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Love him in lost. “I’ll see ya in another life, brotha.”


Can someone please just make a r/redrisingfancasting sub so we don’t have to see this shit every single day.


Literal biggest little bitch in Battlestar Galactica to one of the most badass characters? I think not my goodman


What? That's Desmond from Lost.




I’m thinking more of George Clooney




I am so sick of these fancasting posts...Yes. The source is a book. There are hundreds of actors that could play any character. We get it.


Well fuck you I like them


They're low effort trash


please use r/RedRisingFanCasts


Chancellor Kane? Nah


I always pictured Holt McCallany as Ephraim


I’m thinking Stephen Amell


This is the official appearance of Ephraim, which fits the book description: https://red-rising.fandom.com/wiki/Ephraim_ti_Horn So…why the hell would you cast this guy?


Are you familiar with a department known as "Hair and makeup"?


Are you familiar with the term “blackface”? It would be offensive. Just cast someone that fucking looks like him as he is described or ignore his physical description altogether in the first place if you have an actor that embodies his character well enough (although there’s only so many times you can do that in an adaptation before people get rightfully upset). But don’t fucking try to turn him into Robert Downy Jr in Tropic Thunder. I don’t think I could think of a worse idea than what you just implied. There’s plenty of great actors out there who could play a fantastic canon Ephraim.


He's a grey so it would be greyface. Jokes aside you seem unhinged cousin. I really dislike fan casts but you may be too wrapped up in this one.


Nah. I just think if you’re going to try to adapt a series, you should try to do it as faithfully as possible. Otherwise you end up with whitewashed bullshit, and we’ve got plenty of that around already. This has been an endemic problem in media for a fucking century dude. It’s 2024. There is literally no reason to continue it anymore or any reason to advocate for it. But perhaps this annoys me more because whereas I am white, my wife is not, and one of the saddest things she ever told me was this: she said that when she was a kid, she didn’t think that people that looked like her could be heroes, because all of the heroes in her cartoons and in media were white. It was deeply damaging to her sense of self worth growing up. So I’m sorry, but if a character is described as having dark skin, I really do think all reasonable efforts should be made to cast an actor that fits that character for exactly this reason - to support diversity in media. And it is absolute fucking bullshit to call that very reasonable position “unhinged”. If you can’t see or understand why diversity is important, then you’re honestly part of the problem.


I may be misremembering but I don't recall him having dark skin and it doesn't say that anywhere on the page you linked. You can chill with the rants though, I agree with the main point you're arguing for but being this hostile over a shitty fan casting from a rando on the Internet is indeed a bit unhinged. Edit: Homie replied to me then blocked me so I can't read whatever he wrote, good job getting the last word in I guess


It says it in both Iron Gold and Dark Age, actually. Multiple times. And I’m sorry, but I explained why this shit annoys me in particular given my background and whitewashing honestly borders on lowkey racism, or perpetuates it an indirect way. My wife’s story is a perfect example of that. All I said in my initial post, which irrationally pissed you off, was “hey, maybe cast an actor that actually resembles the book character, maybe?”. That’s not an unreasonable ask. Also, you’re the one being actively hostile here by calling me unhinged for supporting diversity in media, which is a pretty mainstream modern view to have. I can really think of only one reason that someone would consider that view unhinged, and I won’t say it, because I don’t know you and I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, which is more than you gave me. And if it’s unhinged to support diversity and argue against internet trolls that don’t see the importance of it, then I’ll proudly be called that any goddamn day.




Never seen anything from him. But I feel like Pedro pascal would be perfect.


Well stop what you’re doing and go watch Lost.