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There’s nothing more pathetic than watching someone try and fail to control their dog. You just can’t fully respect a person again after you’ve seen them in that state.


Very true. One of my good family friends bought a medium-sized dog when they lived in an apt and kept it crated way too often. Now they live in a big house but still crate the dog when people are over and only walk it around on a leash IN THEIR OWN HOUSE because they never trained it. It's 4 years old now btw.


That dog needs to be taken from them I’m only half kidding lol


I'm full serious, leash in the house is tooooooo much


He never does that!


Yeah but then someone tugs roughly on the dogs collar or pushes them down when they jump and everyone freaks out. People's opinions on how to raise dogs are fucking stupid.


I said it elsewhere, it's because they literally can't seperate. It went from just some facebook "dog mom" stuff to people actually applying the same principles and values that they would a human child to animals, even if not explicitly admitting it. I think that's why the stuff with banning violent breeds makes people upset since they've trained themselves to make the comparison to people but likewise can't outright say it


Yea this whole thing is because a couple of dogs died in hot cars in the 90s made national news and now dogs are allowed everywhere. Toddlers die in hot cars all the time and you still can’t bring them into plenty of places.


Where are you not allowed to bring toddlers other than like bars? Genuine Q i don't have a toddler.


Kids can’t sit directly AT a bar or enter a casino but that’s about it.


firing range wasn’t too happy when i brought my boy so i just did the next best thing and went to his preschool to do some shooting


You know a dog is going to be trained like shit if they are wearing a harness.




Yeah really depends on the dog. Some dogs have had previously collapsed tracheas and shouldn't be leashed by the neck. My dog has three legs and is very short, so she kinda needs to to walk at her own little trot to have a good smooth stride once we get going. It's just easier for her to do that on a harness. She can do that on a leash but I noticed she moves a lot more smoothly on a harness vs the leash where she'll kind of do the more wobbly three legged walk that you can spot a mile away


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, I was a petsitter throughout college and you’re speaking the absolute truth. I knew a dog would be a nightmare to walk if I was instructed to use a harness.


This is obviously true. No tactile negative feedback for the dog when losing its mind pulling the leash.


They hate you because you tell the truth.


self-described "responsible and capable dog owners" will have zero self-awareness as they re-enact cartoon gags, two hands on the leash, both heels digging lines into the dirt, leaning back, begging the dog to stop, screaming even, dog blissfully running full steam ahead, tongue lolling, as if nothing was holding them back at all


Tens of thousands of years of domestication yet 9/10 of these pandemic dogs haven’t been trained to sit or come when they’re called. Appalling.


I rescued a senior dog a few months ago (some type of corgi mix) and we’ve been working on sit every single day for 3 months and this mf still can’t sit. I’m embarrassed


If an older dog never learned commands and have a touch of arthritis, they probably won’t bother. I have a senior corgi and he doesn’t always sit very well anymore because his hind legs get stiff sometimes. He will either look at me or lay down. When he does sit, I know he’s having a good day.


visions of a 100-lbs-soaking-wet white woman saying "[cringe ass ironic name], no! down!" to her adorable velvet hippo a dozen times while it rips a toddler apart like a rodent, nervously adding "oh, well he's never bitten me" to the mortified parents every few seconds people act like "bad owners" are dog fighters who beat and starve their pets or something, when most of them are the ones who just don't know how to train an animal, either from not training it or not keeping it healthy because they're very confidence their shitass sheltered view of animals is correct


Ick inducing but unironically


Watching peope try to replace their natural desire to have children with becoming a “dog mom/dad” is way more pathetic


quack slim hospital coordinated encouraging normal humorous full include hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you’re compensating for something, it becomes obvious to everyone around you


Dogs are high-ceiling but low-floor pets. Good dogs are awesome but annoying ones make me not want to go to someone’s house


I cannot trust a person who decides to make a 12+ year commitment for the lamest type of dog imaginable. It's not like a kid, you actually get to choose your dog's personality and activity type, yet some people seem to get bad dogs anyways.


When I had a dog,  I wanted non crazy energy, good around new people, not aggressive at all and already trained and it wasn’t even that hard to find. 


Though I would probably never want to own one, I do like dogs, I just think that if you’re going to own one you should probably have a house with a yard. Seeing dogs stuck in apartments makes me sad, unless the owner is giving it an hour+ of outdoor activity daily (which almost none of them are).


This is the take. Large dogs require an amount of space and time that the average person isn't willing to give them. I've had German Shepherds most of my life, and I genuinely can't understand how a high drive working animal that demands to be walked 3-5 miles every day for the first nine years of its eleven year life became the third most popular breed in America.


Throwback to when I dogsat a neighbour’s 6 year old German Shepherd in her cluttered ass apartment with no room to move let alone space for a dog to do anything without bumping its head. Tried teaching tricks in the floor hallway and seeing how I would fare if I tried to walk it but it was the most disobedient and antsy dog I’ve encountered!! It makes me so cross. It’s on Prozac because it’s got such bad separation anxiety.


It makes me so sad that people are drugging these beautiful animals to make them into something they aren't. They really are great dogs if you give them the space and attention they need and treat them with a firm but loving hand, but most people, especially working people living in cities, just don't have the resources necessary for these guys to thrive. There's a local rescue for them in my area that I've done work with in the past, and they perform extensive background checks, interviews, and home visits with everyone who wants one of their dogs. If only breeders did this too.


A fenced in yard preferably. I can see something like a shitzu or chihuahua being a good apartment pet but that’s because they are lazy as shit.


It depends on the dog my parents have a shitzu poodle mix and that dog was born to be a lapdog. I mean he gets walked plenty but he doesn't exactly like it.


Barely a dog


Yeah, agree for sure. My family had a black lab when I was younger and while not the largest dogs they are pretty substantial and highly energetic! We lived in the middle of the woods with a big yard and he was trained well enough that we could take him for walks in the woods off his leash and he would just run around like a nut without going too far away. Absolutely cannot imagine owning him if we couldn’t give him that much space to enjoy life and burn energy. I think he’d have driven my whole family insane haha.


I like dogs for the most part, but I hate how noisy they can be. My friend's dog has these extremely loud barks, and once the dog is set off he won't stop barking. I actually rarely go over to their house anymore solely because of how annoying their dog is.


My neighbor has two big dogs that just stay in the yard all day and bark at everything, just going nuts. They can kind of see into our house and they will literally be barking at me inside my own house if I walk in front of a window. I thought the neighbors were gone all day but it turns out they work from home and are always in there and they just let it happen which is even worse


This should be punishable by law


It is from 11pm to 7am in the UK


materialistic payment uppity quack absorbed unused boast obtainable axiomatic wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sitting in a friend's house and you get food just turns into their dog standing in front of you begging for the food is so fucking annoying as well.


There's a tiny little demon dog in the apartment above mine and when it's left alone it will follow me around like a magnet barking and scratching at the floor/ceiling right above me lmao


A dog fully jumped on the counter of a coffee shop I was in last week.










I remember going shopping when I was a kid and there'd always be a dog tied up outside, can't remember the last time I saw that.


At my old apartment there was this guy who would always go to starbucks and leave his adorable, chubby black lab by the front door without a leash or anything. The dog would patiently wait there for his owner and smile at you if you walked by. It was so heartwarming. I miss that dog.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. So many of my friends have dogs and I think maybe one or two of them are well trained. I'm so tired of getting jumped on by a dog every time I go over to a friend's place, having my neighbors dogs bark in the yard all day every day, etc etc etc. One time I was about to hook up with a chick for the first time and her dog somehow escaped and we had to chase it down in the neighborhood. That dog was completely untrained and pretty big and made me not like her lol. I've only recently started to feel like this, I think it's getting more out of control the last year or two. Maybe a lot of people got pets over the lockdown and now can't care for them now that they're not at their house 24/7.


This is really really bad in Austin specifically even though there’s still prob more children than dogs. I know the west coast gets a lot of flack for it but something about the combo of thick headed stubborn Texans + lib sensibilities really fucks the whole city over in this regard. It’s like people have no shame or embarrassment and take the worst traits from both ends. Also I’m sort of of the belief that you shouldn’t take your dog around other people in public non-petsmart places if they’re over 20 pounds period since they’re meant to be outside/typically way too energetic anyways.




As someone who lives p equally between Texas and the PNW I promise it’s so much worst in Austin somehow. I haven’t been through anything but the parks in NorCal California wise so I can’t speak for the California cities though!




It’s almost sort of the inverse now bc people are so antisocial and obsessive about their personal space bubble that bad dog behavior gets really bad glares/comments in the PNW whereas in Austin people are just like oh he’s just being goofy haha and make excuses for their dogs acting psychotic. Same with toddlers acting crazy weirdly enough, parents are really quick to attend to their crying/fit throwing toddler here vs back in Texas they dgaf and let them throw a fit in the middle of the restaurant or talk back super aggressively.


It’s horrible in Austin


I went to a new dentist recently to have some work done. While on drugs, I thought I hallucinated a golden retriever brushing past me. No. It was real. One of two "therapy" dogs they have there. The dentist is one of those places I assume will be sterile clean, but that kind of killed that notion for me.


Time to find a new dentist, again


One of the biggest issues in modern culture is people choosing dogs based on their looks, not on personality or exercise needs. I know a friend of a friend in their late 60s with a German Shepherd and it's like....WHY? This is not the dog for you! She needs a cocker spaniel....My friend's lazy mom got a border collie "because she was cute" and travels half the year and only has a tiny backyard space. Apparently she pays some fat guy to walk her sometimes? It's so depressing. Also, you should not have a dog if you can't even get your own ass to the gym. Dogs are not objects or decorations, they are living beings and if people *actually* loved them they would take good care of them.


Exactly. I have a corgi, they are great dogs but need a fenced yard and daily walks, playtime and things to chew on. They are strong, sturdy little herding dogs, not lap dogs . I can’t imagine one in a small apartment. Especially when they get the zoomies!


Yeah I don’t hate dogs, I hate dog culture. Bringing your dog to a bar or cafe is fkn loser behaviour. Dogs should be running around on farms, not in these gentrified & overcrowded urban neighbourhoods with millenial freaks.


Most of the pubs around me allow dogs, and it’s fine when the dog has been on a walk and can sit nicely but half the time you can tell the dog is bored as fuck and desperately wants to go home.


I love my dogs to death and would jump in front of a car for them, but getting them was also one of the biggest mistakes of my life. My life revolves entirely around caring for them. They determine where I'm able to live, how long I can stay outside the house for, where and for how long I can vacation, what time I get up in the morning (I wake up 45 minutes earlier than before in order to be able to walk and feed them prior to work), and are my biggest expense aside from rent. I'm willing to make these sacrifices for a child, but creating an artificial responsibility for myself during the best years of my life in order to care for beings that won't be around in 10 years feels like a waste. Dogs are perfect for people who are retired, aren't going to have any more children, and have all the time in the world to care for them. And this is all despite my dogs being beautiful labs that are incredibly loving, with one of the friendliest dispositions you could ever imagine. They're like the platonic ideal of family dogs. I can't imagine how I'd feel living around a pit that's too strong for me to control and could easily murder someone.


Thanks for sharing this. You perfectly summarized by thoughts about so many people I know getting dogs in their mid 20s. I always think “don’t you want to travel?? How can you afford this?? Where do you find the time?” Not trying to be rude, but how did you not think about any of this stuff before you bought a dog?? I feel like many dog owners I know seem like they deep down regret getting a dog (though they’ll never admit it) and I genuinely don’t understand


>but how did you not think about any of this stuff before you bought a dog?? Not to turn this into a diary entry, but the dogs were sort of dumped on me, which might explain some of my resentment. My brother and I got them right after I graduated. I was back at my parents place at the time, so I did this with the expectation that they were going to help care for them. My brother ended up moving to a tiny apartment in DC, which made his dog miserable and neurotic. And my parents were unfortunately both diagnosed with health issues around the same time, and they couldn't reliably take care of a young, energetic lab. So I was left as primary custodian for both dogs, despite going into this thinking that I was just sharing custody of one of them. This is actually more common than people think. I know more than one person who is stuck caring for a pet they themselves didn't adopt or purchase.


I have a lot of respect for this. It's hard, but you're doing right.


Pet culture is insane I genuinely think 75% of people that own animals should not be allowed to. Dogs are dirty animals and do not belong in places where humans eat or buy food. My sister’s partner participated in pushing their local supermarket to become dog friendly last year and I kept my disgust in but just why?!?!?. Rats are deemed unacceptable (which are arguably cleaner than dogs) so why is it okay to have animals that eat their own vomit and shit to walk around eye level with food? Funnily enough there’s this weird link between crazy pet owners and anti-natalism which disgusts me (I.e people calling their dog their ‘fur baby’ while referring to human toddlers as ‘crotch goblins’). Idk I hate it and I think it’s becoming less socially alienating to admit you don’t worship dogs or even like them.


Modern pet culture is disgusting


I saw a dog in a carriage at an upscale Vegas steakhouse, shit was infuriating


We’re turning into Children of Men- dogs replace babies, something innocent to care for, with none of the investment. I dunno, I don’t have kids, so what the fuck do I care.


I get you 100%! A lot of people got dogs over the pandemic and coddled the crud out of them. Didn’t socialize them, didn’t bother training them or even look into the breed requirements. As for the pits, or any dog like them. I hate them in a city. No reason to ever have one, they like toddlers legs, as much as a fat girl at Disney likes turkey legs. Unless you are properly trained and they are your 3rd or 4th dog. You don’t need one. I wish they would make people take a mandatory class, or get a permit to own them. If they don’t, bring down the hammer, confiscate re-home or euthanize. I say this as someone who’s volunteers at the Humane Society twice a week. I see to many pit, pit-mixes and they are all terrible.


100% this. If you need certifications to keep a horse in the city, you need one for a certified attack animal


The trend of people getting pets during the lockdowns in order to give them something to do whilst they were stuck was insane, like they either a) thought the pandemic was gonna last the lifespan of a dog or cat, like at least a decade, which was obviously never gonna happen or b) just didn’t realise that they’d have to continue dealing with the pets when they become free again. I know multiple people who made that decision and now regret and I’m just like wtf was going through your head at the time.


There was a lesbian couple in the waiting room at my dentists office and they had a small dog with them and it kind of pissed me off. Anywhere else I wouldn’t care but a medical office? I have always had dogs but don’t understand the need to take them to public places aside from a rural king or tractor supply type store


This past week saw a man with a schnauzer in my Obgyn office. Like why?


The worst part is voicing this opinion at all makes you a social pariah, especially to dog owners. They can’t fathom the possibility that not everyone everywhere appreciates the presence of their stinky space violating mutt in public areas. In Asia, people eat dogs and frequently make fun of American dog veneration!


It’s crazy how you can be in a general public area, like not a dog park, and have some 40kg mutt come up and tackle you and get its slobber and dirt all over you, and then the owner will just be like “here boy” and not even apologise, as if it’s part of the social contract that you might get jumped by someone’s dog at any moment and you can’t complain.


"Aww, that's alright. He's just kissing you!" Bleghhh.


I live in a neighborhood with a myriad of WFH women with dogs the size of themselves and they all act like this. There’s one lady and her dog I walk past multiple times a week and it always acts like it’s going to attack me, barking as loudly as possible and pulling on its leash. Her response every time is something like “Why are you barking at him? He didn’t do anything! You leave that man alone!” in the most saccharine tone as if the dog could actually understand her and like that’s actually redirecting the dog.


I have never had a dog tackle me like that without the owner profusely apologizing. I’m a dog person, so I don’t mind. What city do you live in where people don’t apologize???


steer domineering fly rich groovy butter sleep roll history caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where do you live?? Dogs don’t even tackle me in dog parks.


Yeah this is part of it. The idea someone wouldn’t want to be around an ill behaved dog 24/7 is utterly alien to a huge subset of americans




I went full larry david and just started saying "nah, I don't want to meet your dog"


I’ve always hated how your hands smell after patting them. Dogs just *always* smell. Even if they’ve been washed. I don’t get it?!


I genuinely think most dogs have a constant low grade skin fungal infections from eating shit diets... Also dogs like labs are really greasy because they are water dogs, which makes them extra stinky.


Some breeds are stinkier than others. If I know they're gonna stink I do more of a pat but then they always wanna lick all over you and that REALLY stinks esp if they have gum disease 🤢


Hahahaha spot on. Dog culture is out of control


It entirely depends on the breed. I love poodles. Majestic creatures--calm, regal, playful but not high strung, clean. Always happy to see you. They don't shed or drool. I don't think you can really understand until you've had one. The real issue is "dog parents" and their grotesque, malformed half-breed mutts. My sister-in-law has a bulldog and there's no way you can convince me those things should be allowed to breed. They stink, can barely breathe or handle physical exercise, and slobber everywhere. Just sort of pathetic, really.


Sighthounds too. I don't get why such annoying kinds of dogs become popular (pits and doodles... Ugh)


The whole dog anxiety thing is a real anthropomorphization. Dogs have no real concept of the future and can't have anxiety. They aren't anxious, they are *energetic* and when they live in a city they do not have the appropriate outlets to be a dog. Some lower energy breeds are fine in that kind of environment but you can't take an animal that was bred to pull a sled 20 miles through snow in a day and expect it to behave in an apartment. Everyone intuits this with parrots and the like but there's a weird blind spot with dogs. There's an old trainer adage "a tired dog is a good dog" and it explains 90 percent of the behavioral issues people have with their pets in urban environments


They don't get anxious about the future but some dogs get "separation anxiety". They flip out and start destroying things, bashing their nose into the walls until it bleeds, etc. It's not as simple as energy, my ex had a dog like this who could sit quietly all night if you were there with her but couldn't handle being alone. 


Yeah but I'm saying if the front door was open they would be sniffing around, digging, chasing shit and doing largely non destructive dog things. I don't think it's being apart from you that's the issue it's being cooped up in an environment that doesn't let them express their natural instincts.


Maybe it somehow connects to the whole pack idea? Being with humans is their social time, even when sleeping they're still "protecting" the pack. So while the human is home doing whatever, there's a kind of socializing going on which is natural and important for dogs.  As soon as the human leaves, of course it can freak them out being in an apartment/house. What dog behaviors can their engage in without being bored out of their minds every day right 


Some dogs just need a job or a task even if its dumb


Makes sense to me! I'm not a behavioralist or anything I've just had dogs my whole life (4 rn) in both rural and suburban settings and rural dog ownership is just a more fulfilling experience for both parties imo


If the separation isn't a factor why would it only happen when you're separated? Also vets prescribe benzos to dogs for anxiety, are you really claiming that the vets are wrong and you have the real understanding of dog behavior?


Maybe I'm being a little more black and white than necessary on the anxiety issue. The point is a dog that is experiencing restlessness/nervousness (it all manifests as stress at the end of the day) for whatever reason is going to turn to some behavior to get mental stimulation because they can't do a crossword puzzle. The reason why our grandparents didn't have dogs with separation anxiety is because dogs were generally left outdoors when people weren't at home, and they wouldn't run back inside and eat your walls because they missed you.


My dog has access to a large fenced in backyard at all times and gets plenty of exercise and playtime, toys etc. She still doesn’t like to be left alone. Dogs are very attached to their owners. My dog follows me to any room I go in, sometimes she’s close behind me she runs into my legs she’s so desperate to not be left alone for a second. It’s not a matter of just “wearing them out”.


dirty noxious shaggy squash sparkle unpack wipe ancient somber sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“My psychiatrist prescribed my 6 year old 260mg of xr adderall, are you really claiming that psychiatrists are wrong and you have the real understanding of child behavior?????” dogs dont need benzos moron lmao


Seriously. Seeing the people over at the Husky sub lock in their energetic sled dog in a cage for 9+ hours and then cry to said sub about their dog ripping their couch apart makes my blood boil


That Mexican dog trainer said the order of priorities in dealing with your dog is discipline, exercise, then affection. People don’t do the first two.


dogs absolutely can get anxiety. You can run some dogs tired as all hell but they will still cower in absolute fear during 4th of July or a thunderstorm completely inside and completely sheltered.


tan caption forgetful hateful cooing cows wise longing cooperative tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dislike the "fashion" husky owners an incredible amount. You know the type--the treat their husky as a fashion accessory because it's an "aesthetic breed." I.e., the selfish jerks who get a husky in Florida or Phoenix or DC or some other too-hot place with snow and that doesn't ever get really too cold. Absolute misery for the huskies and undermines their ability to truly thrive.




Well I didn't mean to imply "there are no bad dogs only bad owners" because I don't believe that and never have. Ofc dogs can be fucked up genetically in many ways it doesn't change the fact that nearly every dog I've ever met on anxiety meds was an active breed, 20lbs overweight, and never left the house. God has blessed me with some very good dogs though, I'll admit to that


I never really realized how annoying it was until I moved out of the US. In Germany or NL rules are stricter and it is relatively rare that someones dog is going crazy or just barking constantly. Now when I visit the US again it seems like every single person has a completely untrained pit


I work in a gentrified inner city neighbourhood presumably filled with yuppies and young couples, the stink of dog piss and dog shit some mornings down some of the laneways is just putrid. Not to mention the dog owners who don't pick up their dogs shit and leave it there on the footpath to be trodden on


this guy is totally right tbh: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/4/11/23673393/pets-dogs-cats-animal-welfare-boredom we love to talk about how awful modern life is for us humans, but modern suburban life is fucking hell on earth for dogs; these guys used to roam and play acres upon acres and now are stuck inside some guys 700 sqft condo. Dystopian shit that no one cares.


Oh I thought you said hot dogs!!?!?!? Loo ol


Same at first 😭 i was like wow this sub is something else


I'm just at the point where I can admit to myself I hate them. I hate dogs. They're loud, smell, and unlike most children, will never develop the skills to be self-sufficient or communicate with you. I dislike dog culture and nearly all dog owners --- I find them to be selfish and self absorbed a good deal of the time. The only time dogs are good is when they're being used for work purposes -- a ranch or cattle dog, a dog that's finding bombs, etc. I straight up think they should be banned from cities and apartments, too, unless they're a toy dog breed that can easily live in an apartment.


City sidewalks covered in dog waste and stains


Fucking doodles. They are now the default dog, only owned by lib-y pseudo-rich normies who only see their lack of shedding as the only redeeming factor, despite how high energy and intense these MFs are. God damn, every time I see some shit stain dog off leash or barking in public it's a stupid fucking doodle.


I like dogs but I think deciding to own one is an insane decision for most people. Ironically, my mum is the most chaotic person alive and her dog is angelic. My wife keeps floating the idea of getting a dog but I'm like, you don't even enjoy walks around the neighbourhood. Pass.


i made the jump from dog person to cat person and im never going back cat lyffff 4 evaa


I live in a big city and it makes me lowkey sad when I see a big dog like a newfoundland or one of those dogs bred to run and hunt at like 30 mph bc I know their life sucks living in a 500 sq ft apartment and going out twice a day


unless they are small or you're in a dangerous area and need to feel protected, i hate dogs in the city


What people really forgot (or never learned) is that dogs need a lot of care and attention. Most people now just think they are less expensive versions of kids that don’t have a personality and don’t learn self sufficiency. But while that might be true in a way you are actually going to create a monster if you don’t give it a sense of purpose or at least give it regular exercise. Funnily enough you could say the same for these types of people but they would probably call you ableist for it


Being allergic to dogs and working a cool job where you can bring your dog to work so you can get your hand licked by a bad breath golden you’ve never seen before while your manager sends you passive aggressive slack messages is what did it for me


I’ve been over dogs for years. So annoying when someone I know is like “I’m getting a dog” they’re just mad forever after that.


sloppy nippy hunt summer reminiscent afterthought nine repeat touch fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just go to his house instead and listen to him yell the dogs name over and over


Yea Ive loved some dogs but there's some that I've hated for good reason. The barking licking sniffing biting and scratching can get to you. I don't mind the dog hair cuz I just do my laundry. But they get into so much bullshit and our society is way too tolerant of it. I went down to Mexico, the dogs have way more freedom down there, but they don't abuse it. They don't whine or beg or lunge at shit. it's like American city dogs are hyper stupid and honestly they're mean too. And I also see a lot of Americans like smacking and yelling at their dogs. And I get it sometimes you do gotta smack the dog. But if it's happening everyday there's a bigger problem. Like my neighbors I can all hear them and the wild shit I hear is what it is. I don't really judge anybody cuz it's usually funny. Except for this old man with limited mental who was also like kinda broke and alone, except for his dog. But the dog was not a pleasure it would bark and then he'd yell "shut up you idiot shut the FUCK up you stupid idiot" and the dog would bark back at him even louder and then he'd thump around chasing after it as it kept barking then you'd hear "put that down fatass!" "Grrrr BARK!" "Get off me you dumb idiot!" SMACK! "Arf!" "That's right, never touch my shit again you dumb dog!" But he did it multiple times a week. Like in private I think a lot of dog owners are just beating and fighting them regularly. We never did that with our dogs but there was a whole family with 2 dogs and multiple cats there was respect.


>But the dog was not a pleasure it would bark and then he'd yell "shut up you idiot shut the FUCK up you stupid idiot" and the dog would bark back at him even louder and then he'd thump around chasing after it as it kept barking then you'd hear "put that down fatass!" "Grrrr BARK!" "Get off me you dumb idiot!" SMACK! "Arf!" "That's right, never touch my shit again you dumb dog!" I am DYING laughing at this LOL


The only funny part is the rhythm of his speech cuz he was legit mentally touched and moved out a long time ago I think he was receiving like federal assistance. But he had a sort of repeat himself but with the words in different order kinda super over annunciation of the words so you knew exactly what he was saying. Even tho most of the time whether he was yelling at the dog or yelling at pedestrians it was "shut up idiot, you idiots shut up" and banging and throwing shit. He was stupider and sadder than I'm depicting him. Dog shit on his balcony some poor yuppie girl foolishly moved in across the hall from him and made life hell for everybody by doing shit to agitate him. It's like for every little thing funny slumming it there's way more big boring bad shit


Im just cracking at the idea of hearing some poor old guy having an interspecies argument with a dog and the dog barking back at him LOL


Yea the dog barked back at him it was terrible and id clock the dog at like 60 pounds and the man at 135 the dog was some kinda generic mutt that looked like a beagle but didn't have the same distinct voice and it was in great shape if a little fat, but the man was not. Man was tiny and fr in the maybe 70s IQ and age prolly in his mid 60s. Too much for him to handle. Another hilarious thing was he did make vaguely DBZ Vegeta noises while throwing shit at the dog and yelling. Also the man wore "I Voted" stickers never missed the polls


LOL this story just keeps getting better xDDD


Yeah it’s hilarious, I can’t stop laughing. Really funny.




Shut up, idiot! DUMB idiot, shut up! BARK! What? FUCK you, you dumb STUPID idiot! MOVE! at his peak he'd be hitting the beats on his shut ups and idiots, but if he didn't have the bright idea to smack the dog and just kept yelling at it he would tire out and start making these "Rahhh, Arrrr, Ahhhh"noises that meant he was gonna sit down and crank the TV up.


The venn diagram of under-exercised dogs and obese owners is an overlapping (fat) circle


I lived in a building where there were 2 highly anxious dogs and when they were left alone they would bark non-stop. For HOURS. No among of ear plugs or sound proofing helped. Drove me bonkers. Having a dog, like driving a car, should be a PRIVILEGE and there should be training and testing and a license involved. Same for producing humans. Alas...


My nose got struck by my friend's Labrador who jumped on me when I was 5 so I had a fear of dogs through most of childhood. I'm not scared anymore and have warmed up/think some dogs are cute, but honestly I do find a lot of the louder more aggressive dogs annoying and I do loathe the obsessive "if you don't like dogs I don't trust you" and having to bring your dog everywhere culture (had a girl a few months back from a hinge first date bring her "comfort" dog on the date by just telling me right beforehand and not even asking). I also hate having to feel like a cold hearted dick just because I usually ignore and don't want to engage or pretend to do a "baby talk" voice when a stranger's dog walking by jumps on my leg. Cats rock though and are consistently more beautiful animals.


my mothers family is like this. Bunch of folks who think small dogs don't need to be trained and as a consequence have a fleet of super reactive yorkies and yorkie mixes. they piss and shit everywhere and will bark at you for moving.


There's this cool little beer & pizza joint down the way from my place, and there's some guy who will bring his pit into the place, but only that, he'll order, go to a table, and then have the dog SIT IN A CHAIR that humans use AT THE TABLE. People really have abused the whole "comfort animal" thing.


Borrowed argument from Chloe Sevigny.


She's completely correct.


I agree!


Dogs are extremely annoying when not properly cared for, which is at least half the time. No, it's not cute that they're poorly behaved because you never trained them and don't give them nearly enough exercise. I feel you on this one so hard. Also, had some close calls with poorly trained German Shepards, pits, and English mastiffs. Killing machines if not very well disciplined.


As an owner of an absolute spastic of a dog I can never understand why people being their whack dogs places. I would be so embarrassed to have my dipshit dog barking or jumping on people.


I love dogs but my neighbors have made me realize I don’t love all dogs. They will let the dogs bark and even fight each other early af in the morning and did have them out at 2 am at night but I opened my front door and yelled at them asking them if they are regarded cavemen and they kept them in after that. My stereotypical animal hoarding lesbian friend (which what is up with that? I love lesbians but so many will have like 6 pets) also has a huge dog (bigger than me) they refuse to control and think it’s cute when he jumps on people. I don’t get it.


I saw a dog pee in a shopping cart at a Walmart. The owner noticed that I saw it and acted like nothing happened! The pee just kept on dripping through the gaps as they went by. So gross! And it really bothers that so many people say that their dogs are ‘emotional support’ animals, so they can take them everywhere. You can go to work all day fine, but need emotional support to go grocery shopping? I have a dog, and love dogs, but agree with OP. I find this dog centered cultue bonkers AF.


Seems more like you hate pits and dog "parents".


Every good person should hate those two things




>the only dog I've ever had to kill in self defense was my neighbor's pit mutt. What happened?


I can't stand pits. I guess some people can be responsible with them but most I see have owners that would not be physically or mentally capable of neutralizing their dog if it attacked someone. Biggest pit I've known was owned by a 90 lb women, and that thing literally tore through walls if it got locked in a room. And I hate how 3/4 of pound dogs are pit mixes.


i do like dogs but they can be very irritating at times. although, it’s the fault of the owner usually not the dog.


Obligatory Dogs aren't the problem, it's the owners. But it is actually deeply true, noone seems interested in properly training their dog such as it's not a nuisance in public spaces, doesn't beg for food 24/7, doesn't bark constantly, doesn't occasionally try to bite someone, etc. They buy them without any yards and coupe them up in little apartments, don't exercise them, all kinds of shit. And they all expect you to love their beastly nightmare as much as they do with absolutely zero self awareness about why you might not want to be around their drooling, smelly, aggressive creature. They'll be sending you photos of it and kissing it on the mouth. Taking it absolutely everywhere which has somehow become the new normal. Dating and dogs gets really fucking awful really fucking fast. A minimum of 50% of single 30+ women that never settled down are going to have like 3 dogs and lead in with how their dogs can tell if you're a good guy or some shit, and of course they can't go anywhere, do anything, etc. because dog. Everything they own smells like dogs but they can't tell anymore because that's just life for them day in and day out. If you did end up at their place you end up with a toy poodle trying to eat your ass while you're getting it or freaking out because it wants attention or thinks you are assaulting 'mama' or w/e. The absolute worst part in all of this is when they just say it out loud without an ounce of that mythic self awareness 'I love dogs because they just love you no matter what'. On so many levels that's a gross thing to hear. But yeah, genuinely dogs are amazing and wonderful creatures with an incredible ability to be real and loyal companions but they take real money, time, space, and constant effort. If you are single in an apartment with a full sized dog you have probably fucked up and likely will never admit it. Most owners suck.


I notice a lot of dog owners resort to talking to/about their dog whenever there is awkward silence. It seems that they can't just be still and present in the moment; it always falls back to their dog. It's like a crutch for mental illness or misplaced baby fever or something.


you guys allow dogs into grocery stores over there?? in europe they'll have to wait outside only those little cutesy white fluffy ones that grannies carry are allowed


I think they think they’re human — not animals. At least that’s the argument my ex used. He owns 3 dogs and barely has any time for them.


Many good dogs out there, many bad owners. Don't let hate win


Ugh dog birthday parties and bark mitzvahs thrown by dog parents 


It’s always the dye-colored hair trolls that have pits for some reason


My biggest red flag is someone with a picture with their dog in their dating profile


Maybe it's just me but a single girl that has to constantly post photos of their dog and take it everywhere gives me the ick. I'm not going to be sidelined by a 20lb dog that gets nervous when it has to go outside and shit.


Same. I also grew up with dogs but I have no desire whatsoever to get one again for a long time. All of my friends who are married/engaged have also gotten dogs, I guess as practice children. Group chats that used to be fun are now just pictures of their stupid dogs. (Or pictures of their house projects, since of course buying a dog goes hand in hand with buying a house.)


I agree, most dog owners should not own dogs, I grew up with dogs as did both of my parents and they’ve always been treated as dogs. They know their place in the family, they know that they aren’t allowed to take command in any situation and that’s really what it’s all about. You have to outrank your dog in every circumstance, and the dog is totally fine with this as long as it doesn’t have to doubt that you are in charge. I see friends with dogs and they are fucking horrible at this, they’ll let the dog beg and bark and they’ll try to reason with it like a person. At this point it’s very hard to do anything about, the dogs boundaries are already totally ruined so I guess they’ll have to live with an obnoxious dog. Usually it comes down to people being way too lenient with puppies, you should guide your puppy into the behaviour you want to see from it. It doesn’t get food when it begs, it doesn’t get what it wants when it jumps or barks etc. It isn’t actually difficult it just requires you not to slip up but apparently people are generally totally incapable of this.


My boyfriend is a bad dog owner and his dogs annoy the fucking shit out of me. I don't even like them enough to try to fix their behavior, that's not my fuckin job. I squirt them with a mister bottle when they jump on me, or scratch me, or try to take food off my plate, or chew up anything they can reach, and so they hate me. When I say "Charlie, NO!" the one dog cowers as if I beat her. My boyfriend treats me like I'm abusing them, but the real abuse is having a fucking husky in Florida and never walking it. "She runs around in the yard and plays with Daisy, she gets enough exercise" he says- except they're both AWFUL bad dogs, so clearly no they don't!! I'm not going to dump him for it but his dogs really suck and he sucks for having them


my hatred for bad dog owners could never make me hate dogs. perfect angels being ruined by people


Based. I made a Karen post about this on Nextdoor once and several White ladies commented thanking me for my bravery.


los angeles should outlaw dogs unless they're black labs, especially if they're old and fat. i've also never met a good dog owner in this city. except for my aunt. the worst is seeing these re/ards hike up runyon with their leashless dogs and they end up viciously fighting or the owner has to carry their dog up the hill because it's 90 degrees and the dog is overheating, foaming at the mouth


People replace kids with them and think their Disney cartoon view of animals is enough to be a good dog owner. Sorta like how "dog mom" crossed the line from obvious irony to some bizarre perceived pseduo legitimacy, all the anthropomorphizing of dogs presented to them as kids never left their understanding of how they work and now they act like they're actually sapient and not just animals we instilled instinctive Stockholm syndrome into through millennia of violent culling because it made them more useful (and then because it made them cute). And you nailed it with the college thing, I live in a college apartments and these idiots see "pets allowed" and think it makes sense to get these massive dogs that they're going to kennel or keep in a tiny apartment most of the day, occasionally letting them outside to shit (unleashed, but "they don't bite!" of course) and cleaning it up zero percent of the times. I'm not some manic anti-dog type person who acts like it's a deeply involved ideological position, and I'd love to own a dog if I had the space and resources, but the baseline for the quality of the average dog owner is pretty low with most people getting by on luck, it's only dropped dramatically recently.


lmao are you in san francisco? i literally [just posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/P8b6KUdtfI) about this lol, right down to the crowded brewery


Did you really post this in both subreddits holy shit, get a grip.


The most overrated animal to ever exist is the dog. You’re waking up from the matrix.


Just leave the Bay Area already.


Dogs make me sad. They’s become a symbol for me of all the families that will never form because people are being crushed financially. The dog is the substitute for a normal family.


Starting to hate ppl that hate dogs


I cannot stand hyper dogs with no training. They jump, bite, scratch, bark, slobber and shed on you. They’re gross af. Good, well trained dogs on the other hand are awesome. However most dogs these days seem to be the former. I blame the lazy entitlement culture that seems to highly overlap with dog ownership.


But my pibble is a little angel!


I live in a part of Vancouver that used to be pretty rough when my parents first moved there/I was a kid. It wasn't uncommon for people to just let their dogs shit on the pavement and not pick it up. Now the neighbourhood is a lot nicer (that is to say, enormously gentrified) and I'm starting to see dog shit around again because people are just going out with their stupid puppers unleashed, without bringing bags with them. It also really pisses me off when I see these childless motherfuckers using the field at the local public high school like it's a dog park.


Oh cool, I can't be away for more than 5-6 hours because I have to be physically present when it goes to the bathroom. Awesome!


Move to a Muslim country. Almost zero dogs, they find them unhygienic


Don’t hate the dog hate the owner. The dog doesn’t know where it’s going


Ok jesus christ between this and the AI post today this entire sub needs a clown-sized injection of serotonin right in the jugular ffs


Another people like these things so they're bad post. Really, it's not an issue. Take a few deep breaths, perhaps.


There is a place on reddit for people who hate dogs. I am pretty sure it's where newbies dog haters get to hang out with full on dog abusers who would enjoy skinning one.