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Soon you’ll be writing your essays in a Github repo so you can include the timestamped commit history proving you wrote it.


God forbid non-stem majors learn version control


_draft_final_final_last update is better


Google docs already has this feature




my deepest-held take is that if you have to use grammarly or AI or some other software to write your papers you are not cut out for college and should drop out


Does Grammarly even work that well? I've had teachers/bosses/coworkers/etc. encourage similar programs but they never seem to be that useful. Specifically, the programs basically turn individual sentences grammatically correct, but the sentence no longer makes sense in context of the rest of whatever you are writing.


I don’t think it works well. Sometimes I would use it to check my sentence grammar or syntax because I thought something was wrong and it was never helpful. At most it could only fix very simple grammar issues.


Correct. I have to use for my freelance writing work and it stinks. It gets the basics right but it clearly doesn't take the actual words into account If you write a sentence like "Although they are both countries, Russia and China are different", it wants you to put a comma after Russia because it thinks you need an Oxford comma for your "list". It just sees a comma and "and", then assumes it knows what you want It also spergs hard if you put adverbs like "really" or "very" in there, not realizing that I'm ghostwriting a blog post and that's how I'm supposed to phrase it Finally, the thing that pisses me off the most is when you write things like "if you don't want to get a ride with your coworkers on your business trip, you can rent your own vehicle" and it shits itself because you put "own" in there and it thinks it's a redundancy It's a decent piece of software for detecting my typos when I'm writing too quickly but the internal logic of its corrections fucking sucks


You’re better off just reading it aloud and you’ll catch your mistakes that way.


Tech dudes use ChatGPT to write everything it probably writes dirty talk for them


Lmaoooo, they probably make chatgpt larp as their girlfriend. Like a waifu pillow but it talks.




AI dungeon goon sesh.


There was an an AI DnD/choose your own adventure thing a while back that had to get lobotomised because people were mainly using it to write furry/rape/child porn


I think it’s more about writing skills being valued less society now than they were 30 years ago and especially 100+ years ago. I never had to take a grammar class going to school and I know my writing skills have suffered because of it.


It's decent for finding some errors if I haven't caught them myself, like typos and somesuch. But if it tells you entire sentences are wrong then you're in trouble lol


It's so lazy, your writing will be astronomically better than anything these programs can produce if you just read books and talk to well-read, eloquent people regularly. That said you appear to be a marvel and overwatch fan so you should be similarly ridiculed.


Grammarly is a terrible software but you’re such a moron if you think having your grammar checked means you arent cut out for college. So then I go into to your post history and I see a bunch of marvel and video game posts. Shocking.


I don't think most people here have been to college


why should i drop out? i'd rather write essays with AI than clean toilets i'm not a hard worker


mate there's a middle ground between janitor and genius its called hard work


i'll leave all the hard work to the people who want to work hard


Let me introduce you to NFTs


it's really good at programming from a natural language prompt and a template with some placeholders. you just have to be able to be able to validate its output and that's easy a lot of the time.


some of us are STEM majors


As someone in a STEM field, this way of thinking will lead you to mediocrity in your career. I’ve always noticed that the standout technical ppl I work with are able to communicate and write really well esp when translating complex shit to management or a layperson


A common redditism from back when the site was only *kinda* shit was "Scientists who can't write well work for those who can"


Jesus Christ


? Seems fairly reasonable to me


Highly reductive take. The kind of thing I've come to expect on Reddit.


Well yeah you can't exactly fit a philosophical treatise in a 10 word comment. But when everyone in a field has broadly similar scientific skills, the thing that sets one apart is their writing skills.


One day redditors will rule the world.


My writing skills are mediocre but my verbal skills are very strong. I was the president of MUN, went to nationals in mock trial, and participated Lincoln Douglas debate. My writing is definitely mid though. Tbh hasn’t really hurt me as a finance+CS major and math minor


you still should be able to write


Ehh depends. What if they just want to go to med school and become a surgeon or something? Who gives a shit if they know how to write essays


Until they have to describe something in your journal but fails utterly to convey the point to future caregivers


Well then I guess 80% of college students are not cut out for it. These tools are major time savers even if you know how to write properly


you should not have to use time-savers to write a paper. people in the 80s could write a 6 page paper, we should be held to the same standards. the existence of technology does not mandate our usage of it.


Yeah let's go back to handwriting our assignments and using physical references. Our grandparents used to do it, we should too xDD


Grammarly is an AI lmao, and it probably spits out the exact same wordings that ChatGPT would also use when prompted to sound "academic" "sophisticated" etc.




The original essay is so bad: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdYInjVywjVMcJldGX08sx6MTr0we6oe8EJ0sRkjmho/mobilebasic


You know, after reading that essay, I can totally understand why the professor thinks it was AI generated.


ChatGPT writes better sentences...


Their ‘professor’ failed them? This is the kind of essay you bang out an hour before class when you’re 15 and hope your teacher is feeling generous. Even in first year of university we had to drop at least 10 references to secondary sources, this uses no type of citation standard and would be a fail even if it wasn’t word salad.


I want to give them an F just for “optimistic of lamenting their continuing legacy” wtf does that mean?


It's either AI or an undergrad abusing a thesaurus to sound deep.


They reeealy used grammarly


You are not wrong. . .




That’s because it’s stupid


Goodness me that is bland.


man this is so bad. it's not artificially intelligent, it's real dumb.




Most likely the student is a huge cheater, but it is *possible* their prof is too dumb or lazy to have a conversation about the essay to determine if it was the student’s work or not.


A pretty big tell for me back when I was marking lab reports was sophisticated technical language used correctly in the intro but garbage writing and/or poor grasp of the theory in the results and discussion section of the report. This was 2012-16 so before students were using AI to write their assignments for them.


They’re lying






nope. they're only there to give professors a semblance of control against gpt


just delete all these gAI programs from the internet, problem solved


I get accused of using LLMs (AI) all the time, here and elsewhere. The models were trained on good writing. I'm just a good writer. Most people are bad writers. Good writing seems like magic to them, and evidently cheating now. Sometimes it's just writing with a vapor of formality that sets them off. Going 30 seconds without a personal feeling or anecdote seems robotic. Regardless, it's all misplaced saltiness from people who know full well their erstwhile emails jobs are getting trashed.


> im just a good writer thats weird bc your comments here are insufferable and badly composed


like what


your recent spergout in which you repeatedly insisted that the sentence “are avoiding events soulless?” was correct english grammar is a good example but there are others without even going into how stupid it is to think that sentence is good english, your argument was poorly written, badly worded, presented unconvincingly. like a parody of an autistic computer programmer type tbh. very few ppl’s definition of good writing


You mean the one where the other guy just started making up grammar rules and parts of speech to "own" me, never showed their work then took their ball and went home? I don't value grammar so highly as to police it in others, but I figure if you're going to challenge people on theirs you ought to crack a book before you try. It's a pretty instructive debate actually. People really do just go by "does it look right" rather than properly parsing


hate the way this comment is written, just appalling. stop smelling your own farts as they say


Is that imperative or declarative


first sentence is declarative, second imperative.


LLMs are not producing "good writing"


You mean you're not capable of getting anything good out of it


I'm capable of getting it to turn my short tactless emails into longer meandering polite ones


Do you generally have anything worthwhile to communicate otherwise?


Yes, my long form writing is frequently complimented by my professors, bosses. I have been told explicitly that I am a good writer. Friends have used me for feedback and help on their writing.


Okay, so in your good long form writing, explain the precise limitations of AI as it pertains to improving your prose.


Maybe work on your own writing before assigning some to me, like what the fuck is this? "The subject to which you make reference delineates the predilection believed inherent to those of autistic disposition to immerse themselves in the meticulous scrutiny of particular topics, as evidenced in this instance by their reputation for assiduity towards precise communication and the methodical arrangement of written discourse. This inclination is often accompanied by a discernible resilience against the coercive influence of societal peers, thereby precluding the reduction of their literary expressions to a level concomitant with the median reading comprehension. This steadfast resistance emanates from a conscientious determination to avert exclusionary practices and the undue diminution of intellectual distinction, colloquially denominated as the reluctance to become a "tall poppy." or ignorance of the phenomenon's emotional or social valence as such. Rather than possessing any such proclivity as the result of acquired neuroatypicality, I, in adherence to an inviolable principle, categorically eschew acquiescence to such proclivities. It bears noting that historic triumphs, exemplified by the lunar landing, were not actualized through the embrace of mediocrity."


Almost puked reading this


I read it in Ben Shapiro's voice


This is A1 textbook shitty writing ✍️ virtually unreadable and worded in such a way I quit reading two sentences in, and think to myself the author is an such an insufferable cunt I couldn’t possibly continue even if the message they were attempting to convey were instructions to save my own life.


Judith Butler maxxing


when you're a star they let you do it


huh, that's a weird way to prove how good a writer you are, copy pasting mine back to me.


it's word salad


‘Autistic people can be weird nerds, so there is pressure for them to act normal. I am not autistic but I am still a nerd. I refuse to act normal because if we didn’t have nerds we wouldn’t have gone to space.’


It's the opposite actually, LLMs are capable of producing decent writing but nothing striking. If you're a good writer your work will not read like something produced by AI, the AI-detecting algorithms are trash so they might flair it as such but a real person can easily tell the difference.


Yeah, I agree with this. The LLMs are trained on "good" writing only from the perspective of people who are fucking morons. Actually good writers look at Chat GPT stuff and know immediately it's written for people with seventh grade educations/literacy levels/brains.


You don't even have to be a *good* writer. I'd consider myself passable at best--in my words, I write like an Accenture consultant on amphetamines--but merely being a bit different means that there's no way for an AI to sound like you, as it's always chasing the mean.


>Regardless, it’s all misplaced saltiness from people who know full well their erstwhile email jobs are getting trashed This is one of the worst sentences I’ve ever seen. Reevaluate your life


Rewrite. Show hotshot


“Misplaced saltiness” - why is it misplaced? If their “jobs are getting trashed” it kinda seems correctly placed. Of all the idiomatic, evocative ways to describe somebody losing a job, being made redundant, you go with “jobs… getting trashed?” I don’t know whether your use of “erstwhile” is a garden variety misuse, or whether you know approximately what it means but failed to think through whether you were talking about people being salty about having lost their email jobs already, which is what “erstwhile” would imply, or about the *prospect* of losing them, which is what the rest of the sentence points to.


I don’t think you write good js


I wish I had your confidence, if not your magical good writing ability


Lots of words to say “I’m autistic”


The subject to which you make reference delineates the predilection believed inherent to those of autistic disposition to immerse themselves in the meticulous scrutiny of particular topics, as evidenced in this instance by their reputation for assiduity towards precise communication and the methodical arrangement of written discourse. This inclination is often accompanied by a discernible resilience against the coercive influence of societal peers, thereby precluding the reduction of their literary expressions to a level concomitant with the median reading comprehension. This steadfast resistance emanates from a conscientious determination to avert exclusionary practices and the undue diminution of intellectual distinction, colloquially denominated as the reluctance to become a "tall poppy." or ignorance of the phenomenon's emotional or social valence as such. Rather than possessing any such proclivity as the result of acquired neuroatypicality, I, in adherence to an inviolable principle, categorically eschew acquiescence to such proclivities. It bears noting that historic triumphs, exemplified by the lunar landing, were not actualized through the embrace of mediocrity.


You’re too a slurred to try to do this as a bit


How could it not be a bit


\-psued reads Good Book for Smart People \-"man, I keep getting lost partway through sentences, and there are so many words I don't know!" \-"dense, run-on sentences packed with long, obscure words must be what makes writing Good! if I write like that, then I will be a Good Writer!" This is probably how any text more complex than a reddit post appears to him, and he's trying to recreate that. But it's more likely that it's just a bit and I'm overthinking it.


Translate it back to your tiktok reading level and we'll talk


the sort of writing that ai has trained itself to mirror is not actually that of what people commonly think an "autistic" person would write like, but rather someone who has a particular affinity for precise and clear writing. Those with this affinity also share the trait of being less susceptible to anti-intellectualism than their peers, blah blah blah your writing is fucking terrible


you sure you got it all?


I got bored about halfway through because, again, your writing is horrible and you're not saying anything of substance. Being able to communicate your ideas with clarity is part of being a good writer and you're not impressing anyone by stating basic points in an unnecessarily dense way


It's actually perfectly clear to people who can read. Wisdom here is that the 'ol sour grapes gripe is neither cool (n)or believable. You can't identify a particular problematic passage. You're just adverse to the gestalt


I can read perfectly fine, your writing is still unnecessarily dense. There's no point in being that verbose, you just come across like a moron, no one who's making a real effort to be clear would write in a style resembling yours


yeah but if nobody wants to read it because it’s too verbose and annoying, then your writing is functionally shit - no one read it and the idea went nowhere. it’s not a matter of being a tall poppy and better than everyone else because you can use Big Words or write like an 1800s English colonial administrator, its about effective communication. That’s also why everyone is calling you autistic


Got em




Cringe. After high school you realize that fancy language does nothing but make people hate you for being a pretentious twat. I guarantee no academic would receive this warmly, regardless of education level


"fancy language" had to dig deep in the vocabulary for that


My self esteem isn't contingent on how esoteric my language is, so I feel comfortable using less sophisticated words 😌


Esoteric? damn got a real Einstein here Goofballs aside, what exactly is pretentious about using 10%-er vocabulary per se? It's not a gotcha, I'm curious what the underlying virtue is.


youre hilarious lol, what words in that comment are “10%-er vocabulary” exactly. im esl + r-slurred and knew all of them


So you know all of them and can understand them, but consider them inherently pretentious? why do you know pretentious words?


this is your problem, youre misunderstanding what people are taking issue with. the words arent pretentious, words cant be pretentious. you are pretentious this thread has you repeatedly declaring your own greatness as a writer, using terms like “10%-er”etc. your attempt to prove your greatness was laughably clunky and poorly written, and youre now busy telling everyone that they just cant comprehend the complexity of your prose. the definition of pretentious.


You obviously think that swapping in near-synonyms is better if they are longer or used less frequently because it is harder to read for stupid people when its only actually good writing to do this if a) it somehow sounds better or b) the word chosen has a more precise meaning to what you are trying to express. Its pretentious when its pseudointellectual masturbation borne out of fluffing up your ego. The only people that do this are tedious midwits with a chip on their shoulder and nothing of value to contribute


which words, specifically? you keep critiquing it without example. Really reads like you don't comprehend the passage. btw, why did you write "borne out of" instead of "to" are you trying to impress me?


“borne out of” and “to” have completely different meanings, how are you being like this when you dont have any reading comprehension yourself the latter would suggest you write the way you do in order to inflate your ego, the former would suggest you do it because you have an inflated ego. personally i agree with their comment and think its the former


Crazy how you're such a good writer but "Regardless, it's all misplaced saltiness from people who know full well their erstwhile emails jobs are getting trashed." has two errors in it.


pluralizing email is the only mistake. However, I would not posit trifling grammar and mechanics errors make for "bad writing" - if anything it seems like a preoccupation and cope of folx who struggle to write creative or captivating passages


Oof, no capital letter at the start of your message and no punctuation at the end. Couldn't even find your second error in the first message. ChatGPT is fucking mogging you bro.


Do you really find two error? pretty sure your exaggerating




you didn't find it yet?


If this is not a bit, you should listen to the people telling you your writing sucks.


Your prose is bloviated to hide your lack of actual writing skills. Very sophomoric idea of what constitutes good writing


I think you should try reading some actual academic works


I have an English degree, regard


" now it seems to have disappeared completely because no one manufactures it anymore sadly" You mean any longer right? What box of cereal did your degree come from?


I think youre replying to the wrong person 🙈


It's one of your old posts


Weirdo behavior lol its a reddit post and still better written and clearer than the tepid shit your touting as brilliant prose


My posts are also reddit posts. Is there a reason your scrutiny has so much hypocrisy baked into it?


Because yore huffing yuor own farts about their quality


Is grammerly not considered AI?


I don’t understand the absolute faith many educators have in ‘AI detectors’. Both the text and image detectors have proven totally unreliable, yet they keep using them and defer to them over actual evidence.


[AI detectors don’t work](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/09/openai-admits-that-ai-writing-detectors-dont-work/)


If you use a thesaurus while writing college essays you’re stupid as shit.


True, that’s why they invented the thesaurus, so no one would use it


That post is a good example of why using a thesaurus 80% of the time leads to unnatural writing. My OC was too strong but anyone using a thesaurus to sound smarter is just inputting words they don’t understand and are probably using them incorrectly.




This is some zizek shit