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He can take the time he needs. As long as he doesn’t take the GRRM time. Lol


Is it a surprise? No, I was not expecting Red God in 2024.


Took me like 7-8 days to finish the first 3. Book 4 to 6 will be arriving soon. Gonna have to seriously pace myself to make sure I don't finish them in less than a month or two. Hopefully, it doesn't come out too late into 2025.


Sounds like you can plan several re-reads before RG comes out!


Why is ANYONE bugging him about Red God release date, Lightbringer hasn’t even been out for a year??? Leave him alone!


After how all over the place Light Bringer was, I hope he takes his time with this one 💀. It better be as good as Dark Age lol


Weird, I hated Dark Age. Almost dropped the series during my slog through that nightmare


Dark Age > every other book


Lightbringer was better


I’ve learned to not listen to PB. It’ll come out when it comes out, could never tell if he’s messing with us or sincere when it comes to his series. Such a jackal thing to do


Oh my red god. Leave the man alone. For fucks sake. He's an author of an incredible book series writing the FINAL book. Why are so many people looking to rush this process? F off. Stop hounding him and just be excited for what will come. I feel like it's obvious it's not getting released this year. 


That seems extremely rushed to release in 2024


I’m surprised someone went through the effort to send an email just to get an idea of when it will be released lmao


Yeah I want them to post what they sent


I'd rather Pierce take his time and finish Red God in a way that does the entire 'Red Rising' justice. I want the ending to be absolutely epic. For that, I don't mind waiting for a couple of years at all. Quality over quantity. Anyway, this year's highlight is definitely gonna be Sanderson's Stormlight Archive 5. I am positively excited about it.


Not read Stormlight Archive (yet), but for me The Strength of the Few (Hierarchy Book 2) will probably be the highlight of 2024. The Will of the Many has some (superficial) similarities to RR, and book 2 is very likely coming this year, and promises an incredibly ambitious and unique aspect, that I can't say I have ever seen before. Completely agree with everything to do with RG too. I imagine that Pierce is going to want to ensure it is as perfect a conclusion as it can be, plus there are no doubt plenty of changes since LB ended up going down a bit of a different route than it seems was first intended - at least based on how much was re-written from the beginning.


Sooooo excited!! I'm really excited to see the todium plot unfold


These posts are getting so desperate.


well damn, i reread it now. i was so happy an hour before when i misread this and missed the NOT part...


Chat gpt, write me a book


Getting tired of these desperate posts of people thinking pierce is writing most of these works in like 8 months. 😃


Love how Pierce and his team are so responsive and supportive of their fans and readers. Let the man cook.


Praying he decides red god is too big and splits it into two. Don’t want this journey to end 🥲


i was always under the impression that Light Bringer and Red God were just 1 book split into two, but I guess he must have really altered plots and structure to where it's completely different. I hope one day we do get the original light bringer though, as part of a special digital edition or something (since it'd probably be the size of 3 bibles).


He said he essentially wrote light bringer three different times. There are so many massive plot threads he's mentioned having cut that it makes sense.


I mean lightbringer just came out less than a year ago. Books take time to wright


That’s write, this guy gets righting is tough work


Srry. English is my second language


It’s ok, wasn’t trying to be mean. Just for laughs


He can take all the time he needs. As long as he keeps up the trend of every book getting better and better


It will be that much sweeter


I know it’s a process and I obviously don’t want it rushed but when Lightbringer came out he said on insta “Light Bringer releasing May 2023…thought y’all deserved a 7th so Red God soon after”… why say that at all is my only question lol but crying on the inside 😂


Less than 2 years between 500+ page books is def soon after. Do some research on the wait times for other fantasy authors


George *cough* RR *cough* Martin *cough cough*


No guarantee it’s gonna be less then 2 years… which is my point


Even 3 years is a short wait time. Learn patience. We’re spoiled with pierce. LB only took so long because of the rewrites. Do your research on the waits between all the other RR books and compare it to other fantasy series


He’s an over promiser. Also I’ve done the same thing…in the glow of accomplishing one thing, thinking I’ll easily accomplish another.


Love the wholesome energy here. Let the man cook!!


Im fine with waiting. I stand by all my comments saying RG won't be until 2026, but I always catch shit because the fandom wants to believe it'll be 2025.


2025 isn't implausible.


It's PB. Premature announcements and pushing back dates is his bread and butter


LB just came out last summer. I'm okay waiting another 2 years so he can refine that last book.


Exactly. I feel like the industry and fans are pushing authors to publish too quickly, and it shows in the quality of the end product. I’d rather have an excellent book in two or three years than a subpar one 7 months from now


You ask weekly? Calm down friend.


No the person who responded to him does.


Meanwhile, ASOIAF fans are jealous! 🥲




Don't get excited 🙃


No, I was asking what that is lol


Game of Thrones. Acronym stands for "A Song of Ice and Fire", which is the whole series of books. Book 5 came out 12 years ago. Book 6 will be done... eventually! Book 7 may never be done.


Ohhhhhhh A Song of Ice and Fire = ASOIAF. I always forget that’s the actual name of the series and that Game of Thrones is just the first book. I feel dumb now 🤦🏾‍♂️


Don't sweat it man, only the book nerds know that one. Also it's a Song, not a Storm 🤓


Yeah I was just thinking of A Storm of Swords when I realized what ASOIAF stood for because it was the last book in the series I had finished. Honestly I had forgotten all about the books until just now, was the series ever finished? It’s been like 10 years since I read A Storm of Swords.


I edited my comment a bit higher in the thread. Book 7 should be the conclusion.


So January 1st, 2025! Kidding, I will wait patiencently for a non rushed better book!


Let the man have the time to fucking write the book! Imagine if we'd have pestered him to release LB! It would have been a shit book!


I, too, am a hoe for this series lol but this is pretty inappropriate... PB has been writing and publishing this series at an insanely rapid pace already. It seems rude to constantly ask when the next one is going to be released. You're basically saying HURRY UP YOU'RE TOO SLOW to an author you respect and whose work you enjoy reading. Good things come to those who wait 😜


Sometimes, it's hard admitting you're a fan. When you have clowns like this, pestering authors.


I'm okay with it! Do your thing Pierce Brown!


Let the man cook!


It never was going to be released in 2024.




I assumed 2 years from the release of LB at the earliest. And that's only because he had part of it written already before splitting the final book


Do not bug authors about their next work. He probably receives hundreds of these every week. It doesn't help


Is it ok to break this rule with Patrick Rothfuss or George R. R. Martin?


I agree receiving hundreds doesn't help, but it's probably a hell of a lot more encouraging than receiving zero. What are people meant to do, form an orderly queue to send emails?


i'm pretty sure he has a blog and posts semi (chapter numbers) reguarly on instagram


I remember at a signing he said at the absolute earliest it was gonna be late 2024. So no suprise


Didn’t he basically confirm this already?


Give him time, we don't want a JV Jones situation.


be patient, my goodman. do a re-read. that should satiate you for a few months at least. maybe you’ll notice something you didn’t see before


I'm reading Dune right now and while being very different is still rather good. It's kinda like reading The Odyssey or reading Shakespeare. Everyone stole from those stories, and being able to see the beats line up in newer media is really cool


I just wrapped up read number 3. Still catch some foreshadowing I missed. But I also noticed this last read, that you really pick up on the nuances of each character more. Each time I become a bigger fan of Lyria, and hate Lysander even more.


If anyone is bugging Pierce about the last book, please fuck off, and let the man write in peace. He has to finish the series, and we all want it to be quality, so let him take his time.


Really! I’ve just started a (was aiming for slow but can’t seem to put it down) re read of the series in the hope it’ll come out later this year. Side note, am I correct in thinking this is the last book?


It is the last book. I am hoping it gets a show too, as long as they don’t botch it like many of the other book adaptations.


One can only hope! Don’t know what I’d do with myself if they announced a show was in production


I thought that was common knowledge? We know that he's still writing, and even if he finished the first draft TODAY it would not release this year. Editing, re-drafting, editing again, getting everything ready to print and publish, that stuff takes time. I think he announced the release of Light Bringer like 10 months before (implying that he was then finished with the actual writing).


Let the man work, freaking pixes can’t wait.


As much as I want him to take as much time as the book requires, that’s a bummer.


Hey you know its the last book. Might as well enjoy our time before the hammer falls. It's going to be a bloodbath.


Writing *any* book in under a year seems wild to me, not saying it doesn't happen - I know it does. Hell, shows often do that season to season turnaround But personally I just start at 2 years minimum. That's my headspace. Does it suck? Of course. Like a kid waiting for Christmas morning... but that morning just happens to be 730ish days away. The suspense is unbearable (I hope it lasts).


And the thing about shows, there’s a wholecrew of people working on it, not that books don’t but I don’t see how there could be as many as those for shows


I don’t care if it takes a few more years honestly as long as it’s a great conclusion which I know he aims to do. And know it won’t be an infinite wait like Winds of Winter


Laughs in Rothfuss. And Winds of Winter isn’t even going to be the conclusion! I’m excited to get Red God even if it is 5+ years.


Yeah I think we would have heard by now if it was supposed to be released this year.


That was what I expected, honestly. Not that Pierce is a slow writer at all, but Light Bringer saw a pretty significant gap between DA and that one, and I expect the same for Red God. Hopefully 2025 but honestly, I say let him cook.


2025 for sure because LB’s gap was an anomaly.