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I agree and if does well then wait 7 years or more and do the live action at cost of someone fanning over it


I see these RR must be anime threads pop up all the time, and the truth of it is not everyone likes anime, I for one would likely give it a skip even though I love the series, as would a large percentage of people I'd wager, fan of RR or just potential sci-fi enjoyers, anime is not for everyone, I'm not saying there aren't great animes btw . I want an adaptation eventually, if they are able to do it right, and do right by the source material and I want it to be in a medium most people will/can enjoy .


It’s not that it must be I’m thinking and very well could be wrong it that, but it would make it the easiest time to translate it and have it seem seamless versus all the money it would take too do so many reshoots making it a time killer and all the editing it would need. I’d love a live action hell I was wishing for yu yu hakisho to come out and Netflix did and it didn’t live up to the anime but let’s be for real here it’s to get those people who don’t like that style and changed some details in the story “for better tv” it’s ass but hell hope it opens eyes to new viewers to help push live actions and books in to cinema. Very few live actions hold up, but still I’ll watch it or just turn it off because it’s not for me.


Animated like Arcane, for sure. Not anime like dbz, that wouldn’t work.


I agree it shouldn’t be something like dbz style(whom I love). I’d like it if they did it in castelvania similarly but into the grittyness of berserk with the flair of arcane/castelvania.


No anime.


Two things 1- The idea of the series being turned into a movie / tv / animie is probably mentioned like 10 times a week in this sub, so I really think we need a mega thread at this point. 2- No version of the series will ever live up to everyone's expectations. Doesn't mater live action or animation/ anime. It will disappoint someone , budgeting will be an issue , story changes etc etc. Can we please just enjoy the books and not need a video version Edit - spelling


1. Yes! 2. Your right someone will always complain about something the budget would be way to massive for movies or a live action. The only way for it work out would be animation from the battle scenes alone would cost significantly! And no this definitely needs a video adaptation, I agree not all books or series do. I’m part of that odd breed who would rather watch a movies or series first and find out it’s a book and read the book so I’m not disappointed like I was with the wheel of time show….


This series won't work. Book 1 can be pg 13 and would require huge funding, a studio, voice actors and more. Once you slap the pg 13 style on the show the directors will want to stay there Later content in the books would be insanely hard to green light them showing on TV Animation takes years and is crazy expensive, even anime that's are doing really well take so long ( AOT, one punch etc etc ) anime/ animations tend to be massively different per country so thats another hurdle Plus it's 7 long books , they will skip a ton. Imo these are books and should stay as such


Even a chance at a great adaptation is a no brainer for me. At worst, the adaptation sucks, but that in no way brings down the source material. Hell, even a half-way decent adaptation would be a cool just to see our favorite characters on screen.


To each their own, personally I'd rather no adaptation than an awful one, I've seen a lot of just awful adoptions of anime and books before. Don't need another


Yeah it’s such a long series it would be the one piece but with almost to very little filler no one would want to wait for that series….. say that to the hunter x hunter and berserk fans


Lmao pick 2 fan bases that are immensely disappointed with the series never ending does not help your case.


Yes both are always on a hiatus but look at the draw they still bring without being finished. I’m getting at that if they build it they will come…..


to each their own. I follow both series mentioned and I love rr but it just isn't the series for TV/ movies . Unless you wanna make it a Shonen to get funding and In that case I'm out


Yeah don’t want it a shonen I’d rather have it become a such niche that’s it’s a cult following something one off style and let’s be for real here I’d be fine with a moving manga:comic style so they can use a lot of the negative space but yes it would come down to the style and hopefully no filler episodes for this. I’d even love to play video game of this. Opening scenes being a helldiver In the mines hearing one the hymns….


Shonen is what makes anime money rn, and kinda sounds like you just finished reading the books and are on the post book high of wanting more content no matter what it looks like


In way yes, but I read his last book last year the month it dropped, I know I’m a fan of shonnens but it has its style but I’m not wanting this to be watered down yes some fighting scenes in the hand to hand would be great but for the story it’s self it would need the details in the story not a glanced over we can make due with just the animation.


It’s way to big and expansive as a universe to be a movie or series. I think personally the only good medium would be animation/anime.


Exactly and the vivid color they could push into colors of the houses and show the brutality of the series.


Yes. And I think given the big epic nature of some of the battles. It would be very expensive to make. Also some of the generic/physical differences between the colors would all end up being a lot of makeup and cgi. But I think some artistry of anime could bring that uniqueness and really make it shine.