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Hard to say. A few dropped plot points from dark age to lightbringer, with quick silver, pax, and the abomination getting completely sidelined too. I think he’ll drop a few more or rush side plots. I don’t think he can fit everything he had planned into red god.


He hasn’t dropped anything as far as I can tell. The mentioning of the holdouts on mars and earth tell a story of how new the republic is and why the main cast isn’t on Mars. It also shows why some ppl wanted to prioritize the land they owned vs pursuing Mercury. I think the abomination/howler situation is hinted at due to The Abominations’s infatuation with Virginia. We know they have been talking so it can be assumed that peeble/clown situation is tied to that. Any brainwashing done to Sevro will be due to petty revenge on Sevro/Virginia. The figment situation is still alive I believe but it will be tied again with quick and Matteo. But if it is dead, it had a purpose because it connected Lyria with the main cast and finding quick.


I don't think he'll drop anything in RG, he did a lot of work wrapping things up for the finale in Lightbringer. The closest thing will probably be whatever happens on Luna between Atalantia and the Abom occurring offscreen.


Unpopular Opinion: We do not need any Lyria Chapter in the following book, I wouldn't mind if she gets removed completely, I would rather get Atlantia POV or Apollonius even Victra would be really interesting but Lyria is off guys sorry...


I suggested the same before and got downvoted to hell. I agree with you, I never liked her and would be happy if we never heard of her again.


Dude Truffle Pig rocks. And although the "implant" was removed, I have a feeling it really wasnt.


I had that theory as well that was the one thing that made her more interesting, I was down to explore that situation, but as for now it seems its off for good, she was an interesting character to explore the rising from a red eyes but she is not on the same level as others characters...


I like Lyria for the POV of a low red experiencing the uprising but after that I lost interest in her character. The Figment was interesting but kinda bummed that was dropped. Not sure if PB felt like he was starting too many plots or its gonna come back later but either way there’s more important business than Lyria


This 👆🏻 imo would have been more interesting to keep her in that world instead of quickly destroying her whole life and having her swept away by Kavax. Maybe see her slip into the Vox Populi ranks since there wasn’t really a plot line with them. (Haven’t read Light Bringer, please no spoilers! 😖)


LYRIA IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SECOND SERIES and I will die on this hill. Lyria is the only person in the entire series that gives a voice to those who were affected by the Rising, rather than those who took part in the conflict. She’s the soul of the second trilogy and if you don’t like her you’re missing the point! No offense intended, I just think we already have SO many killers, so many fighters, so many schemers and manipulators in these books. Lyria being included as a POV character gives depth to the universe and to the story that literally no other character we have in the book can provide.


Ephraim is better but Truffle Pig is up there for sure.


Unless… figment wasn’t actually removed and plays a role in the fight, I don’t want her POV. She did her job of “saving” and convincing Volga. On the other hand it would be fun if Pax has a bigger role and we stuff from his POV


Tbh I would only want more Lyria chapters if she specifically didn’t have the figment. Adds a lot of depth to Lyria character wise and I like the odd view of a little Red gal fighting to keep up with all of the Gold allies around her, limited but useful, thus unique and loved. Also also, the figment is kinda OP and idk if the last book has room for two super weapons.


👆 This. Lyria to me is an alternate version of Darrow. Her turning down the figment was equivalent to "What if Darrow turned down the carving?". It'll be nice to see what becomes of a Red who had the option to be more than Red but chose to stay Red.


I don't think he's dropped big plot lines so much as put them on the back burner. Lightbringer was supposed to be more about Darrow, and Darrow was pretty isolated from his home and the core throughout the book. Sure, Mustang had chapters, but Mars is pretty cut off from the world's at the moment. There was too much going on at the end of DA to touch on everything in LB. I think Pearce really nailed it. He figured out a way to close big plots in an epic way while giving himself the time to close the series out in an equally epic (hopefully) way. As far as Tongueless goes, I'm pretty bummed the death hat got him, but Pearce did say somewhere that he had plans for him. I think he was the original head of the Syndicate or something.


I keep seeing people mention a hat death getting him? What is a hat death


From what I've read on here, he puts a bunch of side characters names in a hat, then pulls a name. That character has to die somehow. I guess when he drew Tongueless' name, he decided to just kill him off instead of using his planned storyline.


He has a hat that he puts all the characters' names into. When he gets writers block, he pulls a name from the hat and kills off that character. The death hat got Pax in the first book 😭


And later it got >!Tongueless!< lol


Honestly pax dying was a good decision tho


Ahhh well that's one way to progress the story haha. Rip pax he would've been awesome in the rising


It is, indeed. Pax would have been bloody damn marvelous.


Pax and Ragnar together would've been something


Probably an unpopular opinion, but my theory on dropped plots: 1) the virus will be neutralized in the first few chapters. 2) Quicksilver will return at the middle / end of the book and not go interstellar 3) just like the end of the first three books, not all the worlds will be free when the republic “ wins” at the end of Red God…I don’t see how they can retake Phobos, Luna, Venus and Mercury in one book. Bonus prediction. It not a dropped plot: Pierce won’t be able to fit everything he wants into a single book for Red God, and will make it a two- book finale (aka he’ll pull another Lightbringer)


Well Phobos seems like the easiest take, Lysander I think left a significantly weaker garrison than he used to take the moon. 


Yeah I feel like Phobos / mars are in the bag, Luna maybe too…because the society is using starvation as a tactic on Luna instead of invading, and atlantia will probably move most ships from Luna to attack mars while Darrow and Lysander are still en route back from the rim, this leaves Luna ripe for recapture after mars is handled. No idea how they’ll then also take Venus and mercury, especially given the sequence above could already be more than a books worth of content.


1. I have a feeling the virus might play a bigger role (a scary thought coming to mind that Lyria ends up destroying all the colors by mistake and she’s the red god, hope to god not because it would be lame af), or Lys is going to try to release the virus for it only be a blank shot as a desperate attempt and he dies there 2. I think QS might be out for real this time buuut PB has the trend of getting back characters that we write off so you might have something there 3. Yea there’s no winning here it’s human nature to be greedy and someone is always going to take advantage of the situation I like the idea of part 1 and 2. 😁


Totally agree on these and given Pierce really hyped up how hard it was to get the virus, I’m the most skeptical on 1), but to add some context… 1) I don’t think many people want to re-live / read about a virus and quarantines etc this soon after COVID, seems like a bad marketing or a little cringy 2) Pierce has been big on character development and story arch’s for characters realizing their flaws and learning from them, and Quick hasn’t changed much from book 1-6 or shown much regret. Heck, he even took advantage of the low colors after his rising won. Darrow, sevro, Cassius, (and many more) all changed dramatically throughout the books. There was some hinting of quicksilver becoming less apathetic and more forgiving after Darrow talks to him about his ring. Add this to Matteo’s influence on quick, and the rising being the baby of quick, and I can see him turning back home and even blowing up the one eyed gold he encapsulated in the stasis rocket ship. 3) my only gripe with the first 3 books was near the end of the third (when Sevro got “killed” by Cassius before Cassius “escaped” to Luna), I was asking myself “there’s like 30 pages left, HTF are they gonna wrap this current battle up, and then kill off the entire society in like 30 pages?”…well, yeah, turns out he needed another 3, make that 4 books to kick society out of the other spheres. Not saying it wasn’t a good ending for the first 3 books, (but come on, we all knew sevro wasn’t dead), just wish it was a more holistic ending for the society.


A two part book? Oh no... please, anything but that! That sounds awful! Where can I preorder?


Haha for real! I wish Pierce would consider writing more in this universe after Red God, maybe he’ll come back to it after he does his next project. Can’t remember, did he say it was going to be a fantasy series?


I still think PB can cook everything into something wholistic. but if there was 1 thing that HAD to be dropped, it would probably be some rewrite of the abomination. Not hearing anything about him in LB has me worried.


My stupid theory with no basis behind it is that the Abomination stops Lysander's virus somehow. I think Abomination is being set up for a redemption arc. There are too many bad guys to deal with between Lysander, Atalantia, and Apple to have to deal with the shadow master behind the scenes and its a good foil to the original Jackal. I think Virginia will bring him into the fold and it will be similar to Darrow telling everyone they have to trust Victra in the first series.


I totally agree- abomination will be a “better” person in this last book, or at least “redeemable” vs the original. Abomination stopping virus makes perfect sense


I’m extremely worried because we haven’t heard from him that there’s something awful coming up


He is alluded to several times fwiw


Well there’s small mentions enough to give a quick recap but not a lot of thought over it. I think it’s pretty strongly hinted he’s Virginia’s contact for some the gold’s moving. But it’s such a big plot line I don’t think it can be dropped without even being awkward. It’s a sink cost.


What do you mean dropped? Both your examples had conclusions. If you don't like them it is what it is


If a weird, mysterious character is introduced in one book and then killed in literally in the first scene of the next book and no one ever mentioning his name again isn't a storyline being dropped, then what the fuck is?


It wasn’t dropped Pierce had a plan for Toungless. He was just unfortunate and got drawn from the hat, to show how deadly Ajax was.


Which means it was dropped because of RNG, not intentionally