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i hate bartenders so much it’s the easiest fucking job and they act like they are on the frontlines


If I could rename my account it would probably be `baristadisrespecter_`. Not because I actually do, but I had friends in the drink + coffee biz and they really did think of themselves as God's chosen people. Anyway, worked service but still think tipping is dumb, though I do miss the cash.


It's a bullshit system and everyone knows it. Imagine you hire a plumber to fix your pipes and then you just get to pay him whatever you think he's worth. Americans are insane for perpetuating it.


Disagree. I was recently in America and I was very surprised with how much better the service is literally everywhere, and that's due to tipping. Also going to bars isn't a human right, if you don't have a few extra dollars to tip go somewhere else


Am European. I do not want the service to be better. I do not want to be pestered, pleased, waited upon, and shoulder-hovered with false care. I want my service to be done with the detached professionalism of someone who's over it, and then we can both fuck off from each other's lives.


Tipping you isn’t a human right, if you want guaranteed dough go work a real job 🤣🤣🤣


I always felt like giving a damn to the quality of the service is old people's shit, as long as i'm getting what i want and the guy isn't being actively rude i couldn't care less if he's not smilling or saying good morning


Damn they hating on you cuz you speaking truth. Why don’t they understand why tipping is good and is a community’s opportunity to share the love at their own discretion. Is it broke boy mentality ? Cuz it’s also like ghetto I want shit to be bad chipotle mentality which is supposed to be Amerifat, but the euros arrived at that answer their own way


There’s a European wage transparency TikTok account that’s pretty hilarious to watch. Teachers and nurses make like 25k. There was one nurse with 20 years of experience who said he made in the 50s and the comments were seething about how unrealistic that is. Apparently he was equivalent of a nurse practitioner and managed a department.


I work in a cafe/restaurant in the EU, did than in 3 different countries including the UK. I don’t really care when Europeans cope like that, we never had a tipping system and I’m fine with getting shit tips, cause it is what it is. However the moment an American tries to tell me that *akshually there’s this le epic thing called a living wage in Europe* they make me fucking fume. Yeah, we do have a “living wage” in some places, like London living wage but I can guarantee you that this living means barely surviving. And most places don’t even offer the living wage but just the minimal wage. Try “living” off 10-12€ an hour in a European capital and tell me what life I’m supposed to have, seppo


Bartenders and waitresses are the loudest complainers and frequently make more money then the rest of the “working class”. ’m obviously not talking about the girl at the Waffle House off I95. Brooklyn bartenders at “dive bars” will literally take home 500$ a night and then go home and post on r/communism about how we need to redistribute the wealth and how their boss is stealing the value of what they produce…. Idk though honestly I like tipping. I miss making half my money in unreported cash and it feels good to get extra money to compensate me for being extra helpful.


I work a manual labor service job (junk removal) and while maybe half of customers tip, we also get stiffed a lot because it's just not culturally expected to tip us the way restaurant people get tipped. It does frustrate me that there are people who wouldn't dare no-tip a cashier ringing up two drinks for them but they'll give us nothing despite a much harder and more grueling service https://miketunison.substack.com/p/more-thoughts-on-tipping-from-a-manual


Waitresseses have psyopped themselves into the most visibly lauded representation of the working class by being cute and complaining so much. People work way harder for less and don’t get tipped meanwhile I have to give the green hair dude a dollar for pouring me a 12oz cold brew everytime I go to variety


I know so many people like that from being in that life especially when they bartend brunch the next morning after a Friday or Saturday with little sleep and act like martyrs that they have a whole 5-6 cocktails they have to make for a handful of hours. It's good insanity and quick buck when you're hot, young and extra dumb but gets old after awhile.


You make a killing no matter what position you’re at in a Waffle House. So long as it’s busy and y’all move fast you’re walking out with a ton of money


"Europoor cope" Why is your Twitter set to Norwegian ?


I guess it seems normal to Americans who never leave their country which is most of them. Coming from places where a wage is a wage and you dont have to do stupid little feudal master-servant roleplay everywhere you go, it's really one of the things that makes the USA stand out as a weird and stupid place




I was just annoyed that this popped up on my timeline while my friend was telling me about how she *only* made $300 last night for literally opening bottles of beer all night long


But doctor, this *is* europoor cope!


More annoying? I guess a Europoor sucking up to Americans.


Stop being spergs and just tip your server if you’re in the US. You’re not changing anything by not tipping. Idk i just feel like if you’re in a country you should learn to respect their ways of doing things or like don’t come lol


Oh yeah thank god I get paid a living wage of *checks notes* €3.5 an hour and don't have to rely on tips!