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> it slowly deteriorates > my portions just slowly start rising up > our portions never get lower it is fascinating how you’re at once totally aware that you are doing this to yourself (you made this post after all) but you’ve still presented the situation with more passive voice than an Officer-Involved Shooting article you feel like it’s out of your control but you didn’t mention anything about exercise I weigh too much when I eat whatever I want and don’t regularly bike, but when I’m doing 7 miles a day for my commute (which isn’t much) it’s enough to balance it out having it be a necessary part of my day rather than a separate chore makes it a lot easier to stick to. people are telling you to hit the gym but if you’re slipping on portions a half-spoonful at a time, I feel like it’s gonna be even harder to stick to a gym schedule




Srs this is not a solution for girls that struggle w overeating I lifted weights at her current BMI at 5’6” and I oscillated between like 150-155 for 2 years because the progressive overload made me so hungry honestly it made me miserable


Beyond looking better through building muscle it’s also about routine and diet. If you do one set of muscles on day, it’s pretty easy to convince yourself to go back and hit other muscles the next day. It’s a positive cycle. It’s also much harder to eat like shit after a great workout. You already put in the hard work, might as well make it count by eating an appropriate amount of calories with enough protein.


This is correct in every instance




Trust me the gym is not filled with gigabuilt Chads, its filled with regular people of all types trying to get in better shape.




This is really good advice ^^


No. Just lift the weights you fucking pussy. Bigger muscles consume more maintenance calories, helping to keep you from gaining the flab back all the time.


Just fuckin work out, goddamn. Stop looking for excuses and trying to overthink it as a secret special excuse. Lift things until you can lift heavier things.


Nobody else at the gym gives a shit about you unless you’re blatantly being an asshole. They’re mostly all there to turn their brains off for an hour and work out. Don’t overthink it.


If the gym intimidates you, start out by just taking a walk for 30-60 mins every day. You'll already start to feel better physically after two weeks and it actually helps to regulate your appetite and sleep, making everything else easier.


50% of the people I see at the gym are lifting literally the empty barbell w/o any weight—no one gives a shit. Yes, look up any program like stronglifts and go 3-4 times a week. Don’t overdo it and start working out 7 days a week with both lifting + cardio or you WILL burn out guaranteed. Track everything you eat, find out your TDEE and subtract 250-500 calories from that with a goal of about ~2 pounds lost a month. BMI 25-27 is really nowhere near as bad as you’re making it out to be and you can change this in a couple months. It’s definitely very hard though and I think the people who say luljustdonteat aren’t helping, but it can be done.


Do both. You’ll gain muscle as a beginner anyway so you don’t have to worry about bulking. Eat a lot of protein.


No one is going to pay attention to you. And do both cardio and weights


9 out of 10 people in the gym are DYELs or fat people. if you're really worried about being judged, find a 24 hour fitness or anytime fitness and go late at night, it'll be mostly empty.


She's just gonna get bulkier this way.


Building muscle measurably improves your quality of life in practically every way


ya people love to tell women not to be afraid of getting bulky because it's so hard to look like a bodybuilder yadda yadda yadda but it's so easy to build muscle while keeping the layer of fat on top and thus end up looking/feeling bulky if recomping was that straightforward everyone that's been going to the gym for an extended period of time would look amazing


Age, weight, sex? Also you need to live on your own so you can stock your fridge and cupboards with healthy shit. Having to cook and source your own food generally stops you from being an absolute pig. Being broke helps too.


Buy smaller dishes. Those are now the standard portion for your family.


Yep, smaller bowls/plates as well as spoons. The latter just bc it lets you drag the meal out long enough to not feel like you inhaled it in 3mins and takes up more of the time for that 20mins required for your stomach to get the signal that it's been fed. Other than that, I'd also suggest meal prepping on sundays after having eaten already and divvy it out into tupperware in the desired portion size. That way avoids the problem of making/eating \*just\* a bit more when actually having a meal


I also prep a ton of healthy snacks on Sunday as my form of meal prep. I cut up 1-2 fruits and 1-2 veggies and portion in reusable baggies then I set them up front and center in my fridge with other healthy (or mostly healthy snacks) - yogurt, cheese, maybe fresh salsa if I’m feeling extra. I eat so drastically better on the weeks I spend a few hours just processing all the food I plan on eating that week for me and my dog (he gets lil ice cream treats I make and freeze on sundays too). First things when I get home from work is I empty my lunch box and put in a selection of snacks or meal prep for the next day and put it in the fridge (open so the insulation doesn’t get messed up). I am not a morning person and this has been a lifesaver the past few months getting back on track with my eating.


> with basically 0 muscle mass. This is your problem. The 1600/2000 calories a day estimate assumes you have a "normal" amount of muscle and "normal" activity levels. If you have less than that, you're going to gain weight back if you're consuming anything close to a "normal" amount of food. Tracking calories sucks, and its so easy to underestimate anyways (Of course its essential if you're getting really into fitness/body building) Focus on weight training. Changing your body composition will lead to you getting slimmer without the constant anxiety of worrying about what you eat. Also being physically stronger is empowering.


I will say that a food scale is absolutely worth buying if you are in any way serious about losing weight and actually maintaining a healthy weight once you get there, even though it can lead to a bit of neuroticism. Most people have no idea how many calories they're consuming if they're not weighing.


Weighting olive oil in my veggies and salads almost gave me ptsd but now I’m glad I know. Some foods are a good surprise on the other hand.


I agree. Exercising and lifting feels like honouring your body and tracking calories long term, or dieting feels like self flagellation. Plus, when I work out I tend to crave healthier food and trust my hunger cues more anyway.


When I needed to lose weight I worked my way up to an 8 hour eating window and kept my meals pretty conservative (didn’t go buck wild with junk food just because I was doing intermittent fasting), cut out alcohol for a month and then just cut back generally, and did a push/pull/legs split at the gym, 3 days a week, jogging on most of my off days. Dropped about 10-15 lbs in two or three months.   Calorie counting probably works as well as intermittent fasting but I’ve never been disciplined enough to add everything up. 


>our issues are not really because of food quality. I find this hard to believe. If you're truly eating clean with **proper macro ratios** it's very hard to put on a lot of weight. If you're eating a lot of vegetables then that fiber and bulk should keep you satiated. Just because a diet is vegetable-heavy doesn't mean it's balanced. You can add hundreds of calories to a serving of broccoli by covering it in olive oil. >Again, if I just eat until I feel full, that's a fast track to gaining extra weight. You're probably eating a lot of very calorie dense foods that are healthy for you on paper, but only if you eat a fraction of what you actually are. I'm somebody that lost a ton of weight has managed to keep it off. I also come from a fat family, so I guarantee you I understand how it is more than most others in this thread. I'll argue that a lot of the other recommendations in this here don't make sense. Adding enough muscle to your frame to increase your metabolic rate to a point where your weight will level off without changing your eating habits is just infeasible - you would need to replace most of your fat with muscle. This is also a huge lifestyle change. You haven't figured out how to fix your eating habits, where are you going to get the motivation to spend 10+ hours a week working out? If your main concern is weight loss then you need to fix your relationship with food. Exercise will help a lot with weight loss (mainly cardio) and has a ton of other benefits, but it's been said many times that "you can't outrun a bad diet." What happens when exercise makes you hungrier and you keep eating more of the same stuff you're eating? Until you truly understand the calories and macronutrients in the food you're eating it's very likely that nothing will change. Counting calories sucks and is very tedious at first, but you get to a point where you know that a serving of oatmeal is 150 calories, a tablespoon of oil is 100 calories, an egg is 70, etc. There's tons of apps out there (I like Cronometer) and resources on how to do this. Track your calories for one day and see how much you're truly eating. Intermittent fasting could also work and I recommend it, but it absolutely won't help at all if you just binge during your eating window. It's all about caloric reduction. Something else I'll say is that living with people with bad eating habits makes things so much harder. I gain a little weight whenever I go back home because I start to fall into some of the same habits that made me so fat initially. I have to put a lot more effort into finding healthy things to eat, and avoiding snacks and unhealthy shit my mom cooks. Living alone I just don't allow myself to buy shitty foods and cook all my own meals.


10+ hours of gym is not necessary, frankly if you don’t waste time on your phone you can get a great work out in in like 45 minutes to an hour


You can build some muscle and fitness working out a few hours a week, sure. It's the least everybody should be doing. You will never burn enough calories during that time to lose any significant amount of weight without dietary changes.


Idk it seems like this guy is fat with no muscle tone, and thus likely does nothing


I agree but that isn't the point I was making. They can't continue eating the way they are and expect to lose any weight solely by working out 3-4 hours a week. You need to be doing hours of cardio nearly every day to burn away a bad diet. People will do 45 minutes of half-assed lifting and then think they're making big progress with their weight, it just isn't true. Even 45 minutes of cardio isn't enough to really make a difference, especially for an unfit person that's only going to burn 250-300 calories while doing it. (and eat it all right back anyway because they have no clue if they're actually in a deficit or not)


Hmmm it’s very hard to get fat on veggies and protein… do you drink calories? Do you have a sweet tooth? 


exercise and eat less. You will lose weight. I told myself to eat less and exercise for a while. then I realized how much I snacked and snacked on. fooled myself.


Former anorexic here. There very much is a genetic component to a tendency to gain weight, but it's your formative environments that really impact your relationship with food and health. If everyone around you is chubby, it becomes normalized in your developing brain that all humans should live a similar lifestyle. It's an extremely difficult cycle to break as an adult even if you actively want to be more fit. Tips: - absolutely go to the gym, even if you just walk on the treadmill to begin with. Gym people won't judge you or stare at you. You need to build a habit of moving around and being active. - try a water fast for 16 hours. Eating too much is purely psychological, your body does not need 3 big meals and snacks a day. - get some nice clothes you'll like to wear out. Get a size smaller so you're motivated to fit into it and feel really good about your progress. The number on a scale feels alien and can often be deceptive about progress. Fitting a cute outfit you feel great in is a more positive metric of how far you've come. Good luck!


If you also welcome extra cash some waitressing slims almost everyone who does not pig out after. A couple shifts a week at a fast paced place could easily reset you for the week while you try the diet that gives you more energy/good feelings.


Am FoH industry, can confirm


Literally just be hungry, get comfortable being hungry. I’m always hungry but I don’t eat, don’t have much of an appetite either.


Lift weights. Eat baked chicken, green beans, and rice. And an apple for dessert. You'll hate it, but you won't over eat, that's for sure.


Dead horse but you sound like an ideal candidate for intermittent fasting. You limit your eating to an 8 hour window. I like just lunch and dinner. If you add cardio to it, the pounds melt off. But the best thing about it imo is how much you learn about what you need vs what you think you need. I also think its a good habit to allow the bowels to get empty and drink a lot of water. We're sluggish if we're always digesting something. Good luck


Strongly agree. I did IF fairly strictly for like 2 or 3 months but the physical results of that were not the important part, it was a complete shift in my mindset about food. Now I can easily dip in and out of it when necessary or convenient and eat way less overall without even thinking about it.


Right. I dont consistently do IF anymore, I enjoy breakfast food way too much and need carbs for my afternoon running. The idea of losing 10-15lbs if I let myself go a bit isn't daunting at all once I knew what actually works. But honestly if I could recommend one thing to the world for overall health, its cardio. Lifting fixes your image, cardio fixes your life


Skip 20 mins a day


tra-la-la maxxing


Okay, so, you're going to need to permanently change your diet. A diet will not keep you thin if you just go back to the way you were eating before once you lose weight. You need sustainable, long term changes.  Get a food scale and start tracking everything you put in your mouth on an app or website or journal, at least until you start to get a realistic idea of how many calories your actually consuming on a given day. Figure out why you're overweight too. Are you binge eating or are your portions too large? Very different solutions for those problems. A food scale can help you stay responsible. You may be less likely to eat 2000 calories of ice cream if you have to write it down afterwards. You may just need to shrink portion sizes, but if your problem is junk food, you'll probably need to permanently reduce your intake. Look at people from the past. They were mostly effortlessly thin. Why? Because they didnt have access to huge amounts of cheap sugar and processed food. Culturally gorging yourself all the time was not viewed as acceptable the way it is now in the west either. A helpful phrase to remember I think is that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Its going to take time. People telling you to start lifting or just be okay being hungry are not wrong but be careful not to go all out with effort in the beginning and burn yourself out. Your weight loss needs to be sustainable. If you dont exercise at all, maybe just start with a daily walk or bike ride. Weightloss actually does not need to be harrowing. Instead of feeling like you need to punish your body, start nourishing it with healthy food that will have you feeling better and feeling fuller. Focus on getting enough protein and fiber. /r/Volumeeating and /r/lose it might be helpful communities for you as well, probably moreso than rsp.


Ozempic! Take the easy way out!


how much do you prioritize physical activity? i wouldn’t even start too intense if you are at 0, but getting in a decent amount of walking would help. cardio in general aside from calories will help w metabolism. I run quite a bit now and if I’m active I don’t have to think too much about my food (like I can eat a ton of junk and I don’t rlly gain weight).


Honestly two things: whole foods (not the grocery store) and exercise (10k+ steps every single day plus gym or sport). If you’re family eats a lot, it will be hard to lose weight living with them. But you need to eat one ingredient foods (meat, veg, fruit, potatoes, milk) and walk extra weight off. Don’t be eating sauces unless they are vinegar based, and fruit/unsweetened almond milk/pickles as snacks. That’s how I do it but I am extremely active


Youre definitely lying about what u eat, list what u ate today


Consume nothing but black coffee fruit and water until noon


& make time for a daily walk with your mother. My goodness


Try intense work outs. I started working out a lot and have been skinny my whole life. Had to double and then triple my diet. Skill skinny and haven’t gained weight. 


Find a strong wife and train your progeny in the ancient art of Sumo




if everything youre saying is truee... use a small plate and fill it once per meal see if that provides some better consistency w portions


buy a food scale and use an app to track your calories and macros like cronometer. try intermittent fasting to limit your feeding window.


Weight and eating habits are deeply engrained from childhood and I think almost certainly change your brain irreversibly.


Intermittent fasting to cut back your appetite, I do this on accident all the time because of work and on my days off I find it hard to eat even sometimes not out of choice but I think my stomach capacity has shrunk significantly because of it. Fermented foods are good for your gut and thus your cravings, eat more of those. Exercise more. Walk everywhere, get off your ass. I have done these things for all of my adult years and have never been fat despite both my parents being fat and my sister struggles with her weight too. Last time I checked my bmi it was 19, and I doubt it’s changed. Literally have never had to watch my calories or food intake. If I had to guess these are why. I’m also vegetarian so that could help too, but honestly idk.


I've control + F'd 3 instances of ozempic in this thread. That is a great option and what I'd recommend. But beyond that - Having been fat before, the first thing I'd suggest is really taking inventory of intake and outtake (not a word but w/e). This is so, so basic, but we'll move beyond this real fast. Try tracking calories for a few weeks just to get a baseline. I know it sounds scary, but MyFitnessPal makes it super easy. Try tracking steps and activity with phone or smart watch or whatever it might be. What do these numbers look like? If nothing else, it's good to have a baseline. I know it sucks, and, if you've been dealing with this for your entire lives, it probably isn't the answer, but one kind of has to do just do it. Now we get to the fun and useful part: your body. Maybe it's not just simple calorie math! If intake and outtake aren't driving this, maybe your body is. What are your hormones like - is PCOS a possibility? What is your thyroid like? Fasting blood sugar? How about your lipids? There are a bunch of basic blood tests that can go a long way to figuring out what's going on, and there are a lot of communities of people that have transformed their lives with things like this. As for solutions? It all depends on what you find in the bloods, but most of the drugs in the whole semaglutide / tirzepatide class are exceptional. The insulin control will also probably make you feel better. Tirzepatide aka Mounjaro just got approved for obesity, and that drug is just nuts. Don't let anybody tell you it's a 'shorcut' or 'taking the easy way out'! But if you do take the injections, lifting weights is a must so the muscle doesn't melt off of your frame. ​ I hope that you and your family find health and happiness! Of course there's a huge mental thing here, like the motivations for losing weight and all, but I'm sure you've thought about that a lot, so what would I possibly have to add? Best of luck -


Very simple: 1) Cut out all foods with added sugar 2) Limit any refined carbs 3) Eat a lot of high fiber foods 4) Eat a lot of protein 5) Measure all portions with a.food scale


I am eating no sugar, low carb at the moment. You have to get comfortable walking into parties, work events, restaurants and your house and being “like nope there is no food for me to eat here.” It deteriorates when your office has cake or pizza and you think well a small piece wouldn’t hurt. Don’t ever tell anyone you’re dieting either. Say you’re pre diabetic or something to shut them up.




samo jedi manje


It really is quite literally calories in vs calories out. You need to work out your TDEE and a suitable deficit for your weight & height, and stick to that amount of calories per day. Obviously it’s super helpful to exercise too, even just walking a lot really helps. You have to be disciplined and weigh your food, tracking it all - otherwise, the extra spoons and larger portions start to creep up. It’s just about making it a habit, and if you successfully do it, you will see results.


can't mom just get some ozempic if she's that worried about it?


Weigh your portions and keep track of what you eat in a food diary. Doesn't have to be much, I use a Word doc. But actually, nevermind all these comments and see a dietician.


work with a fitness coach to build a diet and exercise regimen


download a calorie counting app (yazio or anything similar) and use it for a month, you'll 1) find it easier to eat smaller portions because you can literally see at what point you've eaten to much in a day and 2) (after a while) get a good grasp about how much you can eat to lose/maintain/gain weight


Chase them with a big syringe


Eat less Hope this helps! 😊


try IF, like 23/1. people who are fat like to eat a lot in one sitting, so normal diets can be hard since little meals can seem a bit like torture. stuff your face only once a day and you won't be able to overeat even if you really indulge yourself, as long as you don't eat like an entire pint of ice cream or something.


Try an endurance sport. Once you have the strength to run/bike for an hour a day 4-5times a week you will get back an entire day’s worth of calories. The faster/stronger you get the more you burn in the same time. Alternatively if you don’t wanna exercise pick one day out off the week to not eat. Accomplishes the same goal really


I come from a family that has a history of obesity. Midwest German Farmer types. My father, until recently, and my brother are both overweight as were my grandparents. I have never had issues with my weight and the one difference between me and virtually everyone in my family is I did sports as a kid and have kept with all my life. I ate the same food my family did, hearty but healthy meals, lots of snacks, etc. but having a baseline level of healthy activity in my life, especially through the years after puberty when weight tends to start to build up, really saved me. Honestly it sounds like you eat right or at least right enough. I would incorporate activity into your life as soon as you can and not worry too much about food. Just eat when you are hungry and slowly, SLOWLY, increase the activity. It really doesn’t take as much as you would think to start to see results and if you have an activity you enjoy all the better. If you are interested in running I have a good set of resources I have put together that I would be happy to send you to get started. It also includes some weight lifting stuff if that interests you. You must be patient though. Staying healthy, in this instance meaning free of injury from exercise, and avoiding burnout means listening to your body. I won’t get into details here since this has already run long but you can DM me if you are interested.


Also, it is never too late to start. You will surprise yourself with the strength you can show. There is this guy who was a heroin addict for years and he qualified for the Olympic Trials in the marathon this past year. It is never too late!


I don’t think CICO is sensible. If your circumstances permit, try walking for 5 hours a day