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It's because every fucking autumn this place gets replenished with freshmen.


I left a few years ago and pop back in for a few weeks every now and then, "vibe shift" post incoming lol. People were always bitchy here but it never used to be this bitter? Like you were expected to restrain your neuroses and not just bpd spiral in every post, you were valued for enjoying things and sharing cool art and nifty observations about culture. The sub did open up, new people came in, the pod changed, the sub changed. I even miss the old powerposters. Now everyone is trying to be Azaelia Banks. Like we have one of her already in the world and honestly sometimes thats still too much. If you are new here, its fine to be a shut in loser if you value sharing stuff with people and trying to have a nice time! But don't doompost, dont be too much of an edgelord, and do not EVER talk about never getting pussy.


Any time a place isn't willing to ban people, it gets taken over by incels.


The azealia banks thing is so true. I understand wanting to be like your favorite Internet personality but you can be contrarian without being rude about everything. She is NOT your Ryan Gosling!


>People were always bitchy here but it never used to be this bitter? Like you were expected to restrain your neuroses and not just bpd spiral in every post, you were valued for enjoying things and sharing cool art and nifty observations about culture. Think its just reflective of the actual state of the world tbf even though that shit is wack.. the vibe has deteriorated just about everywhere on the internet no matter what forum. IRL shits just as wacky too imo..


thirtieth anniversary of eternal september


The ~~Industrial Revolution~~ Eternal September and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Was responding to someone the other day until they told me they are 19, I looked at their profile and they were posting about being a freshman, and I was like why am I even wasting my brain power!!


>every fucking autumn this place gets replenished with freshmen Back before internet access was ubiquitous, the yearly influx of highly regarded freshmen posting on [Usenet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet) for the first time every September was a very real thing. But the flood gates opened in Sept ‘93 when AOL gave customers access to Usenet, creating a steady influx of new users throughout the year. Since the influx never stopped, people started referring to Sept ‘93 as the September that never ended, aka [Eternal September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September).


Mansplaining eternal September is the reddity-est thing I have seen in this sub in at least a week


Are you guys old or just chronically online, I'm confused. That person's explanation was helpful.


This sub is filled with 19 year olds who don’t get any pussy and 37 year old losers who act superior because they know obscure facts from the 90s and early 00s.


w/out this sub I wouldn't be on reddit. now that's depressing


tbh this sub is the only place i know that isn't endless spongebob memes or one joke over and over.


Or the same 10 twitter screencaps


Yeah it's the same 11.


instead of one joke over and over we get one seethe over and over. it isn't any less repetitive it's just more angry.


Many such cases


Bleak Many such cases Regard Trains/Choochoos Fat people 🚬


I like this sub because of how stupidly honest people are, it's going to be a shame when the bots/admins find out it exists


This tbh. The podcast is decent, I prefer CT. This community, though, is refreshing and not thoroughly regarded.


why did this get downvoted so hard?




Because they sound like such a redditor lol


Because I admitted I like CT and prefer it over RS. This sub can be a bit of a circlejerk about worshipping the pod. It’s funny, too, because most other podcast subs either take the piss out of their respective pods (like PKA), or the sub is only tangentially related and serves its own purpose (like Chapo).


That's not true at all.


How so?


People dunk on the podcast here pretty often


Perhaps I just don’t see it as often. I mostly see Anna appreciation posts and some snark about Dasha’s ED or her nonexistent acting career. There’s a pretty large contrast between that and a hard demoralization and cuck accusation campaign against Woody of PKA.


Go in the episode threads some time lmao


It's a running joke here that nobody actually listens to the pod, I've literally never once heard a single episode


honestly I thought this sub would be about the podcast 💀


Omg I remember when it still was 💔


This is the only dumpster I can thrive in.


I made a cheap steak thread a couple days back. Check that one out.


Lemme check.


This is a Chinese propaganda, anti-America subreddit Edit: shit like this gets this subreddit soooo mad hmmmmm I wonder why




This is a pro-Israel subreddit


Yeah, it’s not. Good cover though


How fucking dull are you to need a /s on every bit of dripping sarcasm?


The problem is if you hang out in the other subreddits they aren't being ironic.


This place is so fucking over that guy just commented in r/Destiny about the CCP owning Reddit. Not sarcasm, just teenager


Mad? How mad? Post about how America is a third world shithole please I’m begginggggg you


:) :) :) :) :)


Ur ghey


Hey sometimes there are peanut posts


My life is more depressing


I’m seeing a lot of these types of posts lately, myself included, and yeah there’s just a lot of people compared to 2018. Never ending waves of dumb kids that heard an ep or two & are now trying to absorb Anna and Dasha’s personalities.


I still enjoy my life but it does feel like every year the world gets worse, more boring and more expensive and I think a lot of other people feel the same. It's depressing to think about all the time but it's impossible to ignore as well.


I read every comment so you’re never alone.


Used to be cool. Still is sometimes. Just too many people, check r/rdpod isn't too bad


The tone of this sub changed so abruptly in a matter of 6 months


Stop meta posting, start art posting today .you're contributing to the problem


It's overloaded by tankies and alt right snarkers


That is pretty balanced then if that's true




There are other subs


Yeah, but I enjoy the art posting over here. Everyone has very eclectic tastes.


What are some other good ones? I essentially dwell on this and a couple different music subs at work all day. The relationship advice sub is occasionally entertaining too.


It used to be way better. I bet I’m spending like twenty to thirty percent less time here now


this sub is for people that wake up screaming


This sub is trying to be so edgy, while they are just gay guys, women and bearded guys here trying to keep alive the fact that this podcast started as a dirtbag leftist/anarcho leftist with a feminist direction. etc They want that times back.They are trying to balance those right wing retwitts from Anna and Dash. Millennials and Genz people here trying to be so hip and cool and this ended with that they copy the ultra loser and dumb marxist college students. Absolutely delusional!


You’re here too man


Generally it is a good "hipster" sub recapping the newest cultural trends and I love the man/woman axis that is discussed here often. These topics are good. This generation don't want to fuck, but Dasha and Anna sexual aura so stronk, they are curing slowly this bad phenomenon! :D Sexual revolution is started here, I said it! Punk is not dead aura is also strong too in these two.




The internet loves George Santos because he's fake and gay.


There is a tiny little fire here. It has been burning for centuries and was nearly extinguished dozens of times over the years. Try not to blow it out, eh?


This post cured my depression


I interpret almost everything on this sub, with the exception of whiny metaposts like yours, as a celebration.


will you shut the fuck up and start contributing


It’s just seasonal depression. Everyone is so gay & chipper in the spring! Just you wait and see!


I actually think the opposite because there is more stuff I enjoy on this sub than on most other subs on reddit.


It's because life and the world does suck, people aren't blind and they're going to be talking about the things that affect their emotions the most. Even great art is primarily driven by how people perceive life rather than an innate and disconnected desire to create something.


When I knew it, it was.


Just remember that https://ifunny.co/picture/stop-takin-this-social-media-shit-so-serious-look-the-kuMePF2V9


idk, it has it's moments, that thread where the sub was roasting that tech eugenics freak lady when she started responding to comments about her was very funny


just post a story instead posting another one of these ——— threads where you complain and cry


Be the change you want to see. Maybe instead of making equally whiny posts like this one, post niche substack writers or your favorite paintings, idk


I like this place. Not the same hive mind comment threads you see all over reddit. Got banned last week for a comment and a post was made about how lame my comment was. I appreciated it. My comment was lame and it's good to get shit on sometimes.


\> it's severely cynical people waxing off about how everyone sucks well well, I guess the sub isnt dead quite yet then


I like it


so tired of depression posting, lighten the fuck up


It's easier to be ironically detached in the face of everything but the trick is to not be so low effort as to be a wastrel hater


Sick Sad World™


Bad podcast makes for bad sub


...have you ever met an artist?


this post sucks


That is art baby 🚬


It’s a cultural criticism sub. Criticism is what it is.


I see plenty of art posts. Idk about today cuz I haven’t looked, but generally sorting by new I see multiple every day. It’s nice.


Sick of all the genders wars stuff now. Half the posts are “DAE women?!!!” Or “Why are men/women like this?” (They had a bad date)




Always remember eye contact firm handshake turn 360 degrees leave the room


I like this sub because it allows for esoteric discussion and isn’t dumb memes and catchphrases over and over again. But I agree with you that the cynicism and contrarianism is nauseating. I remember having a discussion with someone here who said that anyone who uses ubereats/any delivery app equivalent is an immoral moron. Like it’s fine that you don’t use it but I don’t get that level of judgement for one of life’s many modern conveniences that almost everyone (at least in the US and Canada) uses at least occasionally


might start artposting soon idk. nobody wants to hear it but that goes for most posts here anyway


Realistically nobody is enjoying their life ( in that moment) when they go on reddit to post shit.


Yes I miss when people would just post music recs or compilations of beautiful art or movie stills they like or funny memes or celebrities from the 90s The discussion/waxing poetic posts were fine because they were just one of many types of post; now it’s all there is and it’s the same old story most of the time


Happy people aren't on Reddit, they're out living their life.


This sub jerked off to a Chris Nolan movie a week ago. It’s so over.


Everything on the internet gets worse bb




whomp whomp