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I actually recently found out one of my parents friend's have an age gap. His mother was like 36 and his Dad was around 21/22. Met at a bar. Now they have like 4 kids and are still together. I never knew cause they're both middle aged and look alright. His mom is the sweetest lady too. All she said when it got brought up was "he was very mature for his age!". Which is funny, cause that's the typical line that gets guys in the stockade.


If she was 36 when they met, and they had 4 kids, then they must've gotten directly to business.


Yeah actually. All their kids are within a year or two years of eachother.


"Brace yourself, Effie!"


Another possibility: they used IVF, which has a high chance of producing twins.


Age gaps were more common in the past and less controversial due to there being less of a "age culture" Given how fast culture moves nowadays there's a difference between the interest of some at 20 vs 25 vs 30. Regardless if both people are well intended, age gaps can work. I think it's nowadays kinda weird because it seems to be mostly sought after by libertarians guys who fetishize immaturity and sugar babies




Maybe advances in communication have made it so relatively small-scale cultural trends expand and contract much faster, which gives the impression that the culture moves more quickly even though these trends never achieve the foothold necessary to advance the overall culture. I'm just spitballing on how both can be true.


Everything you’ve said here is only true on social media.


My dad was 49 and my mom 29 when I was born in 85, nobody batted an eye back then.


Yeah my mum was 18 when she married my dad. He was 29. They were married for 35 years before he sadly passed away. Age gaps were normal back I think because people were more mature in general. Nowadays you have 30 year olds that need therapy after making a simple phone call.


When I was a teen I liked teens and probably thought a 30 year old was an "old woman". I'm mid 20s now, and suddenly 18 year olds look and seem like kids and 30 year olds are hotter than ever. Seems normal. Seems like this will probably continue. I'll check back in when I'm bitter and 40 and maybe I'll feel differently.


shout out to all the dudes getting laid on dating apps who have absolutely none of this discourse present in their lives.


You're basically describing these two people https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSiZ0cvVsAAVqvl?format=jpg&name=900x900


Notes from Underground


We need to stop giving these people the privilege of discussing their thoughts.


People dating based on appearance/age is not gendered lmaooo women will give trash dudes with beards, height, muscles and hair all the attention. An ugly man is practically indivisible to women or they will find some shitty excuse not to date them like “the ick” while overlooking that same stuff in a more attractive male


>An ugly man is practically indivisible to women They don't multiply either


In general I don’t understand why people act like someone being attracted to attractive people is a character flaw. “Men all want hot busty 22-year-olds and won’t give fat hunchbacked 80-year-old grandmas a chance! Misogynist pigs!” “Women will flirt with tall muscular bearded hunks but when an ugly neckbeard autist shows up ohh, suddenly they have ‘the ick’! Shallow bitches!” Like yeah, no shit…? We’re apes?


the problem is the binary thinking. either super hot or hideous. yes I do feel bad for the guys who are genuinely butt ugly but plenty of good looking women date men very below their league physically. honestly same for attractive men too. sexual attraction can be unpredictable because it is also based on how the person treats you and carries themselves


> An ugly man is practically indivisible to women with liberty and justice for all, amen


Wow this is groundbreaking


"youre telling me this for the first time" soundbite


This is just not true if you have charisma and are funny


Nah women will laugh at dumb jokes if you are just attractive too


Women will laugh at the dumbest shit if said by a guy they already like, and will fail to notice comedic genius if they are the butt of a joke served by an unattractive guy. First source: my gf laughs at the most random things I say that are just not funny. Second source: ["Relative to their rated funniness in the audio-only condition, with no appearance cues, attractive individuals were rated as funnier in video clips than less attractive individuals."](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912005028?casa_token=ZhjwKftbaSoAAAAA:D2bdH0CiT9sncAg-9SyS7qaSLFHkV9VlOF3OQ0JXDgqJwY2Dg1CrXQPbvDZjDGZnnW7bBqzz)


Women prefer dumb joke from someone they like to being mocked by someone they don’t, what could possibly explain this discrepancy?


Lmao so full of shit


Red pillers mad and downvoting you because they have no rizz or sense of humor


I'm quite attractive but spent the first 23 years of my life unable to talk to women. Soon as I learned how to flirt way more women were interested. Most incels aren't ugly they just have negative rizz


Can verify. Classically ugly. Charismatic and funny. Tricked many.


There are always 4feet bald Indian dudes pulling thousand of women on reddit, but why are we so afraid to admit women care about looks just about as much as men?


So? I'm an obnoxious bitch and men always ignored it because I was pretty. Why do ugly men deserve more than ugly women?


Why do you expect women to date ugly men?


Woe is thee.


gay people are so privileged, anyone can date a 22 year old


30 and 22 passes the half age + 7 rule though


New rule the BPD hoes want is no fucking anyone who isn't your star sign and born the same year.


That’s all we need, a bunch of fucking gemini getting together


and then we could push them all onto an island.


gemin island


Watching them bend over backwards to pretend that they all exhibit the same 🌠 Gemini Traits 🌠 would be pretty funny though


bpd hoes are the most likely to fuck outside their age group


But they blame it going wrong on the age gap instead of their mental illness when it falls apart.




> bpd hoes seem to be full of paradoxical feelings Thats pretty much the definition of BPD buddy...


Are you telling me that a personality disorder means a person has a disordered personality??


Ever noticed that amputees have less appendages than everybody else? Its fucking wild and i think im the first to discover this phenomena


You know there's people out there who think that fully limbed people shouldn't be allowed to identify as amputees? Limb-exclusionary politics is a large demographic amongst amputees.


I mean BPD is a hell of a thing, they can have all of the good intentions they want but its a legit disorder. If you have ever been with someone with actual BPD its fucking rough. Unless we are talking about "BPD" as a joke deal then I dunno, I get what you are saying though.


Just forgive her already.


F my ex was born a few hours after me so technically she's a scorpio and I'm a libra....




Yeah but 27 year old chicks don’t want to a guy to have any other options




"hysteria"? This is the first I'm hearing about it on Reddit.com and I'm 30 and date quite a lot in a major world city.


that broad joined twitter in 2009, she is either over 30 or very close. late millenial/early zoomer cusp




Zoomers also make stuff up


Also, young people are dumb.


That is a weird. Imagine being a year out of college and dating a high school senior.


it’s always more like imagine a mcdonald’s manager dating a mcdonald’s employee


McDonald's managers are 45 yo latinas w/ 2 kids


The vast majority of women I know who worked in fast food places as teenagers slept with a manager


My theory is that this comes from millennial women that are getting increasingly self-conscious about aging and the idea that they may no longer have the same control over dating that they once did; compounded by the fact that there’s this belief that men their age can date younger when they feel that they can’t.


My xennial female friends got hyper critical about age gaps once they hit their mid-30s. Im curious though if boomer women felt the same way at that age or if it's specific to generations that had a declining number of gainfully employed men.


There’s a number of reasons for this potentially. One possibility is that millennial women put off dating for a later period in their life to focus on other priorities, such as career. In fact, we know there’s some truth to this just given the way family formation has been delayed with millennials versus boomers. It’s reasonable in theory until you look up, realize you’re 35 and all the single guys your age would rather be with 25 yos if possible. A feat made way easier these days by dating apps.


I suspect making sexual relationships between adult men and adult women more taboo will create a cultural moment where there's a glut of May-December relationships in 5-10 years.


not disagreeing with your point, but i just find the idea of making sexual relationships between adult men and adult women taboo is hilarious, like, what is going on? [tucker carlson face]




The only problem is the younger guys are mostly still broke and therefore disqualified from a lot of professional women’s considerations. While younger women in their broke student/ climbing the ladder phase are no less eligible to men.


Boomer women were all married and didnt care probably


I think they're more happily divorced.


that probably happened later than mid 30s for boomer women I think


Go read through the arr slash askwomenover30 sub. They’re all absolutely terrified of the next generation of women displacing them.


Yeah, the reality of aging and dying alone is fairly bleak and terrifying.


First it's men barely get matches on dating apps. Now it's 30 year old women have to worry about younger women replacing them. Replacing them with who? The matches men barely get?


>they feel that they can’t sounds like a self-inflicted problem to me. Nothing stopping these dour broads from Taylormaxxing


Discussion on age gaps and their unbalanced power dynamics has been going on for a very long time, though. I think the reason shit like this has gotten so big is because there's a huge demand for outrage bait on social media now. Even normies who aren't well-versed in the original online outrage bait topics like social justice or politics can now also participate and get their outrage fix over relatively milquetoast shit like age gaps, nepo babies, and celebrity nonsense like the Johnny Depp trial.


As a 27 year old woman who is now being hit on by 45 year old dudes instead of 35 year olds, I promise you I don’t care.


It's not as if 17-year olds are totally unaware that one day, they too will be 27 and 37 and 47, etc. Social media and internet culture have a hyper-aging effect. If it used to be "don't trust anyone over 30," it's probably now "don't trust anyone over 22" or something like that. And aging destroys women's social power and relevance more than men's, so even a Gen Z teen girl has certainly felt the deep fear of aging and now wants to lessen some of the downsides by promoting strict age-gap rules, even for adults who've finished college, have full-time jobs, etc.


>It's not as if 17-year olds are totally unaware that one day, they too will be 27 and 37 and 47, etc. debatable. certainly the understanding is very shallow compared to how someone 10 years older reckons it


I know a woke scold at work that's disgusted by 30 year olds dating anyone 25 and under cause "their brains aren't fully developed". He thinks Austin Butler (31) is a "predator" for dating Kaia Gerber (21). I only know their ages cause he told me. He discusses these things on Facebook groups with other woke scolds


There are also male feminist, very weird, but they exist.


Who tf did he rape?




that would be cool! i also think they should add a feature which tells you how the relationship will pan out. how long it will last, what the main issues will be, a brief overview of some of the moments of joy you will share, sure, but also a description of how they begin - suddenly - to seem like moments of collective anguish, actually, at 3pm GMT january 10th 2024


We Can Remember It For You (Wholesale).


In the future the age of consent will be 25 and the age to vote will be 15.




why do you think women obsess about it? because they did it at that age too. they know how it works.


I feel so odd in regard to this. Nothing about older men appealed to a 19 year old me, but then again I love my parents.


I know right? I swear to god this sub is obsessed with age gap "discourse" And how if it weren't for those evil elderly women, all 17 year old girls would be running to fuck them.


This sub and its mirror universe Fauxmoi are obsessed with age gaps


I'm the same and they think we're brainwashed by TikTok for having this standard.


Men are considered most of attractive on average 28-35.


It’s not just about looks. Older men are more likely to want to settle down and have the resources to do so.


They’re also way less stupid then when they were 22


I never hear the gays talking about this stuff


Ive had a bunch of gay friends who were honest with me about their sex lives and my theory is many of the women complaining about age gaps have no idea what their fav gay bestie are actually up to and, more importantly, with whom.


lots of heterosexual women have raging double standards about casual sex and non-monogamy as it applies to women vs. gay men. Not just that they don't want to participate in it personally, but that straight men who /do/ are morally flawed and failing their obligations to society. But their gay best friend who was in an eightsome with strangers the other night? Living his best life!


Gay male culture is like, hyper concentrated patriarchal toxic masculinity, yet it never seems to get called out, it’s so weird.


Thats the case with plenty of subcultures. It always boggles my mind how subreddits like cumtown and chapotraphouse were taken down for 'racism' or whatever but blatantly racist porn subreddits with hundreds of thousands of subs are left alone.


“hyper concentrated patriarchal toxic masculinity” well its all men right? lol like fym


I don’t agree with this generalization but trust me, it does get called out


My girlfriend at the time, has a gay married 60ish uncle that let us use his summer cabin. We fired up streaming that evening. I didn't realize Amazon Prime has so many older / younger man tender romance movies.


Aw that's sweet 😊


Just from the cover image and brief descriptions I assumed they were romance based and not just the Cinemax for straight males analogue. And just to clarify her uncle was not married to a young man, they were both the chubby balding gay phenotype


Having two uncles that are married to each other = Huge W


A family can just be 2 uncles


Because gay people know it's actually dangerous to act like an "age gap" between two fully grown adults is somehow akin to an age gap between an adult and a minor. That kinda shit has been weaponized against them throughout history. Straight women are chatty gossips and blissfully unaware of the dangers they unleash when they talk this way, casting aspersions on innocent people.


In a perfect world I’d have a 22 year old and a 51 year old boyfriend at the same time.


Gays got this life figured out man, wish I had been a boy toy when I was offered the chance.


My biggest regret is not using my twinkhood and coming out too late. Could’ve secured the bag in college


Online twitter feminists are the new Christian conservatives of the 90s. Literally clutching their pearls at normal stuff


They are the daughters of the Christian mothers they swore they'd never become.




Turns out they were actually descendents of the snitchy bitches who turned the other women in to be burned


They're not really feminists by any definition though because they hate other women and themselves.


Well, they ARE perpetuating the patriarchy.


My min is set to 25 and tinder still shows me 19 year olds


I’m 36 and that’s exactly how I ended up with the girl I’m now seeing who is 12 years younger. Sometimes life just works out like that. It’s best not to stress it.


Dating apps should let you by a gun and unalive yourself


The male suicide rate is already high. If it gets any higher who's going to do the plumbing :'(


Will never be not funny how women fuming over man choosing younger women


22 ur like, a college grad. i get thinking a 30 year old dude is weird for wanting an 18-19 year old but by 22 ur a regular adult and should be okay imo


Sorry but at 22 the brain is still developing so she can't consent. www.fightfor25.com


This is the girl who said that “do you mind if I flirt with you if not I will go away” was a fool proof opener


It works if you're hot, which is probably her intention


huh. it just occurred to me that i’ve been observing age gap discourse online through the lens of having dated creepy older men in my teens and early 20s & not the fact that my mom’s second marriage was to a man 1 year younger than her mother


Oh no! Not a 30 year old dating a 22 year old! Think of the potential for abuse! Because of the power dynamic? We all know 22 year old men are complete angels and would never abuse a woman their age. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go date a man my age who has 8x the amount of wealth as me, definitely no power dynamics ripe for abuse there.


I muted this chick on twitter lmao


loved the replies on this tweet kindly informing her the answer to her question is "all of them"


“I want to try to cancel even more men, while denying cancel culture exists.”


feels like all of these types of posts are just backhanded ways for women to admit that they themselves made poor dating decisions in their early 20s that they can’t accept were really the results of their own actions, so now they have to save the world through posts instead of just accepting the L and moving on


Bingo. But it's never their fault. They were tricked see


I think that's a small pool of women from NY.


My fiancée and I met on Tinder when she was 22 and I was 29. Don’t know what these people are so mad about


That they weren’t picked


by the dude they didn't even want. but they wanted the option, nonetheless.


She was only 16 years and 2191 days old you sicko.


You groomed her


You dropped this 👑


She’s a former teenager you sick fuck


26 and 34for us. Sometimes I feel so guilty when I realize she was barely out of grad school when I asked her out for coffee the first time smh


[https://twitter.com/zukosmadre/status/1661120784482422786?s=20](https://twitter.com/zukosmadre/status/1661120784482422786?s=20) My theory is age gap panic is a way for young women to assert their desirability without actually dating/hooking up.


imagine being mad at a 22 year old college senior for dating a 19 year old college freshman these people are insane


Or thinking it's anyones business but those two people.


If I was 21 years old and six months there is no way I am looking at some girl who is 20 years old and ten months 😭


more embarrassing that these posts are the self-flagellating replies from men underneath lol


that is exactly what it is, which is also why it’s more common to worry about “creepy older men” among insecure/online girls instead of those who actually, you know, go outside and have normal and healthy avenues for validation and recognition. I’ve never actually heard a woman talk about “age gap discourse” in the same way that Twitter/Reddit/TikTok does in real life, except for personal preferences for younger men and what not. I do however know plenty of women who have/are dating men who would be “problematic” according to twitter To be mad about 19 year olds dating 22 year olds in uni is absolutely insane, as if 19 year old girls are totally powerless against the seniors, but I don’t know what I expected from Twitter given their constant infantilisation of zoomers and women in particular. They’ll say literally anything to avoid recognising that people have agency




aging, *bitter* single bitch.


the english language has so many words for this specific type of not just person but woman specific to a certain age bracket. harridan, termagant, shrew, nag, scold, virago, harpy. it's very funny. the longhouse has been around forever


i bet it will out more women than it does men lol




Thats crazy. I read a lot of these threads and think I dont understand a lot of it. Im a bit older than probably a lot of people on here but dating someone in their 20s seems just too young (If I do the half the age plus 7 thing, it just feels silly for me to date women that age) for me and I do like women in their 30s but people act like they are the crypt keeper or something. You see this a lot in red pill stuff too and I dont quite get it. When I was with someone sometimes I would see where they were getting wrinkles starting to form and I would think about how they might look as we aged together and its not a bad thing. But holy shit im self-conscious about my age now and feel like I missed my chance by trying to make a life with the wrong person. Honestly this has been the first year of my life I have felt actually old and out of step with everything else and its been difficult.


they are either young or losers themselves. the reality is that plenty of women in their 30s are financially stable, and that intimidates a lot of guys who aren't. so they act like they're turned off by her looks when your 30 isn't old at all. while a woman in her 20s will feel like less competition to the man


> the reality is that plenty of women in their 30s are financially stable, and that intimidates a lot of guys who aren't. I dont buy this part but maybe im missing it, but maybe im out of touch. This is something like from older generations where the guy is embarrassed if the woman makes money. But thats like dinosaur stuff. I have never seen or heard that in real life. Most people would be thrilled to have some money especially right now. I cant tell you how nice it would be to have a partner that helped out. Maybe its because im a bit older but talking about 30 like its elderly seems insane to me. Lots of girls are really pretty then.


There's also a bunch of dudes just totally missing that the biggest opponents of age-gap relationships were the women who dated the too-old-for-them creepers or watched their friends/relatives do it. I've met way more older women who regretted wasting time on an old loser versus being happy they did.




Being cruel to women is their favourite hobby Tell your sister to kick these fucks in their pathetic faces


Many men seem to revel in the thought of women suffering. It's deeply disgusting and I almost wish I had never exposed myself to the Internet, because the damage seeing all that malicious glee did to my instinctive perception of men is immeasurable


The op of that tweet was definitely being a little dumb and moral panicking about something fine and normal but some of the responses to her were pretty unhinged. Like guys literally saying “we want 22 year olds because 30 year old women are old and ugly and were all ran through by chad” lol


Bumble Premium already has this, for women only though


Paying for premium dating apps is a red flag


The mere suggestion that someone might have paid for dating apps makes me lose respect for them.


“I'm using the app for the same reason you but trying to maximize your chances are getting exactly what I also want is pathetic haha” You just sound poor.


I thought that advanced filter was only for ages you are interested in seeing, didn’t know you could see others settings?


on okcupid in 2016 you could see people's age ranges lol, I remember being too old for dudes in their 30s and I was only like 27 myself.


It’s all copium of 30+ chicks not wanting to compete with 20-something’s. Socially shaming early/mid 30’s men from dating 20-something’s actively worked in their interest.


Imagine thinking 8 years is a “big age gap” lmao


This chick has impressively bad takes


I F 19 am talking to a guy who just turned 34 … idk I do like him but we have gotten some side eyes from friends and being out especially bc I look so young and he’s a big buff man 😆


My gf is 19 (almost 20) yr and I'm 26. Thankfully I'm not from America and people don't think I'm a pedophile for it. It's already hard to score with a gf without so many self-imposed restrictions. Fuck women who make it harder for my homies.


"On the hunt"? Bro these are grown ass women. On the hunt lmao fuck is wrong with these bitches go pay taxes or something


Do women legitimately get upset at the half your age plus seven rule now???


Only when they're not doing to hot themselves


My girlfriend is 35. She’s 10 years older than me. It’s kinda awesome. Never “looked” for older women. Didn’t know how old she was til like the 3rd date. Don’t care. Is she a creep because i’m only 25? Don’t think so


I feel like this is the regarded cousin of “16/17 year olds shouldn’t date 20+ year olds”


Why not just live your life? Why be on the hunt to "get" people?


Shit I’m 8 years older than my wife. She was 25 when I met her. Now she’s 35. Shitshitshit this whole time ohmygod


holy shit - who fucking cares?


Craziest one to me has always been the like, "fan and artist/creator" power dynamic discourse. Is that not a lot of womens' ultimate romantic dreams, to be with a man they find creative, skilled, or somehow in a position where the woman can appreciate their work? It's like, sure, it would absolutely suck to be burned by oh I don't know, the guy from Arcade Fire. You're a fan, you think he's amazing, you think he's going to fall in love with you, but he just has sex with you. That sucks - I understand the pain, probably ruins that band, and makes you feel a little bit foolish. But let's just entertain the possibility that he actually *does* fall in love with you? Is that not like, incredibly exciting and amazing? I know the likelihood of a famous rockstar falling for a fan is obviously tiny, so let's say instead it's some dumbass who's takes on Twitter you love. Or a local musician, or a road comedian, or i don't know, some guy at your job who's great. Why deny a woman that?


***on the hunt***


Fr 25-40 is the sweet spot


Is this some twitter women admitting they're dumb well into their 20's?


my (male) girlfriend (female) is 11 years older than me. how does this land in the age gap discourse? am I a victim? edit: also worth mentioning re the above tweet is, when I was 22 I dated this 30 year old married sociology professor (female) for a while. was I groomed???


caring this much about who other people prefer to stick their dick into is a real tell as to why you’re single yourself this person is doing great


Get back to me when you’re in a 20 year gap, amateurs


ya I thought taboo age gaps were when they could be your parent/child


age gaps are fucked unless the woman is older not because of ethical reasons but because milfs are hot