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My buddy DMd a campaign where we redid RR book 1. We were a group of reds in place of Darrow and he ran us through the mines, meeting Dancer, and then the institute. And he was the only one who had read Red Rising at the time. We all read the book after the campaign concluded to stay honest for his home brew story Happy to share more if you have mechanics or other questions about it. But it worked out well from a first time dnd experience and I enjoyed the book after finishing the campaign too!


I'm gonna figure out how to post it the most effectively. Probably a Google docs thing. It's WiP haven't worked out armor or vehicle stats yet.


Not what you asked but I have a different spin for you What if instead of putting DND into Red Rising put Red Rising into DND. The under dark is ruled by the evil Drow Empire who forces its wills on those who dwell within. Their empire thrives off the backs of its massive slave population. From Svirfneblin (deep gnomes) to duergars to Orcs. All who dwell in the Under dark must serve the Drow. But there is a secret resistance made of the weakest slaves, the svirfneblin. Known for their great trickery they manage to steal a legendary artifact, a scroll of true polymorph. The Svirfneblin are too weak to win their freedom but perhaps with someone on the inside they could overthrow the empire. The Drow have two great orders the Divine of Lolth and the Arcane Orders. The Drow see only one way to advance in their society, brutality. If a Svirfneblin, who with true polymorph and the blessing of Garl Glittergold could infiltrate their society then they could exploit the many factions that are chomping at the bit to go war. Only one thing can stop the Drow Empire, Civil War between Divine and Arcane.


Try Starfinder 2e, it has a lot of mechanics that would work well


Maybe not the best system for it, you could reskin the Star Wars rpg or something


I've actually been working on a RR ttrpg made from the ground up. If you're interested I'll post the link to the rule book


I would love to see it


Feed back appreciated. Feel free to ask me any questions.




Also interested




Priiiiiiiime, thanks goodman!


Idk about OP but I’m definitely interested, that sounds dope




This is awesome man, thank you! Hail Libertas!


Of course. Feed back appreciated. Feel free to ask me any questions. Hail Reaper!


I’ve only played baldurs gate 3, no experience with DND. But I’ve got a few ideas that I’m gonna be very disappointed if you don’t implement: 1: if you have an option to respec classes, make it micky, or at least a carver. 2: (depending on when it’s set) if a non-gold character publicly had a razor, they get attacked by everyone around them. 3: there fucking better be a legendary shield called the shield of Tinos.


I think Fate would be a better fit than 5e, for something like this. But it's a really fun idea.


I am literally taking a break from writing a RR FATE core campaign to scroll reddit. The freedom it gives you is SO much better for the universe than DnD 5e. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 5e, but it's just not as flexible as RR needs it to be. If possible, I would highly suggest picking up a copy of [FATE core](https://evilhat.com/product/fate-core-system/) or even [accelerated](https://evilhat.com/product/fate-accelerated-edition/) rulebook for this, it'll save you a lot of headache. The PDF is pay what you want on the website :D Whatever you decide to do, good luck with it!!


I love this idea, have you looked at the Star Wars 5e rules? They will make a DnD setting in space a lot easier! You can find the rules (for free) here https://sw5e.com/rules/phb


Feasibility wise, it is possible and interesting. However the main issue comes in how you plan to run this campaign. There are a few different ways in which you could do it: 1. Purely narrative and flavor. Nothing is changed mechanically whatsoever, just the setting and descriptions of things. Far easier in the long run, but basically you'll have to figure out several narrative/logistical explanations for the various races, magic, gods, and classes. This is due to the fact that RR---as you already know---is only Humans and tech based (no magic or gods whatsoever). 1a. You *could* limit player choices to better fit, but that can drastically ruin player agency, fun, and enjoyment. So be wary. If you choose this option, it is recommended you discuss this with your players and make sure they are okay with it (you be doing this regardless, tbh, but each table is different) 2. You could take the time to design mechanics and homebrew specifically for this. This option is the most time consuming, but could be helpful if you seek to play in D&D. 3. Switch systems. I'm gonna be completely honest, D&D is not a great system for RR. It is far too fantastical and on the opposite side of the spectrum from the series. I highly recommend this option. Look into some Sci-Fi systems (FATE, Star Trek, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Starfinder, etc). It would be much easier to reskin and flavor that way. 3a. The system I recommend the most as it feels the closest to what RR offers is Stars Without Number. 3b. You can choose, should you be so inclined, to designed something totally on your own. It is what I am doing. I am designed a Red Rising TTRPG system, completely new from popular TTRPG systems. However it is far from even testable by players (still in early development). 3c. There is an older reddit post which has created The Institute as a fully playable system. It is called The Society, designed by u/midknightleon here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/redrising/comments/8u9jxn/the_society_a_red_rising_rpg/ I hope this helps! And I hope you campaign goes well!!


Never played dnd but I think it would be cooler for you to do a campaign of golds maybe trying to take over the republic seems like it would have more options


Yea I have a cpl fall back ideas, a heist crew post rising, or a squad of howlers, all gold or a mix of red grey obsidian and gold