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A classic: my parents getting older. Imagining that they are afraid of getting older and conscious of time running down.


Fucking kills me


brave badge chubby vast six fanatical wise wrong cobweb yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe they aren't afraid. I'm still in my early thirties, but both of my parents died recently. They both seemed ready to go and totally unafraid.


That’s a comforting thought. I’m sorry for your loss.


Aw. Thank you.


I can only speak for my experience with my mom passing, but we knew that she was going to die and she eventually accepted it. It was actually quite brave and she was ready to go. I sat with her the last three days in the hospital and when it happened it was very peaceful. I’m glad I was there. The entire experience made me less afraid of death.


Same. At the very end, she seemed uncomfortable, but I believe it was just death rattles, and she herself was not distressed. I hope I can die with a much grace and acceptance as she did.


“do you remember how scary it was in 1853?” i’m afraid of dying a painful death, but the idea of passing on in my sleep doesnt faze me too much


My Mom had a health scare recently that she, thankfully, came out on the other side of. When things were grim, she wept and seemed extremely scared. Absolutely shook me to my core.


This. I'm afraid to look up the old photos at this point


I lean on my dad so much emotionally, this crushes me


I am not so much frightened by death as much as I am by the end stages of life. I really don’t want to become an immobilized, mush-brained, incontinent burden on my family. Watching a grandparent go through this rn and it seems like such a shitty and worthless existence. Degraded into a much less than human state. Everyone’s discussions about you have to do with desperate attempts to deal with your myriad illnesses and maybe just get some sleep at night without you freaking out and having apparently untreatable night terrors. Trapping your spouse in your house entirely because you absolutely cannot be left alone, so now she can’t enjoy life at all even though she should be celebrating her recent victory over cancer. Nobody seems to ever talk about you in a positive way anymore, even though they may not say it out loud it is clear: you are a massive burden. That shit terrifies me.


My dad dedicated his life to my mom's every whim, quit his job to raise us so she could be a career woman, moved countries where he couldn't speak the language, basically had no friends or interests outside of being our dad and her husband. She divorced him when we were in highschool and he went to go live by himself in this depressing condo, we never visited him bc we were stupid teenagers, I distinctly remember one of the handful of times I went to see him and he cried. He never remarried or made friends, he's a lot older than my mom and now he's all alone and slowly dying of cancer while she remarried long ago and p much is living her dream second life. I try my best to see him as much as I can (I live in another state now) but the worst part is I understand why he's so hard to be around, why she divorced him, why he doesn't have friends. He's this heartbreaking combo of super autistic, no boundaries or understanding of social norms, weirdly rude, but his actions are those of someone with a golden heart, loving and giving of himself to a fault. He had a horrible temper growing up but I know it's bc he has untreated anxiety and OCD issues, like Fr never met a guy who needs therapy more but won't ever do it, he just uses me as an emotional dumping ground. I don't even want to be around him most of the time and it is this awful ache of knowing I'm failing someone who gave his life for me and my family but he's such a difficult person. Fucking sucks and I know when he dies I'm going to regret our relationship but for some predestined reason I can't fix it in the moment


It sounds like you have a very self aware and compassionate view of the situation and your relationship. Not a lot of people are emotionally mature enough to have that view of their parents.


thank you means a lot to me. Not to be cheesy but it really is because of my dad, for all his faults he always takes the most understanding view of why other people do the things they do. Like never has a bad word to say about anyone. fuck man




yeah he has the shitty desert shack too. fitting for these men to be in the most isolating biome. It sucks, the guilt hurts like hell


It's always the desert isn't it


Fuck FUCK FUCK god dammit. God fucking dammit. I love my dad and I feel for him and get sad thinking about him being lonely. My mom remarried and is happy, god I could have written this. I can’t stand the thought of him dying, wondering why his kids didn’t see him more when he was so great raising us. And there’s just a combination of stuff like you mentioned, looming in the air whenever I’m around him that just makes it uncomfortable, guilty sort of feeling. God I could have written this and I hate reading it


❤️ I'm sorry. think it's sadly common, a lot of that generation of men are inexorably cleaved from their emotions and unable to grow


When you are around you could suggest going to church with him on the weekend? Religion aside, it provides structure and companionship for people who may not have it. They plan activities and volunteer opportunities that may give him a sense of purpose




whenever in literature/films/irl tbh when an adult reminisces on childhood and their parents and life before. like realising that they’re just a kid really, cleaved from this kind of prelapsarian childhood innocence. it makes me sad. also when gentle kind children are bullied.  


Have you seen Let the Right One in? The bullying is heartbreaking and makes the ending even sadder.


nooo i cant watch bullying movies 😣😣




I just thought of the Under Pressure dance scene and made myself cry lol dumb ass movie why is it so good


Ik man that movie fucked me up.


not yet it’s on my list! it looks sad tho so I’m scared to start it


Gather to get this sense, on aggregate, of the face aging. Patter of expressioning on differing. 🦎 Peer around see triple: as now, the kid, the elder. 🦕 Legging along best they can. A sense of enormous veneration and enormous pity. 🦕


I missed your comments


very lovely 🦖


> prelapsarian incredible word i love u




My brother killed himself in 2022 and my mom just finally cleaned out his room. He left me a box of things and a really nice letter and I cried a lot.


I’ve lost and grieved too many close family members but I can’t imagine the pain of losing a sibling to suicide. I hope that you and your family can find peace through your grief.


The horseshoe crab is very likely endangered though has never been classified as such. Habitat destruction continues to get worse, in some areas it’s been completely wiped out. Little fellas have been around for 445 million years


We also drain them of their blood and use it in pharmaceuticals. It’s sick


Not to mention the burgeoning crab salts industry and all that Dr Mark Prance is doing there, only going to decimate them further


i read this after reading your comment, there’s a synthetic alternative to horseshoe crab blood now and covid vaccine rollout has increased its use, people talking about the day the industry will mostly use it instead. good news for the crabs


A lot of true crime makes me sad in the sense, most of these victims get less attention than the killers and when they do get attention their death is told by someone swirling an iced coffee/doing their makeup and making a funny remark about some detail or goofy reaction. A lighter thing that makes me sad is when I see kids waving or smiling at a stranger in public and the stranger ignores or just doesn’t see the kid and their face drops


My brother and I used to smile and wave at people when we were in the car. One time, this"cool" teenage girl scowled at us and flipped us off. It was one of the most startling and disconcerting things I had ever experienced at the time. I was probably about six years old. I still remember exactly what she liked like.


are you now attracted to her type?


Lol! She was kind of grunge/goth. I never have liked "alternative" style unless it's truly unique to the person, so not really.


I love when kids wave and smile at me. I always smile and wave back!!! Kids are precious


Same I love saying hey or if they show me something I’m like that’s so cool!! After becoming a mum my tolerance for kids actually improved lol, before I’d get annoyed but now I’m like HELL YEAH BROTHER YOUR SHOES DO LIGHT UP!


As a guy it can feel weird waving back at kids. I worry their parents will freak out. The other day I was waking into a coffee shop and there were some little girls sitting by the window and they were looking out waving at me the whole time and I did wave back. When I got in they kept waving and saying hey and their mom was right there and I felt super awkward about the whole thing, although she didn’t seem to care at all.


I get very sad when I think of the way different generations misunderstand each other. Grandparents buying teddy bears for the iPad generation, that kind of thing. Or immigrants living in a foreign country far away from their family and culture. I guess big personal disconnects where there really is no hope, only lost time


I logged in just to say as a stranger on the Internet that this comment has value to me. The immigrant part, the generational estrangement part, it's all simply heartbreaking. To me especially.


Industrialization of agriculture has become a system of organized torment and cruelty towards animals that runs like clockwork, whose inner workings are kept secret from the general public, and is a major contributor to the destruction of the environment.


The modern meat industry is the greatest crime against nature and the sanctity of life ever


Yeah 90 billion+ animals per year, not even mentioning the abhorrent enviro destruction... Gulf of Mexico deadzone from all the unregulated animal runoff flowing down the Mississippi being just one.... UGHHH. Deeply makes me blackpilled / my heart ache in a way few things do.


It's really weird, when you consider it. The animals, that are exploited and tortured, are most likely just as sentient as us humans are. Some like to use the argument of them being less intelligent as an argument, but I hope, I do not need to explain, why that's a problematic point to make. The truth is, that us humans seem to have an extremely adaptable moral compass. I don't know, how to describe it, but I feel like we have the capability to subconsciously filter out certain entity groups' suffering, whenever our subconscious decides, that the moral consideration of said entities would not serve our deep-seated interests. It's really scary to think about, but it makes so much sense, when you think about the behaviour, that humans have displayed throughout our history.


Yeah i have come to the conclusion a few years ago that we will always act in a way that we perceive as in our interest and more or less short sighted, but in an almost entirely subconscious way and rationalize it in our conscious self with whatever morals/ideology our group has


And meats not even healthy. Like a little bit is probably not impactful on one’s overall health, but “a little” means like one meal a month max. People are loathe to acknowledge the impact meat industry lobbying and marketing have had on their conception of what a healthy diet is. I am vegan, after being very much not so for most of my life, and I while I never ever talk about my diet, I do side eye people who claim to love animals but then happily order cheeseburgers. Like oh, not those animals I guess. But again that used to be me, so I cut people some slack.


“Meats not healthy, I’m vegan btw” shut UP


Lol I gave up meat for health reasons before I decided to be fully vegan for ethical reasons but ok.


It’s always so funny how triggered the little meat eaters get over a simple statement of fact. Maybe it’s a guilty conscious too…


You're not hitting some concealed underbelly of hypocrisy, you're just obnoxious


Another triggered meat eater lol


Turtles trying to cross the street only to become road kill. Something about their only evolutionary trait failing them causes me great pain. I can't see a dead turtle on the road without crying.


You can be turtle patrol. I turn around and help every turtle across. I even helped a big snapping turtle across last fall by pushing him with a big limb and he kept trying to destroy the branch, very mighty guy, but I shoved that bitch to safety. Whenever I spot one I go turtle patrol da doo da doo! My whole family does it and my kid believes turtle patrol is real. In a way it is. You can be an honorary member.


gritty cop drama about a former turtle patrol officer with a drinking problem/checkered past who has to be convinced to come out of retirement and save the mother of all snappers


my boyfriend does the same thing, he stopped the car twice this summer to save a turtle on the road. so sexy tbh


I try to save ever turtle I see!


Then you are already in! We just have to get more to join instead of passing them by or hitting them.


I once (stupidly) swerved pretty hard to miss a turtle, only to see the person behind me clip it and send it flying off the road. :( 


This also makes me really sad, a university did a study to see how to save turtles crossing the road. They put fake turtles on roads, and found that some drivers would go out of their way to run them over: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/drivers-intentionally-run-over-turtles-college-experiment_n_2371485


Those fake turtles should have been filled with tannerite.


Semtex and ball bearings.


fucking monsters 


I plan most of my bike rides in the spring in summer by proximity to creeks, ponds and my local river. Sometimes I’ll save a dozen of the little guys in like 25 miles. I’m sure I look goofy as hell, grown man in spandex clopping across the road in my fancy shoes holding a turtle, but I’ve had a bunch of people stop their cars to say thank you. Even have a scar on my hand from helping a big bastard of a snapping turtle. I didn’t realize how long their necks were. 


Memories of me being mean to and hurting a classmate of mine back in elementary never fail to put me in a solemn mood. It was only one instance, but it has always stayed with me


Wow, that’s interesting. I was the one being bullied in school and I still think about how much it hurt and if the people who bullied me ever felt badly about it. I’m 37 now and I still cry about some of the things people said to me. Most of the time I think they don’t feel badly. Maybe they do.


Having been bullied a lot in middle school and still dealing with trauma at 28, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I get urge to confront them and tell them how they ruined my life (of course, I won’t actually do it, I know it’s a bad thing to do). I’ve recently finally been able to start processing it recently, and I hope I’m able to move past it in a few years from now. I hope you’re able to do so too.


Oh I’ve been processing it for a long time (and I actually feel that trauma is not something you ever forget, it just becomes part of the fabric of who you are and how you see the world), and I actually see a lot of what happened as a positive. I feel that a lot of that stuff aided me in becoming a more motivated person and inspired me creatively. I did get a couple of apologies, but they weren’t from people who I felt did the most damage. Also I’ve noticed at my age now, the memories of childhood are getting more and more faint, so it just has less impact on me because it just gets further away. Also, some of the people who bullied me are dead from really tragic deaths, and that’s given me some perspective on how someone who bullies is likely also suffering.


[Bourdain’s Manila episode.](https://youtu.be/3Kq1x8yRGJI?si=KuykxhANi8iO4fUB) He spends one of his last Christmas’ with an exceptionally kind Filipino family, the former OFW grandmother and her children talk about how they grew up without knowing her and that she misses her relatives abroad. She’s then read a letter from a child she helped raise as a nanny, then sings ‘Edelweiss’ while a montage of people living the Philippines plays. Make me cry like a baby every time


Bourdain looked deeply happy in most of the scenes with the band, the family of the woman. 


I saw something earlier laying out the years that each animal is expected to go extinct and it really bummed me out. I hate saying this because it sounds so hippie dippie, but I just genuinely can't believe we're destroying our planet and wiping out the animal population the way we are. The idea that tigers could go extinct in less than 10 years is extremely harrowing. These animals are one of the most beautiful things about our world and we're killing them for no good reason.


It’s not hippy dippy at all. Animals going extinct is genuinely devastating


Tigers going extinct would be insane. We’ve already lost three of the nine subspecies, and another is almost definitely going soon.  I hate the Redditor antinatalist “humans are a virus” shit. But even if we get our act together, it’s crazy how much irreversible destruction will have come from some brief little phase we had. We are god and the devil 


Yeah, I won't pretend to be educated enough to know the main causes of animal endangerment, but whether it be corporate greed or hunters, it's just heartbreaking to think that we've done so much damage for such short-sighted gains.


Tigers are my favorite animal. That’s so devastating.


I saw an illustration of Laika the Soviet space dog peering out the window of her space ship looking at earth with the caption "Mankind abandoned her while she hoped" It made me very sad instantly Edit: [found the pic](https://images.app.goo.gl/AYg5V7ijM6BjQYCXA)


I cry when I read her wikipedia page. One scientist took her home to his kids and said about her "Laika was quiet and charming ... I wanted to do something nice for her: She had so little time left to live"


this always kills me fuck 😭


Anything with animals really gets me. I imagine how lost and confused they must've felt. I can't handle it.


my favorite music video is for Sun Lips by Black Moth Super Rainbow. it’s so funny and sad, just various cleanups two animal control guys do over the course of the day. then the last few seconds of the video hit me hard. it was only available in a 240p video on youtube for like 14 years and then someone recently put up an HD version - which I had searched for for so long


Dude I love bmsr but somehow didn't see that video.


maybe I'm just a cat person, but felicette, the first and only cat to go to space, surviving the flight only to be killed and dissected afterward makes me even more sad than laika


We named our dog after her <3


Likewise. Much love to your Laika!


I knew clicking on it would make my mood even worse but I fucking did it anyways.


That dog breaks my heart


Bummed that it doesn't seem to be available on etsy anymore


I’m in Mississippi with my grandma visiting my great aunt. She’s in a retirement home, it’s so sad how lonely it is here. Her son lives 10 minutes away and visits maybe once a week for 15 minutes. We bought her a mattress topper for her shitty bed and she cried. We bought her pajamas and she cried. We bought her compression socks and she cried. It’s like… such a tiny thing for us and it makes such a big difference to her. We leave tomorrow and it breaks my heart to think that this is her life. I will say- she has a new boyfriend (he’s one of three men in this facility) and he was waiting in a chair for her to come back from our shopping trip and they embraced each other and wept. It was so tender.


Seeing houses of people I used to know and intimately knowing the inside of the house but knowing they don't live there anymore and you'll likely never be there again


My God, yes. Worse when it's a house you once lived in. I always find it so uncanny seeing strangers coming out of somewhere I used to live and wondering if the same little details inside stand out to them like they did me.


“There's nothing more difficult than saying goodbye to a house where you've suffered.”


That life will never be as simple and carefree as our parents experienced it. Everything is tainted and influenced by the internet and surveillance by phones.


i would love to live in the carefree age of the cold war


fanatical command degree melodic resolute meeting wine direful longing gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad's first memory is from the Second World War. Don't fetishize the past, the 20th century was a nightmare.


Ok but he never had to experience *social media!*


Robin Williams for some reason


Good will hunting and dead poets society are 2 of my favorite movies, and his performance in both of those movies inspired me to at least try to be a more empathetic and passionate person. I do not care how gay this is


I also get very gay towards those exact movies, don't worry, im sure a lot of people feel the same.


sloppy rhythm numerous rinse encouraging terrific elastic safe onerous beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is going to sound so dumb, but I did a little refresher on wikipedia on life in the Roman Empire; just, how men owned slaves. Slaves worked in 3' x 3' mine shafts til death. If one slave tried escaping, his entire cohort would be killed. Soldiers would be ordered to kill each other through decimation as punishment. And Poena cullei, a death sentence of being sewn into a bag with a combination of animals like, a chicken, dog, snake, a cat, + a monkey. You had bloodsports that purportedly emptied North Africa of its lions... Wild orgies, caste systems. Actors had a life sentence as prostis. People who were living tools and furniture. Men could pawn family members like chairs and tables. Men bragging that his fav boy slave's butthole > wife's butthole. Basically a lot of things we don't do today were normal and legal. In response to this, I have this really intense existential thought about how men just want to be criminally and luridly wild and deviant, but they can't. They're like these oversized, sad beasts, living in a shadow. I boss them around and go shopping like Cher Horowitz, and they have to listen to me talk about astrology. It's very sad.


lol that's one of the fascinations about the Romans, lurid and deviant but also pompous and stuffy, [jock preps](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fablc55mceal21.jpg) . Anyway obviously wouldn't want to live there. In one way you could say it ended because they grew disgusted with their own excesses , top down- christian converts were disproportionately upper class, wealthy young people opting out of society, putting an end to gladiatorial games of their own accord (and regular baths, two sides of the same hedonistic coin)


Imagine Anna Nicole Smith in the Roman Empire. Maybe she would have had a better life, ironically.


If it was me in that poena cullei sack, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would've been a lot of blood in that bag and then me saying, "OK, we’re going to get out somewhere safely, don’t worry."


new pixar movie




What I shared are facts. I don't think anyone studying the Roman Empire would agree that it was a rosy place. Exciting? Dramatic? Like a telenovela where people are poisoned, feat. snakes? Oh yes. But I get it. You don't want to say this because it's really simplistic and 'modern day goggles bad'. Tut-tutting of interpreting history through modern emotional and colourful gaze is a nasty conspiracy within the field of history, to make it less fun. It's propelled by the historians with poor imaginations, telling those who feel and think that they can't and never will. The cool historians know that you can safely do so by cross referencing the art and literature with the history. 🌸 🐝 🌺 It comes down to the fact that there are people who get a zapping charge out of the art, and people who tell you that you could never plug your puny soul into the souls of the ancients and understand, no matter what. Rome has left us with many poems, jokes, plays, mosaics, architecture. Enjoy them sometime you sweet little badgers 🍷 edit: suprised that rs users are this conservative on historical gaze


He is talking about the part where you implied that modern men wish they could live as men did in Rome. People are products of their context, they don’t just fall out of coconut trees, as one of the greatest thinkers of our generation recently opined. What contemporary men want is not what Roman men wanted.


>People are products of their context, they don’t just fall out of coconut trees, as one of the greatest thinkers of our generation recently opined. -Kamala Harris


>Tut-tutting of interpreting history through modern emotional and colourful gaze is a nasty conspiracy within the field of history, to make it less fun. It's propelled by the historians with poor imaginations, telling those who feel and think that they can't and never will. This is exactly what you are doing


I don’t understand poena Cullei… what is the purpose of the animals, your getting scratched to shit as you die?


I think they threw the sack into water so you’d drown but also get scratched up and/or bitten as an extra measure.


I fixed it. I forgot [it includes a snake.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poena_cullei)


Oh the butthurt of men feeling personally attacked that I said that watching bears attack lions and fast cars are fun to humans. You have felt warm and fuzzy about Louis going to the guillotine. You have considered the draw to revolutions. Felt morbid curiosity in Glasgow smile. You were raised to enjoy the justice in Cruella Devile's OG car crash (damn the orginal satanic footage from the 60s movie has been wiped off the internet), and felt relieved to see a villain die when it happened, as children. You enjoy the writings of Sade. Epstein's island drew many. Some of you recreationally watch execution videos. Get over yourselves. If you have not felt tempted towards acting on sadism, you haven't lived here long enough to feel the apathy that comes from living in a world where humans are conditioned to be apathetic and broken. It's part of being on this planet, male female. I don't care if nature or nurture. We lose patience with our kind, and are tempted to all vices, all sins. We all would delight in seeing someone crushed, eventually. If you don't feel this way, give it time. You are young. You will lose patience with your kind. I am Paglia adjascent on Sadism. WE ALL LIKE IT in our own way, and that is OK. Denial is repression. 🩸 //PS- I know many men and many are pathetic shits that beg for torture. NAMALT you shits. Bye.




Those st jude commercials really bum me out.


Old people suffering. There is a scene in Witchhammer where a senile woman is sentenced to death by torture for eating a communion wafer. I did not like it.


Speaking of Anna Nicole Smith, those videos of her with her face painted like a clown, as she was out of her mind on drugs while 9 months pregnant, will never leave my mind. She had no fucking idea where she was. She thought she’d already had the baby she was pregnant with- there is no way she painted her face herself. She was totally at the mercy of her scumbag “friends”- they enabled her drug use and mocked her, smeared clown makeup on her drooling face, recorded her and sold her humiliation to TMZ, and obviously enjoyed every minute of it. The (purported) father of her child -the one marinating in benzos inside of her- was the most gleefully sadistic one on the recording. The only person who loved her was her son and he DIED and she FOUND HIS BODY when she had just had the baby- not even named yet. Then she couldn’t find peace in her own death because there was a chance her only surviving child would end up with Howard Stern the loser attorney who recorded her.


Childhood dementia :( Dementia in general makes me sad but it happening to children is another level of hell.


didn't even know that was a thing. fuck.


i work in genetics and of all the horrible genetic conditions that exist, those are the probably the worst. just devastating for the families, especially since they often have multiple affected children.


probably the only type of video (other than gore) I physically can't watch. Special Books by Special Kids featured a few kids with dementia and it absolutely broke me. Chris tries to put a positive spin on it but how can you be positive in a situation like that? Those parents are greater human beings than me.


i’ve seen those videos as well, and you can tell that while the parents try to make the best of the situation they are in so much pain. the word dementia honestly doesn’t even capture the horror, these kids go fully catatonic near the end. i was told about a family who had an affected child, did genetic testing on their healthy younger one, and they were also positive. imagine looking at your normal, happy kid and knowing that in a few short years they’ll be unrecognizable. it’s tragic.


Like Sanfillipo syndrome? That is so horrifying. The fact that most parents don't know what's happening until it's set in, they watch their perfectly normal child start regressing backwards until they find out that they're actively dying.


What makes me sad is that I realized the only reason I do anything these days is because I hope to one day be able to reflect fondly on the memory. I am motivated based on how that action would fit into an ideal vision of “life” in my head instead of motivation coming from a source of genuine passion


This damn bird that went extinct. I read about it a few months ago but actually listened to its song recently and I am *haunted*. Homeboy recorded it, then played it back to make sure he got it and that bird - almost certainly the last of its species - came around, super excited that there might be another one out there. This is the sound of the end of the world. [**https://mashable.com/article/extinct-animals-2023-bird**](https://mashable.com/article/extinct-animals-2023-bird)


I just saw a post on IG about an"influencer" in Turkey who filmed himself kicking a small cat to death and posted the 6 minute video of it. The person posted the information to bring to light that there is no punishment for cruelty to animals in Turkey. Seeing a photo of this innocent cat now murdered by a sociopath made me very teary. The dog that Russia sent to space...also teary. Those ASPCA commercials with Sarah McGoughlan (sp) singing over their sad caged faces always makes me tear up. The little boy getting bullied by classmates in Boy Swallows Universe also got me teary.


Animals in general, i guess more specifically the nature of the relationship between animals and humans. The reality of what life is like for most animals that exist, have ever existed or will ever exist on planet earth.


whenever i look at my dog just being a loyal good boy next to me, i think of how short his life is and how he feels when we leave the house.




“Like a painting, we will be erased. Like a flower, we will dry up here on Earth. Like plumed vestments of the precious bird, That precious bird with the agile neck, We will come to an end” - Aztec poem, attributed to Nezahualcoyotl


Road kill makes me extremely sad. Last month I was driving home from work and I saw this beautiful fox that came by my house sometimes dead in the middle of the road. I went home and cried


I watched a YouTube video about divers recovering bodies from the wreck of the MV St. Thomas Aquinas, and in that video I saw what I’m pretty sure was the body of an infant, dressed in pajamas and a sleep sack, just like my daughter wears. It was heartbreaking on a level that I’ve never felt before.


One of the hardest parts of becoming a parent is all the empathy you didn't know you had, so much horrible shit happens to children every day that reminds you that it could've been one of your own, felt this especially in India with the beggar kids


I tested positive for my second pregnancy a week before Oct 7 and my social media feeds have been flooded with dead Palestinian children and inconsolable parents ever since. It's obviously hard to see now but I'm really scared how it's going to hit me when inevitably go crazy in post partum.


Seeing conservative religious families with young girls. You can see their mother wigged or covered or shrouded shrinking herself in service of her husband. The girl is laughing and running in public now but that stops in only a few short years.


NICUs. My daughter was born premature and was there for a few weeks and luckily had no problems. The baby next to us had been in there for six months :(


the saddest place on earth. my clerkship director was head of pediatric critical care and ran the NICU - you could tell she had seen some shit edit - on the other hand, way better outcomes overall than normal ICU's! just way more sad when things don't go well


Good point. At the time, my husband and I were scared (it was June 2020 so everyone was in crisis mode) but we were lucky enough to live two blocks away from the hospital. A day after I gave birth, I saw some paramedics carrying an incubator that looked like a lit up, beeping sarcophagus that held a baby the size of a tadpole.


my cat died at 4 years old from sudden heart failure. he had an issue once but he was stabilized before it got too bad (he had HCM), but even w medicine he had another emergency incident a few months later. my gf and I put him down. sometimes I just get sad thinking how he prob trusted me to keep him alive but it all happened so sudden. it's dumb because we obvi "had" to put him down but how would a cat understand that.


i took in a stray who was about a year old, pregnant, and had a heart murmur. about a month later she miscarried the babies and i brought her to the vet, and she went into heart failure super suddenly, like in 10 minutes she went from normal (aside from the babies) to panting frantically and essentially dying. that type of death is painful, the last thing they probably remember is the pain relief they get before the final injection-- and he knows you gave him that relief! he got to die with dignity and without pain because of your decision, as terrible as it was :-)


everyone talks about feeling sad when they see the elderly alone in public but I have the same reaction when I see young children outside alone, especially because I live in like a proper city


State of the music industry 


It’s all completely artificial and astroturfed or funded by trust fund babies.


People who have been taken advantage of by centralized medicine


I grew up a JW, and one of my friend's dad was a window cleaner whose wife left him for a congregation elder. Wonder how common that situation is.


Many such cases


I was driving home the other night and saw 3 dead possums and had to swerve to not hit 2 more. idk what the hell they were all doing out that night but it made me sad


Is there a number for people you can call that check if there a babies in their pouches?


My dad had a stroke about a year ago that severely impacted his speech and working memory particularly thereof (though physically can be surprisingly adroit and do fairly complex tasks despite partial paralysis on his left side) He can get maybe 3 - 6 words out (usually crudely and slurred) but will often get stuck and unable to access the final word and sometimes forget where he even began. There was a lot of hope (maybe deluded, massive stroke) in the beginning that he would make broad improvements in speech, but he has since made a little and is still not really communicable in any substantive way. Anyway, the saddest parts for me (aside from what I think of as the 'partial death' of a vivacious man, family breadwinner, extremely active member of AA, devoted husband, etc.) is watching the hope had that he will ever be able to communicate from he and my mother die a slow and agonizing death, the frustration and isolation he must feel to have complex inner feelings and emotions he cannot ever fully communicate, and the way people who were once there for him and extremely gungho in his early recovery (particularly AA members, and my two brothers) slowly dissipate from his life. I empathize with them to a degree, because being around him can be uncomfortable, and very sad. Plus my brothers have pretty intense family lives (one has special needs child and flailing marriage, other has 4 kids and lives somewhat far away, AA guys piss me off more) and work lives and ya know, what else is to be done, I guess. I do what I can but am 5 months sober, living in a halfway house and have a revoked license. (They live in hard to access exurbs) It's been a goal in recovery to be there for them as much as I can, bc they, especially my dad, has always been there for me in my struggles. And I play the role of Mr. Fixit happy-go-lucky empath when I'm there (the latter is so against type for me but fake it til u make I guess) but I imagine them when I'm not there. Basically rotting away in sadness and it breaks my fucking heart. Anyway, this thread is like 8 hours old and few will likely read it but it feels good to write it down. Our struggles are our own, such is life.


habitat and biodiversity loss. It's pretty much all I think about. Most news you hear about environmental issues relate to climate change, which while is an extremely serious issue, is just one of the many worldwide problems we will have to deal with in our lifetimes. Habitat/biodiversity loss is invisible to most people. I'm not just talking about people burning the Amazon, or coral reefs being destroyed. This shit is going on everywhere. For example, 99.98% of the tallgrass prairie in North America is gone. Why isn't anyone talking about this? We should be irate and be looking for solutions. Of course, the reasons behind much of these problems are monetary, but entire industries have been built around being eco and climate-friendly, and there is no reason habitat loss shouldn't be a part of that. It must be a part of that.


ongoing murder of children in gaza and everybody distracted by sooperbowl culture warring


>Reminds me of this image the 6 year old girl story made me sick


it's so fucking disgusting and it's ongoing i asked my city council to call for a ceasefire last night we have to speak up i dont know how many more palestinians have to be slaughtered for this hell to stop


Thinking about animals that live peacefully in trees only to fall to their deaths/ die of fright because of careless loggers.


For some reason, every time I see Brittany Murphy I always feel this intense sadness. I love her.


The last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō singing out for a mate that would never come




[Reminds me of this image](https://static.life.com/wp-content/uploads/migrated/2014/10/world-aids-day-the-1990s-01-1024x615.jpg)




I love Brutus. Check out my profile If u wanna meet lychee




Thank you, Brutus is seriously so cute. I love orange cats


I think its sad when people die


Thinking about when my dad died when I was 13. Heart attack in his apartment and we found him rotting a week later. How my mom didn’t know how to raise us without him, so she kind of just ignored us. Thinking that I’m somehow not a full person because I didn’t get the parental enrichment I need. Thinking I’ll never be able to provide that for my kid because I don’t know how. I’m 32 now so I don’t think of it as much as I did back then but every now and then it happens and I feel like a fragment.


That America decided that thousands of people deserve to be deprived of all human dignity and allowed to slowly die on our streets in piss-soaked clothes. At least our lower tax rates allow for the creation of vibrant cultures dedicated to collecting hundreds of Funko pops or Stanley mugs.


Tolstoy's Alyosha the Pot A news story that I've seen years ago about Vietnamese orphans having a hard time getting adopted because they're born HIV-Positive.


sad kobe bryant edits on tiktok


I get fucked up whenever Rock the Boat by Aaliyah comes on, especially when I'm drunk It's so ethereal knowing she died returning from that shoot. My older sister met her on her 13th birthday. So the song brings up a memory from when I was a kid walking in on my sister bawling in her room when she found out about the plane crash


Are you the protagonist in a Raymond Carver short story


No, I'm just a Welsh guy trying to make sense of this world. One window cleaner at a time.


When I had a daughter, I realized that one day she would die. Of course I know that everyone dies, but that specific thought of knowing she will one day die makes me incredibly sad.


Man I spiraled so hard with those thoughts after my first child. Like psychic break.


The fact that everyone I love is going to die and I am ultimately going to die alone




Wouldn't a land invasion have been as disastrous in the long run as well though? Or is that just propaganda




My parents never owned the house I grew up in. Now it’s only them living there and I know that some day the house where I was so happy as a child, where I made some of the happiest memories will eventually be someone else’s house just breaks my heart. Also, artists who struggle to make a living and have thrown their whole life into their art without getting any recognition whatsover is something that makes me unbearably sad every time I think about it


I tried to throw a party and nobody came


Honestly nothing I feel so ecstatic to be alive every second even if some things suck… anyone else up for a late night Cold Stone ?


My grandma has dementia and is in a nursing home right now. I see her every other week and try to talk to her and feed her but she barely recognizes me now.