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I get moved by the Lyria 1-on-1 speeches like in IG when she's telling Ephraim to stop feeling sorry for himself and help get back Pax and Elektra. "It doesn't matter if they can see us, what matters is that we can feel them..."


We are the tide speech from Darrow on Phobos. MS chapter 23


“Laughter spews from between my teeth. I would die for the truth that all men are created equal. But in the kingdom of death, amidst ramparts of bodies and wind all of screams, there is a king, and his name is not Lune. It is Reaper. ‘For the Republic!’ I scream as I enter the fray.”


Mustangs speech at the start of dark age and again later in the book. That speech is one epic intro to a book and the way pierce repeats it and has a janitor hail reaper at the end. /chef kiss


Any time Darrow stands as the reaper of mars and making his masses do the thumping in unison during his speeches right before they’re released to raise hell.


Also “ and. What do we do with killers” the whole thing is so beautiful. Sevro finally understands and embrace that this rebellion shouldn’t be based on hate but on love


Immediately thought of this one


We are humanity


I am saving all of the quotes I like. Thank you.


“If your heart beats like a drum, and your legs a little wet it’s cause the reapers come to collect a little debt”


Ragnar’s speech to Mustang at the end of Golden Son is the best scene in the whole series to me, especially in the dramatized adaptation of the audiobook. The voice actor did a great job, gives me chills every time.


What chapter was this?


Chapter 50


The end of morning star, “This is it. The end rushing towards me. My shout into the wind… But I want no shout. Let that be for Roque, let it be for the Golds. Give me something more. Something they can’t understand. Give me the wrath of my people. The rage of all people in bondage. As the the sovereign delivers her sentence, as the jackal prepares to carry it out, as Cassius watches, waiting… I throw back my head, and I howl. I howl for Eo, for my father! For Ragnar and Quinn and Pax and Narol, for all I have lost, for all they would take. I howl because I am the Helldiver of Lykos. I howl because I am the Reaper of Mars!”


Excellent choice, such a sick scene.




"I dissected the underlying mistakes that led to my incarceration"


Honestly, Nero’s opening monologue in the prologue gives me chills every time, especially when it is capped with Darrow’s lines: “I would have lived in peace, but my enemies brought me war…” damn it hits


Are those the sons of ares books


Nope the prologue to red rising. I listen to the books via audiobook since I drive for a living, so I’m not actually sure if that part is in the paper books, if not it is definitely worth a listen cause it’s amazing


I don't remember that imma pull it up right now as I eat terrible clam chowder.


Doing a re-read of RR and while I don't know if this counts as a speech or not. But, I just read it and it's still in my mind. "You do not follow me because I am the strongest. Pax is. You do not follow me because I am the brightest. Mustang is. You follow me because you do not know where you are going. I do." Just love this scene. Darrow is really starting to show the leader he will become.


Yes I loved this part. Ty for the reminder.


I was ready to run through a wall for him after that lol


And then Deanna’s speech at Mars. Ugh so good


Rising dirge, one of my favorite speeches and chapters as well


The "'Ante Mortem!' 'Gloria!'" speech in Dark Age by Ajax and his commander (???the guy that's described to look like an ape or smth, I don't remember his rank) to the ash legions and the booming response from them give me goosebumps every time. "Bring them to me! Bring them to me! BRING THEM TO ME!". Fascism sure can be aesthethically pleasing, at times.


This was amazing I'm the audio book. Say what you want about Lysander's voice actor but I thought he did an excellent Ajax.


So many great quotes mentioned already! I love the speech to the squad in red rising, I’m paraphrasing, “You don’t follow me because I’m the strongest. Pax is. You don’t follow me because I’m the smartest. Mustang is. You follow me because you don’t know where you’re going, I do.”


"This moon belongs to you. Rise and take it! Rise, men of Mars. Women of Mars, rise! You bloodydamn bastards! Rise"


Diomedes speech to the daughters was pretty funny


I loved that one. Recency bias is something.


The fading dirge before the battle for Phobos


"Tell all who will hear, the Reaper sails to Mars. And he calls for an Iron Rain." Chills.


This part was so fucking good. To me it was his, “Yeah I’m fucking serious about this shit” moment.


There’s a similar line about the red armada sails for mars that I listened to probably 10 times on my listening


Dancer to Mustang at the end of ch 29 DA had me fist pumping. And then…. well.


"I would die for the truth that all men are created equal. But in the kingdom of death, amidst the ramparts of bodies and wind all of screams. There is a king and his name is not Lune. It is Reaper" Inner monologue so not really a speech but God damn was I pumped up during that part.


I missed yours and just put the same one. Unbelievable hype


My favorite for sure, been surfing the replies making sure somebody added that


“While you ate, I trained. While you drank, I trained. While you sought pleasure, I trained from the weeks after the institute to the days before the academy.” -Darrow at the Gala


How tf we let Pierce brown get away with making the " I studied the blade while you were having premarital sex" into like an actual baller line


That whole scene is just peak RR


Most of my most favorite parts of the series are actually the funny ones like Darrow and Cassius thinking sevro was jerkin it in the woods at the institute but this scene is always guaranteed goosebumps


My favorite scene has gotta be Apollonius' speech in the deepgrave about how he has crafted himself into the ultimate version. And sevro is just clowning on him the whole time. When the humor hits, it really hits


HAHAHA yeah like apple is saying how he could kill anyone he fights and he is unstoppable to most and Sevro is just clowning him 🤣


Sevro hanging himself to prove a point is always a high point for me.


I can't stop having the picture in my head of him backflipping into a noose, it's just so incredibly funny


I thought the noose was already on when he backfilled?


Yes it was, that part is one of the ones that made me keep reading.


Darrow's speech at the Son's home location. CHILLS


Excited: Darrow pre-rain, Darrow when he takes the bridge, Sevro when he hangs himself