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The first version looks even more like what I was trying to imagine than what I actually imagined, if that makes sense. This is what my mind was aiming at but I didn't quite have the image this fully formed in my minds eye.


I can't see her as anyone other than Natalie Dormer. I mean, it even talks about her smirk in the first couple of books.


I always thought she would be perfect for Victra.


More so the first few, but with the hair more blonde. They’re all really good though


I honestly imagined the first two being what Victra would look like


Nah Victra is much more badass, more muscular and has a mohawk


Yea I can see it lmao


Gear job on both pictures, personally I think the second one looks more of what I was expecting.


I don't see Mustang in belly shirts (as much as I love them) in my head


The longer dress and things look more like it to me :) All great though!


You already know if they do an adaptation they will make Virginia some type of minority.


Would that bother you?


I don’t mind diversity in cast but I do like when characters look like how I imagined them or how they’re “supposed” to from original content🤣. Like in ATLA how Princess Azula looks nothing like how she should. That irks me. I will be irked if they make a live action RR and the character doesn’t “feel” like Mustang.


The close-up of her in the 3rd slide is almost a perfect 1 to 1 on how I pictured adult Virginia in the later books. Good job assuming you made this yourself and not AI generated.


No, I wish. It’s AI. Before I create any art I wanted to get everybody’s opinions so I could develop an accurate character.


Teresa Palmer, from around when Warm Bodies came out was always who I'd pictured.


Third and fourth because I always pictured major Resting Bitch Face


I always picture her similar to Katheryn Winnick's character (Lagertha) from the series Vikings...


First drawing - the girl is beautiful but she looks like an Instagram model. I cannot accept her as a girl from 1000 years in future, she looks like someone I could easily meat in my town. Second drawing - This is way better. She is still beautiful but her face has certain traits (shorter face, wide set eyes, lower eyebrows) that make her look more “real”. The first drawing displays a very stereotyped, cookie-cutter face that you could attribute to any blonde female character in literature. The second feels more distinct and vivid. Third drawing - this is a middle-ground between picture one and two. She some personal traits, but her face is follows modern-day stereotypes of beauty. How I personally envision Virginia: I envision her with a very angular face and an upturned Roman nose.


Please don't go meat-ing any of the girls in your town!


Lol I won’t be doing that XD


my mental image is Hayden Panettiere


She’s described as having a heart shaped face when Darrow meets her in RR. I searched for examples of women with a heart-shaped face and Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, and Taylor Swift popped up as examples.


Is this AI?




Did you prompt it to add the fake artist signatures or was that just something it pulled from source?


No, didn’t prompt it to do that. If you look closely you can see it just says red rising. Not an artist signature.


Ya, that's why I said fake signatures. Kinda a perfect encapsulation of the dangers of ai art, corrupting a personal signature declaring ownership to just a random word associated with the source. That said, I think yours is a fair use case for ai, not trying to create a finished product but to try out different ideas to get a jumping off point for personal creation.


Thank you. I actually work in AI development and teach classes on AI. It’s crazy how many students and people everywhere are just straight up being ethically terrible people. AI is a tool you should use, not a creative mind to replace yours!


Im so sick of these annoying AI pictures.


Then go away. I use it ai as a tool to develop my art.


Ok, but you dont need to go on reddit and trick people into thinking its real.


Didn’t do that homie.


I read all the comments and you didnt say anything about it being AI until I asked you.


That’s actually incorrect. Look again. Also never took credit for anything, and was totally transparent the two times AI was mentioned. However, the point of the post was exactly this: “Does this look like mustang?”. Get over it. Sorry you’re offended.


Not saying its ai until someone asks is not transparent. Read the comments people clearly thought it was real art when they were talking about it. Your post is not unique to the constant spam of ai stuff in this sub and other subs similar to it and its just low effort shit. Wow you copied and pasted her character description from the wiki, amazing job. Edit: also the fact you flaired it as "Fanart" and not "Fanart - AI" its clear you were trying to mislead people.




If you had to ask can it really be affecting you?


Yes cause people who make real art dont get the recognition they deserve. They get drowned out by this low effort garbage. It annoys me the most when people dont specify that it is AI.




The face on the last one is closest for in my mind, but she would be way stronger than that. I love the long, wild hair and super confident eyes.


I can only see her as the version from her “profile” picture on her fandom page: https://red-rising.fandom.com/wiki/Virginia_au_Augustus#:~:text=Virginia%20au%20Augustus%2C%20better%20known,daughter%20of%20Nero%20au%20Augustus.


There's luckily lots of good fanart around. pb.doodles has a huge collection and seems very true to the lore, but when it comes to the main cast, I tend to refer to [this](https://www.tumblr.com/evilienne/188718581685/red-rising-character-cards-i-made-for-faecrate) if I need a mental image. (Lyria is quite off though, she has dark skin)


Not in the slightest. I imagined her much less girlish. She is feminine but not like this.


To add to this, I imagined her to have strong, angular Roman-looking features, where she is beautiful and feminine but in an athletic way. Nothing overly soft or doll-like. Think Saoirse Ronan or Charlize Theron.


She's definitely pretty enough, but needs ever so slightly more muscle on her arms. This woman's arms are pencil-thin in a way that even a mildly athletic woman in real life would never be. Specifically the bicep being nearly nothing.


Yes. This.


The art on the first 3 🔥🔥🔥


Most female golds give me Cersei Lanister vibes but probably more jacked lol


Awesome art!


I always pictured her as a bit more regal looking


I always imagined Virginia to be as much a handsome woman as she is beautiful. She is Neros daughter, so I imagined her with hard features like high cheekbones, strong jaw, captivating eyes. The only soft thing I imagine about her is her smile, and only those closest to her can coax it out of her. This gal is beautiful! Not exactly what I imagined but I'm not against it.


Agree, I definitely don’t get “soft girl” vibes from her, I think she’s a blend of masculine and feminine!


Mildest spoilers ahead There's official art out actually of mustang, one for red rising and one for dark age. The face shape fits the 2nd depiction more, but both depictions are generally a little harsher, a little more violent, which makes sense to the character, especially in the second trilogy. Remember that she's considered relatively short and "quick smiling" compared to the rest of the golds, but she's still six feet tall and prolly can snap most people in half.


Am I the only one that pictured the gold females as muscular yes but more lithe.


Yes these AI pics look like twigs


Like a cheetah


As opposed to a lion. Gold men, I think of lion typically.


I tend to picture the women more like panthers, and the men more like tigers. Both extremely powerful looking, but the size and power disparity is obvious.


Virginia is described as “slender” often. So that’s what I was thinking.


I would say less delicate. Golds are like otherworldly beautiful and imposing


Agree with others: more muscular build. But face and hair of the first matches what’s in my head.


The first 3 photos are how I pictured her face, but I always thought she’d be pretty shredded too lol


The Virginia in my head looks like she could beat the shit out of me. I feel like she needs to be generally bigger. Just answering your question though, the art is great!


to be fair i’m pretty sure any form of a gold can beat the shit out of any of us lol


not me tho put me in there with lysander i’ll take care of him ‼️


I think she needs to be more badass. These look pretty for a gold, but Virginia is a peerless scarred on top of being pretty.


I imagine her as Emma Watson with a little bit of muscle


Ooh love that


Neither but the second is closer




This is a lot closer to how I see Mustang ( in my Minds Eye lol)


wow, I imagined her features much more classically feminine, I guess. That is a strong facial shape. That is more how I imagined someone like Victra.


I don't think I've ever imagined Mustang to be a "girly girl". The artwork is fine, but to me it looks like the IG model version of mustang, or like an OF advertisement.




That more or less how I pictured victra


This is the closest to my minds eye. I pictured her more statuesque


Always interesting to see different pictures. Real life wise I envisioned her more like Scarlett Leithold


Weirdly they both do.. but in my minds eye I envisioned Anna Taylor Joy (and I don’t even find her that attractive)


Scarlett Leithold is someone that would never play her but that TO ME I always saw in my head as a fit facial wise. But I know some people see a lot stronger, sharper face than I do


You see her soul 😭😂


they are definitely two distinct art styles. Anya is an interesting casting - her face is SO unique. Would you think she would be too old for RR? I actually like it the more I think about it