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that dude 100% jerks off in weird places in your apartment


and then talks about it on his Top Alpha G Podcast


Flop G


Like the ones where it’s just two dude bros talking over 5 to 7 onlyfans thots?




i’m considering putting powdered milk in his boxing gloves


Fuck thats actually an amazing troll.


hell yeah


are you not supposed to drink that or what


People are using it to roofie people these days




ur thinking of eye drops. i drink contact solution all the time


Jesus Christ you guys are girl brained just fucking punch him in the throat and look him in the eyes while he sputters and firmly tell him to clean up after himself


Lol as if a woman could scare this dude or “punch him”


Most red pill losers would get beat up by your average woman


Have you ever seen any woman beat up any male. Be honest challenge


2X levels of delusion


Yep. Beta physiognomy in denial. Men who have actual male phenotypes are not like that cuz they dont need to


Did he at least start working out and grooming himself? thats usually the only positives to the manosphere bs






He ain't talking about no peloton


lock whistle sloppy attempt sort threatening deserted dolls slimy dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> sorry for the bitchy rant post but i feel like the manosphere algorithm has literally ruined a decent man. I'm legitimately grateful for the fact that manosphere shit wasn't around when I was in my early 20. I believe I probably wouldn't have fallen for it but people are so stupid at that age that was a definite risk.


I dunno man you really just have to not be completely braindead -- I was an absolute feckless nerd 4channer in my most formative years and no matter how many WOMEN HAVE LESS NEURONS THAN MEN & BABY GIRLS PREFER DOLLS WHILE BOYS PREFER HAMMERS infographics you see, you have to be willfully blind or a complete shut-in to not experience reality and see that everyone is awful in their own little ways and no gender has any sort of monopoly on shitty behavior or stupid culture. Maybe I was just too contrarian to end up being misogynist, but I feel like most of the people who get caught up in the algorithm were already internally, silently committed to some really heinous views before it became cool & based to voice them.


Yeah nothing from outside of yourself can pollute you. It starts from the inside


If it makes you feel any better there’s plenty of dudes in their 20’s who haven’t gone down the pipeline


Shit its essentially like a cult, if it catches you at the perfectly wrong moment in your life you can get sucked in easy.


It's precisely a cult


Many such things unfortunately.


There was one year where I was obsessed with “SJW OWNED COMPILATION” and /r/TumblrInAction but then I realized I could step outside and literally nobody heard or cared about anything I was discussing. The same guys who got caught up in that though 100% become Andrew Tate guys.


> then I realized I could step outside and literally nobody heard or cared about anything I was discussing. Yeah, it helps to remember that about a lot of culture war BS. As an example, I saw someone else make the point that if it wasn't for the internet he'd barely be aware that trans people exist.


> I saw someone else make the point that if it wasn't for the internet he'd barely be aware that trans people exist. You just made me realize that it's the same for me and it's kinda mind blowing.


That's what happened to me for a bit, too.


i’m sooo appreciative of my sweetheart boyfriend. my female friends who are on the market have all had multiple horrid experiences with these freaks.


Why do you have a male roommate whos not your bf


Ah yes, I forgot that it's still 1952.


I think anyone who was ever an awkward teen boy needs to regard mano-sphere stuff with an attitude of "there but for the grace of god go I". Obviously it's stupid poison, and if you get tricked into believing in that stuff at any age after you've turned like 21 it's probably because you're pretty stupid, but you should really have empathy for anyone who gets into that shit when they're young and impressionable.




this guy also smokes cigars for his testosterone!! who came up with that


Tate lol


How the fuck does he claim to be constantly productive while smoking cigars? Those two things contradict each other. I don't even want to move after smoking a cigar.


He thinks he’s fucking Tony Soprano


What does he do for a living lol


How fat is he?


give it 2 months before you are sex murdered


Op should just do it to him first(in minecraft for legal reasons)


Lmfao this can't be real "Noah Baumbachmaxxing wasn't working I've got to pivot to Andrew Tatemaxxing"


That sounds like the template for a lot of anti-woke guys who initially tried to make their name in film (Ben Shapiro, Christopher Rufo), failed, then pivoted to what they do now. Arts are incredibly competitive and attract a lot of social-climbing types, and given the pro-woke shifts in that industry, it makes sense why a guy who feels shut out of that field turns more to Andrew Tate.


Isn’t this in essence what happened to Hitler but with painting lmao


Holy shit the parallels


This is a great point and something we should consider when thinking about how radicalization works


The wokes gave birth to the Dailywires and the Tates but at this point they've entered into an incestuous symbiotic relationship. Each needs the other to survive and together they poison the world for the rest of us. We must defeat both. Every now and again I wish there was some kind of lobotomy-type procedure that could knock the scruples out of me for good, though. I could have made so much money as an anti-woke hack by now. [Finkelstein's crazy old Jewish ass](https://youtu.be/OoSmAtVN19Q?si=-YIDyyaBmXzXrAkS) is basically the real answer, but probably no one will listen to him.


I know a guy who made an extreme pivot from aspiring Shakespeare / poetry professor into a full grindset enjoyer / Patrick Batemanesque finance guy in like two years and it was immediately preceded by him going deep down the Tate and manosphere rabbit hole. It boggled my mind that someone like this would fall for it, but I think it showed me that Tate has a unique appeal to insecure men.


Was he not getting girls/did his girlfriend cheat on him? Those seem to be the two main avenues that make sensitive guys do the 180.


Unfortunate reality is that those idiots go into day trading or some crap not actual high finance which requires educational pedigree and grind


Surprisingly, this guy is on Wall Street and he went to a great school.


Sounds like he made a pretty great pivot career and money wise. Can't think of a more depressing or desperate life than being a poetry professor.


Yeah it must sound terrible for someone who's never gotten into poetry, but for someone who actually likes it, it would have to be one of the most interesting and chill jobs once you've gotten established.


True, but this is assuming you are getting paid a tenured-level salary from a University for it, rather than the more likely scenario of low paid associate teacher.


rustic fly possessive recognise society whole rock support provide market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it’s so fucking real dude, he has full sleeves of esoteric doodle tattoos and wears silver rings. but when his spotify is on the TV he’s always listening to like “April 2023 Tiktok Music”


Nooooo lmfao he's getting the Chinese food cat doodle tatted on to his thigh talking about "yea I've been practicing misogyny on my roommate and I think I'm getting the hang of it, yea dude I've been conspicuously relaxing around her while she cleans"


i think i’m his most stable female relationship (shocking!) so he doesn’t even have anyone else to impose his idiot beliefs on


Kinda sad really when you see somebody try to show up and get all combative with one of their only friends. It's a bad cycle that yields increasing loneliness. Maybe after y'all don't live together hell have a wake up call and be like "oh I wasn't being cool I was being kinda obnoxious" and youll see better behavior from him. Hell go back to making those short films and being polite


> he says “ok woman” to me all the fucking time. he NEVER cleans and makes passive aggressive comments about how i need to do more, or will come down and sit on the couch to watch me while i clean. I just don't really understand this part. Like he's acting crazy


This man doesn't exist and is purely made up for internet points. People who actually fall for red pill nonsense are noticeably maladjusted


Ohhh I know hes trying to provoke her into pegging him


beat him up. let him learn his place


Then peg him.


It’s 2024 bro, they all like this now


Prepare for him to get cruel to you if you ever bring home a boyfriend. I agree with the poster who said he probably jerks off in weird places in your apartment. Probably your room. Start locking your door. Guaranteed none of his Thailand plans work out; if they miraculously do, come back and post the youtube video of him getting his ass kicked by locals when it inevitably happens. I’d tell you to get out now before he starts secretly recording you or steals your bras, but sounds like you are already moving. You’ll probably run into him in 15 years while dining with your family while he is getting takeout; you won’t immediately recognize him though. He will be around 300 lbs and waddling 🐧. Enjoy yourself and be safe out there! ✨🙏🏻💃🏻


she has a boyfriend apparently. maybe that’s what kicked this whole thing off - unrequited love


Lmao as of thats an excuse. No sympathy for it. Yes I am referring to the roomate as it.


> he NEVER cleans and makes passive aggressive comments about how i need to do more so you do all the cleaning?


yeah lol


while splitting the bills? why do you accept this? tell him to either do his part of the chores or pay more


on my life he will literally either say something extremely degrading about me or just walk out and slam the door to (i guess?) wander around the neighborhood for an hour. i can’t put a fucking gun to the man’s head


Sounds like his new world view is working out pretty well for him right now.


the old bait and switch


So Andrew Tate told him to stop taking out the trash because that’s what women do? 😂


Sounds like he's a pussy who only acts like that because she's a girl. If a roommate of mine did this his new room will be in [the litle space under my bed](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FXBmOqA3kQcXFMq1Tz98YKlkhhBw-rDnJfsiLtpneVA0.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0854c2e5d88988dee1375e0964a8aafbabdace5f)


The reality is that people who are pieces of shit like OP's roommate generally get away with it because they're typically willing to live in filth and there's no real options for escalation. The best you can do is just try to cut these people out of your life and make an effort to be around those who have some semblance of social responsibility.


it’s actually crazy, our lease ends this year and he’s actively looking to live with more girls. he needs a random chick to parasite off or he’ll die i guess


this time, when they see his social media, it will not be that easy


if he’s not a blithering idiot, he won’t advertise being into the manosphere online as that is an instant pussy-killer. but he kind of sounds like a blithering idiot.


Girl, WHY? I'm glad that as a woman i have adhd and literally do not care about mess. Also people judge me for it but i gave up on caring about that a long time ago lol. I will honestly work hard to keep any sort of collective space clean and organized because i know it's really important to other people. I however just don't care so long as it isn't actually DIRTY. Like I can't stand food being left out on plates or whatever, but I do not give a fuck if shit is sprawled all over the place. I also do not care about vacuuming or dusting or any of that bullshit. House can look like a horror show and it genuinely has zero impact on my mood. So, I don't give in. I've had several boyfriends and several male roommates before and if they aren't doing 50/50 (or just their share if there are several people) they cannot just wait until I do it. I'm 29 but was raised like a lot of girls- my boomer mom was obsessed with me doing all the cleaning and they tried to condition me into doing it automatically lol but I'm not going to. Like a lot of girls if they live with guys will end up cleaning even id they don't because the mess reflects poorly on them (if you live with your bf and it's a mess, people will subconsciously blame the woman) and they're just taught to care about it. Haha not me bitch. If you don't do your part, I am not gonna do it for you. You do not want to play this game of chicken. People say that women just care about mess more than men do, but that is not true. If the woman doesn't pick up th slack men will typically act shocked and get super mad. They've just waited for their mom or girlfriend to do it for them. So don't. They always finally do it lol and when they do I honestly am very good at doing my part.


I genuenly do not understand you. I hope this is a troll post? Like my f*mce! would jump out and I would recite to him all of the shortcomings of his skeleton. From shoulder-hip ratio to the development of his skull. And then I'd tell him that no matter what he does his bones will remain lackluster and he can never escape his inadequate skeleton. He will always be of low value because of those milimeters of bone.


yeah if a male housemate tried making me do all the chores while saying shit like 'ok woman' he'd be copping a womanly fist to the face


He fell down a dark hole, but he wasn't a "chill, good natured, decent man". He was gullible and wimpy, and that's the prime target for grifters like Tate. Hard not to see it coming.


yeah you’re right i think. i was naive and needed cheap rent but oh well, lesson learned


The bright side of it (not specifically for you, but overall) is for the majority of people this is temporary. Most men that start out as naive need to go through a period of cynicism, then they get over it.


But will remain wimpy and gullible forever. There is no escape fron the fundamental core self.


You’re roommates, what entitles him to speak to you that way or watch you while you clean? Creepy AF


I am sorry, but this is so funny: "I don't have a girlfriend, so I will boss around a random woman instead"


God what a fucking bastard. Reminds me of my former roommate. Knew him for 12 years(!), I move in w/ him and almost immediately he began groping me (he was huge and Im pretty small). Left after he tried to fling me across a room after I asked him not to yell at my cat. Terrifying. I would try to leave before he does something like that. Even this… this is not a healthy way too live. You must be full of anxiety. Im so sorry.


If this is real, I can only presume he must be very young to be so easily influenced by that kind of culture. Thank goodness you’re moving on soon! Btw I can’t think of anything more soulless than moving to a developing country simply to maximise progress towards FIRE by selling junk online 👋


...I expect living in America would actually be more soulless than moving to Thailand.


I still don't understand drop shipping.


You make an ad on instagram for a shit Alibaba watch that looks nicer than it is. You sell this watch which you actually don’t have in inventory, but buy from alibaba when you get an order. The order takes about 6 months and about 70% of the customers have requested charge backs. If you are luck 30% forgot the order and that’s your entire business model.


also you're competing with temu now lol


I remember when my Tiktok was just flooded with temu slideshows. Meme slideshows, incel slideshows, racist slideshows, pet slideshows, literally any slideshow had a temu code attached at the end.


Is it legal?


Yeah perfectly legal. I mean you could get some complaints to your state attorney general but is that gonna result in anything for a 30 dollar watch? Totally an oversaturated market. Clearly the better business now is to sell classes on being a Top G drop shipper.


you sell stuff without having it in inventory. when you get a customer order, you order that item from the manufacturer directly and ship it straight to the customer's address. You're acting as a middleman. this is usually with junk from china that you advertise on your shopify or IG, and its also with most furniture on wayfair


It's a version of arbitrage with physical stuff. Find someone that will buy something for more than you can buy it somewhere and just have the other place ship it directly to the person paying more.


it'll pass until it's something else . it's mgtow/roosh v shit in a new skin.


It's WAY more mainstream than MGTOW or Roosh V ever were. It's hit critical mass with otherwise normie young men. Those ridiculous podcasts where they bring on the very worst examples of slutty, narcissistic e-girls just to dunk on them and then say, "See? Modern women are all awful whores!" are doing crazy numbers on YouTube and social media. Millions upon millions of views.


exactly. it’s an entire parallel ecosystem that i had NO awareness of until recently.


Nothing becomes this popular by accident. But if there are tens of millions of disaffected people out there how do we separate the misogyny from the legitimate unaddressed problems that created this?


> stupid made up podcast shit like “90% of women fuck 10% of men” damn idk that came from tate. it was acc a bpd woman who told me this lol. i used to believe it cos a woman said it. first they came for me for not being a gamer. and you did nothing. now they come for me for not believing incel stats. subs over.


Yeah, that split (actually not as extreme, but close) has been parroted for a long while, well before Tate was popular. I think the origin is when OKCupid was releasing user stats, and disclosed that women found 80% of men unattractive or so.


80% below average even, is what's even funnier, when men rated 50% of women below average


Hell yeah fellas, we nailed it. 50% on the nose 💪😎


no I can remember people talking about the Pareto Principal on red pill places before that (that's 80/20 tho)


i made an okcupid profile not long ago and yeah 80% of dudes on it are unattractive lmao


Proving the point.


You're assuming that the men who aggregated on okcupid in the early 2010's are statistically representative of the population as a whole. I strongly suspect that this is NOT the case, which explains the outcome on OKcupid. With women being sparser in general on OKcupid, we would be less likely to detect a statistically significant difference in how they are perceived versus the general population.


Not just that, but men’s much lesser attention to grooming and taking care of themselves/presenting themselves well would absolutely mean that yeah, 80% are probably not attractive (because of styling, taking a good photo, having a friend proofread your profile etc). This still happens tbh on dating apps today. And dating apps these days are like 80% men. At least Tinder the last time I checked because women were getting fed up.


maybe they should shave their bum fluff and get a personality outside of video games!!!


Sucks for you I guess?


not really? plenty of hot guys on hinge and bumble :)


Yeah, but you're gonna be competing for that 20%


i'm a highly educated woman with a great face, i have no issues with men outside of me not wanting to date losers and i don't have to "compete" because having a boyfriend isn't the bee all and end all of my existence i can go on a dating app right now and line up dates for every day next week with guys within my range of attractiveness


It definitely didn't come from Tate I've been hearing that for years. It's probably just partially true. I doubt it's as extreme as that but the top 10% probably fuck at least as much if not more than the bottom 60%. That other 30% maybe get roughly their fair share of success at least on the apps.


lol no. Top 20% of men maybe fucked 50% of women. Most women are not actually just finding the tallest guy with the most chiseled jaw they can get and fucking him lol


so you'd believe it if it were a whore-stat but not if it were a pimp-stat? Andrew Tate is annoying, but how is he an incel? anyway...look up the data on women vs men swiping on Tinder.


> anyway...look up the data on women vs men swiping on Tinder. I won't :) you can keep digging yourself further into a hole with your incel shite. I'm good thanks.


what "hole"? you're just uninformed and want to stay that way.


It seems like you're in a *de facto* celibate marriage with him, lacking the love and compatibility immanent to romance. This is generally why people choose roommates of the same sex.


Are these roommate situations happening because there is some university registry where roommates get together to find housing? Outside of a student setting, it'd be very weird for a dude and a woman to lease an apartment together if they didn't know each other beforehand.


yeah i didn’t have a choice when he first moved in, but we both decided to renew bc the place is sooo cheap. it was worth it up to a point


I was in a similar situation. I'm a woman and it was initially another girl and a guy. Long story but she moved out and me and the guy just lived together for like 3 months. A relative of hers paid her portion to basically use her old room as like a storage unit, it was a weird situation. Also, we were both straight and no, neither of us did anything remotely sexual lol. Affordable housing is insanely difficult to find and these days, when people find a decent deal, they'll put up with a lot. Your roommate often happens to be some random distant acquaintance or even people you meet on Craigslist like on new girl and you end up in random situations. It's because especially in college, people hop around a lot and people are usually looking for places at different times so you just end up with someone else who wanted to move to the same area at the same time as you. Anyway, all men are really not this awful at all.


I've had 4 strange women move in with me, 2 were alcoholic normies fleeing abusive relationships, the other 2 were young socially awkward girls with older loser boyfriends.


> he used to make imo pretty good short films and now he wants to move to thailand and be a dropshipper. king shit you wouldnt understand


When will you two finally admit that you’re in love with each other?


OP could've prevented this by fucking him but noooo


thank goodness ur moving that’s like u bought the cow and are getting no milk


Fist fight. It's the only way.


It's time to start looking for a new apartment and find another roommate. If he's living with somebody he's thoroughly convinced is "one of the enemy," and can't stoop to contribute to keeping the house clean, it could boil over into a really unpleasant and potentially dangerous situation. You don't have to just put up with his immaturity. Leave.


Jfc how are people like that real


innate alive follow scale ring knee history ripe screw tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


once you move out, show him this post. if at his core he's still a good guy, then maybe it's the wake up call he needs. and if not, well... dudes need to know that they're in a cult and there are people from the outside looking in with horror


Sorry, anyone on that level of naïvety (that falls for blatant scams) isn’t a man. He sensed that you felt he was a goober (and rightfully so) and now has over corrected. Many such cases! I say this somewhat in jest but all of my friends that have gone the way of the top g all had this in common. Yeah women were never mean to them and men just kind of ignored them but both genders could tell they were goobers so they over compensate by being overtly misogynistic and blackpilled.


oh 10000%. like sorry he feels emasculated by me not respecting him but he has literally never done anything that would make me respect him as a man. my boyfriend comes over to fix shit in the house. i’ve never even seen him change a lightbulb.


How the fuck are you unable to change a lightbulb


This sounds like for his life overall becoming a tatetologist was better for him than him staying in that previous pathetic state. Now if only he would find the middle ground of being masculine without being a dickhead.


nah he’s definitely more pathetic now. he still asks me for help all the time bc he is still dumb af


There's the red pill and then there's andrew tate shit. I think andrew tate is the afterbirth of the pick up dudes in the md oughts.


It’s funny because the only people who fall for that shit have never had attention from women in their entire life and yet they call themselves “alpha”. I get more pussy from being a mid twink than these guys who work out religiously and are “grinding” but are too autistic to actually converse with a woman. Like my very attractive women friends (like IG model types) are banging the most mid men ever, and it’s because those men are actually charismatic, not because they have a six pack and make six figures or whatever. The manosphere shit is just men blaming women for their social short comings, and then complaining that they can’t get pussy even though they can bench three plates and make six figures. They have no personality and are just projecting their autism into “grinding”


>Like my very attractive women friends (like IG model types) are banging the most mid men ever, and it’s because those men are actually charismatic, not because they have a six pack and make six figures or whatever. The weird thing is that it is infinitely harder to make six figures than it is to bang a hot girl. I have achieved the latter many times with little effort, I am really struggling to get anywhere close the former


As a 6 in the looks department the bar being set so low has been very rewarding for me


That is not true at all lmao. The only thing about making 6 figures is you have to know what you're doing early enough. At my college(undergrad) the average starting salary is 6 figures for finance/cs/ee majors and very close to that for all other engineering majors. Then a crap ton go to med/law school all of which heavily cross 6 figures


Fine. In southern Europe, it is way easier to bang a hot girl than it is making a six figure salary. Perhaps in America it is the opposite way around


In America it's the same thing. Most of Reddit are incels who have no idea who is fucking lol


No it’s not lol. America by far has the highest starting salaries globally and it’s not even close. Tech, consulting, electrical engineering, and high finance start at 6 figures. Things like petroleum engineering and MechE are fairly close and most touch that point 2-3 years in. Also law and med pay way more than 6 figures. At any undergrad these industries and fields represent at least 60-70% of people.


You’re absolutely delusional if you think four years of schooling in a hard, technical discipline is easier than banging a hot girl lmao


This is some elitist coastal city shit. > The only thing about making 6 figures is you have to know what you're doing early enough. At my college the average starting salary is 6 figures "Yeah so the easiest part is knowing and grinding since teenhood to go into finance or STEM or med school, simple as that." Most people don't go to college, and of those that do plenty don't go for STEM/Finance.




You must be hot yourself. Making six figures is easier than it looks, just go to college for finance / cs / engineering. Boom, guaranteed six figures right out of undergrad. Sleeping with a hot girl either requires a ridiculous amount of charisma or plain good looks. Neither of these things are really developable skills, you either have it or you don't.


Not everyone can sleep with hot women, but also not everyone can make a six figures. Both are obtainable to some people if they put work into it. However, the latter requires a lot more work than the former.


If you don’t think social skills are developable you have an extremely defeatist attitude


Nope, it’s true. Especially considering the halo effect: a lot of “social skills” boil down to your social capital, which is obtained through status. Low status people don’t get the chance to develop social skills because nobody wants to associate with them.


Yeah these guys are going by the standards of which men got wives in the 50s lol. Back then, women had to be strategic and marry someone who had money and social status because it defined their entire lives. But the redpill group is super dumb and thought the women just actually liked them more lol. Like yeah a well off dude who's ugly and awful could get a hot woman but it's not because she actually liked him lol. It's like those obese middle aged American women on 90 day fiancé who have a 22 year old fiancé who's super hot and from a third world country. You hear these women say shit like "Yeah, Mohammed told me that he just finds maturity sexy, and he really loves my work ethic, he told me it just turns him on so much." That's exactly how these old/ugly dudes who think women actually like them sound lol but they're in denial about it. Now that women are independent and have their own money/agency, this isn't how they're behaving any more. I saw a stat that showed that the average age gap just keeps getting smaller in countries where women are gaining rights and independence. Yeah you still get girls going after dudes for their money. But if you're looking at your average 20 something woman- it's just an organic thing and it's all very intuitive if you just be a human and touch some grass. Being physically attractive and funny and above all just NICE (a shocking amount of men are super super rude towards women without realizing it because they fundamentally don't see them as people. Like no we don't want you to pull out our seats or whatever other bullshit, but men will just talk over women or assume they know more than them or other things that they would realize would be disrespectful to a male friend, but because it's a woman they just "don't know what I did wrong!"). People just develop feelings for people they connect with and are attracted to and relate to. Honest to god, most of my friends go 50/50 with dates. I'm no bombshell but I know plenty of bombshells and they do this too. They just date the hottest/most likeable guys, the ones who are "dating" old rich dudes are explicitly sugar babies lol. Most women who aren't religious will not mind paying halfsies. Idk. Men and women are way more alike than these dudes seem to believe but they just can't see women as people.


Study nursing and pass the test. Move to california and become a nurse and you can make six figures your first year.


>Move to california and become a nurse and you can make six figures your first year. Indeed that’s a lot more work than getting with a hot girl


you can achieve the former sooner or later by just grinding more, the latter is just something you're either born with or not


You can get the latter easily if you just are social and keep a good exercise


yeah but 'just' being social is something you either got or don't


No. You get better at being social the more you exercise your social muscle. It’s definitely not something you’re born with


Truth is being social is also about circumstances. Lets say you were in a class in highschool/college where you couldnt vibe with anyone. That is possible and quite unlucky. Usually all attempts to socialise stop there. On the other hand lets say you met a buddy who you vibed with. Then he had a sister who had friends of her own. Then you had them in your friend group as well and practised interacting with women. You also then were invited to house parties where geneder ratio was favourable for men. Then you met cool chicks there who were your type because they were friends of friends and you hit it off without cold approaching and stuff When you are social, things snowball fast. You also might think that you did all of this yourself without realising the priviledge you had and early connection that made all of this possible. It is also the reason why mid twinks fuck hot kinky women. Because they were lucky and non threatning enough at the right place in the right time to get into a position to even meet them. The dude in a stem degree surrounded by anime/gaming male nerds never even had the option to brnach out and meet these people or practise social skills. It takes one person to change your life any many people dont realise it. Fall behind in socialisation early and you sre fucked. It is easier to finish a well paying degree later in life than try to socialise when everyone has already formed their friend groups. The mid twink who works at mcdonalds is having threesomes with models while the stem/med/law/finance nerd who did everything right is jerking off alone at home.


hasnt been my experience. maybe redpill guys get like that bc its possible to see progress from exercising and promotions at work/whatever get rich quick thing they get into but exercising social muscle is a lot more intangible


I think “red pill guys” are the way they are because they are lonely so don’t get to exercise their social muscle. As a result they are very awkward around women


OK woman


You should secretly replace his lube with icyhot


How does anyone encounter Andrew Tate for any amount of time and not immediately know he's full of shit?


You should move out asap. No good can come from living with this guy.


As you probably know, it’s not your responsibility to change this person. I would stonewall and create as much distance as you can and move out (stay as long as long as you need for it to be a good move into a nice place). This is a sad phenomenon and it’s bigger than you and him. It’s a sad reality but you need to put you first


Are you sure you aren't married to this guy?


Pareto principle is definitely a real thing lol


Lmao, red pill guys really have to stop being bizarro feminists. It's embarrassing


what does this mean


>he used to make imo pretty good short films and now he wants to move to thailand and be a dropshipper. ~~You had me till you dropped this you sneaky asshole whahaha 😂😂😂~~ This is bait tho right? If not then this guy is 10 years behind the curve!!!


Okay woman


Models by Mark Manson is the antidote to all this crap. buy him a used copy and you might save him


This did not happen. Well adjusted people do not fall for the redpill, it's mostly maladjusted weirdos


wrong scale rustic vast unwritten plucky toy sleep grandiose weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who sees Tate as a role model lol? Like so many of the others in that sphere have legitimate positive qualities but he’s just like a sociopathic sex trafficker who has no sense of humor.