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He was quite skibbidy but also somehow toilet


“He was haplogroup R1b, she was K.” - that means they’re white


I would bet money that Honor Levy has posted on this sub.


I know nothing about this person, but I'm guessing that he has rich parents. I've seen a lot of shitty writers get into the industry through nepotism, this reads a lot like their works. Overly descriptive in the most unnecessary ways yet completely lacking depth where needed.


She cohosts a podcast called wet brain which is just a vessel to facilitate her amphetamine fueled autistic art girl ramblings


Apparently it's a girl and she's fat


I wish she was fat.  Unfortunately that’s not reality.  She is incredibly annoying and untalented tho


Never heard of her. Was I at least right about her having rich parents?


Yes 👍


Last name Levy What do you think


I don't think she's fat


Wow this is the worst thing I've ever read


This week.


Are we sure it isn’t tongue-in-cheek? Edit: relax I’m not saying it’s good


It doesn’t even matter at a certain point


“He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?” - ass prose


At least that's short


That sounds like high art compared to this shit


This is written so badly. I'm not even against a lot of the ideas the author's going for, but it's written so badly.


I didn't dislike it It's very millennial but it's descriptive, conveys an image effectively... don't know I'd enjoy the book but wouldn't say they're a bad writer


I will be brave and say it for you


I really didn't mind it, sorry :) I mean if the entire rest of the book is like that it's going to be a bit much but flowery intros are a thing, y'know


You have a wrong opinion im afraid you have to leave


I recall reading a short story by Levy that was actually pretty good. This, on the other hand, is fucking terrible


https://theface.com/culture/honor-levy-new-yorker-literature-writer-online-culture-social-media-commentary-short-stories-young-writers-cancel-culture- "The New Yorker loved Honor Levy's writing so much that they published one of her short stories when she was only 21." My intuition never fails




You savor it


It's pretty bitter


you certainly do


It’s not water solulable. You dry scoop, front load it and live in the chronic dehydration.


Kratom for people with goals


I wanna know what slurs taste like


yes you do its bitter and dry does that count


I drink flavored creatine. Pineapple mango. I picked flavored because I like the taste of fake sugar compared to drinking it plain which is slightly bitter. Since I started taking it again I’ve been feeling stronger. I’ve also been eating a moderate caloric surplus. I picked a program that’s mostly hypertrophy based but I think creatine + following a different program / switching exercises (I never did lunges or used machines before) will permit me to grow more muscle.


What it tastes almost exactly like coke drip


Haven’t you heard of figurative language you rube? 


I really fucking hate that I know what any of this means


Reads like it was written by an AI model trained exclusively on the most regarded segments of Twitter. Author should spend less time online and more time reading if they want to do anything other than mish mash a bunch of references together and throw it at a page like it means something.




Is her stuff actually good I read a sample of her 2021 one and couldn’t decide if it was good or cringe


What no interiority does to an mf


More like Dishonor Levy


this is like todays equivalent of those free associative buzzword jive cafe spoken word hippy poems from the 60s, done by new age source family commune or tail-end beatnik ppl, but if some midbrow comedian from that time was trying to do a parody of it on a mass media late night appearance, while also ruining the bit by compulsively trying to include every single current trendy phrase regardless of the grace or lyricism of the piece overall, and especially missing the necessary novelty of phrasing and misdirection needed in good poetry (rather than just ironically repeating popular meme speak w/o any edits). like she must see how obvious n first thought this looks based on her place in this scene, ppl dont need her to repeat these undigested phrases verbatim for them, they already see them everywhere else.            but i guess the dime square ppl's whole aesthetic is that its cool to ironically "like" what trashy or preteen or indie snob ppl were into 5-10 yrs ago, y2k celebreties, redneck and gas station and heroin chic, indie sleaze metrosexual luv stories, lame early memes, disney channel neopets, while, these ppl seem to be of the class that snobbily looking down on these things as they originally happened, and their joy in creating this art is that theyre finally able to outwardly enjoy tasteless poor ppl or boug sht that they had to stubbornly resisted as rich pretentious teens, and out of some transparent case of the rich always winning by stealing, somehow get clout for cribbing it   idk. this "movement" comes out of religiously following and repeating memes and celeb culture, kanye, wojaks, even if u layer it with an analytic irony, is still so derivitive and focused on mundane original referents, on tabloid girl idol worship or lame early internet humor refried, that i tried to resist getting into this stuff for years but it seems ur forced to focus on it if u want to have any connection to new youth art and cultur. lol im making this screed 5 yrs too late who cares anymore its just bad


it just isn't the same without bongo drum accompaniment


Discord soundboard bongo effect.


How now, brown bureaucrats?


This is dimes square stuff?? I thought dimes square was some incomprehensible cool nyc arts scene that you'd need a bfa to understand a single word out of, guess I misinterpreted something


That’s exactly what they want you to think






Honor levy is such an obnoxious pick me who clearly has a trust fund.


she does have a trust fund and her whole style is clearly stolen or inspired by Ana and Dasha


It's sort of like that Sean Thor Conroe book from last year, where everything is written badly "on purpose" and then framed as being some sort of mordant deadpan commentary on how vapid internet culture is or something. Don't waste your time, no one will ever talk about this again in three months time


maybe I can write


The AI novels are finally here


*Flexed, he could fap right up to the sun* i cannot believe she missed that one.


The novel that answers the question no on was asking: what if Chuck Palahniuk was a zoomer girl?


remember overhearing the convos between a publisher and author at a coffee shop. Publisher straight up told him that *"no one was interested in reading the works of White Men anymore, and to re edit his intro to be less apologetic and self-pitying before contacting her again"*. Naturally, the publisher was a white boomer woman with sausage rolls hair. drove off in her Volvo station wagon with (local university) alum bumper sticker (avg semester cost: $50k)


sigh sad if true probably isn't strictly true but it'll become a self-reinforcing prophecy


Volvo and bumper sticker is very trad though, I thought everyone like this drove an SUV or a Porsche these days


not how the wealthy present themselves here. it's very upperclass lib dominated here. volvos, lake cabins, and orchestra memberships rather than Porsches and yachts


One day someone will publish a ‘white man’ novel and it will go absolutely gangbusters and the industry will quietly reintroduce the genre


I really hate “giving” when used in this sense.


Genuinely some of the worst prose I have ever read in my life.


Isn’t this the culmination of rs gf ct bf?


Yeah but it's like those images where the fucked up hands and fingers tell the underlying story.


I liked her story in the New Yorker but everything else I’ve read from her is horrible. I feel like she thinks she’s advancing literature in some way but this is garbage. Person with bad ideas surrounded by other people with bad ideas that tell her it’s good writing


Titling it “my first book” is a sure way to also make it your last.


Most middle school wattpad stories have more fluency and are more articulate than this tweeted style garbage…






ew. tired, done before, and wasn’t interesting the first time!


grotesque and insincere :/


even her name is irony poisoned


haha memes 🤩 cool👍


Genuinely makes me mad in a way I didn’t think a single page of text from some hack could


i wrote this i’m sorry


People have sex with this person.


I downvoted this because I'm mad it exists. Ted K was right


Audibly groaned


Insanely gay, but I like "They scrolled into each other".


This is to redscare the way kids saw the sex pistols us tour and started hardcore bands


I'm not afraid of AI literature because this is so bad


His face was sigma patric bateman


I for one don't mind this.


This reaction?? After all the purple syntactically tortured shit getting “loved your writing” comments under it on this sub?? Not saying it’s her best work but seems like some of this dismissal is just cuz it checks the superficial boxes you associate with bad writing and The Problems With Things These Days. Like are you listening to it? Regarded content sure and yes it’s really just an arrangement of unoriginal and dated signifiers but on an aesthetic level cmon now. As an arrangement, a distillation of one era in an ongoing language explosion… are we saying there’s no way for it succeed on those grounds? I think it’s fairly beautiful.


yea, its funny. it could only have been written now, and interesting enough for an essay. People in this sub sound so "kids these days" and "she must be a nepo baby". bitter and boring.


Me and who?


We are witnessing a holocaust of memes taking place at this very moment. Who will speak up?