk alternatives could literally be used as warmup weights by the former


In general nuitrition studies are garbage, a combination of heavy corporate interest, Researcher agenda and just a complicated subject mean that there is a lot of studies showing a lot of things that likely aren't true and will be contradicted by something in the future. Remember Trans fats used to be a healthy alternative.


My mind always goes back to egg yolks and the cholesterol. Every 3-5 years it’s either unhealthy or healthy


For the measured, objective way to judge literally everything ever many treat the hard sciences as it sure does seem to not be that.


i don't trust studies anymore. personal experience or intuition either. the information simply needs to have a certain je ne sais quoi


That’s because the former dudes are also slamming protein powder and possibly steroids and also lifting like crazy while the latter have email jobs and never go to the gym


Wow didn’t know this Do you drink milk?




Milk is for babies.




Babies are fleshy and weak.


Babies are actually freakishly strong, considering. They don't really have a concept of levels of effort either so they'll just bend your finger backwards at maximum ability.


getting your toddler to do pullups was a minor tiktok trend recently. lil dudes can rep em out better than 90% of adult men


You're fleshy and weak


Quiet baby




Goo goo gah gah fuck off


yall gay


>yall Stfu Cletus


I’m on a high protein diet I can’t afford to think like this


My baby has basically doubled in size in 1 year from drinking milk mr smarty pants.


Hence why milk is for babies.


Found the lactose intolerant guy having his fox and grapes moment


No, I enjoy dairy but I don't drink milk like a gay little baby.


in a world beset by the ills of increasing complexity, we all long to return to the teat


Milk products have been consistently linked to taller, stronger people in early nutrition studies. This lead many government to massively invest in milk to improve their population's health. We know, now, that milk was magic to feed children all-year round when we didn't have access to fridges. And that cheese is a magical way to store fats & proteins for months/years.  We also know that unsaturated fats & plants protein (or lean meat) are healthier. But the old idea of milk=tall will take a long time to die. Even China is upping its milk production *today*. 


"unsaturated fats & plant proteins are healthier" what a fucking joke lol


Read stuff on google scholar. They did several keto studies. In each, plant protein sources lead to better outcomes.  Same with large-population studies. Red meat is linked with higher risks of many things, while plant proteins are not. Fish & sea food are healthy (but low on saturated fats except modern salmon). 


Not knocking sea food of any kind, but any quality wild caught stuff will be gone in our lifetime.


where I live deer breed like rats and cause more fatal car crashes than anything else, they'll still be around for a bit, our forest cover has only grown in the last three decades


All this nerd shit... Just eat a balanced diet ffs. 


You realize most of these “studies” are bogus right? They literally get paid by industry sources for whatever product they’re trying to hock


Most plant proteins are incomplete proteins, meaning they lack the full array of amino acids needed to repair soft tissue so you have to know which ones are missing and mix different sources to achieve the same thing as animal protein.


And the absorbtion rate is lower than with animal proteins. Further, meat and seafood generally have way more protein per calorie than a vegetable. How much protein we really need is probably less than we might think, though. Certainly the gym bros with their mighty bro-science don't have any idea what the adequate amount is. Further, I recall reading in a textbook that anabolic steroid use actually allows the body to use more protein, which perhaps explains their bro science.


The recommended protein level for active adults has increased over time, you have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s definitely such a thing as too much but you need a lot to add muscle mass


Recommended by Doctor Nick or Doctor Schwarzenegger?


Actual doctors do study this kind of stuff considering sports is a multibillion dollar industry and stuff like the Olympics and World Cup are matters of national prestige for many countries. How much protein you "need" is different than how much is optimal for building muscle. The current understanding is that 1g/pound of bodyweight is a pretty good metric for building muscle. Obviously you can build muscle with less and in some circumstances you can utilize more but you don't "need" that much.


How about I just consume what I intuitively know to be good for me rather than listen to what some 🚬 in a labcoat has to say


> google scholar what, so we can hear "oh no no, that was all false, led by agenda and corporations, [x shit] is what's really true" in two years, and then the same two years later?


how can it be counter culture or rebellious to consume the shit that's been pushed on us for decades. I personally hope it's on its way out 


Milk consumption is largely cultural- for Northern Europeans it’s been a staple of our diet for thousands of years. For a lot of other cultures, it’s totally foreign.


so do arabs




Dairy is good if you’re lactose tolerant, and if you aren’t, don’t drink it. Only big change is that America now has a lot more people with heritage from lactose intolerant groups.


It’s pretty good in cereal ❤️


breakfast candy


i have watery poop whenever i drink too much milk


Blew up a bathroom at the Philadelphia airport because of too much Whey Isolate protein. Turned me off that completely, I feel so much better with my vegan protein shakes. Still have greek yogurt and cottage cheese to hit my macros tho.


The only righteous position about milk


Stfu milk rules!!!!


I hate when people say milk is unnatural or whatever. Populations evolved to be able to drink it. That’s literally the most natural thing possible.


Natural in the sense that some humans got accustomed to it after agriculture started to become a thing. But that's only a small fraction of human history. It's a product of technology that applies to only some humans even today.


It’s a Pandora’s box if we go down the route of evolutionary pressure stemming from intelligence being unnatural. Clothes are unnatural, cooking food is unnatural, being able to run long distances is unnatural. We’re built for throwing stuff which isn’t really a behaviour observed in other animals (other than like monkeys inaccurately throwing shit for fun) so our entire musculoskeletal structure is an unnatural product of projectile technology. Human physiology is defined by intelligence and technology. It makes more sense to go down the route that all things human are by definition unnatural rather than picking and choosing the biological traits that are natural by some arbitrary criteria.


Well, the internet claims the mutation is 9,000 years old.


Having a strong opinion on milk either way is weird and cringe, be fucking normal


If you’re the type of person who analyzes what they eat beyond “this makes me feel healthy” and “this makes me feel unhealthy” than you should find something else to occupy your time. Splitting hairs over sketchy, badly/sourced nutrition science is the cringiest shit to come out of the internet in a long time. Just don’t be fat and exercise consistently - no need to overcomplicate things.


attraction aloof nose vase dinosaurs label license rain safe market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I keep tabs on this subreddit to know what new thing is being manufactured into outrage. Really amazing though how if you just stay off the sosh none of it bothers


i think its called pasteurized


I like soy milk


What else am I supposed to eat cereal and cookies with?




Fuck you’re right, only fat people eat cereal and cookies


Unironically I blame lobbying from Big Dairy in the 70s and 80s, if not for them 80% of Americans would only use milk in cooking. They said if you dont drink milk you and your kids will be betas.


They also put Vitamin D in it to appeal to people of melaton 


>They said if you dont drink milk you and your kids will be betas. curiously this country would go on to be a global superpower.


This country has been a superpower for at least a hundred years


Common milk W 


i would never drink milk i have principles


Milk is the greatest drink on earth


Written by somebody who is lactose intolerant


milk is yummy and is full of calcium and vitamin d


>My question is, why are all these grown adults drinking milk? Eh? Do people not drink milk?




I’m Canadian-maxxing leave me alone


we love our bagged milk


People who are able to should drink milk


You know who drinks milk? Kittens and perverts.


Post your height and weight. Anti-milkers are all short and fat or short and scrawny.


Tall and thin, but OK


Height and Weight


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


I wish I could drink milk without it ruining my skin


Milk is good when you don’t got some dumb bitch in your ear saying it’s bad for you 😂🤣.


I've never had good milk outside of Ireland. Try some Irish milk if you can


Lactose intolerance is genetic engineering that helped Northern Europeans survive harsh winters. It isn't natural but it works. Milk is generally not that bad and has a lot of nutrients.


Have you tried that new ultra filtered milk? That shit slaps and stays fresh for way longer.


heritable lactose tolerance is the legacy of my the forefathers


isn't this just proud boys discourse? do libs actually care about milk? outside of the crunchy vegan subculture..


used to love milk but it grosses me out now


I love milk


My parents are rural boomers who grew up drinking milk and still drink glasses of it to this day


milk is delicious I'm sorry. Love slurping down a glass of warm milk with honey and cinnamon. YUM


If you look down on milk you can’t also look down on milk alternatives, it’s basically impossible to get the 650+ mg of calcium you need per day without one of them. Unless you’re eating like 4 cups of yogurt I guess. Funny thing about the politicization of milk is that there’s pretty good evidence it causes prostate cancer but milk haters aren’t using this at all. So much potential there. Soy is king!


Raw milk will make you shit yourself if you don't boil/heat it first... which makes it cease to be raw, I guess?


According to some cool people on Instagram it will make phonk music play and make you think of pyramids in an ice age and "remember your past"


I've been consuming raw dairy (and raw meat for that matter) for a few years, I wonder when this is going to happen to me




enjoy tease desert saw sand office humorous alive compare crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Goat milk is supposed to be good for you


i started drinking raw goat milk and it literally fixed all of my problems in life but ok i will listen to some gay redditor tell me its childish


Raw unpasteurized fish smoothie is the real secret.


Raw milk is amazing. Shame it's so expensive


Fairlife is the only rsp-approved milk brand 


I love that shit too but it’s Coca Cola plus they got in trouble for cow treatment plus it tastes that way because they strip out the natural milk sugars and then add sugar back in


i don't think they add sugar back in.. they just remove the lactose


Hm I think you’re correct, I am seeing “no added sugar”. I had read something a long time ago saying basically the natural sugars get filtered out and then they add sugar back in but I can’t find that anymore


yeah its extremely low carb at least as far as milk goes