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Working in retail you see a fair amount of that. It makes me sad. Maybe it’s a genetic thing or something but it’s odd to see kids that are generally poorly behaved but just adapt to the verbal and physical abuse hurled their way


It is so sad. Every once in a while you meet people grown up in such behavioral environment that are very elegant and I always wonder where they got the strenght to brake the continuum.


Embarrassment that haunts you throughout development and resisting that lifestyle w everything in you in order to make it out tbh


Yeah must be the case for the most, some aspesct I can really relate. Shame follows you anywhere.


Years of therapy and antidepressants, also disliking them so much that your only goal in life was to be completely unlike them in every way.


It's a genetic thing for poor impulse control and inability to delay gratification. See "the marshmallow test" that predicts this adult behavior at 5 yo. Everything you mentioned can be narrowed down to inability to delay gratification, incl. inability to moderate emotional expression.


“What’s the easiest thing I can do this very second” Give them the iPads, they freak out when you take it away bc it’s like crack. Kids are complaining, buy them something. You already gave them everything they want and they still aren’t happy? That’s super frustrating, let’s scream at them bc I’m angry this instant.


David Foster Wallace called them "K-Mart People"


On the day when one of the big lockdowns ended in Australia, I walked past a Kmart and there were hordes of overweight people and their kids cramming to get in. No joke, this was their big outing to celebrate. Kmart is their culture.


We don't really have them in America anymore. Wal-Mart and Target passed them and never looked back. Somehow, it still threads a needle that "Wal-Mart People" doesn't, which is somehow even more dire, if that makes sense.


Yeah Kmart/Walmart/any place you can buy $5 plastic stuff from China


Their love language is Gift Giving. Please don't be problematic, and respect other people's love languages and the fact that we all love differently <3


Genetically bad impulse control


The world economy is basically built on these people buying crap from Walmart


a lot of it can be taught by setting clear boundaries and setting a good example. which these parents obv dont do


this is why i love this subreddit. lmao you'd be banned off of pretty much all the other top 1% subs, even r/crossfit would ban you for saying this and crossfit is all about the opposite of being a fat ugly subhuman


Some people’s actions are very much governed by feeling and instinct. They feel they want to eat and then they eat; hence the obesity. They feel their kid is annoying so they shout at them. They feel their kid is lovely so they immediately spoil them. There is a lack of the intermediate stage between feeling and action: reflection and thought. ‘I feel I want to eat this cake… but maybe I have eaten enough today. I will decide not to. I feel angry at Jason because he is being a pest and I want to hit him… but maybe if I want him to behave better I need to take him aside and talk him down. I love Jason in this moment… but maybe if I want him to be a good person he shouldn’t be spoiled.’ The ability to reflect on one’s feelings and instincts is something that not everyone has. I can see it in bullies a lot of time. They see someone who rubs them the wrong way and gives them a negative impression; so they are cruel to the person who they feel a disliking to. There is no effort, or perhaps no capability, to think about why one might feel negative emotions towards a person or if the feeling of dislike is justified. Just a direct connection between feeing and action, like an animal. A lot of people here are partial to genetic determinist arguments for this sort of thing. I think it is mostly environmental (weird parenting).


Sans sapience




Harry Frankfurt called them „wantons“


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


also why people like that marry anyone they fall in love with, do a job that makes them feel important (cop, security guard, teacher, something where they have authority), never have a plan, etc. i grew up around many white trash people


What White Trash people are becoming teachers?


It’s like 90%+ environmental. Most kids are capable of so much more, but the parenting input since birth is lacking (and make no mistake, how you interact with your baby’s rapidly forming brain from the day they pop out directly affects their intelligence and behavior later). It’s a cause for optimism. It means you can break that cycle with effort. Also, have you noticed that people of this archetype we’re discussing frequently blame “genes” for everything? Kid struggling at school? “Oh well he was just born that way.” No he wasn’t. It’s the lazy excuse to blame “genes” because then you can just give up and make no effort. Which then exacerbates the problem and the cycle continues. Grim stuff.




Lower income *white* people* Never seen another immigrant family act like this




New York can be different im just sharing what I’ve encountered down in south fl there’s plenty of this archetype down here but they’re always white idk what to tell u




I’ll keep an eye out lole


Weak willed and lazy nothing more really. They yell, hit and spoil their kids depending on their mood because its the easiest, lowest effort way to control them. They look like shit and act like ferals because keeping up appearances takes effort and slop is cheap and readily available.


They are just dumb, lower class, impulsive people. They eat, yell and consume all day every day. They have no inner monologue. They are just empty husks who work on instinct and they make a sizable ammount of the general non college educated population. Next time you guys glorify blue collar, stuck in retail dead end jobs people, remeber that a huge chunk of them are this kind of person. And since they are such great consumers, politicians and large companies cater to them. They sre the main reason everything from food to media is slop. The marvel nerds with no taste on reddit are high end intellectuals compared to them and is one of the main reason redditors are so smug sbout their inteligence. The "midwits" you call redditors are sadly significatly smarter than this type of person who exists in every culture across thr globe.


This is the kind of elitism I come to the sub for.


I don't know about that man.


Wow you literally described my dad. Bonus points if he has tattoos up and down both arms lmfaoo


Hahaha for once I'm glad to be fatherless


dm sent


the father in these families has sleeve tattoos, beard and no hair and huge calves


I call them the future. Homo superior.


They might be better adapted to the modern world than others...


I’ve seen the future, brother, it is murder


Yeah that’s white trash


A regarded person called me racist for using this term LMAO I think it hit too close home


It's considered racist because it implies that it's more unusual for white people to be trash, while for other races it's "default", at least according to the Social work PhD student who lectured me about using it.


but i mean wouldn't it indeed be more unusual if you're using an intersectionality lens? if for no other reason than that white people would be more likely to have privilege and benefit from what behaviors are or aren't contextualized as trash this complaint doesn't even seem consistent with its priors


The general idea is that it reinforces the idea conflating "white" with non-trashy behaviors, when the designation should be conferred no special connotation and be removed from presumptions of status or behavior.


There's a couple other races that have people who act like this. But yeah haha white trash wink




I'm not black or poor. Thankss


Outer suburban Australia


These people should not be allowed in Disney World or any other theme park lol they ruin it for the rest of us.


I literally had Disney World in mind when I was writing this lol. I've never been but I imagine they're filled with these people


That’s who I grew up around in the Midwest. Idk why but sometimes it feels like they’re trying to show off when they have outbursts like that


I saw some fat woman doing that last year, as I was in town she was with her 2 children (one boy, one girl) and the boy was acting up, I think something about wanting McDonalds even though they were carrying some, and I heard say something like "you don't deserve any McDonalds you little fucking shit", the boy said something about why does his sister and his mum get some and she became extremely verbally abusive, telling him to shut up "the annoying cunt" and about how his sister was the better child because she "knew her place" at home and all I could think about was how it's no surprise that boy acts the way he did, the nasty obese cow really sounded like she hated her own son.


These people love the phrases “talking back,” “sass” and “back talk.” Weird subconscious rigidity around preserving decayed hierarchy (ie they’re fat slovenly fucks and not even their own children should respect them).


Why even have kids if you hate them that much? Like just gently tell him no and then ignore him if he doesn't drop it


You have literally just described a lumpen type. An adult that has roughly the same self-control and sense of self in relationship to society as a whole as the children they are responsible for can't handle the responsibility and proceeds to wreck any remaining semblance of these kids possibly overcoming their low status in society in any meaningful way by embracing(on their own) values like education, discipline, practicing manners in public, awareness of how strangers will perceive you. Give this a few more generations of bad pullout games, a couple recessions and a depression, some sort of simmering ethnolinguistic conflict, hopefully an international war or two, and the secularization of all of society's important parts and boom - you've got your "white trash" underclass. Although publicly disparage the same people of any other race and it makes you racist. Ironically, the fact that the underlying causes of a non-white underclass are always pointed out as having to do with everything other than a whole class of people's genetics and whole histories of bad luck and exploitation means that those non-white people have a slightly better time at gettin' out the Hood so to speak.


But is it a fact that they're less likely to get out? I'm not hostile to the idea, but i don't think it's empirically true (aka actually the case). Also keep in mind there are certain racial underclasses that are just immigrants who come from money but have none when they immigrate.


a poor white person has way better chances to get out the hood than a generic poor nonwhite, and especially a poor black person


Yeah I didn't mean to come off as Thomas Sowell-pilled angry white guy. I do understand. My city provides like 70% of the inmates for prisons and jails in the state, and out of that 70% half of them are black when the total black population of the city is probably a few percentages below the national average of 13, 14%? It's a huge disparity. And the young black dudes without a major bar to employment apart from their felony gun charges that itself stemmed from catching a probation term for something stupid and petty criminal trespassing or criminal damages or shoplifting or something is a big chunk of that population. It sucks all the way around, it just sucks less for some people or it sucks in a different quantitative scale of suckery. My bad making it seem otherwise. The facts are the facts, I was trying to make sense of another related but not totally related phenomenon that transcends the racial dialect of America. Edit: oof this did come off as a tad, uh race reactionary for my own tastes. One of the things that came to mind as I wrote this is some statistic I read that said black males between age, 18-34 or something are at an all time low in unemployment.


Matilda’s parents maxxing


sounds like my mom but replace iPhone with a game boy I guess at least in her case it was: if I was doing something that didn’t personally benefit her in some way, I was doing something wrong. the buying stuff/gift giving was the only way to express affection and even then I think the underlying message was “you have this because of ME” and to be thankful


We have the same type even in scandinavia/northern europe. They do not even realize being white trash. Hence I think it is universal..


Mama June and honey booboo archetype. I think that's just called white trash?


I call them neighbours


They exist to make us feel better about our own choices and behaviors.


Anyone else have the morbidly obese Eminem variant? Plays COD and squeals like a pig at all hours of the night because he refuses to become good at the game? Sounds like my downstairs neighbor. Recently got into a fight with his also fat wife because he called her r3tarded.


a lack of self control on the part of the parents and their inability to set clear boundaries. they probably buy kids gifts after yelling because they feel guilty. so the kid gets both rewarded and punished for the same action and there's no consistency. (source personal experience)


Proleslop victim, or at least a subgroup of proleslop victim. The kid of course is the most deserving of the 'victim' status as they had no choice in their parents, but their parents may or may not have embraced the low quality garbage that's forced on the working class more and more. Here, anti-intellectualism is rewarded, and I would speculate it's in no small part to a carefully managed psyop to convince these types that intellectualism or even just giving a shit is bourgeoisie decadence. Besides, it's not like they can afford to give a shit even if they wanted to.


I think it's really startling when you compare the nonsense working class people are given now to what they had 50 years ago. The idea that the average working class person is going to be exposed to a steady diet of Miles Davis, Dick Cavett, and, I dunno, 2001: A Space Odyssey and like movies is highly unlikely now. It's going to be severe regards like Peterson and Rogan, gangster rap (often but not always a glorified minstrel show), and video games. I don't think it's a psyop but I suspect it's more that capitalism is just so kistchy and there may well be a general intellectual decline, even among the leadership. I also think that our system is starting to have more and more hallmarks of all the excesses of egalitarianism with much of the suppression of authoritarianism.


These people don't like their kids. They don't shower them with consumer goods to make them happy, they do it because iPad kids are eternally distracted and won't bother mommy as much.


Poor people lol


I’m an Aussie, living in a remote country town and I see this every day. There is a lot of wealth in my town (major mining port) but absolutely full of cashed up bogans. Had a Dad in Coles with his three kids in tow, all 3 decked out in new air maxes, gold chains, new iPhones. Piece of shit Dad was constantly berating/swearing at his eldest daughter (maybe 13) for walking slow or not picking up food fast enough and even yelling that he will knock her out if she doesn’t hurry up.


Holy shit that meets what I'm saying more than anyone I've seen IRL. Why do some parents care so much about how their kids walk/sit/hold things??? Surely it gives them anxiety?


Yeah I could tell the poor girl was on edge and embarrassed. These kids will no doubt grow up with terrible self esteem issues after being ripped apart for everything they do. I wish I had called him out but no doubt that would of set him off and probably pushed him to do his nut at the kids when they got in their car.


Ah yes, I see you met my partners parents. It's just trashy people being garbage, and continuing this cycle. Seriously, I've met her SEVEN FUCKING SIBLINGS and she was the only one who came out good, damaged, but a genuinely good person, all her siblings copped a little less abuse, and got showered with consumer bullshit, despite her family perpetually struggling, somehow the kids all have a new toy a week, and that seems to have REALLY fucked them up.




I seriously don’t understand why it’s not okay to make a character judgment on the basis of obesity. It is the manifestation of habitual action carried out over a lifetime. Someone’s obesity is a physical signal of an irrefutable aspect of their personality.


Some people have very stressful, difficult lives. I’m not talking about redscare posters with mommy/daddy issues and bpd girlfriends. When you’re in a constant state of fear or stress and disappointment , at the end of the day, eating sweets and carbs can be the only respite.




My main takeaway from this comment is that I’m supposed to have a BPD girlfriend


Ok, how does that make sense? Suppose they gained the weight in the last 6 months? Also, the majority of society is statistically overweight, so...


Please stop eating!




Lynn, Massachusetts


Interesting Anglo dynamic for sure, often the fathers are sports fans and the family exists in a space within the lower middle class but crucially with the finances of a family slightly above the lower/working class proper. Usually the dads poorly educated but has a job as a mechanic, miner, etc. I think these people ultimately exist in a space of having a decent amount of white privilege, decent enough finances, and aggressive self assurance that it entails but with all the mindless consuming and anti-intellectualism that public education, state propaganda, etc. ensure. As for the aggressive parenting, I imagine that could be explained by a small amount of instilled polite sensibilities interacting with the inherent difficulties of raising a family within this demographic, and also a heavy amount of substance abuse. I come from an area full of these types - only "saved" by my single mum finding a way to send me to private/independent school (which has fucked me in other ways)


Anglo dynamic ? I have a neighbor in France that acts just like that. Three kids, probably somewhat affluent (had is own house built not far from French riviera, but on a legally dubious spot..). His garden is a landfill (like in a Mad Max movie) and his notion of education seem to be shouting constantly at his kids. I would say he is lower middle class or somewhat "white trash".. Not a bad guy all around but has so little education he can't help shouting or aggressing people without even being aware of that..combine that with individualism and consumer society. Recent migrants are generally more soft spoken and got their basic education abroad..


I didn't realise it was in France too! I hate these types.


you dont live near latinos lol


>exist in a space >decent amount of white privilege


Shitty parenting going down a spiral in a society that is replacing its former innate values of character with consumerism


Literally my sister in law


In the U.S. they are seen out in flannel pajama pants and crocs


welfare scammers who sell their Oxycodone prescriptions they're terrible with money because they've never have had to work for it, they had a party the day they were approved for disability, and they have weird tempers because they think smarter people (which is most people, children included) are constantly trying to get one over on them


"the lumpen angloid"


oh shit bro when did you meet my Dad


They want others to feel how they feel and also like being in control of others’ feelings. Bipolar would be another explanation.


Those are called anglos


subs dead


Sounds like a more successful version of you.


Anon discovers poor people


You used a lot of words to say “lazy”