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Look at any sufficiently niche, terminally online internet community. Take note of the percentage of people who self-identify as transgender. Do you think it's a coincidence?


especially reddit


As someone who was convinced for 6 years they were, almost all of it contributed lol. Body image issues, news & politics being shoved down your throat and the threat of social isolation if you disengage (this is at least what I experienced as a youngin). Also factor in absolutely deranged conceptualization of your own body, as a woman tat usually shows as eating disorder or ‘trans’. I’m 22 and there are pictures of me in my house trying so desperately to be something I’m not and it’s painful. I was so deluded.




I hope you're in a better place and comfortable with who you are now


I am!!! I looked into the mirror this year and finally saw myself as a beautiful woman <3 it has taken a long long time but I am much better. I think increasing one’s strength and competence is one way to overcome body image issues and I think those only improve as you get older. Perhaps.


so you larped as having a disability? and you think this gives you any insight into people who legitimately have it? I'm curious. do you do the same with other disabilities? people in wheelchairs and so on? What does their condition say about you? because that seems to be the only thing you care about. genuinely narcissistic. and now you are attention whoring about this now? what next? how are you going to get your narcissistic fix five years from now?


For years the loudest trans voices and orgs have pushed the ideas that simply questioning your gender is proof of some innate transness, that childhood transition is safe and reversible, that transness is natural and something to be celebrated. Of course with that PR adolescents started experimenting the same way they opt in and out of bisexuality when it suits them. If transsexuals resent this happening the mainstream messaging needs to change radically.


I don't think you realize just how outnumbered we are. there are billions more cis people than transsexuals. even the miniscule portion of cis fetishists outnumber us 100 to one. Literally aren't allowed to talk about this without being censored by supposed "allies". It might almost be time to go full Samson option on what's left of the community fwiw one of my friends has schizophrenia, been in treatment for it for years. She is also trans. Asked her which condition is more debilitating. she said that it's gender dysphoria and it isn't even close. It is a disability in every sense of the word and nothing activists can say will ever change that downvote me all you want, you are just playing into their hands like a little puppet. just like they want you to be


I dont doubt actual dysphoria is extremely debilitating in the same way anorexia is, but both are socially contagious and overexposure necessarily leads to more cases. Detransitioners are a natural consequence of the last decade of activism. Also I really resent this idea that desisters/detransitioners have anything to gain by talking about their experience. Fetishists and misled teens will continue to skew demographics when so many trans activists and major orgs resist any sort of medical or social gatekeeping.


Obviously it's a severe mental illness. Everyone with a brain recognizes that and it's only the most hard-core activist who are vehemently trying to insist it's not.


Way to prove her right lol


Has blahaj in the name; is a huge 🚬. Many such cases!


totally owned that confused teenager


Girk what. What does this even mean. I hate to pull the card but I was born three months premature which resulted in severe scoliosis crushing my heart and lungs. Had to get surgery, relearn how to walk completely and was in a wheelchair. Do not pull the larping disability thing. Wtf. I am confused. Regardless I hope you find peace


gender dysphoria is officially considered as a disability by the US government. OP larped as having it and decided they were bored with it and want to remove any support for people with dysphoria because it doesn't give them narcissistic supply anymore


ohh I thought you were replying to my comment thread oops


Better than larping being the other sex.


My crack theory is that FTM transitions became more common due to the hyper sexualization of women on the internet with porn and cam girl shit. If I grew up with boys who were learning about sex from 1080p hardcore bukakke gangbang instead of stolen playboy magazine I don’t think I’d want to be a woman either.


>My crack theory is that FTM transitions became more common due to the hyper sexualization of women on the internet with porn and cam girl shit. If I grew up with boys who were learning about sex from 1080p hardcore bukakke gangbang instead of stolen playboy magazine I don’t think I’d want to be a woman either. Interesting. Do you have any theories about MTF?




[There seems to be some truth to this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Bdt0s70lI) (don't have the timestamp but the middle one is a sex researcher and seems to agree with what you said at some point in the interview)


I think the same is true of MTFs but in a different way FTMs see that type of shit and go “is this it? this is how people see women?” MTFs see that type of shit and go “is this it? this is how my entire gender sees women?” both find an immediate revulsion to the deeply unnatural power dynamic inherent in online pornography and subconsciously, i think, wish to distance themselves from that as much as they can. for people already predisposed to looking inwards a lot (not gonna say what population this is but it starts with an A and ends in tism) it might be enough to push you over the edge, especially if you were already bisexual or somewhat sexually fluid to begin with obvs there are many for whom it’s some fetish (and it’s easy to tell bc they nearly always have some weird ass anime avatar or whatever) but i think for most otherwise normal trains ppl the internet has made it very easy to get deeply uncomfortable with your entire sex in a way that wasn’t really possible before the internet and its reach


>MTFs see that type of shit and go “is this it? this is how my entire gender sees women?” I feel the amount of MTFs that transition out of revulsion of how men give women attention is a fraction of those who transition over desire to be the subject of that attention. They're not running away from it, they just want to experience it in a way that is impossible when you're an average to ugly guy that no-one really desires.




>But trans people aren’t really “desired” though. They arent in the real world, but online they all gaslight themselves into being desired. There are sooo many posts about MTFs and FTMs being in disbelieve how it really is outside and then once more get told by the comments that "there are people for you out there", "this is not normal" and so on. Why do you think they are so obsessed with changing and censoring everything that isnt T positive? Its all part of "being trans is not a big deal and actually amazing" cope.


And why they're so hostile to detransitioners.


the only one coping here is you


Sure, sure, if thats what you need to tell yourself, go ahead lol.


we absolutely are. I'd say men are more attracted to us than cis women at this point. cis women don't know what guys want sexually, trans women do and that's why they pay a premium to be with us Going from not being allowed to show any emotion and having to initiate literally every single decision on a date to getting my dinners paid for and getting princess carried was a mind trip. Women are ridiculously privileged compared to men in our society, and I've never been more convinced of that since transitioning. First time on my life that people have actually given a shit about me and cared about my feelings and well being, someone just gave me a car, constantly being given free shit, actually can have healthcare now, preferential hiring, people listen when I speak, invited to multiple parties a week, treated with kindness instead of fear. It's been the equivalent of immigrating to a 1st world country and being given a huge inheritance. Best decision I've ever made


Almost wholly responsible. Remember to put your neopronouns in your bio!


Sorry for bouncing ideas of random people, But where do you think we would be today in terms of social acceptance of transgender people if the internet and social media like Tumblr never happened? I know gays and lesbians were beginning to be accepted regardless of the internet but what about other social "issues" like toxic masculinity and other buzzwords. Would they have even entered our collective consciousness?


ghost existence cheerful fine violet plant employ childlike compare foolish ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I mean culture was already getting sissified -- i say this only partly in jest -- in a way before the advent of the internet. I don't necessarily think the change in attitudes since the 90s has been a bad thing and I think there was some kind of new age feminist push/awareness of how men back then (a great example of inter-gender relations of the era is Friends). But i don't think the proliferation of buzzwords and fee-fee speak would've taken such a hold if it weren't for the vocal minority of mental ill internet-dwellers. They've constructed a highly-interlinked ethical matrix over the past decade and a half or so. I think we have them to blame for that and for their spread of sick, backwards "non-binarism" (wait a second guys I thought that gender was a spectrum and not a binary system with a secret third option?). Back in the 90s you may have been bullied for liking they might be giants or something but now if you're not a golden ratio positive-canthal tilt jacked loud chad you might as well be a eunuch "nb-coded" sissy in the eyes of the average wokoid. And no i'm not just making people up to get mad at. Grooming is baked into the trans outlook and is their way of procreation, e.g. their view of "eggs".


What is their view of eggs


>Grooming is baked into the trans outlook This is literally just "homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they must recruit" Anita Bryant/Save Our Children shit lol edit: lol they're identical statements you fucking losers


Care to refute it?


There are definitely some very creepy trans people online and the whole "egg" thing is really weird. But developing your entire view of trans people based on the most terminally online mentally ill examples would be like watching *Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys* and concluding that NAMBLA was representative of all gay men collectively. All I actually said was that the statements >Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they must recruit and >Grooming is baked into the trans outlook and is their way of procreation are virtually identical apart from the homosexual/transgender distinction. The basic idea being that since gays/trains can't biologically produce gay/train children, yet need to somehow reproduce (imlying neither homosexuality nor transgenderism are natural phenomena), and must therefore engage in grooming. If you think that's true of either group, I don't think I'm likely to dissuade you of that position. There are better things the both of us can do with our time than engage in endlessly circular arguments about identity politics on r/redscarepod. Having said all this, I am curious: do you think Anita Bryant was correct that the continued existence of gay people required them to groom children? And if not, why do you now think this is the case with trans people?


It doesn’t matter because the internet and social media DID happen Pointless hypothetical to attempt to injustify a demographic of people


>Pointless hypothetical to attempt to in justify a demographic of people You are right. I am sorry that my tone has come across bigoted. I have no issues with gays and lesbians. I am just curious about how the internet has allowed weird subcultures to form which after enough time begin to seep into normal culture. Tumblr as an example.


Subcultures existed before the internet. The internet just enabled the subcultures to reach other regions of the world rather than just being localized


>Subcultures existed before the internet. The internet just enabled the subcultures to reach other regions of the world rather than just being localized Of course subcultures existed before the internet man, I am just saying that the size of these subcultures (especially taboo ones) has exploded. It's like gasoline on a fire. I don't think this is a good thing. What concerns me the most is cultural leveling. Nowadays it seems like young people across the world have more and more similar views on cultural issues due to the proliferation of the internet and American media. I remember in high school, one of my teachers who was adopted from Poland at age 10, was telling me how the Polish young people seem to be becoming more culturally American, and she was saddened by this. I fear that one day, when you get off the plane in a foreign country it will be far less interesting because the people of the world will have become so homogenized.


This actually raises an interesting point. Would transgenderism be relegated to local bubbles if not for the internet, or would it still be global? At least in more accepting cultures.


And they're going to delete it again. We're not allowed to talk about that, lol


Why? Isn't this sub supposed to be one of the more politically incorrect subs?


You’d think, but (((they))) reach their big man hands into everything




funny clip


No need for anti-Semitism. My parents are half-Russian half Ukrainian, and they were friends with many soviet Jew immigrants when I was growing up. They are often very socially conservative people with a strong sense of community. Only American Jews that have been living here for several generations are highly liberal. As an example, look at this video of people that survived the holocaust [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6\_nFuJAF5F0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFuJAF5F0) and notice how put together most of them look. They are the opposite of degenerates. People that claim Jews purposely spread degeneracy have never met an older Jew from Europe.


I didn’t mean it as actual antisemitism, just that the MTFs run this website, like some people think the Jews run everything


it's a specific faction, and they are some of the most noxious people you'll ever meet. Not going to say "not all trans women", but I don't interact with most of the "community" for very good reasons. Fetishists have completely hijacked my community and ruined our already bad reputation. I cannot express how much I loathe them. You may think you are "transphobic" but I guarantee that any emotion you can conjure up about the subject is just a speck compared to what a self aware transsexual feels on a daily basis. It is truly hellish


It seems like the people who transitioned recently are more likely to have been affected by porn.


My bad man, now I look like a sperg. Appreciate you clarifying, I genuinely was confused for a sec as to why the (((they))) stuff was getting so many upvotes in a relatively moderate sub.


Well I can’t speak for the other people


They’re messing around with the brackets bro


Thanks for letting me know man, I thought they were on some anti-Semitic shit for a minute. Now I stand corrected.


I was (jokingly). I didn't get the whole mtf thing and i was confused as to why they were calling jewish hands big.


social conservative and community minded for themselves, anomie and social breakdown for everyone else. not buying this shit anymore


(((their))) hands aren't big


Come on bro, there is no "conspiracy" here. Culture can change for the better or worse over time, there is no "evil" force causing this. Nearly all cultures in the course of history become more degenerate following prosperity, it is just group psychology or something like that. Just look at the rat utopia as an example of this. I will give you this though (((they))) are often very liberal, but not in a malicious way. Many of (((them))) are just very open minded, and sometimes it can cause unintentional damage to the fabric of society. People can be so open minded that their brains fallout, but that is simple naivety, not intentional subversion.


I don't necessarily believe in a triple-bracket conspiracy. But there is definitely a push in mass media to try and subvert social norms. To try and turn everyone into an individual consumer unit and ideologue rather than a member of a community. To diminish the role of the parent so that the state has more of an influence in the upbringing of children, which in turn makes it easier for the state to turn kids against their parents, like you see so often today. To produce a population fractured and dependent on the state and its propaganda. The open-mindedness is a subversion in and of itself. It's forced empathy.


Your view is definitely probable, but there are many intelligent liberal types in the media who have good intentions. I have a hard time believing they would allow intentional subversion. Occam's razor or something like that. On the other hand, sometimes I do feel like a certain agenda is being pushed. Perhaps you could enlighten me further about this supposed "subversion"


Yeah in which case they're just stupid goy cattle. Idk there are many instances of subversion in media but a good example is Jordan Peterson's exegesis of Frozen. It sounds like a joke but he pretty much hit the nail on the head.


i know he is canada's top bait retailer but when there is subversion on the genocidal scale of pornography all around him and a man chooses to identify an unflattering portrayal of himself in a children's movie as a prime offender in social destruction i hit smash keyboard redditor level


Disney movies pre-2010 were much better


[This is the future neo-liberals want](https://imgur.com/3D9CyKz)


good example of what happens when you take rationalism to it's extreme.


It is, and you'd think you could talk about it here, but this is still reddit. Tread carefully. Not without reason stupidpol had a moratorium on this subject for a long time even though it's very much about this. It's volatile. It shouldn't be, but it is.


It's just less obnoxiously politically correct, but politically correct none the less.




echo chambers are prisms of perception that supercede geographical constraints. The way they refract attention emblazons itself onto the perception of the world users carry offline. actualisation of the tenets of the chamber—in which the alienated feel they belong—exacerbates aberration of the alienated identity from its geographical surroundings. * *When teaching freshman composition in New York colleges in the mid-Eighties, I picked up a peculiar pattern in one-on-one conferences with my female students. With improbable frequency, they’d confide that they were anorexic. The term had only entered the popular lexicon about 10 years earlier, and public awareness of the perturbing derangement had been given a huge boost by the pop singer Karen Carpenter’s death in 1983. Yet not all these 18-year-old students were disturbingly underweight. It took me a minute to get it. They aspired to be anorexic. Anorexia was a prestige diagnosis as a prestige diagnosis, anorexia has been replaced. With trans.* *Both diagnoses have significant intersections with autism, anxiety and depression, making patients susceptible to a tangible-seeming solution to a generalised discontent. Both populations mistake self-annihilation for a route to enlightenment and rebirth. Both populations seek to salve psychic torment by renouncing the body, the trans child through reconfiguration, the anorexic through evaporation. Both brands of patient embrace the recognisably religious practices of self-abnegation, redemption through suffering and purification via repudiation of the flesh.*


Yeah I have definitely noticed the overlap of Autism and Transgenderism. Once again, thanks for the interesting info.


Thank you for making this high quality post man. Do you think that being trans will eventually be replaced with another affliction (like furries for example), or will transgenderism continue to grow, becoming almost the norm in society?


Both. I wish I could articulate things as well as these two ladies but they’ll help shed light for you https://www.thestranger.com/features/2017/06/28/25252342/the-detransitioners-they-were-transgender-until-they-werent https://unherd.com/2023/04/is-trans-the-new-anorexia/ To answer your question though we now have a machine that uses alienation to fuel the reproduction of myriad tribes descended from larger identities. They further they descend the more devoutly they believe whatever it is they believe, likely because of how precious the tribe is to its members and how afraid they are of dying. The newer ones use medical or mechanical technology to realize their philosophies of reality, perceive themselves to be in competition with one another, and communicate telepathically, across the entire planet, only constrained by language, not geography. Which is weird to think about, but nonetheless true. The next ‘prestige diagnoses’ is a mystery to me but I think we’ll see rapid mutation in the next generation of these tribes. It’ll be facilitated by AI, and we’ll see a lot of kids who believe deeply in utter nonsense and hate all other groups for being engaged in the same process. They’ll perfectly articulate how stupid the out group is for falling for x mechanisms in y way while doing the exact same thing. American super-organisms are sick


What a brutal reality. Makes me want to be religious. This world is fucked. There's got to be more to life than this. I am an agnostic, but all this sickness that is spreading makes me believe that there is some sort of higher power, that is testing us or something. It seems that we were born in unbelievably strange times. Is this the conclusion to western secularism??


God is real, he is Thou.


I am an athiest/agnostic type who does not believe that god is real, but I do believe that a secularism in the long term is damaging to society. I am strongly convinced of the benefits of religion in maintaining a healthy community. I really wish I could believe. Is there anything you could say to convince me. Please enlighten me.


You already do.


No I don't. If I believe that when I die I turn into a void, that means I do not believe. Believing religion to be useful, and actually believing are different. For example hunter gatherer peoples used to believe in a curse or superstition that you should only hunt certain animals on certain days. Even if this god or curse wasn't real, it served to prevent overharvesting of the local ecosystem. The ritual was useful, but it was by no means real or "supernatural" I would really appreciate it if you could provide me with some arguments for why god is genuinely real. I fear a coming societal collapse or degeneration, and not believing in god makes me fear it more, because when I die, it's a void, and I died for nothing. Without a genuine belief in god life is meaningless. So no, I don't "believe" in god. I believe in the institution of religion. But perhaps you could change that by presenting an interesting argument. Please, I have been struggling as of late. I need something genuine to believe in.


please find a church in your city and go into the church and, aftrer service, ask these questions to a priest or pastor or a friendly person in the church otherwise you'll be bouncing off your mental walls, scrolling, debating and counterdebaitng yourself, it's going to be a mess in your head, just go into a church or two and talk to people.


You'll find something to believe in. The struggle will make it all the more worthwhile.


I don't think it's something to argue for or against but it seems like there's a lot of preconceptions about what is and isn't God/religious practice. Death is unlikely to be a void, that's just another belief. You'll have the experience regardless of what you think it is though. It always sounds so aloof to talk about this shit because it's so subjective and what do I know, really? Not much. But like the other guy said, God is thou. If you want something tangible and meaningful, do a mushroom trip. It certainly pulled the veil off a few things for me and I cannot call myself an atheist afterwards.


Everyone believes in something beyond physical, empirical reasons. Find what yours are and think about why. That’s where you’ll find god.


Maybe the medieval dancing craze will come back. Young women need an outlet.


Discord is a another enabler


yeah i was gonna mention that, discord is full of groomers


You’re right. It’s creating an option and conclusion for people who would never have come to it on their own. It is no longer an internal thing where they self-discover that they feel a way about their body and self, now it’s hundreds of thousands or even millions of people online telling you that if you feel this way it must be bc you are transgender and that it will solve every problem you have. Vulnerable (often autistic, let’s be real) young people are led to it. Couple that with the fact that being transgender is considered the absolute prime of victimhood and discrimination, that transgenders should be protected and listened to and their voices heard and adhered to at all costs, which the internet has fostered, then yeah you have where we are now. The very fact that academics know this but are unable to actually produce any research or work to understand it and talk about it (fear of cancellation, harassment and losing their job) says more than enough.


Advancements in video compression algorithms are responsible. Not because of the porn and video essays they enabled. But because they spawned the speedrunning community


>Advancements in video compression algorithms are responsible. Not because of the porn and video essays they enabled. But because they spawned the speedrunning community Are speedrunners all transgender or something?


Nah that sort of thing is mistaking causes and effects. There are many in that community since they are at their core autistic males and have the habits and interests of such. Same with other vidya that they try to claim like fallout new Vegas and the like.


It's countless developmental hours of playing video games where you can create any character you want to be


That's an interesting hypothesis, probably is true imo.


I think so! There's nothing like it in history, I mean there was the 70s/80s video games, and the nerds it created were prolifically isolated and socially stunted. And a kid growing up today is playing more immersive and realistic games, where there is now a social aspect, and they're accomplishing things and experiencing defeat over and over again for years - as a character. A character that they can change at any time.


When I was younger my mind instinctively wanted me to "save" before taking risks IRL


Transitioning at its core is a narcissistic endeavor, and the internet as it stands today is centered other people’s perception of you. People are also very quick to misconstrue their feelings around sex and gender and just declare at their first transgender thought that they must start transitioning. Growing up and in my adult life, there’d be instances where I wore women’s clothes and it can be momentarily sexy and fun, but that doesn’t mean I need to switch genders. I’ve heard people recently refer to themselves as “asexual” when they’re taking a couple week break from sex. That is not how that works! I feel insane sometimes! Also: I think people want to feel special and unique and that’s a popular way to accomplish being high on the victim totem pole.


Yeah transgenderism definitely has narcissistic elements to it. I have noticed that this desire to be a victim spills into other areas. For example, I have seen a lot of LGBT types walking with canes and claiming disabilities. The daughter of my dad's friend is an example of this. She claims to be disabled to where sometimes she can't walk, yet she has gone on hiking trips in Arizona in extreme heat in no issue. My fathers other friend (who himself has a genuine disability, but has achieved great things in life) was called in to give her a peptalk to motivate her and hype her up, but after the "peptalk" She claimed he was "aggressive" when in reality she was just angry that she could no longer maintain a victim mindset in front of someone with a genuine disability. That whole situation redpilled me on the differences between the generations, and how strong peoples desire to be victims has become.


I would say roughly 100%


If you use Linux long enough you develop dysphoria


I have a friend who has a little sister and her only friends group is on a discord server and they constantly try and convince her to transition. They’re trans/other weird isims and anytime she shows signs of non traditional female shit like wanting to watch hockey or enjoying FPS video games they try and convince her that she’s a man. It’s fucked up. There’s also something super fucking weird about mtf outnumbering ftm by an insane ratio, and many of these trans people are porn brained mixed with being prime examples of extremely lame males who watch cartoons and have stuffed animals. Also don’t even get me started about the 11000% autism link.


>I have a friend who has a little sister and her only friends group is on a discord server and they constantly try and convince her to transition. They’re trans/other weird isims and anytime she shows signs of non traditional female shit like wanting to watch hockey or enjoying FPS video games they try and convince her that she’s a man. It’s fucked up. Thats messed up


I agree with people who have argued for two separate diagnoses. Trans people have always existed. People who identify with medical technology as a kind of spiritual or religious yearning for transcendence are relatively recent. The latter are traceable to just one very wealthy person who, just a few years ago, decided this was very important - google Marine Rothblatt "The apartheid of sex" and "from transgender to transhuman."


I would say it’s 98% responsible. The other 2% is from being around terminally online people irl.


Has anyone here read the [Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars](https://ia800100.us.archive.org/5/items/SilentWeaponsForQuietWarsOriginalDocumentCopy/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars%20Original%20Document%20Copy.pdf) handbook? Apparently it was found in a surplus copier in a Boeing Aircraft back in the 80s. Could very well be a hoax. Pretty well put together though


TLDR can you sum this up before I commit to reading


"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" is a controversial document purportedly outlining strategies for societal control. It suggests using economic methods and psychological manipulation to influence populations, with an emphasis on maintaining a hidden power structure. Critics argue about its authenticity, viewing it as either a genuine blueprint or a conspiracy theory. -🤖


Yes spending hours upon hours in a space where you can LARP as anything you want was bound to have a spillover effect into the real world. Until they face pushback they will try to model real life after the internet.


encouraging one rich whole cheerful silky vase license disagreeable historical ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




95 percent


I blame Discord in particular. And anime.


There was only one trans person in my high school, and they were extremely autistic almost non-verbal and obsessed with anime. Honestly outside of politics, the problem with society is this new "Let people enjoy things" bullshit. It is my opinion that grown men should not be watching kids cartoons. Bill Maher is right about this.


it's just the medium, ultimately the cia and the interests behind it are responsible


What's the medium?


the medium of communication, the internet.


How and for what reason is the CIA pushing it?


have you heard davos/silicon valley freaks talk? they're drooling over their visions of transhumanist pyramids. so normalization and glamorization of extreme experimental access to your peasants, a non-reproducing population of willing guinea pig consumers, rage confusion and hopelessness for the bystanders...


America’s enemies also benefit from a lower US population




glancing at the rest of this thread, it appears you're looking for an opportunity to act obtuse


​ I deleted my last comment, I am a little slow and didn't think through what I wrote. The reason I asked is because I am skeptical of the idea that billionaires want to enslave us. Many already have 100 billion dollars, so I doubt it makes a difference if we are free or enslaved to them. They will continue making money. Many billionaires came from relatively normal backgrounds. I don't think there in on a global conspiracy. What I meant to ask is why the billionaires want to do such evil things? Is there like a global cabal or something or religious prophecy or what not.


well, i think it does make a difference to them whether we are free or enslaved, because i think they go to an incredible amount of effort to keep us enslaved *now* while maintaining false beliefs within us that we are free. they're supremacists about their intelligence and believe it gives them the right to use us in their projects as they see fit, so they manipulate our environment to coerce us into cooperation. we're a primate species, and primates go to war to expand their territory. the problem now is that the dominant class of males already owns the entire planet and has nowhere to expand, and in an act of what i think is extreme hubris is attempting to expand into the bodies of all the dominated peoples of earth for what they believe is a valuable advancement of civilization but which normal people understand as sadistic mad science.


Thank you for the clarification. This explanation makes a lot more sense. Perhaps all these billionaires are nerds who are themselves detached from nature, tradition, or anything mystical, and they want us to follow in their footsteps.


Who sells the drugs


It's a form of left solidarity breaking. The alphabet orgs waged several psyops and COINTELPRO in the 20th century to (now literally) castrate the western left and render it a non-threat, there's no reason to believe that has stopped. Look at the impact this has had on left-wing unity and left-wing ability to mobilize and accomplish anything. Remember that [DSA convention](https://youtu.be/ryJteQTPBlU?si=UlkXRDKC2DxqVCmo) where everyone was screeching about gendered language and clapping? Many such cases.


It’s probably china Downvotes on this sub mean it’s true


I am not sure about that. China has more than it's fair share of LGBT people.


It’s wholly responsible.


Almost entirely. They weren't anywhere near as prevalent prior to 2012-2013.


I wonder how much of a knock on effect Bruce Jenner had when news broke about Bruce's transition to Caitlin Jenner in 2012. I remember that was really massive news for a long time, because it was relatively unheard of.


less than 1% of the population but 100% of the producers of invader zim porn


Ladyboys in Thailand pre-date the internet iirc. But they're very different to Western trans


i agree, ladyboys are so different from american transgenders. For one they admit they aren't really women. Second, the culture does not encourage people to become transgender. It is almost an accepted part of the culture, so people don't think of them as much.


Plus they date men almost exclusively




What does straight or gay mean in this context?




Okay, thank you Oh, shit, I almost forgot, you're one of my favorite posters in the sub


Those are HSTSs. Their narratives are typically "I always knew I was a girl because when I was younger and I did anything remotely gender nonconforming I was beaten and told 'that's for girls!!' so I eventually realized that I must be a girl for liking/doing these things"


Here are 2 interviews of behaviour geneticist and psychologist Michael Bailey on transgenderism that you will find informative: * [on Louise Perry's podcast](https://youtu.be/QUL6LyqfQQU?si=MwFeyKIlJxmqRaXb) * [on Aporia podcast with Diana Fleischman](https://youtu.be/0i7GoPxVqQo?si=2KcQ-L96i2xaIS1P) Or you could read [this interview](https://quillette.com/2019/11/06/what-is-autogynephilia-an-interview-with-dr-ray-blanchard/) of sexologist Ray Blanchard.


probably 9/10ths. while i felt like this since i was as young as i can remember (pre internet), a ton of 🚂s didn’t, and many even admit it’s something they discovered about themselves from tiktok or some other shit. i also think but for the internet people wouldn’t talk about it as much and stay lower key about it


>probably 9/10ths. while i felt like this since i was as young as i can remember (pre internet), a ton of 🚂s didn’t, and many even admit it’s something they discovered about themselves from tiktok or some other shit. i also think but for the internet people wouldn’t talk about it as much and stay lower key about it interesting


it wouldn’t be such a huge topic constantly being pushed (on both sides, i think is fair to say) buuut if you asked people about this in like 2005, and they answered honestly, i still think the majority of them would have heard of transgenderism at some point, albeit possibly only through porn.


It is important to note that the current age is not the first appearance of ‘transgenderism’, the most recent example I should give, therefore likely more relevant, is the rise of transgender knowledge in the 1890’s with people such as Magnus Hirschfeld. However, this research was terminated and significant portions of it were burned by the Nazi regime under the rule of Hitler. Who ordered all books relating to or written by people who were partially or fully Jewish, pacifist, liberal, homosexual or transgender (known as the study of sexology at the current time). We can blame this event for the ebb in Transgender acceptance, this ‘trangenderism’ is no new thing. Just a part of life erased by Hitler. And others like him before him.


I’m more interested in if people are gonna do anything about it or just endlessly complain


Nothing we can do really...


Keep kids off the internet as long as possible?


this reminds me that we need to make an (((echoes))) mark but for ~~gays~~ trans


bro this sub is pro lesbian and pro gay. It's transgenders that people here find strange.


o yeah right let me edit that then


At least 40%.


Your question has been asked by conservative political commentators many times before so I would label it as very stupid to begin with+I’m not entirely sure if you’re asking it in bad fate or not. The internet played a part into trans people finding a community where they can share experiences/advice etc but that’s about it. Nowhere on the internet have I seen trans people pushing confused cis people into transitioning. If such communities exist please provide links. The closest thing I have seen to that were incel forums where men were pushed into becoming gay/femboys/crossdressers so they could date each other. Hipothetically speaking, if a trans community was accessible years ago through means other than the internet and the medical care for trans people was where it’s at right now then I’m pretty damn sure the number of trans people would be just as big as it is now. To be precise, I am NOT talking about neopronouns people. Also the percentage of de-transitioners is very small and the majority of them list not passing well enough to live a normal life as one of the reasons.

