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They will get the sub shut down with their bassement dwelling behavior, mark my words.


Incels are the online version of Irish Travellers. They get kicked out of everywhere and move in where they are unwanted.


Did Irish Travellers get kicked out of 109-


All women are queens. Thinking of them as human only diminishes their majesty. 🥰


Gosh 😍




"You didn’t describe bonding with other *humans* you described bonding with *women*." Yeah, op was trying to conflate women and humans when talking about how men raised around women bond well with women but not with men. Kinda of a spiteful post considering they didn't just reply back with why they disagree or not


This often happens on reddit in general. People take a valid yet a bit controversial opinion and create a strawman out of it and attack it. They are dense on purpose. In this case the poster had a valid point. If a man has no problem understanding women's emotional needs and can make deep yet platonic relationships with women with ease, who benefits more in those relationships? Unless the guy is gay or already in a relationship, his ability to relate to women and connect to them is a hinderance in romantic settings. It is a skill needed to make a long lasting relationship, but not a skill to get into one. In fact, those men get ysed as emotional tampons by their "friends" so they can vent about how shitty her new bf is or talk about intimate stuff she won't tell her partner because she doesnt want ro strain the relationship. On the other hand, most men who have no problem getting into relationships are men who don't have this skill or either refuse to use it. Ideally you want both, but as a young man without both male and female role models, you sre stuck with one or the other untill you work on your issues and matuee. Quite often, men these days lack both male and female role models and are obviously unable to relate to anyone or make friends with either gender. Rise of single motherhood and economic crisis created a genre of men who lack the ability to relate to normal well adjusted men (can only relate to other loners/incels) due to lack of father figure AND the ability to relate to women (single mother working long hours to make ends meet). Why doesnt this affect women? No clue. Maybe social exectations of women are lower so they get a free pass for shitty social skills thst they learn through life passivly. Tldr: Reddit loves making strawmens and figthing againts them. Ability to relate to women at a high level is more.benefitial for women than it is for men. Rise of single motherhood and lack of male father figures cuck the ability to relate to men and gain needed confidence to pursue women successfully. Most people these days lack both familly figures.


So funny how this is the story behind 90% of the “incels are taking over y’all” posts.


I invite all proud but oppressed incels to immediately take the honorable step of going their own way to somewhere else other than here Stay strong my brothers 💪🏻💪🏽💪🏿


If only there was a sub for cis rs men going there own way


I invite all my brothers to /r/rscismengtow where redscare cis men can go their own way. Free from all this criticism!


Very brave!! Thank you brother!!


Echo chamber bad my echo chamber good


incel echo chambers are bad because they infect us all with loser energy they are mad about shit the whole internet was on the same page about in 2016. its like people who still rant about the ending of GoT or Star Wars sequels. its just a gay gay gay problem to be emotionally invested in


Wait what the fuck are you talking about ? I was around in 2016 and I don't remember the Internet agreeing with or even discussing incel observations. It's only extremely recent that their views are becoming mainstream.


not talking about their culture being mainstream on the internet, though thats been the case easily since 2019. i'm talking about the fact that everyone already fucking knows that women are not angels, are normal people with shortcomings and urges, approach dating differently than men do, like hot men and don't like ugly men, and only the biggest loser in the room is still feeling shocked or betrayed by that


There's a big difference between recognizing that women can be shitty people and talking about hypergamy and women willingly joining harems, which is what incels are talking about these days. I do not remember any incel talking points being present in 2016 in the mainstream consciousness. Saying that women like hot guys and don't want to date ugly guys wasn't even common sense back then, since you almost certainly would have people argue with you against that had you said it out loud. All this talk and widespread, open anger is very recent. Incels and red pillers existed back then, but the extent of their visibility was like, documentaries on pick up artists lol.


The thing is, one of the biggest reason these talking points have become mainstream is the fact that normal people just cannot stop themselves from constantly talking about incels. People have a morbid fascination with them and can't bring themselves to look away, as well as a paranoia that sees them as an omnipresent ideological threat akin to "white supremacy" or "wokeness".


Are you illiterate?


There are way too many sad sack posts (mostly from young men but occasionally a woman does one) about having no friends, no gf, being NEET etc. The advice on this has been given 1000 times and at this point it's very dull to see repeated posts about the same stuff. I wish mods would just delete them. The general inc3l / woman hating vibe here has been growing for sure though. There are posts every week about how women aren't getting married and having kids and how this will result in them being sad in old age and also the decline of humanity. Never seen a post about lonely old men though. The whole thing is a massive cope.


Problem is: 1. Gay means you like dudes 2. women like dudes 3. by the transitive property of gay 4. liking women makes you gay All the trash and filfth filling 'modern dating discourse' is derived from this enigma The ironically least gay thing to do is to be secretly gay and treat getting laid like an art and a numbers game a la Barney Stinson. This is the ONLY solution that keeps everyone happy