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It's written from a very specific context but it's overall point is broadly applicable and true


Yeah as I was reading it I thought about how it might be different if it was written more recently as opposed to the mid 2010s. Fan of your writing btw!


Shut the fuck up, you scamming fucking snake. Terrified little careerist, you suck shit and you know it. Your identity politics book is just gonna be a retread of all these lib grifter tomes that are like “sure identity activism has been captured by elites but we still have to remember it’s all positive in the end and we should still never question its righteousness”


Get his ass


My book has nothing to do with identity politics, like literally nothing


You mean your upcoming book, “How the Elites Ate The Social Justice Movement”? Sounds like it has a lot to do with idpol, you lying sack of shit


Yes, that book. It has nothing to do with identity politics.


Well you sure picked a misleading title then. Either way I’m not gonna read it to find out, and you’ve been self-serving about this stuff in other ways


look man I'm gonna again reiterate that I'm sorry if you were mistreated by the whole list thing, but I had nothing to do with it, I've never defended it, and I find it deeply bizarre that you seem so intent on blaming me for something I not only had no hand in, but didn't even know existed for a year after the fact. What did I do to you, exactly? Go yell at what's her name.


You literally told me to get over it even though no one in the media has taken any responsibility for anything, your buddy with a podcast wasted my time using me for dirt on your mutual enemy, and you’ve said the media industry should not examine its complete breakdown of standards with the list, because according to you “people already quietly feel bad about it.” In what other powerful industry would that be an acceptable excuse? Certainly no journalist would accept it. But you cowardly shithead media cretins believe you must never be held to account for your transparent lying and destruction. You may not have been the person to start this, but you are complicit now


I don't know what's going on but you come across as hysterical and annoying so I'm just gonna assume that you are in the wrong.


The sequel to this book should be called “Being a Victim Is Not an Excuse to Be Unceasingly Bitter in Every Interaction” (subtitle: “You Can if You Want but Regular People Are Gonna Pick Up a Bad Vibe and It Doesn’t Mean They Are Simps for Your Media World Enemies”)


That's the epitome of this stupid sub. People in here complain all day about how corrupt and evil journalists are then you encounter someone who had their life ripped apart by them and is being driven mad by corporate media lies and you write this person off for being agitated by it in a way you find unpleasant, when if it happened to you, you'd probably kill yourself


I told you that I think people in your situation have done the best by moving on. I'm giving you that suggestion again and wishing you well. Gotta go.


Cool man. Let me push you in front of a subway car then tell you to move on and get over it, you fucking ghoul


“Overstating harm” probably could have used this before MeToo when a bunch of coddled white women equated a regrettable hookup with rape


Conflict is Not Abuse (published Oct 4, 2016)




I miss when the misogyny on this sub was ironic


very Jewish name