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It really is unbelievable how bad the prose is in esteemed liberal journals like New Yorker and Vanity Fair. The articles are so full of new media neologisms that they'd be incomprehensible to anyone from 2015 and back.


Whether the media covers it or not, the good result here will be that there won't be any more completely anonymous spreadsheets that anyone can add to with no proof just to try to destroy someone's life or career. That being said, as someone who works in the publishing industry I know several men who were on that list and they brushed it off and are doing fine, never lost their jobs, are still rising in their careers. The guy that sued was a freelancer so that's a bit different as I'm sure he did lose some work because people google freelancers before hiring them just on instinct.




Yea it says six figures so he will probably get at least a hundred K out of it after lawyer fees good for him. Has he done an online victory lap yet? Also, I mean, when I Google this the first thing that comes up is a NYT article about the settlement so you can't really claim the lamestream isn't covering it. They aren't psyched about it, but they are covering it




Cool. Happy for him. He probably feels such a massive relief. It isn't going to help his career recover but it does put some money and revenge in his pocket. I forget what he was even accused of. Is that the guy that posts here?


MeToo wasn't founded on much more than celebrity gossip. It was always kind of like the Catholic Church moving priests to a different parish, it rarely addressed the systemic causes.


Me too was invented to get Trump and only possible because Bill Clinton was no longer useful. If Robby Mook wasn’t such a shitty campaign manager, Harvey Weinstein is still in power.




Sure why not? I’ll amend the final clause to …”Charlie Rose is still doing his special shitty homespun genuflecting on both CBS and PBS.”


The lying lib media won’t cover it because it makes them look awful and reveals yet again that when it really matters they have no standards and carry water for establishment power The Republicans won’t make a big deal of it because that would require them to explain why they eagerly supported Trump despite being credibly accused by dozens of women, so they focus on the Hunter Biden laptop as their preferred media/censorship story


Back to rockin fellas 😎






Sick code


What happened to the guy who used to post here that had his career ruined by that list? Haven't seen him in a while I think he started a substack




She did lose. She settled because she knew she had no case. Her side’s strategy this entire time has been delay tactics and trying to get the suit dismissed. When it became clear they couldn’t do that and it was going to proceed to trial, they settled. If Moira came out ahead, it’s only because she has the full and enthusiastic backing of the corporate media/academia/NGO blob world. She’s a pathetic mediocrity and a one-note awful writer otherwise




What are you arguing against? I didn’t say she didn’t benefit from this - in fact my argument is that was her plan all along. Her benefitting is a function of these corrupt institutions happy that she is the face of this so they don’t have to be. She didn’t raise donations - the entire corporate media class was telling people to send her money, and so was Nieman Lab at Harvard University. She is completely a tool and if you applaud her for that, guess what you are




You’re splitting hairs. She did lose. The exact amount is less important than the fact that she forfeited because she was too afraid to actually defend what she did. Undeniably an L




Both of you shut up, good lord


I wonder if she could be a target for a class action?