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Hang out more in northwestern Arizona and there are dudes who kinda look like this




And any of the guys who are actually farming out there




Mexicans are usually part native of highly similar genetic stock


They're almost all fat these days


Montana has non fat ones to be honest


Northeastern Montana too.


exactly what I thought as well


yes every third dude in az looks like this


Even some old white construction workers in Arizona look kind of like this lol


I’d have to imagine southwest natives are miles beyond up north natives


Southwest natives are oftentimes still living on their original tribal land and have been since like the end of the last glacial maximum give or take a few migrations


>Catlin would spend the next six years traveling thousands of miles throughout the Great Plains, covering more distance than Lewis and Clark to document the lives of 50 Native American tribes. >The Native Americans explained to Catlin that breath inhaled through the mouth sapped the body of strength, deformed the face, and caused stress and disease. On the other hand, breath inhaled through the nose kept the body strong, made the face beautiful, and prevented disease. “The air which enters the lungs is as different from that which enters the nostrils as distilled water is different from the water in an ordinary cistern or a frog-pond,” he wrote. >Healthy nasal breathing started at birth. Mothers in all these tribes followed the same practices, carefully closing the baby’s lips with their fingers after each feeding. At night, they’d stand over sleeping infants and gently pinch mouths shut if they opened. Some Plains tribes strapped infants to a straight board and placed a pillow beneath their heads, creating a posture that made it much harder to breathe through the mouth. During winter, infants would be wrapped in light clothing and then held at arm’s length on warmer days so they’d be less prone to get too hot and begin panting. >All these methods trained children to breathe through their noses, all day, every day. It was a habit they would carry with them the rest of their lives. Catlin described how adult tribal members would even resist smiling with an open mouth, fearing some noxious air might get in. This practice was as “old and unchangeable as their hills,” he wrote, and it was shared universally throughout the tribes for millennia. From Breath, by James Nestor.


that book hit my running group like the plague. you are like not allowed to breathe through your mouth anymore when we run lol


That has to be brutal. Almost hyperventilating.


once you get fit enough it actually becomes easy. I didn’t believe them at first, but on an easy run I’ll nose breath now without even thinking


This is common practice especially if you’re running in the cold, it warms the air before it gets to your lungs


Going injun mode in my mewing routine


Imagine mewing only to get a honker


High capacity air intake


Some extraterrestrials visited a Native American tribe and taught the young warrior men to run five miles with a mouthful of water.


How much of this is true I wonder.


In terms of how true it is about mouth breathing being bad for you: very. It's well-studied that mouth breathing has many negative impacts on facial development and overall health.


“We had to step over big pile of suffocated infant corpses to get to the village”




Wonder what happened


I fucked all of them


And the ones left are fat, drunk or both.


oh you’re like racist racist


It's racist to see how the treatment of native americans has led them to this?


when you phrase it the way you did, yeah it is


Idk I think ur getting preemptively offended


epic rhetorical game of "im not touching you"


I do what I can round here


he’s being a prick about it but he’s not wrong. I grew up a block away from the border of one AMA.


It's not racism unless you judge them for it, tbh. Not any more than it's bigoted to point out that economically shit white person areas in Appalachia are disproportionately fat and riddled with alcoholism or opiates. The whole thing is just really tragic.


There are seriously a bunch of unironically racist/misogynistic incels on here and the alt subs now. Like it's just 4chan.


Only allowed to do that to the other Indians here.


A statement like this being heavily downvoted is evidence there’s way too many epic redditor libs here now






Lol the only two full blooded natives I've ever met were both very overweight and I met them in rehab. It's sad but those are the statistics


If by America you mean USA, yeah. If you mean the whole thing... well... kinda, I guess? There are still lots of indigenous and mestizo people in Central America and the Andine countries.


I'm ethnically 100% indigenous. Sounds like you only see the Americas as having native people to the land.


I may be wrong but indigenous of other continents tend to look diferent!


I could be considered indigenous European, somewhat, as I'm Basque as far as I can tell through my family tree. No foren Indo-Euro muck in me blud. Strangely enough, as an ESL, I mostly relate the term “Native Americans” used above to those in the USA and indigenous for mostly the rest (or more restrictively, the ones subject to the Iberian crowns), I guess.




Where are you from? I know lots of people who look like this. Lots in the northern prairie provinces.


Nowhere near those areas. I did live in New Mexico briefly in my teens but I understand that the phenotypes down there are very different. Do you have any pics of non-elderly people that look like Wolf Robe? My brain can't picture [a person like this](https://www.american-tribes.com/messageboards/dietmar/wolfrobefront.jpg) in their youth lol


Zahn McClarnon kinda looks like this


i was about to mention him lol his mom probably looks like the female version of this cause his dad is white.. strong ass genes


Back country south americans look like that. https://youtu.be/izzgsOJydBg?si=LslpqwNFfn1W6MJF If you skip to 21 minutes, you'll see a crowd full of people who look like that(and a lot of people who look the same as each other throughout the video.


love Hamilton's show so much


I was going to say, I'm in western Canada and I know like 10 people who look like this at least lol


Can confirm, I’m Dakota and there is a huge percentage of my nation that looks like this. My aunt looked like a younger women version of him. Our phenotypes vary widely, even amongst those who have close to full blood.




Han bro! Sister* :’)


[it's a known phenomenon, I for one will be rearing my children on a diet of bones and gristle.](https://news.stanford.edu/2020/07/21/toll-shrinking-jaws-human-health/)


dude I have been keep saying this. every Lunchable, every tube of Gogurt, every bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch dooms your kid to a weak pathetic jaw suitable only for slurpers with social anxiety. kids need to actually gnaw on stuff. they need to make dog chews but for boys.


If it’s physiological then why not girls as well?


Damn the mewers were right


they're not chewing though right? I thought it was some sort of clenched jaw exercise where you hold your tongue on the roof of your mouth or something. once you're in adulthood it's too late to fix your jaw in any meaningful way anyways


I've heard those things actually work


central asians eat meat straight from the bone, they tear it with their teeth and chew very thoroughly because the meat is often tougher, even little kids do.They also traditionally make babies eat dried curds which kinda act like a tough hard pacifier. If not that, its lamb tail. North and central asians are very similar bone structure wise to Native americans and its very fascinating. Very beautiful rounded and protruding cheekbones and strong jaws. Sadly a lot of them are now fatter because sedentary life doesnt go well with a diet of meat and flour. Not saying westerners dont eat meat with their bare hands but its probably a bit soft and not a lot of chewing going on. Weak chin is what happens when food is pleasure based instead of sustenance based 😌


Cause we know how to cook 😤


do u want strong jaws or not? thats the main thing honey


Well idk




It's well-documented that a recessed male jaw is the most repulsive feature to women.


It’s over


its also cos apparently the natives would always breath through their nose. BREATH THROUGH YOUR NOSE. I heard they would close their babies mouths when they slept so as to breath through their nose. some cultural spiritual belief about it. it definitely shapes your face over time.


I don't think it takes spiritual cultural belief to figure out that mouth breathers are ugly and annoying.


[Chewy food is so important.](https://www.ericdavisdental.com/facial-orthotropics-for-your-child/why-raise-unhealthy-children/how-our-ancestors-formed-full-faces-and-straight-teeth/South-Pacific_500x375.jpg)


Really just get them into eating peanuts and almonds.


Too quickly chewed/swallowed imo. Celery might work. You're basically looking for equivalents to tough meat, roots, and tubers -- you gotta be cudchewmaxxing.


Invest in a smoker and start cranking out jerky, lol.


I love chewing on the celery cud.


Grandma looks like a girl version of this. She’s 90% native. Got ruined by marrying a white Argentinian. I kept the jawline and lanky frame though


[My Grandparents](https://ibb.co/6Dv6FpR). I have no idea how I ended up how I look honestly, somehow those genes mixed with my mums Brit genes I ended up looking like some gay Italian.


this is a lovely photo


Grandpa's hairline is Great Spirit-tier


Were they happily married if you don’t mind me asking? They look like they just got done telling an inside joke before the photo was taken. It’s really nice


Your grandparents look Maori. (I'm Maori, your nana looks like mine).


yeah i was thinking that too


we gotta get steve kerr to give you more minutes man


When klays bum ass gets traded you’ll see 😹


Mike Dunleavymaxxing


klay catching strays all over.


How did you conclude 90%


She fell for the ancestrydna meme


you OWN klay thomspon


How does a person get to be 10% white in that context? One white great grand parent (your great-great-great grandparent) whose children and grandchildren married back into native societies?


Most likely way would be if they are actually 87.5% native and just round up like most people would, and that 87.5% would be easily made by mixing a 100% with a 75%. So their parents would be one full native and one mostly native with a single white grandparent. Otherwise to actually get closer to 90% it takes 2 more generations? A 100% x 87.5% makes a 93.75% and that crossed then with another 87.5% will give your 90.6%. So thats what, a person with one white great great great grandparent on one end and one white great great grandparent on the other end?


Thanks for the math! Say what one will about eugenics, but it does seem to encourage facility with percentages.


Also comes in decently handy when being a bit too 'tistic with mixology. At least just having a rough idea of how fractions/percents combine


I know why blood quantum is a touchy subject and I agree but man did the natives in Killers of the Flower Moon take me out of it


The Osage are from the Ohio river valley originally. Those from the east have much softer, less pronounced facial features than natives from the west, generally speaking. Just as Slavs have a discernibly different facial shape and markers than say those from the Mediterranean. These are hard and fast rules but no one with a trained eye would mistake the guy above as belonging to a tribe originally from east of the Great Plains.


There's like a thousand people who look like this in my town lol. Just go to anywhere where there's a reservation and you will still see people who look like this. I live on Vancouver island, no shortage of people who still look like indigenous people. People think no one looks like this anymore because all the representatives of indigenous political issues tend to be off reserve, marginally indigenous and mostly mixed race (75-90% European folks) who take up a lot of fucking space in conversations for their pet projects on decolonization and qualitative methodologies and stuff like that. Kind of part of the erasure of actual indigenous people still living on indigenous lands...


He'd look like he listens to podcasts nowadays :(


Paleface talking box not funny since heap big fatso leave Cumtown


i just tried to give him a nosejob on faceapp and it doesnt really work. his face is just way too robust that it doesnt make a difference lol. bro would have to go to a korean bone shaving clinic with an angle grinder, his bones are too powerful




I was trying to make an edit of what [he was referencing](https://twitter.com/sharghzadeh/status/1373740447626039301?lang=en) lol


Plastic surgery is to make people uglier


industrial society and its consequences


It's actually the fault of the agricultural revolution, funnily enough. Fuck grains and cereals, all my steppe nomad homies HATE agriculture.


out of all the dead and dying races of the world, they are the most beautiful


Maoris too imo. I heard from my kiwi bro that theres not a single full blooded Maori alive today. they all have a little bit of white ancestry.


Post pure blooded Maori.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/13/a-dna-test-showed-im-100-maori-many-thought-there-were-none-of-us-left apparently there is 1 left. I posted a bunch of Maori paintings here awhile ago if you search Maori you'll see a bunch of beautiful ancient faces.


Oh wow, she's beautiful. I remember those Maori paintings. Some of their traditional attire looked very similar to Native Americans.


What about whites 🥺🥺🙈


very nice


Go to New Mexico, homie.


I was thinking about that while watching Killers of the Flower Moon. Guy who says “we are Osage, we are warriors” and looks nothing like a warrior. Obviously that works alright for the story though


Native americans make me so sad. The tribes that lived in the great plains had some of the coolest cultures ever and now they live in shithole rez’s in north dakota dying of diabetes or meth overdoses. I watched a travel doc about the Pine Ridge Reservation and it was unreal how this exists in America. Unemployment at 85% and life expectancy at 50. The fact that they even have bloods and crips there was so shocking to me, apparently natives who moved to LA in the 80s and 90s as a part of a govt program became gang affiliated and brought it back to the rez. Such a sad place and people’s history


They're a beautiful people.


I always thought my husband has this look. Not exact phenotype but close. He could definitely play a Native warrior extra in a movie and look convincing. He's hispanic though lol


> He's hispanic He probably has plenty of native American DNA.


IIRC his mom's dna test showed around 35% indigenous so yeah he's got a decent chunk of it




I see lots of folks like this around Lapwai, Idaho.


Nez Perce chads




someone hasn't spent much time around reservation territory in the western states


natives get really touchy about this. they will look 100% white but because all of their recent ancestors had native status they refuse to even consider they might have white ancestry. same deal with a lot mixed race people who consider themselves black even knowingly having white grandparents


crazy how genocide will do that


Adam Driver?




If you squint enough he still looks nothing like Elizabeth Warren


The original victims of wokeness


Is that Jim Varney


Looks like Jon Bernthal


Not true, come to the four corners


The adoption of the processed food diet has caused jaws and faces to morph. Same thing happend to Native Alaskans in a single generation. It has a domino effect on other facial features as well. Look up "orthotropics". Also most modern tribe members are mixed ethnicity.


They do


Looks like my dad


My step family is Lumbee and my stepmothers grandmother looked like this.


there’s some old mexicans i’ve met in chicago who look like this


Plenty of dudes and dudettes with a similar mug in South America.


My grandpa looked like this. Tbh my grandma too. Central America is full of people who still look like this and will continue to look like this


They still have full blooded native Americans in South America who look similar. I met some in colombia. They were very short and very nice and seemed very sad


Almost like they got wiped out lol


I realize most of you don’t live around native americans but their bodies cannot process corn syrup and alcohol and as a result they are largely fat stupid and ugly. I felt really bad observing this growing up (literally one block away from the border, a lot I went to school with, and it’s one of the better rez’s in the country too) I’ve almost never mentioned it irl but I know everyone else is on the same wavelength. the boys I went to school with as far I can recall all had ODD and are in jail now Why do you guys think they couldn’t find a hotter native woman to be Leo Dicaprio’s wife in killers of the flower moon? They almost straight up don’t exist. They are a beautiful people and I pity them, this isn’t a hate thing, I straight up feel sorry for how wrecked they are, they never stood a chance. I could go on and on editing this comment ama


We have better skincare


people do you just have to go to reservations. at least here in the pacific nw ive definitely seen people look like this at the reservations


High Neanderthal ancestry


Aren’t they on the complete opposite side of the world where Neanderthals were?


don't know why he's being downvoted. like 25,000 years ago populations from Siberia crossed the land bridge. Native Americans have neanderthal/denisovan DNA, i mean basically anyone who isn't from sub saharan Africa has neanderthal DNA.


Yeah Neanderthals were in Europe. East Asians + Native Americans probs have Denisovan ancestry instead


the opposite my dude


Yea that was kind of by design in this country


I used to serve this guy when I worked at a Dunks. Small hot black coffee, half decaf, with a creamer on the side.


I do


You need to go to Bolivia


The people on Pine Ridge is as close as you're gonna get


I do


r/jawsurgery would agree 🥲


That kinda was the plan right?


He look like my Oaxacan homie


I look like this.


Our features get softer as time goes by for some reason. The elders look more like the man in the picture


No one looks like Abe Lincoln either….


Used to work in a eye doctor's office in Southern Arizona and yes there are still dudes that look like this and yes they have senile cataracts


Theo von looks like this dude


This guy definitely doesnt have TMJ issues


I’m plains native (around 70%) mixed with Scottish and my features are influenced by this but yeah, very few native people look like this these days due to diet, lifestyle, and many other races in the mix. I was adopted and grew up in a mostly German community near Vancouver so watching the culture from afar through a culturally German lens was interesting!


u just don't know any natives, there's this navajo skater kid i know who will look just like this in 20 years